Rebirth 2010: I add some points to be a boss

Chapter 463 The future has arrived!The most powerful bionic robot has the possibility to change the

Chapter 463 The future has arrived!The most powerful bionic robot has the possibility to change the world!
"On July 7, Shanhai Robot will hold a new product launch conference at the Shanghai Convention Center."

"The future has arrived! The most powerful bionic robots: Candy and Cherry, the price has not been announced yet."

"The CEO of Hong Kong Island Senhan Robot was interviewed, has received the invitation letter for the press conference, and decided to attend the event."

"Customized appearance, voice interaction? It can coax people, and it has emotional awareness. Do you want to own one?"

For a time, the topic of bionic robots continued to rise on Weibo, Facebook, Instagram and Douyin.

Just insert a few concept pictures released by the official website and add the background music of "My Robot Girlfriend", and you can easily get thousands or tens of thousands of views.

The blogger seems to have found a traffic growth point and is desperately posting videos to build momentum for the launch of the bionic robot!

Netizens from Dahua District, Neon and Korea were completely on fire.

"Can it be commercialized in five years? I mean, can I buy one as my wife? Chigua.jpg"

"Brother upstairs, Moss Mall has prepared the links. Do you think it can be commercialized?"

"I have a friend who wants to know, is it realistic?"

"Nani! I love you, I love you. I'm going to China to get the starting lineup!"

"Axi, are Sanxing and LG useless? Why are all new technologies born in Dahua?"

The reason why everyone is so excited is because the bionic robot in the concept map looks so lifelike that it is difficult to distinguish it with the naked eye.

Judging from the description on the product page, Candy's basic skin color, hair color, eyes, nose and mouth all support personalized customization services.

In addition, the bionic robot can also activate hundreds of skills such as cooking, driving, foreign language training, music, swimming, etc., and switch between hundreds of career modes.

As long as you are willing to spend money, you can fulfill all the fantasies of otakus!

Chen Heyu stayed in his hometown in Chunshen for a week, and then set off back to Shanghai.

Coinciding with the graduation season, the recruitment positions of Shanhai Agricultural Plant Company instantly became popular, with hundreds of students from 40 agricultural universities across the country vying for a position.

After all, Shanhai Group's high starting salary, good benefits, and corporate pension are beyond the reach of other competing companies.

After studying hard for more than ten years in Hanchuang, who doesn’t want to make a little more money?

The preliminary land assessment was all handed over to Lu Wenbin for coordination. I believe that with Mr. Ge’s cooperation, the work will be carried out in an orderly manner.

First, select land suitable for growing vegetables and conduct a soil assessment to understand factors such as fertility, drainage, and pH.

Then, based on the planting needs and feasibility study, the planning and design plan of the planting base is formulated, including determining the size, layout, and location and number of facilities such as roads, irrigation systems, greenhouses or greenhouses of the planting area.

Secondly, carry out land consolidation and preparation processes, including weeding, plowing, fertilizing, leveling the land, etc.

Third, build necessary infrastructure and supporting industrial chains, such as breeding bases and agricultural machinery and equipment factories, as well as irrigation systems, greenhouses or greenhouses, drainage systems, roads, storage facilities, etc.

Finally, consider the rational use of scientific and technological means and modern agricultural technology to improve the efficiency and quality of fruit and vegetable planting.

As soon as the plane landed, calls from Wang Yiming and Wang Shicong came in one after another, with only one core purpose: to get Candy and Cherry in advance, so as to plan a special program and attract a wave of traffic.

Naturally, Chen Heyu would not refuse this small request, and the video content of the two of them could also help Shanhai Robot increase its exposure.

So, he ordered Chen Senle to send two Candy bionic robots to each of them.

Wang Yiming started a live broadcast that night, showing off the new toys.

The live broadcast room that usually has 500 million people, today was squeezed in with more than 1000 million people, and the dense barrage was dazzling.

Previously, Ma Gan was always able to get Shanhai Group's first products as soon as possible, faster than some entrepreneurs and second-generation rich people. While commentators lamented his incredible strength, they also speculated on his true identity. .

"Brother Ming 666, I finally saw Candy in person. Are you sure it's not a cospaly?"

"Laobai Review, Tech Geek, and Geek Pioneer, these big Vs with 2000 million fans are not qualified. Oh my God, Brother Ming's connections are so incredible!"

"Haha, you all guessed wrong. It's not Brother Ming who is awesome, but his classmate who is awesome."

"Tell me the details upstairs! I feel so itchy, stepfather, please tell me quickly."

Wang Yiming glanced at the barrage, smiled slightly, and did not explain too much.

He then moved the camera to the bionic robot and introduced Candy's hardware configuration and software system in detail.

"Brothers, my model is a high-end version. The main body is made of aviation aluminum alloy. The skin is made of a two-dimensional elastic graphene-based composite material. The outermost layer is wrapped with a layer of bionic silicone. It has excellent elasticity and texture. No different than a real person.”

"Don't believe it? Let me touch it. Do you see it? QQ pops it!"

Wang Yiming smiled, and pinched Candy's face. It was silky and soft, so tender that it seemed like you could squeeze water out of it.

"Brother Ming, why doesn't she move?"

"I'm very disappointed. It's probably another product that's selling itself off like a sheep. I admit that Shanhai Group's simulation technology is very strong, but Candy most likely just installs a control system in the silicone doll."

Wang Yiming curled his lips and said with a smile: "This bionic robot was given to me by a friend, but there is a prerequisite. I must wait until the new product launch conference is over tomorrow before I can activate it."

From a friend?

Water friends immediately thought that the person with the authority to make decisions was either the management of Shanhai Robot or the founder of Shanhai Group - Chen Heyu!

Could it be that Brother Ming is a friend of the richest man in Greater China?
"Candy's basic functions include independent walking, running, putting on and taking off clothes, and real-time voice communication. Additional housework, elderly care, and sports skills require a paid model."

Wang Yiming smiled and talked eloquently.

Candy in the live broadcast is 1.6 meters tall, with chestnut-colored hair, bright eyes, white teeth, a tall nose, and light cherry-pink lips, like crystal clear jelly, which makes people want to take a bite.

Wearing a tight-fitting blue leather jacket, her exquisite, tall and straight body is clearly visible. Her skin is as fair as jade, and under the light, it has a faint moist color.

"Licking the screen, it is indeed a high-end version!"

"Let me buy one. Even if I can only live in a villa and drive a Mercedes for the rest of my life, I am willing."

"Good guy, you are not willing to take any losses!"

Wang Yiming looked at the live broadcast room and saw that the popularity had soared to 5000 million, ranking No. 1 on the Douyin hot search list.

"When the popularity of the live broadcast room exceeds [-] million, I will send out a lucky bag. Guess what's inside?"

Wang Yiming faced the camera and said with a grin.

"Pretending to be a giant monkey?"

"Brother Ming is so generous that he actually takes a bionic robot as a prize!"

"Father, I have never asked for help from anyone in my life. You know that I have lacked father's love since I was a child!"

"My address is: Room 128, Building 16, No. 2702 Huayuan Street, Luzhou, Dahua District. Arrange delivery as soon as possible. Don't force labor and management to slap you!"

"What are you doing standing there in a daze! Forward it to your friends to increase the popularity!"

When the friends heard about the lottery and the prize was a bionic robot, they immediately became crazy.

They were forwarded to TT groups, WeChat groups and BBS forums one after another, and even the words 'loving each other and being a family' were not spared.

A group of aunts and uncles aged between 60 and [-] years old were stunned when their children called out to them, holding their mobile phones to pay attention to Wang Yiming.

It was not until 22:[-] in the middle of the night that it finally reached [-] million views.

"Brothers, give me a little free tip, the lottery will start soon, everyone is ready!"

"The high-end version of Candy is the only one available!"

Wang Yiming said and operated.

Suddenly, a red envelope-style floating window appeared in the center of the screen.

The number of people participating in the lottery increased rapidly, from 0 to 78, 1869, to 230062, 6780046 in just a few dozen seconds. When the countdown ended, the total number of people participating in the lottery was as high as 1780 million.

"The lottery is about to be drawn next!"

Wang Yiming said with a smile.

Friends in front of the mobile phone screen immediately held their breath, waiting for the red envelope to be opened.

The minimum price of a high-end version of the bionic robot will probably not be less than 30 Chinese dollars.You know, a 'Black Turtle-Dark Warrior' civilian power armor still costs 30 Chinese dollars. It is common sense to make the Candy bionic man, which is more difficult to manufacture and has a higher technological content, even if the price doubles.

If you don't use it yourself and sell it, you can definitely exchange it for a two-bedroom apartment in a second- or third-tier city.

It is simply a wealth that is overwhelming!




The red envelope slowly unfolded, and a netizen with the nickname "Lighter than a Feather" luckily won the grand prize.

"Seeing others get rich is more painful than killing me!"

"Uuuuuuuah, I'm so envious that I'm going crazy!"

"Lighter than a Feather, are you watching? 100 million recycling, face-to-face transaction!"

On the barrage, a colorful font suddenly popped up. When the water friends in the live broadcast room saw the user's nickname, they subconsciously exclaimed: "To the north, it's the principal!"

"Catch alive!"

"Real or fake? V me 50 to see my strength!"

"The nickname is Red Panda, and it's officially certified. It's a shame. You really are the principal!"

While the water friends were discussing, dazzling special effects floated on the screen.

Carnival ×1!


Carnival ×9!


Carnival ×99!

Wang Shicong sat on the sofa in the villa and swiped 99 carnival items in one go, spending nearly 30 Chinese dollars!
To ordinary people, it might be a huge sum of money, but to him, it's just a drop in the bucket.

For Chen Heyu's sake, he was happy to make friends with Wang Yiming.

"Principal Wang, as far as I know, you only have two Candies in your hand."

Wang Yiming smiled and asked curiously.

Principal Wang also has two?
"It's for a friend! Is Qingyu Feather here? Brother Ming and I are also good friends in private. If you are worried, you can ask him to be the middleman."

Wang Shicong added another sentence.

"Sorry! I was so excited just now. I didn't expect that among more than 1000 million people, it would be me."

"If the principal is in a hurry, I agree to transfer the prize to you."

Lighter than Feather replied in the barrage.

"OK, you can message me privately and I will transfer the bonus to you."

"Brother Ming, let's just say it. I'll go to your house to pick up the goods now."

Wang Shicong wrote lightly.

"no problem."

Wang Yiming shrugged and said it didn't matter. He respected the friend's choice.

Then, he made another witty remark before hastily ending the live broadcast.

"Wang Shicong appeared in Douyin live broadcast room in surprise, and it was because of a man?"

"Bionic robot lottery, water friends earn 100 million Chinese dollars!"

"What is the charm of Candy robot that makes Wang Shicong spend millions?"

Weibo's hot search list is full of keywords from tonight's live broadcast. 'Brother Ming', 'bionic robot', 'lighter than a feather' and 'Wang Shicong' are all on the hot search list.

A blogger who specializes in moving videos is quite a thief. He simply edited Wang Yiming’s live video and posted it on YouTube and Facebook.

The number of likes, comments and reposts has increased dramatically at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Overseas netizens could not help but be amazed when they saw the design of the Candy bionic robot up close for the first time.

"Oh My God! It's so cool. Greater China is a magical place."

"It's amazing, the humanoid robot looks like a real person!"

"It's unimaginable! China has reached such a stage in robotics technology, and we are entering the era of robots."

"Warning! Robots may replace many jobs of humans, and it's scary!"

“Will there come a time when bionic robots are living among us and we won’t be able to tell the difference?”

"Artificial intelligence, chips and semiconductors, satellite power grids... Shit! Can China slow down its development speed and let us catch up?"

The smiles on the faces of netizens from Northern Berry Continent, Europe and Kangaroo Continent instantly disappeared, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

Who would have thought that in just a few years, under the leadership of Shanhai Group, Dahua District would have made extraordinary achievements in many cutting-edge fields.

Gugou, Anki and Bolton Dynamics on the other side of the ocean were instantly dumbfounded!

They originally thought that the bionic robot launched by Shanhai Group was most likely a gimmick. At most, it would make a breakthrough in silicone material and be more anthropomorphic.

But I learned from the anchor named 'Ming' in the Greater China area that in addition to hundreds of skills, Candy can also master hundreds of professional knowledge.

Human beings look extremely small in front of it!
What exactly does Shanhai Group want to do?

The next morning.

Shanghai Convention Center, the largest multi-functional exhibition hall on the first floor, is decorated with exquisite luxury and sparkle.

There are 4300 seats in the 3600-square-meter hall.

On the huge stage, eight bionic robots were standing, their bodies covered with a layer of red silk, and their appearance and body shape could not be clearly seen.

The open space outside the conference building was crowded with news media from home and abroad. The journalists, carrying their arms and shoulders, invariably turned their cameras towards the gate.

President of Amazon Greater China!

Wal-Mart Global Executive Director!

General Manager of Best Buy Beilizhou!
PT&T Wireless Communications Service Provider Representative!
Verizon communications service provider representative!
President of MediaMarkt Procurement Business Line!

CEO of Cdiscount online retailer!

The reporter kept pressing the shutter button in his hand, and major European distributors entered the venue one after another, obviously full of interest in bionic robots.

Chen Senle, wearing a suit and leather shoes, stood in front of the gate with style. Accompanied by Zhou Xiaoyu, he received the heavyweight guests one after another.

He was just a small robot entrepreneur with a net worth of tens of millions. Facing a group of big guys, he would inevitably feel flustered.

"Mr. Zhou, when will the boss arrive?"

After Chen Senle exchanged greetings with the Verizon representative, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, lowered his head and asked.

"Don't be nervous, the Shanhai Group is behind you, so don't show any cowardice."

Zhou Xiaoyu patted his shoulder and quickly comforted him.

Chen Senle smiled bitterly. He had hosted two new product launches, but this time it was completely different. He even saw the power of the Candy bionic robot.

Even if the products sold to the other party are only low-spec or reduced-spec versions, they still have the possibility to change the world!
(End of this chapter)

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