Chapter 220, Round 219, This Is a Top Expert

Go is more complex than our universe.


You may not feel how big this number is.

However, the total number of atoms in the universe is 10^80 (1 zeros behind 80), even if the matter of the entire universe is exhausted, all the possibilities of Go cannot be stored.

In other words, it is impossible for the computer to memorize all these possibilities, and then compare them with Gao Yongxia's move results to find the best move!

This is also the source of confidence for all players in the Go circle. They do not believe that there is such a computer.

With so many possibilities in Go, there are no routines at all.The only way to win at Go is to let the computer learn to "learn" instead of memorizing it by rote.

So the purpose of AlphaGo is not only to win this game of chess, but also to promote a kind of AI thinking, a kind of deep learning thinking.

At the beginning, people imagined that the human-machine war might be participated by robots. Unfortunately, it was not a robot sitting opposite Gao Yongxia, but Dr. Huang Shijie, one of the authors of AlphaGo Go.

The flag of Dr. Huang's side is the British flag, because the Google Go program AlphaGo that participated this time is an artificial intelligence company from the UK. Google spent 4 million euros to acquire this company before.

Google has previously input the 3000 million moves of Go masters into the computer, allowing artificial intelligence to learn Go by itself. This kind of self-learning is a breakthrough achievement.

Now Gao Yongxia has a deep understanding that although the person sitting opposite him is not a human being, it is the crystallization of human wisdom.

Dr. Huang and his team have done it, done what no one could have imagined before.

At this moment, Tian Min could feel Gao Yongxia's pain through the camera, as if he couldn't believe it or accept it.

Dr. Huang, who was sitting opposite him, felt a trace of tragedy, struggle and anger, which made Dr. Huang bit his lip nervously empathizing with him.

Gao Yongxia was holding a sunspot, and seemed to want to continue to place a black stone, but found that there was nowhere to place it.He looked at the chessboard in a daze, and it took some time to accept the result of losing.

Tian Min had no intention of continuing to explain, got up and walked to the side, the camera was moving with Tian Min, at this time Tian Min saw Lin Rihuan in the Korean studio, and the sense of loss in his eyes couldn't be added.

Seeing Tian Minze, Lin Rihuan couldn't help getting up and walking to Tian Minze's side, muttering only one sentence.

Yu Lijun translated from the side, "What Lin Jiuduan said is that he lost, and he lost."

Tian Min looked at the Korean chess player whose confidence had been shattered, so he had to reach out and pat Lin Rihuan on the shoulder. The two had played against each other many times, so they were old acquaintances. Tian Min had never seen him before. Lim Il-hwan, a South Korean "tough" chess player, has such an unbearable performance.

As a professional chess player, it is difficult to accept such a result, because in the eyes of professional chess players, it should be a long time before Go is conquered by computers, and it is completely impossible to happen now.

But actually, it happened.

Tian Min took the elevator downstairs and left the arena directly.


As the winner, the AlphaGo team left the field quietly. There were no interviews or lively celebrations. Only a few engineers blushed and clapped their hands in the audience, feeling extremely proud of their work.

As the loser, Gao Yongxia was led into the press room instead, where media from all over the world conducted interviews and questions.

When Gao Yongxia came into the arena, the flashes kept going on, and the whole world was watching the live broadcast of this moment.

Gao Yongxia showed an awkward smile on his face, "First of all, I must say that I didn't expect to lose at all. I made a mistake in the middle game, and then I kept making mistakes until the end, so I lost the game. I didn't expect AlphaGo, he is a top player. Losing a round will not affect my state later, I think the chances of winning and losing are [-]-[-] now.”

"I want to pay tribute to the team that developed AlphaGo, such an amazing program."

"Of course I will lose to the computer, but the value of Go will not be reduced because the computer cannot feel the beauty of Go."

"Going forward, I will do my best to uphold human values."

"thank you all."

Gao Yongxia waved his hand, did not continue to accept the interview, and left directly.

Before the game, it was generally believed that even if a professional chess player loses a game, it is also a failure of human beings.Such expectations, coupled with such results, are destined to disappoint many people.

Dr. Huang expressed his opinion, citing Tian Minze's comments before the game, "No matter who wins or loses, this is a victory for mankind" and "Artificial intelligence is also better for human beings."

Leaving Gao Yongxia from the Chess Academy, he walked quickly on the street. Tian Min made an appointment with Gao Yongxia and came to a small chess hall next to the Korean Chess Academy.

As soon as Gao Yongxia entered, "Uncle An, is Minze here?"

Known as Uncle An, he used to be a professional chess player. He pointed to a small private room inside. Gao Yongxia opened the door and found that Tian Minze and Yu Lijun had already sat down and waited for him.

The two didn't say much, and started playing chess directly.

Today, Gao Yongxia had an advantage in the early stage, but the weird chess shape in the lower right corner directly became a failure, a turning point for the whole game.

Gao Yongxia only lost the half-eye chess, if he didn't make a mistake here, he might be the one who won the half-eye chess.

Tian Min only stayed here for a while to analyze, but then he talked about the other two turning points that he thought of.

If the former AlphaGo was mysterious, but with today's game of chess, Tian Minze and others at least have a research object.

The current AlphaGo seems to allow people to see many flaws, while Tian Min's AI2.0 has almost all flaws disappeared, and he has a sharper grasp of chess shapes.

The flaws mentioned by Tian Min are two chess moves that obviously have a computer meaning, in other words, they are common hands.

"Yongxia [-]th tier, I think you can try to use Waiting for Flow. White waits for the move, accumulate strength in the middle game, and force the opponent to make mistakes. I don't believe it is unsolvable."

Gao Yongxia nodded and accepted Tian Minze's suggestion.

Today, the two of them chatted until late at night again, and Tian Min was more to help Gao Yongxia relax quickly. Arrangements before the battle were often not helpful, so it was more to provide some help to Gao Yongxia's confidence recovery.

Obviously, Gao Yongxia calmed down.

If in the first game, the two sides were still testing, then the second game was definitely a bayonet.

Gao Yongxia no longer had that kind of nervousness and confusion. He seemed to have adapted to the chess player opposite him, and the two of them were talking in the air, which was a kind of exchange of ideas.

Although the chess player on the opposite side has no thoughts, we can still pinpoint his pulse.

Gao Yongxia already had some understanding in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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