Chapter 170 Chapter 160 Willpower of the Ninth Game of Go
Many ethnic groups seem to be very keen on exploring the cultural attributes of their own nation and exploring the normal state of a society.

In Tokyo and Osaka, the feeling of narrowness always seems to be revealed inadvertently.

It is manifested in language by repeatedly using possessive grammar and "of" to reduce consideration, expression, and manipulation of everything in the world.

For example, the round fans from China have been transformed into folding fans in the localization process. No nation in the world loves folding fans as much as the Japanese.

If the invention of the folding fan is connected with the unique Japanese consciousness of shrinking, it is not difficult to see that there is a unique cultural structure and psychology here.

Similarly, in terms of room design, Tian Min also had a good understanding of the feeling that Japan likes to be small but well-equipped.

In Japan, you have to feel the local cultural characteristics. It seems that hot springs are the most imaginative.

When he came to Osaka, Yu Lijun booked a hot spring hotel early on. The name of the hotel is "Empty Court". The empty courtyard sounds like a place with a large area and a lot of space.

According to the hotel's description, an independent hot spring will be provided for guests of high-end room types.

But when the two of them arrived at the hot spring, they found that they had actually made many cabins outdoors, with a small pool, a shower room, toilet, and a small changing room inside.

It can be said to be extremely small, but it is indeed complete.

Tian Min looked at Yu Lijun and asked, "How about we go upstairs to change and then come down?"

"Ah?" Yu Lijun looked at the cold temperature outside in December, and couldn't help thinking about whether he would catch a cold, "Forget it, the weather is too cold, so you can change in the room."

The water temperature of hot springs in winter is actually very hot, so according to the habit of Japanese hot springs, you should flush the water first to wash your body, and gradually adapt to the temperature before soaking in the hot springs.

The two of them were wearing swimsuits, lying side by side in the hot spring pool, their bodies and minds seemed to be drifting away from the mundane world. While chatting, they felt the slightly hot water temperature and the lingering heat. Relaxing made people feel a little chaotic.

"For the Osaka match, the venue set by the Kansai Chess Institute is also in the suburbs. It is estimated that the top eight players will come out to soak in the hot springs. I don't know if they plan to dizzy the players' brains, so that the Japanese players can play in the game. One step closer", Tian Min said with a smile.

Yu Lijun shook his head, "Most Go players are strong-willed people, and it doesn't matter where the game is played. The founder of Kansai Chess Academy, Hashimoto Utaro, is a person who claims to have absolutely tenacious willpower. Willpower has always been the core of this chess academy. spirit."

Indeed, if you are familiar with the history of Go, then the name Hashimoto Utaro must have been frequently mentioned in many biographies.

You must know that although the chess game itself is of little value in the third Honinbo battle, it has become a famous game in history because the location of the game is near Hiroshima.

Hashimoto wrote in his autobiography, "Suddenly a flash of light hit the ground, and the game room was so white that it was terrifying. Then the dark clouds rolled over, and the wind mixed with raindrops hit the game room directly. The doors and windows were all shattered, and I was thrown into the outdoor".

However, at that time, the two opponents did not panic at all. They simply cleaned up the game room and continued to fight. In the end, Hashimoto won with 5 eyes.

The second round of the decisive battle was calm, but due to various changes, it became an amazing game.

Tian Min nodded, "Indeed, in the past, Japanese Go was the real leader in terms of inheritance order and real strength. Willpower is also an important factor."

"Are you a person with willpower?" Yu Lijun turned his head and asked.

Tian Min couldn't help but looked at Yu Lijun carefully, and said frankly, "I'm not a person with strong willpower."


The two returned to the hotel holding hands. Yu Lijun took a brief shower in the bathroom of the suite, put on his pajamas and sat on the sofa, looked at Tian Minze with a gentle face beside him, and happily snuggled up to Tian Minze, "Tomorrow I'll also comment on your game!"

"Didn't you just comment on the first game?" Tian Min was a little curious, originally thinking that she would only have the chance to comment on one game.

Yu Lijun took his mobile phone, and showed Tian Minze the WeChat message sent by the teacher of the Chess Academy, which was a compliment to Yu Lijun, "It turns out that the effect of the first game was so good!" Tian Min couldn't help but said in surprise.

"Well, it seems that I can comment more on your games in the future!" Yu Lijun waved his hand, stood up excitedly, and took out his notebook, "Here are some summaries of my experience in commenting on the last game. Study it."

Explaining with a notebook has also become a style of Yu Lijun. Many chess fans have given more support to such a serious girl. Sometimes the attitude is more important than the result.

Tian Min shook his head, it seems that what should come will always come, it seems that girls are more interested in Go peripherals, but Tian Min still reminded, "You still have to continue to practice chess to improve your level, and participate in more women's games." For competitions, I would rather you become a chess player first, and then become a commentator."

"Of course," Yu Lijun nodded and said, "I also consider myself a chess player, and I hope to have the opportunity to win a female title."

Domestic women's competitions are much less. The Chinese Chess Academy has two Women's Go Celebrities and Women's Go National Tournaments. There is only one World Women's Go Championship in the World Series, which is held in turn by China, Japan and South Korea.

However, Yu Lijun can still participate in the strongest women's Go match at the Taipei Chess Academy.

Other national competitions also accept female chess players to register, but female chess players are rare enough to make it to the main match.

It seems that Yu Lijun's presence really gave Tian Minze a good game state. Osaka once again became a lonely place for Chinese chess players and Japanese chess players. Yu Liang lost to Lin Rihuan, Fang Xu lost to Gao Yongxia and Morishita Maonan loses to Pu Tianzi.

Only Tian Min defeated Bian Kahuang steadily and reached the semi-finals.

In the semi-finals, three South Korean chess players besieged Tian Minze.

The match in the semi-finals will be decided by lottery. Sometimes the way of lottery is hard to say that it is not manipulative. In order to preserve the suspense of the final as much as possible, or to keep the "remnants", it is natural to choose Tian Minze and Gao Yongxia entered the final.

So when the results of the lottery came out, Tian Min opened the folding fan in front of him and it was Pu Tianzi.

Gao Yongxia got Lim Il-hwan, the strongest two in South Korea.

Ji Shugang, the leader of the Chinese Chess Academy, couldn't help but high-five his coach Shao Liwei at the [-]th dan, as if to say that this is a good draw.

Tian Min couldn't help grinning when he saw this scene, and was captured by the reporter.

(End of this chapter)

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