Chapter 613 Evil
"Not only that, since then, my father's appetite has decreased, but he is extremely eager for raw food."

For this reason, their family has not eaten a single meal of meat in the past six months, and eats vegetarian dishes every day.

"We also took him to see a lot of doctors, but we have seen all the nearby doctors, but none of them could find out what's wrong."

What he didn't say, even the famous witches and Taoist priests in the vicinity invited them to come and see. It cost a lot of money, but his father's condition has not improved, and it is getting worse.

"Where did he go in the half month before the onset?" Feng Jiuyou continued to speak.


Old man Yang's son shook his head. His father is old and there are so many strong laborers in the family, so he still needs his father to work in the fields.

"You think again."

Feng Jiuyou doesn't believe it, the faces of this family are not treacherous and evil people, and it is impossible for them to be contaminated with ghosts and evil spirits for no reason.

"Really not." Old man Yang's son thought about it for a while, and still turned Yaotou.

"Brother...Father sent some rice noodles to the house at the foot of the mountain."

At this time, what did Old Man Yang's second son seem to think of?Suddenly said.

"The house at the foot of the mountain?"

Feng Jiuyou frowned, as she had guessed, this matter must be related to that house.

"Yes, before my father fell ill, the owner of that house ordered a batch of rice noodles from our family, which was delivered by my father."

Old man Yang's second son said, he passed by that house unintentionally, and I think that house is a bit unusual.

If the female doctor hadn't asked, he wouldn't have thought of what happened to his father.

"What did he bring with him when he came back?"

"Come back with a statue, and there it is."

Old man Yang's second son pointed to the enshrined statue on the table, and it was at this time that he realized that this statue, which his father had never touched, gave people a creepy feeling.

"This... there is no problem with this statue, right?"

After he reacted, his face changed drastically, and his eyes were filled with horror.

As soon as he said this, everyone's eyes fell on the statue.

"Is this impossible? There is a noble person living in that house. He said that this statue is the mountain god on the mountain in our village. As long as we offer him a stick of incense every day, he will be safe forever."

After getting the statue, old man Yang was full of energy for several days, his body became more and more radiant at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the white hair that grew out tended to turn black.

That's why they didn't have any doubts and allowed old man Yang to put the statue in his room.

However, what he doesn't know is when the night is quiet.

Old man Yang will infuse this statue with blood and nourish it, so that this statue will be full of strong ghostly spirit.

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Feng Jiuyou stepped up to the table with the statue in his hand, and held the statue in his hand.

Jiang Huai originally wanted to stop him, but he stopped when he thought of Feng Jiuyou's methods and character.

If you can't handle it yourself, don't cause trouble for your wife.

When Feng Jiuyou really touched the statue, he felt startled.

It seems that after advancing to the ground-level profound practitioner, she can't just focus on the improvement of force, she also needs to focus on improving the knowledge of metaphysics.

There was a faint feeling in her heart that this was very important to her.

(End of this chapter)

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