Rebirth with Space Materials: Little Cannon Fodder Awakens

Chapter 540 The First Draft of Paste Sauce Block

After more than ten minutes, Shi Qinghuan came out of the kitchen with the hot buns, and then she sat at the dining table and read the newspaper while eating the buns.

When she finished eating her buns and was about to go to the kitchen to wash the dishes, she heard a knock on the door, so she got up and went to the door to open it.

When she opened the door, she saw Wang Ailan standing at the door of her house, which made her feel a little surprised.

So she asked Wang Ailan, "Aunt Wang, don't you have to go to work today?"

"No, the raw materials in the workshop are not available, so we are given a day off."

"That's a good relationship. I've been working for so long. It's good to have a day off."

"Who says it's not? Since I went to work, no one has done the housework at home, and no one has done the sanitation. Fortunately, I have a holiday in the workshop today, so I can clean up the house. Otherwise, if this continues, the house will become a garbage dump." gone."

"Is your mother-in-law not at home?"

"Her? She hasn't been back since the last time I went to her daughter's house. She said that she wants to stay at her daughter's house until the New Year's Eve. Just let us send over the monthly food expenses."

After Shi Qinghuan heard Wang Ailan's words, she didn't know what to say, so she quickly changed the subject and said to Wang Ailan, "Let's go into the room and talk."

"I won't go in. I came here to ask how much sauce you want to make. I'm going to paste the sauce today."

"Now the paste block."

"That's right, there are two times a year for paste sauce, and now is just a good time for paste paste."

"Then please help me make a sauce cube that can make a jar of sauce."

"A jar of sauce? Are you sure you can finish it?"

"I can't finish it, but I can give it away."

"Okay, then I'll paste three pieces of sauce for you, which is just enough to make a jar of miso."

"Thank you, Aunt Wang, can you see what I need to prepare?"

"You don't need to prepare anything, just give me six catties of soybeans."

"Wait for me, I'm going to get the soybeans now." After Shi Qinghuan finished speaking, she turned and walked towards the kitchen.

When she came out of the kitchen, she had a bag of soybeans in her hand, and then she handed the soybeans to Wang Ailan and said, "Aunt Wang, these are soybeans for making sauce, I will trouble you next. "

"It's not troublesome, it's just a matter of convenience. By the way, do you want to learn how to make sauce cubes?"


"Then you come to my house after lunch, and the soybeans should be steamed by then."

Shi Qinghuan nodded after hearing Wang Ailan's words, and after Wang Ailan left, she turned and went back to the house to wash the dishes.

When she came out of the kitchen after washing the dishes, she saw that she had nothing to do, so she went back to her room and continued to write.

After ten o'clock in the morning, Shi Qinghuan put down the pen in her hand and moved her wrist, then she looked at the fruits of labor on the table, and she couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

It seems that her hard work in the past two days was not in vain, and she wrote the chapter of the manuscript.

I just don’t know if the story she wrote this time can pass the draft, forget it, don’t think so much, anyway, she wrote everything, if it really doesn’t work, she just cut it, anyway, it’s only [-] words, she bears it consequences.

Thinking of this, Shi Qinghuan folded the manuscript she had written and put it in the envelope, planning to go to the town to post the letter on the weekend.


Shi Qinghuan was just about to make lunch when she heard a knock on the door, so she got up and went to open the door.

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