Rebirth 1984: Starting from the development of Hanka

Chapter 236 Before the Annual Meeting

Chapter 236 Before the Annual Meeting
Zhao Ye called Liu Yinyin and said, "Nowadays, more and more media are paying attention to our Wujiang Group annual meeting. In my opinion, we should make the annual meeting more grand. Not only our group employees prepare the programs themselves, You can also invite stars from home and abroad to perform on stage!"

After a pause, Zhao Ye casually mentioned a few names, "For example, inviting Jacky Cheung, Liu Dehua, Leslie Cheung, Deng Lijun, Michael Jackson and others to sing on stage..."

Liu Yinyin was very excited when she heard the words. The stars mentioned by the boss just now are her idols, especially Deng Lijun. She likes her songs very much.

"Boss, Deng Lijun is from Baodao, will she agree to our invitation?" Liu Yinyin worried.

Deng Lijun passed away in 1995. The biggest regret in her life is not to perform in the mainland.

It is now 1994.

It is really a pity that a generation of queens of the music scene has just fallen.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ye told Liu Yinyin: "Try to find a way to invite Deng Lijun to perform in the Mainland, so that she doesn't have to worry about other things."

"Okay, boss!!" Liu Yinyin responded excitedly.


After Liu Yinyin left Zhao Ye's office, she notified Zhao Ye that she was going to invite celebrities to the annual meeting.

For a while, it immediately caused a sensation within the group company.

"Our boss is a bull. Even Deng Lijun and Michael Jackson are planning to invite them over. One is a queen and the other is a king. Our company's annual meeting is simply amazing!!!"

"Woooooh, I want to attend the company's annual meeting, how do I sign up?!"

"Damn it, our company is preparing a show, and we're going to perform on the same stage with superstars!"

"Awesome! Our company is too powerful, all the stars I like are invited!"

"Oh, it's over. I'm excited but also nervous. My previous solo show was selected by the company, and it was my idol Deng Lijun's song. If I sang it in front of her, wouldn't it be a joke~?"


It turned out that people's enthusiasm for participating in the annual meeting was not high enough.

But now, most people want to attend the annual meeting.

Moreover, there are many more reporting programs in the major companies under the Wujiang Group.


"Hello leader, the news of Wujiang Group's annual meeting has spread all over the country. Taking this opportunity, Wujiang Group intends to hold a grand annual meeting. Many stars will sing on the stage. Therefore, Wujiang Group intends to lease the 'Shanghai Grand Stage' as the venue for the annual meeting, and we hope that the leaders will support it!"

As the person in charge of this annual meeting, Liu Yinyin immediately contacted relevant officials, wanting to rent the Shanghai Grand Stage.

The Shanghai Grand Stage, originally the Shanghai Gymnasium, was built and used in 1975. The main hall is circular, 33 meters high, and the roof grid spans a diameter of 110 meters. It can accommodate 18000 spectators. It should be the most suitable place to host large-scale annual meetings. Many star concerts are held here.

"Hahaha, no problem, the government can rent it to Wujiang Group for free." The leader of the Shanghai Grand Stage said loudly.

Liu Yinyin was overjoyed when she heard the words, and quickly expressed her gratitude to the leader.

After renting the Shanghai Grand Stage, Liu Yinyin immediately arranged for people to start building the stage.

At the same time, she had to invite celebrities to attend the annual meeting and review the programs prepared by the employees of the group company, so she was very busy for a while.

In order to hold this annual meeting well, she specially invited Director Yang Jie to help.


Just when the outside world was discussing the annual meeting of Wujiang Group, Wujiang Group released the Java language to the outside world.

For ordinary people, this matter may not pay much attention.

But it has caused a great sensation in the industry, especially for the country, which is of great significance.

This is the first time that a new high-level programming language has been developed in China.

Previously, domestic IT practitioners have always used programming languages ​​developed by foreigners.

Everyone immediately researched the Java language, and it didn't take long to discover the power of the Java programming language, and they couldn't help being shocked!

"Zhao Ye is worthy of being a super genius that has not appeared in our country for a century. We finally have a high-level programming language developed by the Chinese. This is really proud and proud!!!"

At this time, many computer personnel of the older generation could not help crying.

"I suggest that our domestic colleges and universities must open the java language course as soon as possible to encourage students to learn the java language!" A computer professor at Peking University expressed his views on the Internet.

At this time, the Chinese media dubbed Zhao Ye the "father of java" one after another, and praised him in their reports.

Students majoring in computer science in China were very excited, and many people spontaneously studied the java language.

"The Java language was invented by Mr. Zhao Ye, the founder of Wujiang Group. If you learn the Java language, you will definitely have a bright future!"

"Yeah, I think so too, so I've started to learn the Java language by myself now."

"Zhao Ye is amazing, this is the real idol of our people, this is the star we want to chase!!!"

Many college students who are interested in joining Wujiang Group regard the java language as the first important task of learning.

They believe that as long as they have learned the Java language, they will not be able to apply for the Wujiang Group.

Zhao Ye's prestige has risen again, like no other for a while.

The reputation of Wujiang Group has also increased greatly, which is of great help to the promotion of Wujiang brand.



The industry was shocked.

A deep sense of crisis hangs over the Japanese IT industry.

Many people even showed expressions of jealousy, jealousy, and dissatisfaction.

"Nani, that super genius in China invented something amazing again?"

"Our Dahe nation is the best race, and we also want to develop a programming language that belongs to our Japanese!"


"Compared with other programming languages, Java's syntax is relatively simple and standardized, and it should be a very good programming language!" A computer professor at Stanford University studied Java and couldn't help being surprised.

Immediately, he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

China is catching up with the United States at an extremely fast speed in all aspects, and the invention of the java language is one of them.

The more he studies the java language, the more powerful he feels this programming language.

Seeing micro-knowledge, this American professor seems to have seen the rise of China and the decline of the United States.


Due to the release of the Java language, Zhao Ye has gained another halo, and his reputation is getting bigger and bigger. People are looking forward to his performance at the annual meeting.

1994 o'clock in the evening on February 2, 5.

The annual meeting of Wujiang Group was officially held.

"Boom bang bang..."

Fireworks soared into the sky, illuminating the sky above the entire Shanghai Grand Stage.

Those who saw this scene couldn't help screaming.

All around, many passers-by stopped to watch, and they could faintly see a hint of envy in their eyes looking at the Shanghai Grand Stage...

(End of this chapter)

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