Chapter 127 That's Not an Apple

Song Yao looked up at Yan Sui's nervous expression, smiled, and said, "You have to let me see, so that I can figure out what's going on?"

Hearing this, Yan Sui pursed his lips and remained silent.

Seeing this situation, Song Yao frowned: "I'm not afraid, besides, aren't you protecting me by my side?"

Yan Sui hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded and stepped aside.

For this bloody and terrifying scene, Song Yao didn't feel the slightest turmoil in his heart, he just felt um, dirty.

When cultivating in the world of immortality, she saw with her own eyes that her master dug out Xi Zuo's heart alive, and she also saw her senior brother cut off the head of a person who went mad.

Including herself, she also had blood on her hands.

Although the master and senior brothers doted on her, they never avoided her when killing people.

After all, their idea is to let Song Yao see more, listen more, and learn more.

What she heard the most was: "Yaoyao, killing people is the easiest thing, just twist his head off, look, it's like this..."

"Yaoyao, don't be afraid, he's dead."

At that time, she didn't know anything, she was a rookie and didn't even have a tambourine, but she saw a ghost when she was collecting wind.

Song Yao stayed at a farmer's house at that time, and the wife of that family happened to be in labor, and after a lot of tossing, the child couldn't be born.

Later, the farmer changed his mind and asked Mrs. Wen to protect his wife, not to care about the life of the child.

When Xu Shi heard this, when the ghost fetus was born, it directly tore open the mother's belly alive, and crawled out by itself.

This scene shocked both the woman in charge and the farmer, and the lady just died on the couch.

The farmer was so angry that he wanted to suffocate the ghost, but his neck was almost bitten off by the ghost.

Wen Po was so frightened that she ran away. Song Yao was shocked when she saw this scene in the middle of the night. She had never encountered such a situation before.

But the farmer's family is a good person, Song Yao couldn't bear it, so he caught the ghost.

Xu Shi was just born, and the ghost's climate is not strong, so someone like Song Yao can easily subdue it.

She smiled curiously, and without asking the farmer, she directly broke the ghost's neck and threw its head on the mountain.

Even so, the ghostly body was also moving.

Song Yao immediately cut off the ghost's hands and feet, mixed with the body, and prepared to pack it back to the Xuanming sect and feed it to the little spirit beast.

The terrified look of the farmer looking at the ghost fetus was immediately transferred to Song Yao's body, just like looking at a monster.

Song Yao didn't understand this very much. He obviously saved him, so why did he look at him with such eyes? ?

"Dare to ask girl, where did you learn from?" the farmer swallowed, and asked tremblingly.

Song Yao smiled, and happily reported her name: "Xuanming faction, Sang Yao."

After that, the rumors about her witch became more and more intense, saying that she stayed at a farmer's house, killed his newborn child and his wife who had just given birth, and ate their hearts and livers.

Well, just eat it.

It is indeed a bit outrageous to say that she somehow became a cannibal witch, and the reputation of Xuanming Sect is getting worse and worse.

But Song Yao didn't care about these things. When he left the Xuanming faction to play, he met a murderer who did many evils.

Sometimes, the human heart is more terrifying than the demon.

That man killed seven girls who had just reached Ji in a row, and tortured them to death, but the government couldn't even touch him.

It was Song Yao who saved the girl when he attacked again, and used the torture tools he was used to on him one by one.

Daggers, bamboo sticks, saws, axes, needlework.
That person really knew how to play, and he was indeed perverted enough, but Song Yao didn't care about that. It's a pity that before these instruments of torture were used up, that person lost too much blood and died.

The girl who was rescued was originally very grateful to Song Yao, but after learning her name, her eyes were full of horror.

Even when he saw Song Yao torturing the murderer, he was so frightened that he passed out.

When she was discovered the next day, the girl was still fine, but the murderer was bloody and tortured to the point of being inhuman.

After that, there was another rumor, saying that a more perverted pervert felt that the man's behavior was too rubbish, and it was difficult to enter the elegant hall, so he used the man's body to teach him hand in hand, and then sent him away. tortured to death.

Well, that's even more outrageous.

She's a witch, and a pervert, and it's hard to get into the hall of elegance? ? !

Thinking about it, Song Yao felt angry, obviously he was doing good deeds!Why can't she be given the title of a heroine? ?

Song Yao sighed, his thoughts drifted back, he raised his foot to look at the concubine who was dying, and walked into the blood-stained room.

She roughly scanned the surrounding environment, and found that the furnishings in the house were very messy. There were teacups that were knocked and smashed to the ground, chairs that fell on the ground at random, and scattered oranges and cherries on the ground.

It seemed that there should have been a fight in the house, or that the concubine had struggled and resisted.

"What's her name?" Song Yao asked Master Huang.

Master Huang pursed his lips, not daring to look at the scene inside the room at all, he hid outside the door and closed his eyes and said, "Her name is Cui Xiaocui."

"Who was the last person to see her?"

Hearing this, Master Huang thought for a while and said, "It should be me, right?"

Song Yao'e raised her eyebrows slightly, turned to look at Master Huang, and asked strangely, "Should?"

"Yes, I planned to stay overnight in Xiaocui courtyard last night, but after staying for a while, I heard that Xiaofang was not feeling well, so I went to Xiaofang's place." Master Huang replied.

"Who is Xiaofang?" Song Yao asked.

Outside the door, another concubine of Master Huang came out with a pale face: "It's me."

"Your name?"

"My name is Er Xiaofang."

Song Yao took a look at Eian Xiaofang, and couldn't help sighing in her heart, this Mr. Huang really enjoys it, and the concubines he takes are all very good-looking.

She pursed her lips, didn't ask any more questions, walked to Cui Xiaocui's body, knelt down, and began to check with her hands.

After watching for a long time, Song Yao stood up and washed his hands in the basin brought by the servants.

The source of the blood all over the floor is Cui Xiaocui's chest and lower body.

There was a big hole in her chest, and the heart inside was missing, and her lower body was bloody, and her intestines were directly pulled out from her lower body.

Song Yao couldn't bear the bloody smell in the room, raised her hand and slapped the tip of her nose, then turned her head and wanted to leave.

At this moment, she paused, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw something like an apple in the pool of blood.

No. No, that's not Apple.

Song Yao'e frowned, raised her foot and walked over to take a closer look.

This thing... is the human heart.

A heart carved into the shape of an apple.

(End of this chapter)

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