Chapter 147 Luzhou Moonlight Shines on My Heart
At this time, Tian Min stood in front of Lin Miaomiao, reaching out to hug the girl like the person in the painting. Lin Miaomiao also raised her head cooperatively, looking at Tian Minze with bright eyebrows and starry eyes, her tall figure seemed to help her all the time. Cover yourself from the wind and rain.

Unknowingly, he has taken over the roles of many of his parents, and what he left in his heart is not only a love, but also a kind of protection.

"Do you like this gift?" Tian Min asked with a smile.

"Minze", Lin Miaomiao stared at Tian Minze with big eyes, feeling a little emotional in her heart, "You are right, you can come back for my birthday, in fact, this is the best gift. I just saw the painting and I am very excited." I also like surprises, but the biggest surprise for me tonight was when you told me on WeChat that you would be right back at the airport, and I felt that I had you all the time.”

"Hee hee", Tian Min suddenly felt that touch, and patted the girl, "Why are you so affectionate today, I'm not used to it yet."

Lin Miaomiao was not talking, and buried her head on Tian Minze's body. The embrace was so warm that one couldn't help feeling a little greedy.

Tian Min patted the girl, but the girl didn't pay attention, she still hugged Tian Min but didn't let go.

"Minze, you have given me too much, so please don't leave me"

For a while, the moonlight sprinkled into the room along the window sill, and there was a bit of sweetness in the air.


Tian Minze, who returned to the game, seemed not to be affected by the rush at all. In the top 32, he faced the strong enemy Wu Chunhao. It seemed that this kind of Korean chess player who likes to calculate was naturally restrained by Tian Minze.

In the middle game, Tian Min made a few clever changes, allowing the opponent to see that the part that could survive the game did not end up alive, and that the part that could kill the game ended up being unkillable.

After a game of chess, Wu Chunhao couldn't wait to pull Tian Minze to resume the game, "Minze, if I don't understand these two places, I won't be able to sleep tonight."

Tian Min casually talked about the change map in his mind, as well as some intuitions in his heart for this kind of chess. He didn't need to calculate many schemes carefully, and he knew that it would not work.

On the contrary, Wu Chunhao's biggest problem in the official competition is that he likes to dig into details too much, and losing control of time will only make him more and more unclear.

"If it's a two-day game, I think you must be an unparalleled master in the world." This is what Kuwahara once said to Wu Chunhao.

Regarding Wu Chunhao's chess style that likes to calculate, Tian Min thought in his heart that the AI ​​didn't even take advantage of him, let alone you.

In the first AI game before, by virtue of the change in the weight of the lower left and lower right pieces, black successfully escaped, then worked on the left side, and gained enough advantage on the right side, forming a light transformation in the overall situation.

In the end, Tian Min calculated carefully with Guanzi again in the middle game, and won the first round for the camp step by step. Tian Min was a little surprised by such a victory.

"The first-generation AI seems to have some bugs, and AI can also play out some untenable moves. Such mistakes are rare in human chess players." Tian Min seems to have some knowledge about the first-generation AI. Feel.

This generation of AI still can't recognize some chess shapes clearly. It seems that occasionally there will be some wrong moves, or some of your strong opponents will be ignored, and sometimes strange choices will appear.

However, in the second game, Tian Min was given a blow to the head. This time, the game was closed twice at 40 moves and 80 moves. Many professional chess players discussed it, but Tian Min still failed to beat the AI, as if his opponent was an impeccable game of chess.

But this time the chess game gave human chess players more gains.

The national competition is in full swing, and Tian Min also ushered in the first TV interview. As one of the most promising young people under the age of 20, Tian Min has become a representative figure under the sports label.

The subjects of this interview include Nie Xuanfeng, Tian Minze's teacher, Tian Minze's parents, and several leaders of the Anhui Provincial Chess Academy also played in friendship.

Finally, it was Tian Minze's turn.

"It's the first time to accept our exclusive interview, Tian Min is a little nervous."

"Definitely not as tense as the World Championship finals."

The female reporter on the opposite side smiled and asked again, "Everyone says that the upper right hand of black chess jumps from one hand to the next. This move is the absolute first and the key move. How did you make this move at that time?"

Tian Min was a little helpless, this question was a bit amateurish, so he had to joke, "It's very simple, reach into the chess box with your right hand, pick up the chess pieces, and put them on the board. It doesn't matter if you have hands!"

This answer obviously made the opposite reporter very dissatisfied, and blurted out, "Do you think your cynicism, including bringing milk tea on the field, including the controversial incident of guessing the first when playing games with Yu Xiaoyang, are you intentional? You just want to Create such an image?"

This question immediately made everyone present nervous. The manager Lu Jing who was sitting beside him also suddenly stood up and walked to Tian Minze, wanting to interrupt the recording. Tian Min waved his hand to signal for peace. Don't be impatient.

He looked up at the reporter's name on the table, Qi Ying.I kept it in my heart, this reporter was a bit hateful.

Tian Min faced the camera and said sternly, "I am the world champion, the youngest Go world champion in the world, and I have broken Korea's dominance in Go. I am the youngest nine-dan, the youngest celebrity title winner, I don't need to label myself anymore."

"At the same time, I also believe that in competitive events, my results are compared game by game. Everyone looks at my chess, not other things."

Tian Min's words were high-sounding and at the same time showed his pride to the fullest.

The interview of the day was concluded smoothly. Although the reporter’s question was a bit unpleasant, it was a post-production video after all, relying more on editing techniques, and the executive director also made it clear that Tian Min should rest assured that we will cooperate in the future, so we will definitely do a good job. Clipped.

Hearing this, Lu Jing breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

After a wave of ups and downs, this well-known reporter broke the news on social software that night:

"After one recording, I realized that some young chess players are very proud. I think such players will fail soon. Some people are like shooting stars, destined not to last long."

Some words with guns and sticks instantly detonated the Internet.

Although it didn't mention who it was, someone released a live photo of Qi Ying interviewing Tian Minze, so it doesn't take much to know that it must be Tian Minze.

At first, Tian Min didn't want to respond. After all, he had just defeated Shun Yizhe and Long Jie to enter the semi-finals in the national tournament not long ago, and it was another key stage of the competition. Calmness is the most important thing for him now.

But too many people wanted Tian Min to stand up and speak out, but Tian Min had to respond with four words on social media:
"Speak with chess".

(End of this chapter)

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