Chapter 106

Military system training is a huge process. Zhang Yuqing has been preparing for it in the past, and it cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

In the afternoon, the Taoist came to report, "Huangzhou asks to see the Taoist master."

After seeing Zhang Yuqing, Huangzhou made it clear what he wanted to say, "Headmaster Taoist, I'm here to apply for education funding."

"Have you completed the investigation on the education situation in Lin'an?" Zhang Yuqing praised.

Huangzhou told Zhang Yuqing about the education situation in Lin'an area.

Now Lin'an public school system, there are two public county schools, private schools run a few private schools, the private school teachers are no more than three, but to teach people how to read.

"I went to those private schools and asked the teachers of the private schools what they think of the textbooks I assigned. More than half of the people have only heard of them, but have not read them. All these private schools must be included in the education system, and unified textbooks must be used."

Huangzhou handed Zhang Yuqing a report. In the report, according to the compulsory education policy, Huangzhou decided to establish at least 2 primary schools, 4 senior primary schools, Plans for three secondary schools.

Zhang Yuqing has already ordered a statistics on the current situation in Lin'an, and most of what Huangzhou said is based on the content of the report.

I just didn't expect Huangzhou to go to the private school to investigate in person.

Seeing that Zhang Yuqing was silent, Huang Zhou asked, "Can you allocate money to teach Taoism?"

Zhang Yu counted the number of primary schools and senior primary schools in the report, "Merge the courses of primary schools and senior primary schools together, and establish vocational schools that are parallel to secondary schools. Vocational schools can be regarded as apprenticeship schools, and students are taught from the time they are in school. A variety of vocational training, providing internship opportunities."

After discussing with Zhang Yuqing, Huangzhou and Zhang Yuqing decided that it was feasible.

Huangzhou had guessed for a long time that the education in Lin'an would not be satisfactory, and the field investigation in Lin'an was not as bad as he thought before.

Now that I have Zhang Yuqing's full support, I will leave.

"Don't worry." Zhang Yuqing stopped Huangzhou. "We are talking about school-age education now. I don't know if you have any suggestions for adult literacy education."

Huang Zhou sat back on the stool, thought for a moment before answering: "The adults who work in the factory will receive education, and that will be after the establishment of the school education system."

Zhang Yuqing shook his head again and again, "I'm not referring to youth education, I'm talking about universal literacy. The school-age population must receive school education. Apart from school-age education, both men and women must receive literacy education. The goal is that everyone can recognize 300 to 500 words. It is best to learn addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and memorize the nine-nine multiplication table. It is only at the level of the second grade of elementary school."

Seeing that Huangzhou frowned and said nothing, Zhang Yuqing continued: "If you want the entire Song Dynasty to be industrialized, you must make all the people in the Song Dynasty non-literate. If you want to promote industry in Lin'an, there are generally people who are at the level of the second grade of elementary school." The level of education is not high."

This request was completely beyond Huangzhou's expectations.

Hearing Zhang Yuqing's words, Huangzhou did not answer immediately, and thought for a while before answering: "Teacher Taoist, to be honest, I have tried my best to cut down all unnecessary expenses when I made the budget, but I think it may not be necessary for Master Taoist I can agree.

Regarding the literacy of the whole people, I admire Zhangjiao Daozi's ambition very much, but if you talk about it, Lin'an is really not a rich place. Is it true that Zhangjiao Daozi really has so much taxation for the literacy of the whole people? "

Zhang Yuqing found a plan and handed it to Huangzhou.

Huangzhou only read the first two and praised: "If you can write your name, place of origin, home address, and family name, you will be given two catties of grain. This method is wonderful! Is it just that there is so much grain?"

Zhang Yuqing smiled slightly. Since Huangzhou made it clear, he replied, "The land in Lin'an is fertile. As long as it is well managed, there is no shortage of food."

Huang Zhou frowned slightly upon hearing this.

He knows very well that learning is not the accumulation of the number of words to be recognized. Even if he is forced to memorize words in a short period of time for profit, it will be useless without long-term application.

However, the content behind the plan attracted Huangzhou's attention.

From family events to street games, from women's unions to job placement classes.Elimination of illiteracy is not carried out in the form of official orders, but is carried out by organizing various activities and providing rewards.

After reading the plan, Huangzhou thought about it.

In his eyes, these methods were really eager for quick success, but Huang Zhou didn't want to ask questions.

In a dilemma, Huangzhou handed back the plan to Zhang Yuqing, "The Taoist Master's efforts for the country and the people are admirable, but I don't know how to implement the Taoist Master's plan, please ask the Taoist Master to ask for another wise man. If I need to do something during execution, I will definitely do my best.”

Zhang Yuqing didn't force it. Huangzhou is an excellent educator. Faced with problems he couldn't solve, he decisively chose to quit instead of taking credit for his position. His character is very good.

But literacy at the social level is no longer the scope of school education.If Huangzhou cannot be counted on, from an organizational point of view, the most suitable candidate should be the current mayor of Lin'an.

There is a vacancy for the mayor of Lin'an, and Cai Mao, the acting mayor of Lin'an, should take up the job. Zhang Yuqing is inevitably a little worried about Cai Mao.

After Huangzhou left, Zhang Yuqing considered whether to preside over the matter himself. Looking at the military training materials spread out on the table, Zhang Yuqing hesitated.

At this moment, the Taoist came in, "Headmaster Taoist, Wu Youping's family is asking to see him."

Zhang Yuqing was a little surprised, "Wu Youping's family?"

"He said so himself. Someone has already invited Wu Youping."

According to information, Wu Youping is from Chenzhou Prefecture, Henan Province, and his family is a gentry in the Luyi area.

When seeing Wu Youping's family members, Zhang Yuqing started the routine.

The other party and Wu Youping are of the same family, but they are long-term workers of the Wu family. This time, they came here with the intention of Wu Youping's parents to let Wu Youping go home to marry. Being able to accommodate, so that Wu Youping can go back and get married.

Facing Zhang Yuqing, the servants of the Wu family were both flattering and wary.

Zhang Yuqing waited until Wu Youping appeared, then left.

Wu Youping said a few words with the visitor, but after learning about his intentions, he immediately put on a straight face. He called Lu Zhixin, gave Lu Zhixin his eyes, and left as well, saying that he needed training.

Lu Zhixin understood, first settled him in the army guest house, and then invited him to dinner.

At 9:[-] in the evening, the lights out signal sounded.Wu Youping didn't go to see the servants of the Wu family, but went straight back to the dormitory.

In the dormitory, Lu Zhixin noticed that Wu Youping was a little unhappy, and sighed: "I also think that there are too many training subjects. Should we think of a way to adopt different training focuses for different people."

Huangzhou disagreed, "Where is there so much energy to manage these things, don't care about those who can complete it, what we want is that everyone can pass the level."

"It's a waste of time. Some people are just stupid. Is there any way?"

"If we don't understand, we can ask the head teacher."

Lu Zhixin was a little hesitant, "But the head teacher is too busy, we can't ask everything, right?"

Huangzhou thought Lu Zhixin's worry was ridiculous, "What is the head teacher busy with? Isn't he just busy training the troops!"

Hearing their conversation had nothing to do with his own concerns, Wu Youping felt even more irritable, tossing and turning on the bed, but couldn't fall asleep.

The arrival of the servants of the Wu family made him a little homesick. What Wu Youping missed most was his mother, but his mother's face switched between kindness and fierceness, which made Wu Youping feel very uncomfortable.

When he was ten years old, Wu Youping saw his mother for the first time and said to his father: "The land must be collected. If we don't, where will we put our faces?"

The father sighed, "It's also our uncle's land, should we take a look again?"

"It's useless to look at it. They have ruined their house. Buy their land now, and they will still have land to rent in the future. If we don't buy it, they will only ruin the land!"

Father just sighed, but did not refute.

Two days later, Wu Youping's best playmate in the private school, that is, Wu Youping's cousin, rushed to Wu Youping, pointed at Wu Youping and yelled: "The Ye family is not a good guy!"

After speaking, the cousin turned and left.

The cousin never went to the private school again, and Wu Youping lost his best friend ever since.

When Wu Youping was 12 years old, he woke up early in the morning and heard noise and crying outside. He ran out to watch the fun, and saw two hanged people hanging on the tree in front of his house.

The long-term workers of the Xu family wanted to untie the man and move him away. The family members of the deceased cried and cursed, not allowing the Xu family to untie the rope.

That was the first time Wu Youping saw someone hanged to death.

After that, Wu Youping was depressed for a long time, and then he simply focused on his studies. Through a lot of reading, Wu Youping saw a wider world and space, which made him more and more disapproved of his family.

According to historical records, someone ate a good horse from Qin Mugong. Qin Mugong said, "A gentleman does not use animals to harm people. I have heard that people who eat horse meat and do not drink alcohol will hurt people." 'It's the wine to drink.

This is why Wu Youping chose to leave home regardless of his parents' obstruction.

But today, when he heard that his family members were going to arrange a marriage for him, Wu Youping didn't want to get married at all.

I also thought that my parents would probably give me a woman who was similar to my mother, and I felt even more unacceptable.

It's just that Wu Youping feels that his decision will bring a big blow to his parents, and he feels a little depressed.

Just thinking wildly like this, Wu Youping fell asleep at some point.

Early the next morning, before the wake-up call sounded, Wu Youping opened the door and came in, handing Lu Zhixin a letter, "I wrote a letter, please give it to my family for me, I will go to training later."

After receiving the letter from Wu Youping, Lu Zhixin guessed the content without reading it, and said with a smile: "During the service period, Taoist priests must obtain the consent of the sect to get married. This rule set by the Taoist priest, do you think that other than you, other Can people really accept it?"

Wu Youping was serious, "I don't know what others think, but I firmly support it anyway."

At noon, Lu Zhixin went to the guest house where the servants of the Wu family lived.

As soon as he saw the servant of the Wu family, Lu Zhixin got angry and handed him the letter.

The servant of the Wu family was surprised after watching it, and he begged, "Can you let me see the young master?"

Lu Zhixin said with a straight face: "Wu Youping's thoughts are all written in the letter. Go back and tell Master Wu. Comrade Wu Youping has joined our Longevity Sect. There are regulations in the Longevity Sect that prohibit arranged marriages."

The servant of the Wu family was frightened, but thinking of the hard work of the journey and the scolding he would suffer when he returned, he tried to make the last effort, pleading: "My young master must be playing with a childish temper, the master is looking for someone for the young master You are a lady, well-connected, and know the basics. Please help persuade my young master. Otherwise, after I go back, the master will have to ask me to send the young lady over again."

Lu Zhixin sneered, "Go back and tell Mr. Wu that since the other party is in the right family and knows everything, he is a good friend for life. Please, Mr. Wu, resign this marriage immediately, and don't delay your friend's daughter. I assure you, even if Mr. Wu Send the girl here, and the sender will not be able to enter Lin'an City!"

"This..." The servant of the Wu family was disappointed.

"Come on, send him away!"

After speaking, Lu Zhixin turned around and left, leaving the desperate servant of the Wu family behind.

Soon, Lu Zhixin sat in front of Zhang Yuqing and told Zhang Yuqing the content of Wu Youping's letter.

Zhang Yuqing smiled, "Lu Zhixin, besides arranged marriages, what other vulgar customs do you think?"

"Binding feet is a bad habit, and now everyone is against it."

Zhang Yuqing nodded, "Then do you think women need to be liberated?"

"Women's liberation?" Lu Zhixin couldn't understand the meaning of this word for a moment.

"Women's liberation is to give women the opportunity to work and find employment, so that they can support themselves without depending on anyone."

"This... can it be done?" Lu Zhixin was a little shocked.

"Let's not discuss whether it can be done, what do you think?"

Lu Zhixin couldn't help frowning, and thought for a while before answering: "Teacher Taoist, I think if we really want to do this, there will be many problems, and if we work hard to reach the end..."

"Last what?"

"In the end, I'm afraid women won't appreciate it"

Zhang Yuqing stared into Lu Zhixin's eyes, "Why do you want women to appreciate you?"

Lu Zhixin's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, but he couldn't speak.

Looking at Lu Zhixin's shocked appearance, Zhang Yuqing felt more deeply the huge gap between himself and this era.This gap is not knowledge and insight, but a gap in worldview caused by the huge productivity gap between the 21st century and the Song Dynasty.

Zhang Yuqing stood up, "The liberation of women in the Song Dynasty must be based on the liberation provided by the social system, not on the basis of personal goodwill or so-called public opinion."

Lu Zhixin nodded half-understood.


In the early morning, Lin'an City was still immersed in the faint morning light, and the sound of the wake-up call woke the Taoist from his deep sleep.

In a very short period of time, they were awakened quickly, got up, dressed, and assembled in the playground quickly.

The Taoists lined up in brigades, district teams, sub-teams, and small queues, and the selected ones shouted loudly: "Report the number."

The number of people on duty was determined, and the Taoist leader on duty immediately applied for instructions. After getting permission, the troops began to run.

(End of this chapter)

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