After Linyin got off the boat, she hurried to the appointed place, her footsteps were so fast that she bumped into Xu Yinmin's maid head-on.

"Princess Changle." The servant girl's eyes lit up, and she hurried up.

"Where's Xu Sanniang?" Linyin asked in confusion.

But her worried heart sank at this moment. Xu Yinmin probably didn't find anything, otherwise, her maid wouldn't have come to her like this.

But... This shows that something may have happened to Xu Yinmin.

"Just now Sanniang saw a person sneaking into the rockery, so she followed quietly, and asked her servant to find Mu Siniang, but the servant was really worried, and turned back after leaving the rockery, only to find that the person was gone. "The servant girl explained the ins and outs of the matter clearly in a few words, she looked nervous and couldn't help but look at Linyin.

Although Princess Changle is at odds with her wife, she knows that Princess Changle doesn't have much malice towards her.

"I beg the princess to help the maidservant find Sanniang." The servant girl frowned.

Linyin nodded, "Forget it, who wants me to get back together with her. Tangxi, go and talk to Mu Siniang."

After Linyin gave her orders, she looked at the servant girl again, "Take me to the rockery first, I want to see what happened."

The servant girl nodded quickly, and then ran over with Linyin.

The rockery in the inner courtyard of Duke Ningguo's Mansion is not as wide as it was in the Furong Garden that day. The road is winding and the cave is a little dark.

The servant girl was a little scared, but Linyin's expression remained normal. She seemed to have heard something and eased her footsteps.

She put her index finger on her lips, signaling the servant girl to keep silent.

As she was walking, Linyin suddenly heard some rustling noises. She frowned, and subconsciously looked through the gap in the cave, only to see a tall figure standing there, and a stone lying beside her. with a boy.

And there seemed to be bloodstains on the nearby stones.

Linyin was startled, that person was clearly Du Guanglei, and the boy lying on the rock was self-evident - it was Mu Jin'an.

Linyin was about to attack subconsciously, but suddenly heard Du Guanglei scream.

Then the tall body fell down.

Linyin couldn't help frowning, and as he fell, Linyin saw a young girl walking out of the dark——Linyi walked out cautiously with a pale face, she seemed to have been greatly frightened, and quickly dropped the wooden stick in her hand stick.

Linyin was somewhat surprised.

She helped Mu Jin'an on the ground, and gently patted Mu Jin'an to wake him up.

"Mu Langjun..." Linyi trembled, her originally gentle voice was tinged with fear, as if she had exhausted a lot of courage to make such a move.

Mu Jin'an woke up leisurely, he looked at Linyi in a daze, with a dazed expression, "Miss Lin... why are you here?"

"Get up quickly." Linyi didn't explain in a hurry, but after she finished speaking, she didn't care about the defense of men and women for a while, and helped her up. Her brows showed fear, obviously she was greatly affected frightened.

"What's going on?" Mu Jin'an was still a little confused. She, who was always respectful, didn't notice how close she was to Linyi's post at this moment—looking at him from a distance, he was almost hugging Linyi. Together.

When Mu Jin'an saw Du Guanglei on the ground, he immediately understood what was going on, and couldn't help cursing angrily for a moment, "Du Erlang... shameless! Shameless especially."

He remembered that at the beginning, he was entrusted by his sister to complete the tasks that cousin Linyin had to do in the inner courtyard, and then waited for that noble person.

But who knew that he met Du Guanglei on the way, and he didn't want to get entangled with him, and Du Guanglei didn't seem to want to get close to him—who knew that he took it lightly and fell into the trick.

Du Guanglei must have been wearing the incense, and as soon as he got close, he just felt groggy, and passed out by accident.

Originally, he had been wary of Du Guanglei, but he never expected that Du Guanglei would use such a trick.

"I made Miss Lin laugh." The only remaining self-restraint prevented him from swearing more harsh words, and he returned rationally, making him realize how close he was to Lin Yi at this moment, his face turned red uncontrollably, Subconsciously, she wanted to back away, but because she had just woken up, her legs were a little weak, and she couldn't help but fell forward as soon as she got rid of Linyi.

For a moment, the two embraced each other.

Linyi barely managed to stabilize her body, so she didn't fall to the ground.

It's just that her face has turned red.

The same is true for Mu Jin'an.

He was a little dazed, and after a long while, he reluctantly took a step back, blushed and apologized and said: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, and please forgive me, my lady."

Linyi blushed and lowered her head. She, who was originally generous, said in a voice as soft as a mosquito: "It's okay, let's go quickly. Erlang Du's family may wake up. I am timid and dare not offend."

Mu Jin'an understood Linyi's concerns, and apart from being annoyed, he was a little more grateful to Linyi. This was the second time Linyi had saved him.


"My lady, let's go first. I won't let this matter go." Mu Jin'an's face was extremely ugly, and he looked at Du Guanglei with a bit of resentment.

Linyi grabbed Mu Jin'an's arm subconsciously, and she seemed to realize her gaffe, and quickly let go, "Forget it, I... don't get me wrong, I'm just... I'm just... Where is the porcelain?" Can he touch the jade vase? If this matter is spread, his reputation will not be much worse, no matter how bad it is? But you are afraid that you will be implicated more, so it is better to punish him with a small punishment and a big punishment, or make a big fuss... I Just worried about you."

Her expression was real, and there was concern for Mu Jin'an in her eyes.

Mu Jin'an couldn't help clenching his fists, and finally took a deep breath, "Don't worry, Miss Lin, I won't do anything irrational, you go first, if he sees it, I'm afraid it will implicate my lady."

"I'm not afraid of being implicated!" Linyi said hurriedly, she realized something later, lifted her skirt, and ran away briskly.

Mu Jin'an seemed to realize something, and his face turned red again.

Linyin: "..."

Linyin raised her eyebrows, she also realized something.

It's just that... Linyin looked at a place that Mu Jin'an couldn't see, and there was a turquoise skirt, embroidered with delicate plum patterns.

If she remembered correctly, Yuan Qingshu seemed to be dressed like this today.

She could hear what Mu Jin'an and Linyi said clearly because she was a martial artist.

But Yuan Qingshu was not, and from Yuan Qingshu's angle, it seemed that Du Guanglei just couldn't be seen.

Then, in Yuan Qingshu's eyes, what happened just now will be Mu Jinan and Linyi hugging each other with infinite affection.

Thinking of this, Linyin's gaze turned slightly cold.

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