Chapter 270

European and American countries were very surprised and shocked by the explosion of Wujiang Group, and it was difficult to bear the bloodbath of Wujiang Group's products in the market.

However, it was very helpless.

People rely on technology to win. You can't say goodbye to someone else's technology monopoly just because someone else's chip technology is great.

However, they really can only find this kind of excuse.

Generally speaking, technological monopoly is also a monopoly, but upon specific analysis of specific circumstances, some technological monopolies may not be considered illegal.

According to the temperament of Europe and the United States, of course, the "famous double standard" must be used.

My technological monopoly is not a monopoly, your technological monopoly is a real monopoly and must be punished.

In July, Country M took the lead in conducting an anti-monopoly investigation on Wujiang Group, pointing out that Wujiang Group has achieved a substantial monopoly on many products under the group by virtue of its leading edge in chip technology!

Good guy, let’s file a lawsuit!

If you want to add a crime, there is nothing wrong with it.Wujiang Group is not afraid, so it will send its own company's legal team to fight the lawsuit.As we all know, it is quite normal for a lawsuit to go on for several years, and it may even end up in the end.

Even if you lose the lawsuit, you will only be fined a small amount of money.

Zhao Ye has gotten used to it and won't feel headaches about these things.

In fact, the authorities of country M also know that it is impossible to defeat the Wujiang Group simply by relying on lawsuits.In the final analysis, we still need to develop our own technology.

The core of competition in the technology industry is the chip, and the core of the chip is the lithography machine.

Therefore, the authorities of country M have once again increased investment in research and development in the field of dry lithography machines.

There are more than 10 parts in the EUV lithography machine with the highest technology. Although the dry lithography machine in the 90s did not have so many parts, there are still [-] to [-] parts.

The essence of ASML is actually an assembly plant for lithography machines, but it has relatively high technical requirements.

Therefore, if country M supports the development of the photolithography machine industry, it will need to help all photolithography machine component manufacturers.

The amount of money invested is not small.

On the morning of July 7, Country M allocated US$25 billion in special funds to support the development of the lithography machine industry.

Unfortunately, the research is still on dry lithography machines.

The money is basically a waste of money, which is actually nothing. The most important thing is to delay the development of lithography machines.When the Sugon immersion lithography machine develops the next generation lithography machine, perhaps the dry lithography machine is still spinning...

Perhaps, the gap between the two sides will only grow wider.

And this is exactly what Zhao Ye wants to see.

At this moment, when they learned that country M had introduced a support policy for lithography machines, equipment manufacturers in the European and American lithography machine industry chain were immediately excited.

"Country M's support policy came too timely. We finally have the funds to continue research. After the new parts are successfully developed, we will definitely make a huge breakthrough!"

"The breakthrough of dry lithography machine is expected!!!"


Since Wujiang Microelectronics produced more advanced chips, the lithography machine industry chain in Europe, America and Japan has been severely damaged, which is a catastrophic blow.

The sales of ASML, Nikon and Canon lithography machines are almost unsalable.

Upstream lithography machines are unsalable, how can downstream component manufacturers survive?

If country M hadn't come forward to support them now, the manufacturers of these lithography machine industry chains might have gone bankrupt one after another.

TSMC almost cried with excitement.

This company is probably the most hopeful for a breakthrough in dry lithography machine technology.

Right now, the competitor Wujiang Microelectronics has already pressed TSMC to the ground and rubbed it hard, almost like an adult beating a child, leaving TSMC powerless to fight back.

In the field of chip foundry, TSMC only has a pitiful 3.5% market share.

It is not wrong to say that TSMC is now lingering.

The sluggish performance of TSMC has also affected other semiconductor companies in Taiwan, such as ASE Group, which specializes in chip packaging and testing.

The semiconductor industry of the entire Formosa was hit hard.

This cannot be solved by policy support. If the technology is not good, it is not good. Western countries may be willing to sell advanced lithography machines to TSMC, but how can Wujiang Microelectronics sell Suguang lithography machines to its competitors.

If Taiwan's chip foundry business cannot be done, I am afraid that the economy of Taiwan, which is developing at a high speed, will immediately slow down.

The time when Baodao's economic scale can be surpassed by any province in the mainland seems to have come earlier...


In terms of time, after about a month, after country M, Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea and some European countries have launched similar investigations on Wujiang Group. The speed is really fast!
As the saying goes, "If you have too many lice, you won't be itchy; if you have too many debts, you won't have to worry about them." If you have a lawsuit with country M, you have to fight it. If you have a lawsuit with other countries, you have to fight it. Let's do it together.

Wujiang Group relies on its technological advantages to crush other products, so that consumers will make wise choices.

In the second half of 1996, Wujiang Group was entangled in lawsuits, but this did not stop Wujiang Group's products from being sold all over the world.

As long as the products of Wujiang Group are not banned, it will not prevent Wujiang Group from making a lot of money.

In fact, there is no way to ban it.

Leaving aside country M, just taking Europe as an example, not all European countries are hostile to Wujiang Group.If you don’t cooperate with Wujiang Group, there will naturally be other countries willing to cooperate with Wujiang Group, such as buying Pangu supercomputers, Nuwa servers, "Kirin Pentium 4" chips, etc...

These things can help your country and improve the level of scientific research and technology.

Moreover, for many European countries, these products could not be produced in the first place, and the products they originally purchased were either M domestic products or Japanese products, and the prices were extremely expensive.

It doesn’t matter who you buy, so why don’t I buy from Wujiang Group?
Therefore, although there is great hostility towards Wujiang Group abroad, they have to buy products from Wujiang Group.

Due to the great sales of the products, the brand awareness of Wujiang Group has soared again this year.

Today, almost everyone in the world knows Wujiang Group.

You may not know who the president of Country M is, but it’s impossible that you haven’t heard of the Wujiang Group, and it’s impossible that you don’t know the name of the world’s richest man, Zhao Ye.

In October 1996, Wujiang Group's annual revenue exceeded US$10 billion, leaving India's GDP far behind.

With the rise of Wujiang Group, China's economy has once again surged.

Major global capitals are also more optimistic about China's development.

In the first 9 months of this year alone, according to incomplete statistics, more than 1200 billion US dollars of foreign funds have been invested in the Chinese market, involved in various industries, mainly involving real estate, industrial manufacturing, the Internet, finance, energy, steel, medicine, food processing , foreign trade, etc...

It's the 20s now, it's really scary!
These foreign investments have provided great help to China's great rejuvenation.

In fact, not only capital, but also many foreign companies have brought technology to China.

Anyone who sees China's 14 billion huge market will be moved.

The better China's economy is, the higher people's income will be, which is a huge benefit for Wujiang Group.The products of Wujiang Group are actually a little expensive. After all, they are high-tech products. If the income of Chinese people is not high, it is difficult to afford them.

Right now, China's per capita monthly income has exceeded 800 RMB.If it weren't for the huge population in rural areas, China's per capita monthly income would easily exceed [-].

After all, China's recovery is a bit short-lived. Today, many people in rural areas still work at home, and their total income is not much throughout the year.

While working in a big city, the monthly salary is at least 1000 yuan.

However, with the great development of cities such as "Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou", a huge "work wave" has formed, and more and more rural people choose to work in big cities.

The term "migrant workers" has frequently appeared in newspapers and online news.

When farmers go out to work, many fields will be abandoned.

The food problem of the Chinese needs to be solved urgently.

In this life, the number of migrant workers is much more than in the previous life, so China's total grain output is not as good as in the previous life, only 4.5 tons, which cannot meet the food needs of the Chinese people, and needs to import a large amount of foreign food.

To put it simply, a set of data shows that in 2022, the country’s total grain output will be 6.87 tons, but 1.47 tons of grain will still be imported.

It is not ruled out that there will be extravagance and waste of food in 2022, but it can still be seen that China is still short of food.

Recently, many policies have been introduced in China to strengthen agriculture, benefit farmers and rich farmers. On the one hand, the country has become rich and began to subsidize farmers; on the other hand, of course, it is to develop agricultural technology and increase food production.

Compared with foreign countries, China's agriculture is indeed somewhat backward.

On the agricultural technology track, there are few companies in China.

In the previous life, in 2017, in order to improve China's agricultural science and technology, ChemChina acquired [Syngenta Group] with a huge sum of US$430 billion. This transaction was the largest overseas acquisition of a Chinese company at that time.

However, this shows that China attaches great importance to food.

As the saying goes, "Food is the most important thing for the people." Only when the people have enough to eat can the country be stable.

Li Aojun's uncle, Xiao Yuliang, is a high-ranking official in a certain Ministry of Agricultural Development of the country. Recently, he contacted Zhao Ye, hoping that Wujiang Group will come forward and use capital to drive the development of China's agricultural science and technology!

Xiao Yuliang's idea is very simple. Wujiang Group has enjoyed great success this year and has made a lot of money. Since it is so rich, it is better to invest in agricultural science and technology.

In recent years, in order to speed up China's modernization and industrialization construction, the state has encouraged farmers to go out to work, but agricultural technology has not made much progress, resulting in a decrease in total grain output.

Although the country has money to import food, it is not safe enough after all.

What should you do if you can't buy food?
The Chinese pay attention to self-sufficiency and are used to planning for a rainy day.

The urgent task now is to improve agricultural technology and increase food production.

Zhao Ye had not paid much attention to food issues and agricultural technology issues before. His main focus was still on the development of electronics and semiconductor technology.

Of course, the food issue is indeed a big issue, which is related to the people's livelihood.

In the evening, Zhao Ye was talking on the phone with his uncle Xiao Yuliang.

Zhao Ye made it clear to the other party that Wujiang Group could enter the agricultural field.

Wujiang Group is fully capable of making a career in agricultural machinery, feed, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, breeding of improved seeds, greenhouses, etc...

Of course, entering the agricultural field does not contradict the strategic development of Wujiang Group. Wujiang Group itself has a food processing company and even runs a supermarket.

Rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, etc., if Wujiang Group can provide its own brand, the profit will definitely be higher.

In addition, it can also avoid the danger of domestic grain and oil being controlled by foreign capital.

It's not that Zhao Ye has never seen it before. In his previous life, 70% of the domestic edible oil market was controlled by foreign capital.

Even the seeds are extremely dependent on imports. If the chips get stuck, it is a big deal, but if the seeds are also stuck, it will seriously threaten the food and clothing of the people. Is this even more worrying?

(End of this chapter)

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