Chapter 110

Captain Li Zhengqing felt a little unconfident, but replied: "Thank you, Tax Collector Han, you have to be careful all the way."

As soon as Han Haitao walked out, he heard a few screams from the village.

The distance was so far that Han Haitao stopped, not knowing how to deal with it.

At the entrance of the village, Li Zhengqing ran out quickly, and soon arrived in front of Han Haitao.

He said anxiously: "Go to the town quickly and tell the mayor the news. There are bandits in the village."

"Captain Li, be careful!" Han Haitao warned, and hurried to the town.

The next afternoon, Lu Zhixin and others received the news that Zhangjia Village was attacked by bandits and bandits, and a villager was injured.

The thieves wounded a person, and seeing the militiamen quickly spread out the siege under the leadership of the Taoist, they fled without daring to grab anything.

When they found Zhangjia Village on the map, everyone frowned.

Zhangjia Village is not too far from Lin'an, and banditry has always been rare. According to Wu Youping's prediction, this is a low-risk area for banditry.

Lu Zhixin couldn't help asking: "Where did this bandit come from?"

Wu Youping stared at the map. Although he didn't answer, his expression was calm.

Lu Zhixin thought for a moment, and asked someone to fetch the land distribution record.

After looking at the copy in Zhangjiacun for a while, I handed the information to Lu Zhixin, and I started discussing with Wu Youping about the possibility of long-distance raids by bandits from other places.

Lu Zhixin looked at it for a while, then suddenly realized, and asked unhappily, "Could it be that Zhang Debiao's people deliberately retaliated?"

Other Taoists had gathered around to read the information. Zhang Debiao, the richest man in Zhangjiacun, was uprooted because of his blood debt.

The reason why the Zhang family dared to do things like this locally was because someone in his family was an official.

Knowing that Zhang Debiao's family had been arrested, the branch of the Zhang family in the neighboring government office even sent someone to mediate a while ago.

Even though the gift brought over there was ten boxes of silver taels, Zhang Yuqing did not accept the gift, but told the other party frankly that Zhang Debiao and other villains owed blood debts and had to pay with blood, and only those unrelated members of the Zhang family could be released.

However, the purpose of the other party's trip was to let Zhang Yuqing release Zhang Debiao and others. Seeing that Zhang Yuqing was not accommodating, and after all kinds of arguments were invalid, he left angrily.

Huang Zhou rose up against the case and said angrily: "It is said that the officials and bandits are a family. In addition to fighting bandits and bandits, we also have to fight the officials and bandits together!"

Lu Zhixin raised his head and said clearly, "Everyone sit down!"

In Lin'an, Zhang Yuqing is the head teacher of Taoism, and currently the second highest is Lu Liang's big disciple Lu Zhixin, who was ordered by Lu Zhixin, although Huangzhou was furious, he finally sat down.

Only then did Lu Zhixin say: "Bandits are just bandits. Whether they commit evil spontaneously or are hired by others, bandits will always act according to the pattern of bandits. We will continue to follow the pattern of fighting bandits, and we will always wipe out bandits completely." day."

After finishing speaking, Lu Zhixin looked at Huangzhou: "Silang, are we here for revenge, or to suppress bandits?"

Huang Zhou nodded with a gloomy face, "I understand that everything will be done with the suppression of the bandits as the top priority, and we must obey the suppression of the bandits."

Seeing that Huangzhou was so sensible, Lu Zhixin heaved a sigh of relief, and turned to everyone: "The head teacher Taoist said yesterday that we want us to mobilize the people.

Thinking back to the division of land this time, we eliminated the local tyrants and evil gentry and won over the common people.

Then the enemy has already started to do the opposite, attacking our Taoists. This is the struggle for dominance.That being the case, we will mobilize the people in the villages and towns where the five local tyrants and evil gentry are located.I believe that everyone hopes that their lives will be peaceful. "

Two days later, Zheng Qing dressed up as a shopkeeper and appeared outside Lijia Village pushing a cart.

Seeing the figure of a woman in the distance, the little leader next to him couldn't help but crane his neck to look.The impatient look made me stand on tiptoe to watch.

Zheng Qing shouted in a low voice: "Don't be so worthless, Mr. Zhang's family said that as long as we kill a village Taoist from the Changsheng sect, we will give us twenty copper coins. Twenty copper coins are enough to go to the brothel to sleep with as many women as possible."

Hearing this, the little boss nodded again and again, and finally returned to his proper appearance.

Zheng Qing first stopped at the entrance of the village, beat the tambourine, and shouted in the tone of a traveling merchant: "Look, look, floral cloth, needlework, whatever you want!"

Not long after, someone stopped in front of Zheng Qing's car and started asking for the price.

Zheng Qing first observed the villagers in the village.For selling things, let the little boss be responsible.

Although the little boss is lustful, he is also a caring person. He has to compare pennies and pennies with the villagers who buy things, and finally made a few deals.

When there were fewer people, Zheng Qing asked a middle-aged man next to him: "Brother, I heard that the village has divided the fields. Where does the village head live?"

The middle-aged man asked, "What are you looking for from the village chief?"

"If you have become the village chief, you must be rich. I want to go outside the village chief's door and yell a few times to see what the village chief's house has to buy."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man looked Zheng Qing up and down, "Are you a foreigner?"

"Yes, I came from the west."

The middle-aged man looked at Zheng Qing again, said "I don't know", got up and left.

Zheng Qing was stunned, not knowing what was going on with this middle-aged man.

Afterwards, I asked a few more people, and they all gave the same answer, 'I don't know'.

Zheng Qing felt that something was wrong, but he was not reconciled.Seeing a young man approaching, he stepped forward and asked the village chief where he lived with a smile.

The young man was enthusiastic. After hearing Zheng Qing's explanation, he took Zheng Qing to the door of a family in the village.Pointing to the door, he said, "The village chief lives here."

Zheng Qing hurriedly thanked them, and started selling them.

Not long after, the door opened, and a man came out and angrily cursed at Zheng Qing: "Do you know whose house this is? This is the village chief's house. Why are you shouting at noon! Don't you know you are asleep?"

Hearing the yelling, Zheng Qing was sure that she was right.

Quickly pretending to be submissive, he pushed the cart and left the village. After walking for five or six miles, seeing no one around, Zheng Qing took the little boss up the path and arrived at a small temple.

After a few whistles, several people came out from the small temple. They were all Zheng Qing's brothers. Zheng Qing said to the brothers, "I've already made the mark, and I'll go there in the evening!"

Hearing this, the thieves were all happy.

There is a reward for this robbery, and the reward will be given after killing someone. Even if you don't grab anything, you have already earned it.

The bandits set up secret whistles, and everyone else began to rest. It was just after noon, and the bandits hadn't eaten yet. When the autumn wind blew, they all retreated into the small dilapidated temple to take a nap.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly there was a shout of killing.

Zheng Qing got up in a jerk, and saw that although the temple gate was blocked with a broken door, the officers and soldiers turned in directly from outside the wall, and after landing, they swiftly raised their knives and pointed at the people in the temple.

Wherever Zheng Qing dared to move, his subordinates obediently raised their hands.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Qing and his group of seven mountain bandits were captured without a single soldier.

At the intersection leading to Xiuzhou, Fourth Master Li looked at the two remaining masters behind him, and couldn't help feeling sad.

Three days ago, Lin'an officers and soldiers suddenly launched an attack on Li Siye's cottage.

Different from the previous pattern of officers and soldiers lining up to attack in large groups, this army was actually divided into several small groups, approached quietly, and launched an attack suddenly.

Fourth Master Li felt that he was being cautious, and arranged people at every intersection, but two teams suddenly appeared next to the cottage, and beat off the gatekeepers with one pass.

As a last resort, Li Siye could only lead his subordinates to escape, while the officers and soldiers pursued him closely.In the blink of an eye, it was the third day, and all the forty or so subordinates were wiped out.

I and the second head and the third head of the family all relied on Youma to barely escape.

Fourth Master Li regretted it very much. At that time, he knew that the new head teacher Daozi was a powerful person, so he should have taken his brothers away immediately.

However, after listening to the brothers who were sent to Lin'an City tell about the recent prosperity of Lin'an, Fourth Master Li still became greedy.Thought there might be a chance to grab one.

Now, on the contrary, stealing chickens is not enough to lose money and break up the team.

But Fourth Master Li is also an old bandit for many years.

Concentrated, he said to his two subordinates: "Master Zhou Zhou from Xiuzhou is a good man, let's go to him."

Hearing that he wanted to go to Xiuzhou, the Second Master was really unwilling, and asked tentatively: "Brother, do you want to go to Fourth Master Liu to have a look?"

Fourth Master Li's face darkened, "Before we suffered from greed, but now we have lost all our brothers. Lin'an can't stay any longer, we have offended many people in Lin'an, now we are the only ones left, stay here, I don't know when I was killed by someone!"

After finishing speaking, he still hesitated while looking at the Second Master.Fourth Master Li asked coldly: "Why, second child, you don't want to leave?"

Hearing this, Er Dangjia quickly replied: "How come, I will follow wherever elder brother takes me."

Fourth Master Li didn't say much. He glanced back in the direction of his cottage, and then urged his tired horses to head north.

In Lin'an, good news came one after another.

Although Li Siye escaped, his subordinates were wiped out, and the other group of bandits was completely wiped out, and no one slipped through the net.

On the paper in front of Lu Zhixin, there are several current problems written.

At the top of the list is the issue of rural Taoists being attacked. Recently, another rural Taoist village was attacked and killed. Fortunately, in order to ensure their own safety, the attackers just shot arrows from a distance, missed their aim, and hit the target. The stockpile for making green fodder did not hurt anyone.

Just like that, the villages and towns who knew about this incident were greatly shaken.

Lu Zhixin has already confirmed that the attack on the village Taoist is definitely not the spontaneous behavior of bandits.

Even the main messenger behind it has been circled.

There is no love for no reason, and no hate for no reason.

This time the division of land destroyed so many gentry, there will always be someone who will find a way to retaliate.

After thinking for a while, Lu Zhixin wrote down his thoughts on solutions to the current problems.

Two days later, the Taoists returned to Lin'an with the bandits who had been tried in various villages.

The operation lasted for more than ten days, and more than 500 bandits and bandits from all walks of life were eliminated and captured.

At the summary meeting, Huangzhou said: "These people even have people from the village. They have colluded with bandits and bandits for many years to do evil. I think they are more hateful than bandits."

Lu Zhixin agreed, "The common people also hate these people to the bone. I hope we can put all these people in one pot."

Taoists agreed.

In the past, what everyone hated were corrupt officials, but now people find that what people hate more is the bad guys around them. As long as there is a chance to eliminate these people, they will not let them go.

After talking about his feelings, Lu Zhixin began to discuss formally: "This time there have been two cases of attacking Taoists in the village, both of which are hired murderers, which are extremely bad incidents."

The Taoists looked serious.Everyone interrogated the captured bandits, and two groups of bandits did this kind of thing.And the people who sent them here were all from Xiuzhou in the north.


Zhuang Jiaxiong and his team headed south after leaving Lin'an.

If possible, Zhuang Jiaxiong would like to go to the village where Han Haitao lives, and he also misses Li Zhengqing, the captain of the militia in the village.

However, the lottery system was adopted for the sampling survey this time. In the end, everyone was drawn to a village that they had never been to before, and the same was true for Zhuang Jiaxiong.

In the snow-covered winter, even if you know the direction, you can feel very limited changes in the environment.A group of people arrived at the destination and started working immediately.

The village head gave Zhuang Jiaxiong the list of people who participated in sewing clothes, and Zhuang Jiaxiong's team followed the workflow and visited each household in person.

"You said that the fastest sewer in the village is a man?" Zhuang Jiaxiong was surprised but at the same time felt that there was no problem, because most of the tailors were men.

"That's right, Brother Song even made a piece of wood for us to sew collar stamps on." The family member who was questioned took out a piece of wood, which had many small holes punched on it, and the inner and outer pieces could be joined together. Combination tools.

Zhuang Jiaxiong learned how to use the needle to thread the thread on both sides from the owner of the house. Even Zhuang Jiaxiong, who has no sewing experience, can use the double-sided stitch clumsily.

I probably sewed a side, took off the collar patch sandwiched in the wood chips, tightened the two loose threads, and hammered it with a small wooden hammer a few times, and one thread seemed to be finished in a decent way.

"Brother Song is amazing." Zhuang Jiaxiong praised.

"That's not what happened!" The family also followed suit.After talking for a while, this man suddenly lowered his voice and asked, "Brother Taoist, I heard that other villages give a catty of grain for ten collar badges. Is it true?"

Zhuang Jiaxiong wanted to chat for a few more words and ask if there was any food withholding, but he didn't expect to hear such a rumor, and his expression changed at that time: "Who did you hear from?"

Seeing Zhuang Jiaxiong's uneasy expression, the male owner of this family hurriedly explained: "This Taoist, our village says that [-] people give a catty of grain. In other villages, some say [-], and some say [-]." , and there are ten. I just asked."

Zhuang Jiaxiong and the other two Taoists looked at each other, everyone was surprised.

Originally, the purpose of the spot check was to see if there were any people withholding food. Unexpectedly, things in the village were much more troublesome than imagined.

But thinking about it again, I don't think it's strange. It would be strange if there were no rumors about the work being contracted by the Longevity Sect.

After sorting out his mood, Zhuang Jiaxiong asked: "Is the person who said this the person who sewed the collar badge himself?"

The host thought for a while, and suddenly showed a look of enlightenment, "It's really true what the Taoist said, it's all said by people who come to visit, and those who work either don't say it, or they say the same thing as the government said. , all twenty pieces of grain per catty."

Just as the voice fell, suddenly there were footsteps outside.

The village militia captain rushed into the house and shouted at Zhuang Jiaxiong and others: "There are bandits coming to the village!"

(End of this chapter)

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