Chapter 134
Seeing that Zhang Yuqing didn't even go down the steps, the people around couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Making Di Xudong succumb is already a huge victory. Could it be that Zhang Yuqing is going to fight Di Xudong to the detriment of both?
After all, Di Xudong has been famous for a long time, Zhang Yuqing is only a little famous, and almost everyone is not optimistic about Zhang Yuqing, thinking that Zhang Yuqing will definitely pay the price for his actions.

"You!" Di Xudong was furious.

But there was no way for him to retreat, so he could only stabilize his figure and mobilize his whole body's internal strength to meet Zhang Yuqing's attack.

Di Xudong concentrated all his internal energy on his uninjured left palm, and then suddenly pushed it towards Zhang Yuqing: "The Cloud Spear!"

The powerful internal force gathered into a cone, like a spear piercing Zhang Yuqing's chest.

This move is Di Xudong's strongest offensive move, it pays attention to the rapid rotation and concentration of internal energy, and kills the enemy in one fell swoop.Over the years, countless warriors have died under this trick.

Zhang Yuqing didn't evade, nor did he parry, he just ran into Di Xudong's internal force spear.

Di Xudong's eyes brightened when he saw this: "It turns out that you are just a brat with brute strength but no experience in the world! You just scared me, now let's see how you die!"

The spear-like internal force pierced Zhang Yuqing's chest in an instant, and the clothes on Zhang Yuqing's chest were shredded with frenzied energy.

"Bang bang bang bang."

The sound of collision is endless.

But Zhang Yuqing's figure was only stagnant for a moment, and then he moved forward again, rushing to Di Xudong in the blink of an eye.

Di Xudong stared wide-eyed, in disbelief: "How could it be? Even Chai Hai's hard qigong can't resist my move at all!!"

Zhang Yuqing punched Di Xudong hard in the face.

Di Xudong was knocked to the ground with a "bang!", his face was covered with blood, and his nose bone was already broken.Fortunately, he managed to protect the face in time, otherwise his head would be smashed by Zhang Yuqing.

Zhang Yuqing took two steps forward and raised his fist to smash Di Xudong's head again.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!."

Punch after punch, like the violent blow of a sledgehammer.

"This head catcher is a lunatic!" Jin Biao, leader of the Jusha Gang, tremblingly said.

"That's the person who is the number one expert in Lucheng, and the government doesn't dare to touch him." Tie Gang, the leader of the Iron Knife Gang, seemed afraid to accept this reality, "Just being pushed to the ground and beaten like that?"

Hong Kun covered his swollen cheeks and sighed, "It's over. Something big happened. This time, Chief Di and the government will never stop dying! Wait, it seems that Chief Di is about to die?"

Zhang Yuqing punched Di Xudong several times in a row, and the ground around him was shaken out of a hole.

At this time, Di Xudong's facial features were already bloody and bloody, and only his last breath was left. He said unwillingly:

"I gave you a house."

Zhang Yuqing smiled and said: "I like that house very much, thank you, Chief Di."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yuqing raised his fist and punched it down again.

Blood splattered everywhere, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and Di Xudong finally died.

The huge square was completely silent.

Everyone couldn't believe that Zhang Yuqing could really kill Di Xudong, and the most important thing was that he really did.

Those who react slowly are still immersed in surprise; those who react quickly have already begun to think about how to protect their own interests after Lu Cheng loses Di Xudong.

Those who were hit the hardest were the members of the Dahe Gang.

In their eyes, Di Xudong has always been like a god.However, today, his gang leader was easily beaten to death.

Some gang members drew their sharp knives and shouted loudly: "This boy killed the gang leader! We killed him to avenge the gang leader!"

There were only a dozen gang members who responded to this call.

Before they had time to rush up and attack Zhang Yuqing, another group of people shouted loudly:
"Di Xudong has done a lot of evil and committed suicide! We should cooperate with the government to wipe out the rest of Di Xudong's crimes!"

Hundreds of people immediately responded to this call, and they fiercely fought with the gang who wanted to kill Zhang Yuqing with their knives.

Whether it is planning to take revenge or defecting, it is only a minority.

More gang members fell to their knees and wept bitterly.

But they were soon affected by the gang's cannibalism, and blood quickly spread on the square.

Seeing this scene, the other gang leaders who came with the police officers felt both sad and afraid that they would end up like Di Xudong.

Tie Gang, the leader of the Iron Knife Gang, sighed: "The tree fell and the monkeys scattered, and the Dahe Gang lost Di Xudong, the backbone. From now on, it may be completely over."

Jin Biao, leader of the Jusha Gang, rolled his eyes and suddenly shouted:

"We are all law-abiding people! Now that the evil Dahe Gang has been eradicated by the government, we should do our part to help the government eradicate the remnants!"

After finishing speaking, Jin Biao took the lead and overthrew a Dahe Gang to grab the long swords from the crowd, and joined the fight in the square.

The rest of the gang leaders were stunned for a moment, and then echoed one after another: "No, boss Jin, what President Jin said is true! Our businesses should also contribute to the security of Lucheng!"

So these gang leaders also rushed to the square and participated in the infighting of the Dahe Gang.

These gang leaders are all warriors with martial arts skills. With their participation in the battle, the fighting in the square became even more chaotic.

Zhang Yuqing stood up and slowly came in front of a group of arresting officers.

The policemen looked at Zhang Yuqing with admiration and awe.

"Let them fight, and when the fight is over, let them go, catch them, and kill them!"

he ordered.

Xiao Liu hastily accepted the order: "Your subordinate obeys the order! It's just that Zhang Butou, how to judge whether to release, arrest or kill? Are you going to take the opportunity to wipe out all the gangs?"

Now the police are in full swing, and the Lucheng gang is bound to fall into chaos.Xiao Liu believed that if he acted at this time, he would be able to wipe out all the gangs.

Hong Kun hurried over and persuaded: "No way! No way! Zhang Butou, Lucheng will be in chaos! Besides, the prison in the yamen can't lock up so many people!"

All the arresters looked at Hong Kun with disdain at this time. When Hong Kun was the head arrester, the arresters were oppressed by gangs, and they were never so proud as they are now.Coupled with Hong Kun's performance today, it is really too embarrassing.

Zhang Yuqing smiled, patted Hong Kun on the shoulder and said, "You said a correct thing."

Things like gangs cannot be completely eliminated easily.Kill these gangs, and new gangs will emerge.

Now that Di Xudong died, the Dahe Gang fell into civil strife and would soon split into several gangs.Those who are lucky can protect themselves, but those who are unlucky will be annexed by other gangs sooner or later.

Now Zhang Yuqing only intends to make sure that there will be no gangs in Lucheng that are powerful enough to threaten the authority of the government.

Zhang Yuqing opened his mouth and confessed: "Anyone who has committed a heinous crime and has convincing evidence, shall be killed! Those who are stubborn, shall be arrested! Those who take the initiative to report and are willing to reform themselves, shall be released!"

After a little thought, Xiao Liu understood Zhang Yuqing's meaning: "My lord, my subordinates understand!"

Zhang Yuqing nodded in satisfaction, this Xiao Liu was quite astute.

So Zhang Yuqing patted Xiao Liu on the shoulder and said: "Search the properties of the Dahe Gang and all of them will be confiscated! Of course, this matter can be done slowly. Today, first copy this Fengxiang Villa! This matter will be left to you to deal with."

Xiao Liu was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Thank you sir! The subordinates will be loyal to their duties and dare not slack off! After I find out the property in Fengxiang Villa, I will submit the list to you for review."

Since ancient times, the matter of copying houses has been very rich. Zhang Yuqing entrusted this matter to Xiao Liu to preside over it. Xiao Liu naturally understood what Zhang Yuqing meant.

Zhang Yuqing smiled, and left Fengxiang Villa with Hong Kun and the two police officers.

Now that the matter here has been explained, the masters of the Dahe gang who could threaten the police have also been wiped out, leaving the rest to Xiao Liu.

It is also convenient to go down the mountain along the stone steps of the mountain road.

Along the way, Hong Kun still looked out of his mind, and he sighed from time to time, obviously he was thinking too much today and was about to be unable to bear it.

When a group of people came to the east gate, they saw a group of people wearing sackcloth and filial piety, kneeling on the ground facing the east and crying bitterly.

There were not many people in this group, but they were extremely mournful. Joss candles were burning and paper money was flying.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yuqing couldn't help but stop.

Hong Kun almost missed Zhang Yuqing's back, he took a look after recovering, and then hurriedly explained to Zhang Yuqing:
"They are all from Taiping Town. They were unable to return to their hometown due to the blockade some time ago. Today they heard that Taiping Town was destroyed and no one was spared. So they gathered here to pay respects to their hometown."

A catcher wanted to flatter Zhang Yuqing, so he said immediately: "Master catcher, just after you made great achievements today, you encountered such an unlucky and obstructive person blocking your way. Please wait a moment, Mr. Go drive them all away!"

Zhang Yuqing thought for a while and said, "If there is any unusual situation like Taiping Town, please notify me immediately."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yuqing entered the city and walked towards the county government office.

After returning to the county government office, he met an official who was holding a pile of files.

When the official saw Zhang Yuqing, he said, "Catcher Zhang, here is the dossier about the cave you want."

After Zhang Yuqing took the pile of dusty files, he went back to the execution room and began to read them carefully.

Whether it was the black-haired corpse in the cold pool of the cave, or the short sword, they all left a deep impression on Zhang Yuqing.

If you want to know the details, you have to check the trail.

By looking through the files, Zhang Yuqing also roughly learned some old things.

The cave seems to be related to an organization called Yijiao. As for when this organization was founded, there is no trace.

But about 40 years ago, the power of Yijiao reached its peak, and even in Lucheng there was a branch, and believers gathered.

At that time, the sub-altar master of Yijiao in Lucheng claimed to be the real person of Jiugong. It was rumored that he had the ability to drive away evil spirits, and he demonstrated it many times, threatening that believers could get magical powers to protect the body and not be afraid of evil spirits.

Later, the Yijiao rebelled in Xue Country, and the governments all over the country suppressed it one after another, and the Yijiao also desperately resisted. All of a sudden, rivers of blood flowed everywhere, and it was the same in Lucheng.

The sub-altar in Lucheng was destroyed, the altar master Jiugong Zhenren was beheaded by a man named Fei Jian, and the Yijiao was gradually wiped out.

The last one was killed in a cave on the mountain behind Xishan Village.

However, according to literature records, in order to prevent the survivors in the cave, the officers and soldiers also sealed the cave.

According to Zhang Yuqing, in the past 40 years, someone has reopened the sealed cave. As for whether it was the villagers or someone else, it is not known.

And the name of the Fei Jian who killed Jiugong Daoist only appeared once.Zhang Yuqing looked through all the files, whether it was the beginning of the Yijiao's appearance in Lucheng, or its final collapse, there was no record of this person.

This person seemed to have appeared out of thin air, but since the government had recorded it, then the people in power in Lucheng at that time must have known about this person, and it was likely that the government invited him.

Zhang Yuqing looked through the relevant files again, most of them were the personnel distribution of Yijiao, as well as its ceremonial composition.

There are also quite a few testimonials about eradicating the Yijiao's technique of exorcising evil spirits seen by witnesses, but most of them are mysterious and difficult to verify due to the age.Which is true or false, no one can tell.

As for the black-haired zombie in the cave, and the dagger, they didn't mention it at all.

Yijiao acts outwardly and implicitly, and is extremely cautious.After the defeat of the army, most of the books and books in the church were burned in advance, and those seized were sent to the night patrol, but there were none in the government.

Zhang Yuqing closed the dossier in dismay, and ordered the officials to take the dossier away and send it back to the archives room.

"Hong Kun!"

Zhang Yuqing asked Hong Kun to come into the study: "Have there been any evil cases recently? Or have there been backlogs that have not been solved?"

"Catcher Zhang is really diligent in his official duties!" Hong Kun said, "there are no recent cases, but there were some in the past. However, those evil cases usually only happen in specific areas, and the night guards can't handle them. We Then make a warning around it to prevent others from entering by mistake and causing danger."

"Oh?" Zhang Yuqing became interested in an instant, "Send all the files of those cases!"

After flipping through the file for a while, he found nothing that made him feel meaningful.

In the evening, Zhang Yuqing came to the Night Patrol Office for a banquet as scheduled.

Naturally, the government office is not a restaurant, and the banquet this time is also an outside cooking.

The reason why the banquet was chosen in the government office is because many things are confidential.

There were only five people seated at the banquet, besides Zhang Yuqing, Zhou Cunjian, Xia Mingxuan and county magistrate Cai Xing, there was also an old man sitting on the main seat.

This old man is the actual person in charge of Lucheng, Fei Qingquan, the Supervising Star Envoy.

This was the first time Zhang Yuqing knew the name of the star supervisor.

Fei Qingquan stroked his white beard, raised his wine glass and said with a smile:
"It's Lucheng's good fortune that Lucheng welcomes Butou Zhang! As soon as Butou Zhang took office, he wiped out the troubles of others. On behalf of the people of Lucheng, this envoy presents a toast to Butou Zhang."

Zhang Yuqing raised his wine glass: "Don't dare, dare not."

After drinking a glass of wine, I only heard Zhou Cunjian say:

"My lord is not aware of the supervising stars. Not only did Zhang Butou relieve the disaster of the worms, but today he also eradicated the Dahe Gang that has been harming Lucheng. The evil leader Di Xudong was also executed by Zhang Butou himself. Now the people in the city They celebrated one after another, passing on the merits of Zhang Tou-capturing, just like a festival."

(End of this chapter)

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