The next morning, Shi Qinghuan entered the office after seven o'clock, and then she saw Wang Jiajia who was smiling from ear to ear, and she asked Wang Jiajia, "Why are you so happy today?"

"Aren't you happy today?"

"well enough."

"It seems that you forgot that today is the day of salary payment."

After Shi Qinghuan heard Wang Jiajia's words, she couldn't help but smiled awkwardly, because she really forgot about it.

Seeing what Shi Qinghuan looked like, Wang Jiajia didn't understand, she was speechless and looked at the ceiling, because she had never seen anyone who could forget the day of salary.

No, she saw it today, there is one in front of her eyes.

So she said to Shi Qinghuan: "We'll get off work early to get our wages later."

Shi Qinghuan said hello after hearing what Wang Jiajia said, and then she started working.

After ten o'clock in the morning, Shi Qinghuan raised her head and stretched her neck, and then she saw someone leaving the office, so she asked Wang Jiajia, "Are you okay? I saw someone leaving early to get their salary."

"It'll be fine right away, you pack your things first."

After hearing what Wang Jiajia said, Shi Qinghuan said hello, and then she began to pack her things.

After she packed her things, she saw that Wang Jiajia had also packed her things, so she walked out of the office with Wang Jiajia.

After seven or eight minutes, Shi Qinghuan and Wang Jiajia came to the entrance of the financial department, and then they saw that there were already more than ten people queuing up at the entrance of the financial department. It seemed that they did not come early.

But compared with those who work on the front line, they are considered to have come earlier.

More than half an hour later, when Shi Qinghuan saw that it was her turn to receive wages, she handed her work badge to the wage payer, and she received her wages and bill subsidies in a short while.

"Huanhuan, wait for me outside, I'll be fine soon." Wang Jiajia said to Shi Qinghuan after Shi Qinghuan received her salary.

Shi Qinghuan nodded after hearing Wang Jiajia's words, and then she walked out of the office.

A few minutes later, Wang Jiajia came out of the office with an envelope on her face happily, and she said to Shi Qinghuan, "Huanhuan, let's go shopping in the town tomorrow."

"It seems that you are very satisfied with your salary this month."

"That's necessary. I have worked very hard this month. If there is no reward, my work will not be in vain."

"Then let's go to town together tomorrow. It happens that my hair is too long. I want to go to town and cut it short."

After hearing what Shi Qinghuan said, Wang Jiajia looked at Shi Qinghuan's hair, and then she saw Shi Qinghuan's shoulder-length hair, which was not long at all.

So she persuaded Shi Qinghuan, "Huanhuan, don't cut your hair so short, girls look better with long hair."

After hearing Wang Jiajia's words, Shi Qinghuan shook her head without hesitation, and then said, "Long hair looks good, but it's not suitable for people like me who have to wash their hair every day."

"Wash your hair every day?"

"Yeah, I get itchy scalp if I don't wash my hair for a day, so I want to cut my hair short so that it dries faster."

Wang Jiajia didn't know what to say after listening to Shi Qinghuan's words, because she really didn't understand why Shi Qinghuan's scalp would itch if she didn't wash her hair for a day. Anyway, she didn't feel anything if she didn't wash her hair and scalp for a week.

However, if she didn't understand, she didn't understand, but she didn't persuade Shi Qinghuan to grow her hair long, because everyone has their own living habits, and she still understands the principle of not doing to others what you don't want.

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