Chapter 150 Salvation ([-])

Frost and dew were heavy, and scarecrows with birthday characters were placed outside the door of almost every household. It was as weird as it could be, but this was the imperial capital in the south, the heart of an empire.

The god they once worshiped and worshiped turned into a demon that everyone hated overnight.They will not remember how they once worshiped devoutly.They will not know how much she has blessed them.They'll just go with the flow and spit it out.Because only in this way can they appear noble.

Yuexi walked quickly through the desolate and deserted streets, the Ling Cang sword in her hand dripped blood continuously, and corpses fell around her, but no blood was splashed on her body, her white clothes were better than snow, she was divine, walking like a god In the world, the terrible smell of blood on Ke's body showed that she came from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

She doesn't like killing, but under Feng Ruoshui's behest, those people blocked and killed her in an attempt to mess with her mind.The battle between monks is life or death, the key is to see who has the upper hand.Therefore, she will not be soft.

Everyone has to bear the corresponding consequences for their own choices.As a killer, you have to be prepared to die by someone else's sword if your skills are inferior to others.This is the bloody law of strength and weakness.She can also kill like hemp.

Only those who have died completely once know the preciousness of life.

Now the living one is no longer the priest of Huiyue who has to care about the world, she is just Yuexi, a white body.In this life, she only followed her own heart.Whether it's a priest or an evil spirit, she doesn't care.So what if you are reviled by the world, so what if you are not tolerated by the world.

In her world, she can only see and hear the people she wants to see and the voices she hears.If she is a god, then she only protects her followers.The rest are ignored.

Even though Feng Ruoshui had already sent someone to inform that on the day of the Evil Elimination Festival, there would be a fierce battle in the imperial capital, and the mortals without spiritual power would leave the city early to seek refuge, but there were still a small number of people who pretended to be bold and chose Stay in the city to watch the fun.

The hobby of watching the excitement has been rooted in the bones of some people.After all, life goes by every day, but it seems that such excitement today is rare in thousands of years. As those who have experienced it, they can brag about it for a lifetime.

They have blind trust in the protection of Huiyue Palace.

After all, it is often said in drama and storytelling that evil does not prevail over good.

And since their Huiyue Priest can suppress the demon once, he can suppress it for the second time.

And they only need to appreciate the wonderful battle between good and evil.

Of course, there are still a small number of dude nobles.These people hired monks as guards, thinking that even if anything happened, they could escape unscathed, which was also full of courage.

For those who were notified and refused to leave the city, Huiyue Palace did not forcibly drive them away.After all, good words are hard to persuade the damn ghost.They themselves are too nervous, how can they have so much time to take care of idlers.Life and death are determined by destiny, wealth and honor are in the sky, death deserves it, and it is better to turn it into ashes, so as to save digging graves.

Of course, the moment the people hiding in the city saw Yuexi's appearance, they were all shocked, like a bolt from the blue.After all, it was said in the book that she was full of dark evil spirits, with blood holes in her eyes and disheveled hair, like a rakshasa.

However, when they really saw Yuexi's appearance, even for a moment, they marveled that the biggest demon in the southern region was born so beautifully. The devil's heart, the more beautiful things are, the more poisonous they are.

They spurned her, and for the sake of their own personal interests, let her be a priest admired by thousands of people, and degenerated into a demon, but they had ulterior motives for her beauty.

The vision through those cracks in the doors and windows is the same as it was a hundred years ago.

The difference was that they didn't dare to swear at her like they did a hundred years ago and throw stones at her.People cherish their lives, sinners who are seriously injured and dying are easy to bully, and ghosts who can walk are hard to mess with.No one will take their own life for something.Of course, this is only temporary. Once the demons are defeated by the God of Justice, they can start a new round of carnival.

Above the execution ground, above the sixteen stone pillars.

Yue Wuxia, Nan Zhiyi and the others were tortured with bruises all over their bodies. Yue Wuxia and Nan Zhiyi looked a little better because they had physical bodies to resist. The other fourteen Huiyue undead, under the scorching of the real fire of the sun, their souls and bodies were already illusory , barely supported by a strong will.

And under their feet, there are countless gravels.

Ordinary gravel can't harm monks, but the gravel blessed by spells is different. The spiritual power on it can cut through their skin and cause damage.

Feng Ruoshui replayed the experience of Yuexi and Yuexi on them.

And those gravels were all thrown by the booing people, which did not cause much harm, and were intended to humiliate.

In the words of Feng Ruoshui, since you love your priest so much, I will show mercy and let you bear the pain she suffered back then, so that you can truly experience it personally.

What Feng Ruoshui did made Yue Wuxia and others feel pain.They knew clearly that they had been used as bait by Feng Ruoshui to lure and kill the priest.But they were helpless as prisoners.

Huiyue Undead, who was forced to become Feng Ruoshui's accomplice, blamed himself for the pain. Zeng Jin wanted to kill himself, but Yue Wuxia tried to dissuade him.They have suffered for 100 years in the Demon Suppressing Prison, just to remember that their gods will not be forgotten, and hope that one day everyone will be cleared of their grievances, how can they just give up.

Li Zhao said, the brothers and sisters have endured for so long, and they look forward to meeting the priest again, and even if they are going to die, they should die without regret.

Thinking of this, under the torment of the real fire of the sun, the Huiyue undead, who were originally illusory souls, still rely on their strong willpower to ensure that their souls will not disperse, just to see their gods again before they die. They can die instantly and never become a drag.

From the beginning to the end, no one doubted whether Yuexi would come.

And their gods did not live up to their expectations, one person with one sword, came with the wind, and fell from the sky.Seeing the white clothes fluttering, at that moment, the eyes of fifteen Huiyue disciples were wet with tears.They know that their god will never abandon them.Their lord priest will never abandon any disciple.

On the high platform, Feng Ruoshui smiled viciously.This first priest, everything is fine, but he is too affectionate.She thought that if she lived a new life, her personality would change a little, but she didn't expect that she was still so stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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