Rebirth 1984: Starting from the development of Hanka

Chapter 244 IBM's "Conspiracy"

Chapter 244 IBM's "Conspiracy"

None of the reporters expected that the Wujiang AI artificial intelligence laboratory not only developed artificial intelligence software, but also challenged the world chess champion Garry Kasparov.

There was an uproar!

The reporters were so excited that they frantically took pictures of Yu Chengtian.

"This is really big news, and the whole world will be shocked by it!!!"

"It's the first time in human history that the strongest brain will face off against artificial intelligence. It's really exciting!!"

"Wujiang Group is going to be popular again, this is too awesome!!!"

"The eyes of the whole world will be on this challenge contest between humans and artificial intelligence!!"


At this time, the reporters started to interview Yu Chengtian loudly.

"Mr. Yu, do you have confidence in the 'Suirenshi' artificial intelligence to challenge Garry Kasparov?"

"Mr. Yu, will Wujiang Group's development of artificial intelligence eventually become the villain 'Skynet' in the movie "Terminator" and pose a threat to mankind?"

"Mr. Yu, what do you think of the 'Three Laws of Robotics'?"


The reporters asked eagerly.

With a smile on his face, Yu Chengtian only picked two or three questions to answer.

"Suirenshi's artificial intelligence is very powerful. It has stored the chess records of all chess masters from ancient to modern times. After a long period of intelligent learning and simulated battles, today's Suirenshi can completely defeat the top professional chess players in the world. Intelligent challenge to world champion Garry Kasparov's game filled with confidence!!!"

"As for whether artificial intelligence will become the villain 'Skynet' in the movie "Terminator", I don't think so. At least for now, artificial intelligence is nothing more than a program software in the final analysis. It has no consciousness of its own. Just follow the instructions of the program to execute the order!"

"Okay, today's press conference is over, goodbye everyone!!!"

Yu Chengtian waved his hand to everyone, and quickly walked off the stage.

The reporters wanted to know more, but Yu Chengtian walked too fast and quickly disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Everyone is a little bit regretful, but the news announced at the press conference just now is enough to cause a sensation in the world.

Reporters rushed back to the company to write articles, trying to release the news as soon as possible.

The Wujiang Portal website published the news directly on the homepage of the website right after the press conference.

The title is: "Shocking!!! For the first time in history, AI artificial intelligence challenged the world's strongest brain chess champion Garry Kasparov!!!"

And there are ie browser pop-up ads.

This news was promoted almost all over the Internet.

Good guy, when I saw the title, countless netizens were attracted to it.

After reading the text, I feel that one word, Wujiang Group is awesome!
Then it was filled with anticipation.

"Wujiang Group is amazing. It has even developed artificial intelligence software. One day, I won't be surprised if it develops a robot similar to the T800 played by Arnold Schwarzenegger in "Terminator"!"

"Fuck, I beg Wujiang Group not to develop artificial intelligence, or one day sooner or later, it will suffer from it. When artificial intelligence has its own intelligence, it will never be willing to be controlled by humans, and eventually develop into Skynet!!!"

"Gary Kasparov, the world chess champion, is definitely not an opponent of artificial intelligence. The computing power of the human brain is so small, how can it compare with the computing power of a computer? In this challenge, there is a high probability that the artificial intelligence Suirenshi will win!"

"I also think that Wujiang Group's artificial intelligence has a higher probability of winning. Obviously, since Wujiang Group dares to challenge, it fully shows that Wujiang Group is very confident and confident. Otherwise, if the artificial intelligence loses, Wujiang Group will not be able to win. Isn't it embarrassing?"

"The upstairs is right! Wujiang Group never fights uncertain battles!"


Of course, there are also many people who believe that artificial intelligence cannot beat the world chess champion Garry Kasparov.

Garry Kasparov almost represents the strongest human brain in the field of chess, while artificial intelligence has just emerged. Maybe it will be very powerful in the future, but it may not be very powerful now!
American IBM Corporation.

At this time, the company's executives were a little confused and regretful.

IBM's Deep Blue computer was successfully developed, and it happened to have a plan to challenge the world chess champion Garry Kasparov, but Wujiang Group preempted it.

Now the limelight has been taken by Wujiang Group.

The whole world is talking about Wujiang Group's artificial intelligence 'Suirenshi' challenging world chess champion Garry Kasparov.

The IBM CEO looked at the other executives with a stern face, and asked, "Our IBM plan collided with Wujiang Group's plan. What should we do now?"

Everyone pondered, at this moment a vice president said: "Our IBM company has obviously lost its first-mover advantage. If we still implement the original plan, we will be ridiculed by the media for imitating others."

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help but nodded.

The vice president continued: "Actually, the reason why we advertised that Deep Blue Computer challenged Garry Kasparov was just to prove the power of IBM computers. Now, since Wujiang Group has already announced the challenge to Garry Kasparov, Then we declare to challenge the artificial intelligence of Wujiang Group!"

"If Suirenshi's artificial intelligence defeats Garry Kasparov, but our Deep Blue defeats Suirenshi, it will prove the power of our IBM computer!!!"

"If Suirenshi's artificial intelligence loses to Garry Kasparov, but our Deep Blue defeats Suirenshi, then people will be curious and expect whether IBM's Deep Blue computer can defeat Garry Kasparov, thereby attracting the attention of the world. The eyes of the world!!!”

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but agree.

IBM is a latecomer, and it can also attract global attention, build momentum and become famous for IBM.

The CEO of IBM was overjoyed, and made a decision: "Okay, let's follow this plan!"

The vice president said with a smile: "I think we don't need to rush to announce this plan, but wait until the day before Wujiang Group's artificial intelligence is about to challenge Garry Kasparov to announce the news, so as to catch the opponent by surprise!"

"it is good!!!"



Garry Kasparov received a call from the Wujiang AI artificial intelligence laboratory at this time, and initiated a challenge invitation. He couldn't help being surprised, and considered whether to accept the invitation.

To be honest, he was quite surprised, but he was still very interested in this peak duel between artificial intelligence and himself.

He also wanted to know whether the artificial intelligence developed by Wujiang Group could defeat him.

Garry Kasparov then logged into the Borderless Portal, saw the news about artificial intelligence challenging himself on the homepage, and then read the comments of netizens.

Obviously, everyone is looking forward to this showdown.

If I don't want to fight, I'm afraid I will disappoint countless netizens.

It didn't take long for Garry Kasparov to receive calls from many friends asking him about competing against artificial intelligence.

Everyone also encouraged him to agree to this competition, thinking that he had a great chance of winning.

Besides, there is not much loss if you lose, but if you don't even have the guts to fight, you will definitely be scolded by many people.

Garry Kasparov has this in mind as well.

So, near the evening, he called back the Wujiang AI artificial intelligence laboratory, expressing his promise to compete with artificial intelligence.

The two sides agreed to compete at noon on May 1994, 5, and there are still 1 days of preparation time before now.


8 o'clock that night.

The Borderless portal website updated a piece of news, announcing that Garry Kasparov has agreed to compete with artificial intelligence, and the two sides agreed to compete at 1994:5 noon on May 1, 12.

In Macau, Las Vegas, Monaco, Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, and other places, gambling giants have opened their handicap, wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune, and even openly gamble directly on the Internet.

For a time, many netizens bet one after another.

A day later, the total bet across the world exceeded $15 billion!
The casino tycoons were stunned. This game of artificial intelligence challenging the world champion was simply a carnival feast in the gaming industry, so they couldn't help investing money to increase publicity and advertise the gaming platform crazily online.

The bookmaker and actuary of the gaming platform have carefully calculated the handicap and odds, and combined with fraud, no matter how the bet is placed, the website will eventually make a profit.

In the next few days, more and more people participated in betting, and the enthusiasm was no less than that of gambling.

On the day before the game, the total betting amount exceeded 239 billion US dollars, which shows how many people in the world participate in gambling.

Zhao Ye also did not expect that this confrontation between artificial intelligence and the strongest human brain would become a national entertainment and gambling activity.

"Haha, I bought 100 yuan to bet on Wujiang Group's artificial intelligence."

"I bought Garry Kasparov to win. I have seen Garry Kasparov play. He is super strong and unbeatable. He is a legendary master in the chess world. How can a mere artificial intelligence be his opponent? !!!”


In the BBS forum, the discussion among netizens about artificial intelligence fighting against the world chess champion is becoming more and more frequent, and the popularity is extremely high!
Major TV stations around the world have even sent people to contact Wujiang Group, wanting to broadcast this "War of the Century"! ! !
According to their analysis, there may be at least hundreds of millions of people watching this battle of the century.

In fact, in mainland China, the common people are extremely excited and the whole country is proud. Everyone is looking forward to this great battle. People are getting ready to watch this unprecedented man-machine battle tomorrow at 12 o'clock in front of the TV!

The domestic government also attaches great importance to this century war, which reflects China's top level of science and technology, and is an opportunity for China to become famous in front of the world!
Abroad, many people who study in Europe and America but are unwilling to return to China are extremely awkward.

Some people are even a little distorted in their hearts. They don’t want to see the artificial intelligence of Wujiang Group defeat Garry Kasparov. This can prove that their choice of staying in Europe and America is correct.

On the betting platform, they bet wildly that Garry Kasparov would win.


Just when the eyes of the world were on the match between Garry Kasparov and the artificial intelligence of the Borderless Group.

IBM suddenly held a grand press conference at this time!
The reporters from the major media were very surprised. What kind of enthusiasm could there be for IBM to hold a press conference at this time?

The reporters shook their heads secretly, expressing their incomprehension.

However, I never thought that IBM would actually enlarge its strategy...

"The most popular thing nowadays is naturally the match between Wujiang Group's artificial intelligence Suirenshi and the world chess champion Garry Kasparov. In fact, IBM has a similar plan. The deep blue computer we developed I also wanted to challenge Garry Kasparov, but it's a pity that the Borderless Group took the lead..."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

Before the reporters could speak, the IBM spokesperson smiled and said: "You will see the confrontation between artificial intelligence and the strongest human brain tomorrow, so I don't know if you are interested in watching Wujiang Group's artificial intelligence versus IBM. artificial intelligence?!"

After finishing speaking, the eyes of the reporters lit up instantly!
It's not just interested, it's simply too interesting! ! !
There was a burst of applause at the press conference!

Reporters who eat melons like to see such things.


Wujiang Group was informed of the news of IBM's conference for the first time.

Zhao Ye was stunned for a long time. Could it be that IBM is looking for death?

Can Deep Blue Computer be compared with Suirenshi?

The deep blue computer is nothing more than a supercomputer with an artificial intelligence software that can play chess.

And what about 'Suirenshi'?

The body is the Pangu supercomputer, not to mention that the Pangu supercomputer is stronger than the IBM Deep Blue computer. The most important point is that there is a huge data center behind the 'Suirenshi' to provide computing power for it.

The IBM Deep Blue computer is no match at all.

Zhao Ye believes that the battle between 'Suirenshi' and Deep Blue Computer is almost without suspense, it's just abuse.

IBM is a fan of confidence. It has been the overlord of computers for so many years. It is confident that Wujiang Group is not IBM's opponent in the field of supercomputers.

But apparently it hit the muzzle.

"Aojun, please inform Fu Xiaoyue to immediately hold a press conference to announce that our Wujiang Group's 'Suirenshi' has accepted the challenge from IBM's Deep Blue Computer!" Zhao Ye said, looking at Li Aojun.


Li Aojun nodded, picked up the phone, and immediately contacted Fu Xiaoyue.


However, with IBM's declaration of war, the Internet is full of excitement.

Wujiang Group immediately announced its challenge, which made the whole network go crazy! ! !

At this moment, everyone is discussing whether Wujiang Group's "Suirenshi" or IBM Deep Blue Computer is more powerful.

Everyone has their own opinions, but they are all looking forward to this game between artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence.

And the major media are even more excited, this is simply a global media carnival, the sales of newspapers have increased dramatically, and the ratings of TV news have skyrocketed.

For gaming companies, it is even more surprising.

You can make a lot of money again!

New markets were opened one after another, and there was an endless stream of bettors.


In the morning of the next day, global media gathered at the headquarters of Wujiang Group in Shanghai, and the battle between Wujiang Group's artificial intelligence "Suirenshi" and world chess champion Garry Kasparov kicked off.

(End of this chapter)

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