red wheel

Chapter 324

Chapter 324

Ink Garden, study room.

After writing the desk, Mo Yi's face darkened.

Qingyu continued: "Master, don't worry, sister-in-law is now in a stable mood. The escorts along the way are all brothers with good martial arts, and they will arrive at Hanjian Villa in a few days."

"En." Mo Yi said: "When we arrive at Hanjian Villa, the old lady will naturally deal with it, and it's time to let Madam Zhao know about it. Marquis Wu'an's Mansion, Xiao Yun, and Emperor Mingxi need to make a break after all. "

Qingyu responded: "Master is right. Before Zhao Nanny was in the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion, she was always worried that she would hinder us from doing things because of a momentary soft-heartedness."

Mo Yi said: "Xi'er is afraid of making things difficult for the old lady, now that she is at Hanjian Villa, Xi'er can feel more at ease."

Then his voice turned cold, and he asked, "What's the deal with the token of the Marquis of Wu'an?"

Qingyu replied: "I heard from my sister-in-law that she was alone at home with the child that day, and a few people came behind, claiming to be from the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion, and they also took out the token of the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion, saying that the young lady is getting married. So I brought their family to the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion together."

"When she saw Marquis Wu'an's token, she believed it. So she listened to those people, packed her bags, and waited for her husband to come home to Marquis Wu'an's mansion together."

"That's why when the eldest lady sent someone to look for it, there was no abnormality in the residence. At that time, she was teaching in the academy."

"After her husband-in-law returned, those people directly tapped the acupuncture points and took their family away from the residence."

"Until they were taken to the place where they are now being held, those people unlocked their acupoints and kept them imprisoned."

Mo Yi's eyes darkened, and his voice became cold: "In the palace archives, there will naturally be information on the token form of the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion, and those who have access to these can still make this token quietly. Then there is only Emperor Mingxi."

Qingyu responded: "Master is right. Emperor Ming Xi tried his best to get this token, just to take them away quietly."

"After their family was imprisoned, it was also at that time that her husband-in-law told her that when those people went to the academy to find her husband-in-law, they said the same reason, but when her husband-in-law heard it, she didn't believe it and refused to follow her .”

"In the end, those people threatened him with the lives of his wife and children."

"He also realized that those people used the eldest lady's marriage as an excuse, and they must want to arrest them without attracting attention."

"While talking, a colleague from the academy happened to pass by to greet him, and he hurriedly told his colleague that he had an appointment with the teacher to play chess."

"As soon as those people heard him say that, they asked him to go to his teacher in person to say goodbye."

"Because those people were secretly monitoring him to leave. He was worried about the lives of his wife and children, and he was also afraid of hurting his teacher, so he didn't dare to tell his teacher directly. Instead, he told his teacher that he would bring his whole family to Wu'anhou Mansion to visit relatives."

"Before, he would send his mother a letter from home every month. Only his husband and wife, and his mother knew about this habit. He knew that if his mother didn't receive the letter from home next month, she would definitely be suspicious. By then, Marquis Wu'an People from the government will definitely look for him."

"His mother sent him away since he was a child, hoping that he would stay away from the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion and those disputes."

"And the reason for this farewell will definitely arouse suspicion! It will also let us know. Those who took away his family are inseparable from the enemies of the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion!"

"Afterwards, they were kept locked in that room. Until after a while, those people asked him to write a letter to Mother Zhao."

"Those people threatened him with the lives of his wife and children, so he could only write that letter from home."

"Actually, he also hoped that his mother could see the abnormality in the family letter. Because when he mentioned the child in the family letter, he deliberately wrote the child's age by two months."

"I didn't expect that Mother Zhao was worried about Xiao Yun's affairs during that time, so she didn't realize this mistake."

"Fortunately, the eldest lady kept Xiaogu staying in Fu'an Hall, and only then did I know that Madam Zhao had received this letter from home."

Hearing this, Mo Yi's voice turned cold: "Emperor Mingxi intends to lure Nanny Zhao to his hometown, and then arrests Nanny Zhao. There are many more hostages in his hands!"

"Moreover, this hostage is more direct, and it is better to threaten the old lady and Xi'er!"

Qing Yu nodded and said: "Master is right. I never expected that Zhao Mama would not go back to her hometown to see her grandson because of Xiao Yun being imprisoned in Fu'an Hall, which completely ruined Emperor Ming Xi's plan."

Mo Yi asked angrily: "Does she know where her husband was taken?"

Qingyu shook her head and said: "She doesn't know. Those people took her husband away after a few days after writing that letter. She doesn't know where she was taken."

"However, before her husband left, he secretly told her again and again that the reason why those people captured them must be to threaten the Marquis of Wu'an! Therefore, their lives will not be in danger before then."

"Also tell her that people from the Marquis of Wu'an will definitely come to rescue them, and tell her not to make trouble, just wait quietly."

"Who would have thought that when Xiao Yun went to rescue them, he would not show up, and this caused a misunderstanding."

Mo Yi smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said coldly: "Xiao Yun is afraid of meeting, so he showed his whereabouts, so he deliberately didn't meet, and let someone carry him away with a sack. In this way, they didn't know where they were locked up from the beginning to the end. !"

Qingyu responded: "Master is right. Master, where do you think the man will be taken? Xiao Yun knew that we would look for him, but deliberately avoided our pursuit. Now we have no idea where he is! "

"Northern territory!" Mo Yi said, "It's inconvenient to bring women and children, but it's very easy to take a man on the road! Emperor Mingxi took people to the northern territory, and directly took the hostages in his hands! And for the sake of The safety of his wife and children, this hostage has to cooperate with him!"

Qingyu was startled: "Master, where will Emperor Mingxi lock people up in the northern border?"

Mo Yi said: "At present, it seems that Xiao Yun still understands that his brother is an outsider and should not be involved! Where is the person, let Xiao Yun find it himself, we just wait!"

Then he asked: "How is the bank note given by Brother Ten?"

Qingyu hurriedly replied: "Still investigating, those are all a few years ago, it will take some time. Don't worry, master, Uncle Yun has asked the bank to speed up."

"Yeah." Mo Yi nodded and said, "Tell Uncle Yun, and send it to Brother Ten immediately after checking it out."

"We're leaving for the northern border tonight. Also, tell Qingluan to find us in the northern border as soon as possible."

"Yes, master." Qingyu hurriedly replied: "Don't worry, master, Rongfeng has been watching Ye Qing's whereabouts. As soon as he leaves, Rongfeng will notify Qingluan immediately. Qingluan said, she will definitely Arrived at the northern border before Ye Qing."

"Okay." Mo Yi's face darkened, and his voice became cold: "Emperor Ming Xi, how did you conspire back then? Xi'er and I are really curious! Then let Ye Qing go find you, and you two can catch up on the old days!"

(End of this chapter)

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