Chapter 258 Going to Gaozhou Prefecture
The next day, the village chief went to the county seat in a carriage. He was all smiles when he went there, and he was still the same when he came back.

Other villages can provide a lot of rice seedlings, and the price is fair. He even took the time to have a look.

When the village chief came back, he drank half a jug of cool water at home, and then asked people to call the villagers, and then stood under the big tree in the village, and began to count the people who bought rice seedlings.

He first talked about the total amount, and then he raised the price, and the rest is first-come-first-served.

Su Mo didn't go, she had already made plans, if Gu Jinnian's side failed, she would plant a batch of wheat, and next year, she would go to Beijing no matter what.

Not to mention anything else, it's time for Gu Qinhan to recover her memory, and she will have to find a way to take advantage of Gu Qinhan's momentum to successfully take back the Su family's property.

And Gu Qinhan's power is in the capital.

Su Mo is now concentrating on practicing martial arts with Gu Qinhan.

She is willing to endure hardships, and unlike Gu Ping'an and Gu Jinnian, those two are still young after all, and they are just developing, so they can't practice martial arts for too long every day.

As for Su Mo, as long as she can't die from training, she will practice to death.

Gu Qinhan was shocked by her desperate efforts, but it was useless to frown and persuade him several times.

Su Mo didn't listen to him at all.

In addition, Su Mo got 258 points for completing the task of improving the soil quality. When he went to browse the system mall, he finally saw the medicinal liquid for medicinal baths that emerged after [-] was refreshed.

There are many types of medicinal effects, such as strengthening the body, dredging the meridians, clearing the intestines and detoxifying, and beautifying the skin.

Medicinal baths are rare, and Gu Ping'an can't control his mouth. In order to avoid Gu Qinhan's doubts, Su Mo didn't use it for the two children.

Hard training during the day, combined with medicinal baths, Su Mo's force value gradually increased. Gu Pingan, who was able to escape from her at the beginning, can now be easily caught by Su Mo letting him run for 3 minutes.

After being taught a lesson, Gu Pingan immediately restrained himself a lot, at least not daring to be as skinny as before.

When Mrs. Li went back to discuss with Chen Heyun, the couple decided to set up a trap. They not only bought the fields of the troubled households, but also bought the fields of several other Wang families.

Then he went to see Steward Lin, and came to the village again to finalize the business. At the same time, Steward Lin also started to promote the grain grown after the improvement of saline-alkali land.

Su Mo knew that someone in the village was buying fields, so she didn't inquire carefully, so she listened to it as gossip, and then ignored it.

At the end of July, Wang Xiucai set off for Gaozhou Prefecture, preparing to take the provincial examination.

There are three township examinations, each of which takes three days, starting from the ninth day of August and ending on the fifteenth day of August.

On the first day of August, Gu Ping'an's birthday, Su Mo also cooks himself and cooks him a delicious meal.

There are also longevity noodles and birthday cakes, and I went to Zhenbao Pavilion to buy an unsharp dagger, which is also an imported product. The material is not iron, but I don't know what it is.

Gu Ping'an liked it very much. He played with it all day, took it to the village school, and even held it in his hand when he went to bed at night.

Xie Wenci announced the holiday of the village school on the second day of August. Due to the Moon Festival, the holiday time was extended from the second day to the eighteenth day.

He was going to take Chen Qingzhou and Gu Jinnian to Yaozhou Mansion to meet his mentor.

Wang Taoqing also wanted to go, but she had already arrived at the day of giving birth, but she hadn't started it for a long time, and she couldn't leave at all.

Not to mention Chen Cihai, who was so worried that he didn't dare to let Wang Taoqing out of his sight for a second.

The couple had no choice, so they asked Su Mo to help take care of Chen Qingzhou, and gave Su Mo 20 taels of silver.

The Yaozhou government has a lot of expenses, and they are going to visit Xie Wenci's mentor, so they can't let Su Mo pay for it.

Su Mo did not refuse, and went to the county with Xie Wenci that day, booked a carriage, then asked Li Feng for help, and gave Gu Qinhan the way.

Then go home and pack up your luggage, and wait for Xie Wenci to get it done, and then the whole family will go to Yaozhou Mansion to play.

Gu Xingnian was very happy when she heard that she was going on a long trip. She even chose the clothes by herself, and she also brought the bead flowers that Su Mo bought for her. .

Su Mo smiled and pinched her cheek, but said nothing.

On the third day of August, Xie Wenci came to the house, accompanied by Xie's mother and He Nier.

Father Xie hasn't been here since Qingming. After all, he was still reluctant to part with his family's field and stayed in Shangyang Village to farm.

Xie Wenci casually glanced at the baggage carried by Su Mo, and said in a calm tone, "Let's go."

They first took a ox cart to the county seat, then took a horse cart from the place where they rented a horse cart, and then set off for Yaozhou Prefecture.

Chen Qingzhou also carried a small burden, which was delivered by his grandmother to the place where the ox cart was made.

Old lady Chen's eyes were red, and after waving Chen Qingzhou off, the smile on her face disappeared immediately.

After so many years, it was the first time to send her grandson on a long trip, she was really reluctant.

The ox cart was swaying, Su Mo hugged Gu Xingnian, looked at the green fields in the distance, and remembered that in the past, there was a barren area, a place that he didn't even want to look at.

Gu Xingnian blinked, rubbed Su Mo, and asked her to put herself down from her arms.

They were the only ones on the bullock cart, and Su Mo didn't refuse, and put the little girl down, and Gu Pingan happened to be sitting beside her.

Gu Ping'an and Gu Xingnian are playful brothers and sisters, they looked around after getting together, chatting non-stop.

Gu Jinnian thought they were annoying, so he just closed his eyes and rested his mind, while Chen Qingzhou listened with a smile on his face, and from time to time he even had a few words with Gu Xingnian, which made the little girl very happy.

In autumn, the mountains are no longer full of vitality, and the apricot trees are also bare.

In June, Mrs. Li went back to Xinghua Village to buy apricots, most of which were made into apricot jam, and the rest were shipped to Huzhou Prefecture, earning a fortune, and opened a branch in the next county in July.

When Su Mo saw the bare apricot tree, she remembered that Mrs. Li had invited her to a neighboring county for a few days because of the opening of a new shop.

Of course I didn't go, the little girl was playful and a little hot, she had to stare at the little girl taking medicine, and she really couldn't get away.

Gu Xingnian thought it was fun at the beginning, but after riding in a bullock cart for a long time, he began to feel uncomfortable, and his butt hurt.

She pouted and tugged on Rasumer's sleeve in aggrieved way, "Mother, my butt hurts from sitting, I want to hug~"

Su Mo looked away from the city gate not far away, nodded her forehead helplessly, and hugged her again.

The ox cart quickly entered the county government office, and a group of people got out of the ox cart and walked towards the shop where the carriage was rented.

Gu Qinhan was afraid that Su Mo would get tired holding Gu Xingnian, so he took over Gu Xingnian when he got off the bullock cart.

They rented two carriages, one from the Xie family and one from the Gu family.

The Xie family's carriage is an ordinary small carriage. There are benches nailed to the carriage on both sides for people to sit on. It can seat four people, and if there are too many, it will appear crowded.

And there is an extended wooden board behind the carriage, which can be used to put boxes and cages, and can also be used to sit on people.

Su Mo, however, was unwilling to give in, so she picked a carriage with better shock absorption effect, which was also spacious, with a layer of blankets placed inside, so she could sit directly on it, or waddle to rest.

Pulling two horses, the price is naturally more expensive, but renting a carriage is cheaper than buying one, and Su Mo is also a person with a small fortune.

 Okay, I broke my promise, because I'm still not well, I haven't eaten all day today, and I feel like I'm going to be sick.

  I owe another chapter, and I'll make sure to make it up.

  Love you guys()

(End of this chapter)

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