Chapter 103 Construction
Immediately after the announcement of academic awards, recruitment information for lumber mills, mines, and iron foundries was also posted.

Take care of clothes, meals, meat, money distribution, weddings and funerals.

It can be said that although the big guys have not yet become workers.

But just looking at the treatment of formal workers makes the common people salivate.

Everyone dreams of being the first factory workers.

But everyone knows that it is impossible for everyone to be qualified to enter the factory. A factory is the same as a handicraft workshop, and there is a limit to the number of people it can recruit.

Now the number of people living here has exceeded the upper limit of [-], and many people who have heard of the existence of this place are still migrating here with their families.

If the factory is officially recruited after the completion of the factory, no one dares to guarantee that they will be selected.

Moreover, there is still a gap between factories and factories.

For example, the treatment of the foundry is much better than that of the logging factory, and the treatment of the carbon dioxide field is even better.

But compared to the intensity of work, the coal plant is undoubtedly much harder.

Therefore, a compromise was chosen, and many people set their goals on the foundry.

However, the foundry has a limited number of places, and it is said that it will only recruit 200 people at most. For this reason, everyone is trying their best to compete for a foundry place.

Right now, the Xianjiao actually said that as long as they participated in the construction of the factory, they would be given priority in hiring. Naturally, they scrambled to sign up.

After all, during this period of time, Xianjiao has left everyone with the impression that they will do what they say.

It is said that you will be given as much food as you can sing a teaching song, and you have never been deducted.

Anyone who knows a few more words can get a catty more white flour than others, and it is also done.

Everyone is well-known for the reputation of the Longevity Sect, and they know that as long as the Immortal Sect makes this promise, it will definitely be fulfilled in the future.

Immediately, I didn't care how difficult it was to build a factory, as long as I met the requirements, I signed up.

For a while, Lu Liang even began to worry about how to formulate standards for recruiting workers.

Qiao Er is an ordinary citizen of the Song Dynasty, without the rich and legendary experience of Xiao Wu and Lao Qi.

Before coming to Xinhang Mine, he was just an ordinary farmer in the countryside.

If there is anything special about it compared to other farmers, it is that Qiao Er can recognize a few characters, and can do arithmetic, and the calculation is very fast, fast and good.

Unlike Xiao Wu and Lao Qi, Qiao Er has never had any lofty ambitions, let alone thinking about the bad Song Dynasty and wanting to overthrow this decadent feudal regime.

In his opinion, these thieves who are clamoring for rebellion all day long are completely dangerous elements.

However, this thinking has changed in recent times.

Qiao Er's ideal when he was a child was to be able to work as an accountant in Lin'an City like his clan brothers, or watch a few coolies on the pier calculate their wages for them.

So he worked very hard on documents and Mandarin.

It's a pity that good luck tricked people, Qiao Er didn't get out of the village when he lived to be 42 years old, and the gentlemen in Lin'an City looked down on him, a country guy who didn't have much experience and only relied on his talent to make a living.

I don't think he is fundamentally different from those rogues in Lin'an City.

But after entering Xinhang Mine, Qiao Er's experience made him one of the most outstanding students in the literacy class.

And because he knows a lot of characters, he is very popular with the fat teacher in the class who always smiles a little honestly.

In order to stimulate the big guy's enthusiasm for learning, the chubby teacher also specially issued an after-school task to Qiao Er.

Let him tell the big guys some books to listen to.

Naturally, it is not about the Four Books and Five Classics, but stories like various folk anecdotes.

At first, Qiao Er warned himself not to be a thief.

As a person who can barely understand a few words, Qiao Er understands it very clearly.

The essence of the Longevity Sect is to rebel, and these Taoists will raise their arms in the future, and they will coerce the big guys into Tokyo and seize the throne.

At that time, these common people will be thieves and will be implicated in the nine clans.

I was forced to relocate here just to survive.

If it weren't for the fear of the power of the nagging immortal, Qiao Er would have long since fled to Lin'an City to find someone to expose this bandit den.

But what he didn't know was that under Zhang Yuqing's operation, the Governor of Lin'an Mansion had been replaced by the Governor of Cai Mao, who was extremely devout to the Longevity Sect.

Bao Xiren has officially assumed the post of Governor of Kaifeng.

And also formally sent a post to the Longevity Sect who stayed in Xishan asking to see Daozi, hoping to meet Zhang Yuqing and have a good discussion.

However, Zhang Yuqing was busy with external activities and had no time to pay attention to him. He had replied to Bao Xiren's post three times.

Under the influence of the permeation of the Longevity Sect, officials at important points around Lin'an Prefecture are gradually being replaced by officials with firm beliefs.

This is also one of the reasons why Zhang Yuqing came here to preside over the work in person.

Lin'an Mansion will become an important core area of ​​the Longevity Sect in the future.

Under such circumstances, if Qiao Er went to file a complaint, he would be arrested and put in prison immediately.

In fact, during this period of time, Cai Mao has caught many people who have heard and seen the strange behavior of the Longevity Sect.

However, Cai Mao, as one of the first batch of officials who took full refuge in the Longevity Sect, faithfully carried out Zhang Yuqing's decree, and took care of these people firmly.

Nor abuse them, nor let them go.

Just tell them that the government attaches great importance to this matter now, and is conducting a secret investigation. In order to protect them, the people, they are temporarily detained for a while.

They will not be released until the truth of the matter is clear.

Of course, as for when the truth will come out, it depends on how long the Longevity Sect can infiltrate the people of the whole government.

After this group of people are released, they will find out that the entire Lin'an Mansion only knows that there are immortals but not Zhao Zhen.

Qiao Er didn't know all of this, but his natural prudence prevented him from telling the truth, so he just stayed in the Xinhang mine every day and lived a life of farming, building, reading, and eating.

But later, Qiao Er gradually became really fragrant.

There is food and housing here, and the food is better than that of Lin'an Prefecture Yin. Moreover, the priests of the Longevity Sect also believed in their promises and signed the land deed issued to Qiao Er with their own hands.

For Qiao Er, whose house and fields were all destroyed by the flood, it was like changing from a poor man to a bourgeoisie with property. At that moment, his waist became straight for a long time, and he felt stronger when he walked and ate. It is also more fragrant.

Now it's the spring plowing period, and I walk a few miles beautifully every day to cultivate the fairy seeds sent by the fairy sect, looking forward to the day when every mu will produce a thousand catties in the future.

In the evening, as long as you help the priests build houses together, you can get a free bowl of rice porridge to fill your stomach.

Not to mention how happy it is.

What's more, these houses will be allocated to them for their own living and use free of charge in the future.

It is equivalent to saying that they are basically building their own houses now, and the Immortal Sect has to pay them food as a reward.

Is there anything better in this world than this?
Qiao Er didn't know.

He only knew that when it was his family's turn to go out to help the court, the court would not only provide salary, but even dry food had to be prepared by himself, and no one would care about you if you died of starvation.

Now I build a house for myself, and the Immortal Sect also takes care of your food, and provides you with a Datong bunk for 50 people to live at night.

Qiao Er is not a fool, he has already figured out which is more important, the imperial court or the immortal sect.

The idea of ​​snitching had long been extinguished.

He even wondered if he could be a corporal leader when the Xianjiao Daozi recruited soldiers in the future.

After all, I have more literacy, and I know how to count!
Among other things, he has memorized everything from one to five fluently, and he will definitely not miss or overcount the soldiers under his command.


On this day, Qiao Er was still spitting and telling stories about ghosts and ghosts to the crowd. When they reached the exciting point, everyone burst into applause, and even some common people who had nothing to do to watch after other literacy classes also echoed and applauded.

At this time, Xiao Wu came over with a hoe on his shoulder.

After joining the Longevity Sect, Xiao Wu, a group of soldiers, was absorbed into the literacy class to teach the common people some skills such as military boxing because of their past experience.

According to Zhang Yuqing, it is to strengthen the body, and I don't expect to rely on them to fight anyway.

If there is a real confrontation in the future, there will naturally be official guards to go up, and there is no need to rely on them.

But now the people's spare time life is too scarce, people are prone to accidents when they are idle, and they are all busy, just don't be idle.

Xiao Wu and the others were dissatisfied, but they were all knocked down by Lu Liang, an old man, and they lost their voice in an instant.

The Taoist priests of the Immortal Sect seem to be all powerful, and the martial arts they are proficient in are completely insignificant in front of the Taoist priests.

It's no wonder that His Highness Daozi didn't agree with their proposal to transfer soldiers to practice day and night.

I had no choice but to obediently join the literacy edition like ordinary people, and worked hard to learn simplified characters and basic mathematics. After class, I taught some interested civilians military boxing.

Xiao Wu stood up his hoe and said, "Qiao Er, your luck has come, the head teacher wants to see you."

Qiao Er had heard about such a fierce person as Xiao Wu, and he didn't dare to offend Xiao Wu, so he quickly stood up and asked, "Fifth Master, do you know why His Highness called the grassroots?"

"How do I know Daozi's thoughts?"

Xiao Wu shook his head, "Also, don't call me Wuye anymore, just call me Yang Wulang, didn't the literacy class tell you that all people are born equal, there is no distinction between high and low, only immortals? Do you understand?"

"I know, I know!"

Xiao Wu nodded repeatedly, bid farewell to the half-heard story, and walked towards the Taoist temple.

As soon as Qiao Er arrived, he saw many men working together to unload goods from the two-horse-drawn cart.

Seeing Qiao Er coming, Zhang Yuqing beckoned and said, "Come here and see how the rice noodles look."

Qiao Er heard the words and hurried forward.

He casually picked up some rice noodles and licked them on the tip of his tongue, then said, "It's much finer than the ones on the market!"

Following the rice noodle question, Zhang Yuqing casually taught Qiao Er a few math problems.

For example, a rice warehouse has a volume of nine stones. A puts ten buckets of rice every day, Zhang San steals three buckets of rice every day, and Shuo Shu eats five taels of rice every day. How many days will it take to fill the rice warehouse...

Qiao Erjun gave the answer in the blink of an eye, and it was accurate.

Zhang Yuqing said with a smile: "I heard people say that you are proficient in arithmetic, it seems that it is true."

"His Royal Highness Daozi praised the prize, the grass-roots people just know some accounting documents, they are all small tricks..."

What Qiao Er said was the truth.

In his opinion, Dao is naturally reading the sages of Confucius and Mencius, and secondly, being able to work as an accountant in Lin'an like a clan brother.

Someone like myself who can only do calculations is a small path among small paths, almost like a craftsman.

But Zhang Yuqing laughed loudly: "You must not be too modest, in my opinion, you are more useful than ten Confucian scholars!"

Zhang Yuqing wants to set up a factory, even the simplest logging camp, without a managerial talent like a professional manager.

The general direction of the factory is of course taken care of by Zhang Yuqing, but all the odds and ends need someone to take care of them.

Lu Liang is a reassuring candidate, but he is old after all, and Zhang Yuqing also has more secret things to do.

So after all, this Qiao Er is the most suitable.

Zhang Yuqing had asked Lu Liang to secretly observe Qiao Er's words and deeds, and found that he was the fastest learning progress in the literacy class among all the people.

Although only some simplified Chinese characters are taught in the literacy class, the scope actually involved is more complicated.

It involves reform at many ideological levels, such as instilling some ideas of equality and class.

Those who can quickly achieve these transformations must be those who naturally agree with the teachings of the Longevity Sect.

At this moment, Zhang Yuqing closed her eyes intently, and looked over Qiao Er's head.

I feel that his belief value has already crossed the line, which is about between fanatics and Luliang.

Anyone who can reach the level of a fanatic is basically not afraid of betraying him.

Good political consciousness, passed the political review.

So after Zhang Yuqing personally tested his arithmetic ability, he was officially promoted to the deputy manager of the factory.

Qiao Er was overjoyed. Although he didn't understand what the title of the deputy manager was, he hurriedly kowtowed to thank him and went home happily.


"Let's distribute all these grains, as long as the common people can speak some Kaifeng mandarin fluently, they can all receive a catty of rice and noodles.

If you can write your own name and sing the teaching song, you can get a couple of oil and a foot of cloth. "

This time, Zhang Yuqing completely moved all the food from the Eastern Wilderness Cultivation Realm to the Xinhang Mine, and planned to distribute these things to the people.

Although there are not many things, Zhang Yuqing plans to distribute them every week, and it won't cost much anyway.

As long as the assessment standard is raised a little each time, it can motivate everyone to study, and it will be profitable for Zhang Yuqing.

In this era of poor non-staple food, even women and children have to eat at least one catty of grain every day.

Two catties of grain per week is not enough to support lazy people, but it can buy people's hearts.

At least no one complains about learning cultural knowledge anymore.

In many cases, it's not that we don't like learning, but that learning is useless.

If learning is the same as playing games, every time you read an ancient poem, you can get EQ +1, and every time you do a math problem, you can get intelligence +1.

If you study for [-] hours, you will be a fledgling student, and if you study for [-] hours, you will be awarded a Bachelor of Achievement.

If there is such a setting in this world, there will definitely be many more Xueba Gandi.

(End of this chapter)

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