Mrs. Cultivation Notes

Chapter 218 Mr. Teacher Always Laughs at My Words Crawling Like a Dog

Chapter 218 Mr. Teacher Always Laughs at My Words Crawling Like a Dog
"What are you talking about, speak up, why do you speak so quietly?"

Xiaonuan got up, and pulled up the child who was clutching in her arms.

The little girl was so frightened that she didn't dare to cry, her whole body was trembling.

She could only hear tinnitus around her, and seeing Huang Jingyu and the donkey looking at a loss, Xiao Nuan suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Am I deaf?" He patted his ears with one hand, seemingly in disbelief.

After that, Huang Jingyu's mouth could only be seen moving rapidly, and his comforting words could not be heard clearly.

Xiaonuan sighed, "Forget it, don't appease me, I can't hear it anyway, and it hurts even more to see it."

Then the donkey said quietly, "He's scolding you!"

Seeing the mouth shape clearly, Xiaonuan kicked Huang Jingyu a few steps away, and said loudly, "Wonderful ghost."

Huang Jingyu: It shouldn't be. This woman is deaf and has an automatic recognition function. You can tell if you scold her?

The donkey pointed to the child in front of her, implying to ask her what to do?
Xiao Nuan lowered her head and glanced at the shivering little girl, "Ask where her home is, we'll send her back before we leave."

Donkey and Huang Jingyu asked for a long time, but the little girl was just trembling and didn't dare to speak.

"Is this little girl also deaf?"

Xiao Nuan pulled the little girl in front of her and said fiercely, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

But then he thought of his abnormality, and had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, "Why don't we find a doctor to show her first!"

Donkey and Huang Jingyu got together and took them to the doctor.

Walking on the long street, gunpowder smoke disperses, and the smell of gunfire and blood can be vaguely heard on the street.

Some people around were weeping for their dead relatives on the long street, and some people fled in panic for the rest of their lives after the robbery.

She obviously couldn't hear the sound, but there was a series of mournful cries breaking into her heart, which felt uncomfortable like a needle prick.

Huang Jingyu saw her abnormality, "In this world, there is no tomorrow, don't look at it!"

The words were a little unbearable and heavy.

During this time, around Jiang Dong, he had seen too much, and he was a little numb.

Xiaonuan's heart was shaken, she originally had the idea of ​​bringing Yan Qingchen home.

It can be seen that the people in the mountains and rivers are precarious today, everyone is in danger, and they are in dire straits.

She also felt that Yan Qingchen should not be allowed to go home for her own selfishness.

At this moment, she suddenly understood Mr. Bai Chen's words of helplessness and painstaking efforts.

With a body of seven feet, Xu Guo has already made it difficult for Xu Qing.

Maybe he didn't love Gu Zhuzhu shallowly, but buried this deep love in his heart and devoted himself to the people of his family and country.

All the pharmacies in the city were scattered, so I had to go to the only hospital.

There were many casualties in the hospital, with stretchers coming in and out and the wounded being supported.

Xiao Nuan stood at the door, at a loss.

The eyes met the dying eyes of the wounded on the stretcher, lonely, desperate and painful, and seemed to be relieved.

The gleam in the eyes dimmed, and the stretcher went further and further away until the light in the eyes disappeared
"It's your turn!" Huang Jingyu tore off her clothes and pointed inside.

Xiao Nuan was busy caring for the little girl, "Is the child okay?"

She is only so young, if she is really deaf, what will she do in the future.

Huang Jingyu was taken aback, and then muttered, "The mud bodhisattva crosses the river, and he cannot protect himself."

"What did you say?" The words were too light and small, and Xiao Nuan didn't catch the shape of her mouth.

Huang Jingyu coughed lightly, and caught a glimpse of the pen and notebook on the front desk.

wrote, "The doctor showed her, but she was just frightened, and gave her a sedative, and she should be fine after she sleeps."

Xiaonuan went in, and the doctor looked at her for a long time.

I don't know what the murmur said to Huang Jingyu and the donkey, but he looked a little serious.

He cast doubtful eyes on Huang Jingyu, implying to ask him what the result was?

Huang Jingyu briefly concluded, "It's okay, it will be fine in a few days."

People in the streets are in panic, and hotels are hardly open.Huang Jingyu carried the sleeping little girl on his back, and the donkey led them to find a place where no one lived.

He climbed over the wall and opened the door, leading them in swaggeringly.

Maybe it was because of the war and relocation, or maybe the family members died.

The dilapidated green brick courtyard was lifeless and already covered with a layer of dust.

I have never enjoyed such a quiet night, it was a little scary.

Xiao Nuan couldn't help but miss all the voices from the past.

Even the crowing of the rooster at night, the barking of the watchdog, and even An Xiran's voice were not so annoying anymore.

Sitting on a big rock, looking at the dim night, there are very few stars.

Something gently tugged at the corner of her clothes, which startled her.

"Why are you walking silently?"

Then I asked and realized that it wasn't that the person was silent, but that I was temporarily deaf and couldn't hear.

Touching her head, Xiaonuan couldn't help sighing, "I'm sorry, I'm used to it, I can't react for a while and I can't hear it now."

The little girl climbed up with great effort, sat beside her, looked sideways at her, and sat back down again.

Then he secretly looked at her again.

When Xiaonuan found out, she immediately turned around and went back to sitting, as if nothing happened.

"Do you want to say sorry to me?"

The little girl nodded lightly, and said in a low voice, "Sister, you became deaf because of me."

Xiao Nuan saw her mouth shape clearly, pretended not to care and patted her on the shoulder, "It's okay, I'll be fine in a few days!"

Looking at the innocent look in the little girl's eyes, Xiao Nuan smiled, "Well, even if I'm really deaf, it's no big deal.

I also have my husband, the best and most powerful person in the world.With him taking care of me and protecting me, I don't have to be afraid of anything. "

There is some pity and sadness in the smile.

But if she is really deaf, she probably won't be able to hear that cold and magnetic voice in the future, what a pity.

The little girl didn't know what to say, she bit her lip and reached out to gently touch the back of her hand, as if she was trying to comfort her seriously.

Xiaonuan smiled lowly, "What's your name?"

The little girl raised her head, and carefully enlarged her mouth, for fear that she might not be able to hear clearly, "Small, small!"

"Smile?" Xiao Nuan looked at it with some difficulty, and asked uncertainly.

Shaking his head slightly, he repeated his mouth shape again.

Xiaonuan still couldn't grasp it accurately, and seemed to remember something.

He raised his finger and gestured a little bit, matching his mouth shape, "Little!"

Xiaonuan finally understood, "Is your name Xiaoxiao, small or small?"

Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and smiled happily, then nodded, "Yeah!"

Afraid that she would not understand, she nodded fiercely.

The force was too strong, if Xiaonuan hadn't grabbed her in time, she would have almost fallen.

"Can you write?" Xiaonuan asked her.

Xiao Xiao shook her head, "No!"

Xiao Nuan jumped off the rock and lifted her off with both hands

I found a dead branch to break, and squatted on the ground to write for her.

"Little little!"

Xiao Xiao stretched out her head to look, and Xiao Youzi taught her stroke by stroke, "This is your name, it's small in size!"

Passed the branch to her, "You try!"

Xiaoxiao shyly shook her head, a little afraid to try.

Xiao Nuan smiled, "It's okay, the handwriting is not good, as long as you can understand it.

My handwriting was not good before, and my teacher always laughed at my handwriting like a dog crawling around. "

(End of this chapter)

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