Chapter 233 Sky-high Financing
"Mr. Tang, the shareholding structure of 'one share, multiple votes' is acceptable to our company!"

"Our company can also accept it!"


Representatives of major investment companies said and agreed.

In this way, even if Wujiang Group holds a small amount of shares, it can firmly control the Wujiang portal website.

Hearing this, Tang Letong couldn't help but continue to say: "Okay, since everyone accepts the shareholding structure of 'one share with multiple votes', then we can move on. This round of financing of Wujiang Portal will sell 30% of the shares. The valuation of the company should not be lower than US$200 billion, and you can start bidding on the spot, and our company will make comprehensive considerations based on your company's investment situation and background strength."

It is relatively normal to sell 30% of the shares in the A round of financing. After all, there will be many rounds of financing in the future.At that time, the shares of Wujiang Portal held by Wujiang Group will be greatly diluted.

At this time, the atmosphere in the conference room was tense.

There are more monks than meat, and competition among more than a dozen investment companies makes it impossible to distribute them equally.

To be able to stay in the current investment company, its strength is relatively large, so the appetite is also great. Who wants to only take 2% to 3% of the shares?

Therefore, it is best to drive out other competitors and eat alone.

After a moment of silence, an investment company soon offered an offer.

"Morgan Stanley values ​​Borderless Portal at US$210 billion, and hopes to obtain a 20% stake!"

As soon as this was said, the people next to him were not happy.

Why do you Morgan Stanley want to take 20% of the shares, then we all watch the show.

Immediately, major investment companies raised their prices one after another.

During the quarrel, the valuation of the Wujiang Portal website has been soaring all the way!
Speaking of which, no Yahoo website is as powerful as the Wujiang Portal. First of all, let alone the rapid globalization of the Wujiang Portal. The great success of the business model alone is not comparable to Yahoo.

And the crucial point is that Wujiang Group dominates the development of the Internet, and Wujiang Portal is one of the industries of Wujiang Group. May I ask, do other portals still have a chance?
In 2000, Yahoo's market capitalization was as high as $1300 billion.

A mere $300 billion valuation is nothing.

If it weren't for the fact that Borderless Portal couldn't enter the US market now, the market value would have doubled.


In other words, these four companies have to spend a total of 90 billion US dollars.

Generally speaking, Wujiang Portal got so much money at once that it would be impossible to spend it all.

It can take a long time for a website to burn money.


On the same day, Tang Letong signed financing agreements with the four major investment companies on behalf of Wujiang Portal, and held a press conference, announcing that Wujiang Portal had successfully completed the A round of financing.

Guys, the reporters were stunned.

A portal website with less than 1 employees worldwide and a market value as high as 300 billion US dollars. This is still A-round financing, which is simply terrifying!
"Oh my God! Are the capitals crazy? They gave Wujiang Portal such a high valuation?!!" A reporter was dumbfounded, with a look of disbelief on his face.

You know, the Wujiang Portal was established less than two years ago, and its valuation is as high as 300 billion US dollars. There is no such a powerful company in the world.

Back then, Apple and Microsoft were far behind the Wujiang Portal.

For the astonishment of the reporters, Goldman Sachs, Sequoia Capital, Morgan Stanley and Barclays, which received investment, were delighted.

You know the fart, as long as the Internet develops, the scale of Wujiang Portal will become larger and larger, with a market value of more than 1000 billion US dollars, just around the corner.

Except for Barclays Bank, which is a British company, Goldman Sachs, Sequoia Capital, and Morgan Stanley are all well-known American investment companies with huge influence in the United States and the ability to promote the Borderless Portal to enter the American market, even on the Nasdaq listed.

Of course Zhao Ye hopes that Wujiang Portal can enter the US market, even if he accepts more American capital to invest in Wujiang Portal, he can accept it.

It’s just a portal website, Yahoo is cold, Sina, Netease, Sohu’s portal websites are all cold...

As long as the control of the Wujiang portal website is firmly in the hands of the Wujiang Group, it can take the opportunity to lay eggs and incubate search engines.

For example, the search engine currently used by Wujiang Portal is provided by Baidu.

But at the moment, people only see the glamorous surface of portal websites, but ignore the role played by search engines.

In fact, who would have thought that when the search engine becomes independent, it will overturn the status of the portal website.

At least, except for Zhao Ye, no one would have thought of this.

Therefore, Wujiang Portal can continue to cheat investors' money, and in the future, cheat American investors' money.


As the news of Wujiang Portal's financing of 90 billion US dollars spread around the world, it caused a huge sensation.

Almost all major media around the world are reporting on this matter.

It can be said that the A-round financing of the Wujiang portal website has aroused heated discussions among the people.

Even in the wilderness of the Internet, people who have never seen the Internet are curiously discussing it.

The Wujiang Portal has created a miracle that has attracted worldwide attention, and countless people have looked sideways at it.

There are countless people who are envious and jealous all over the world.

In less than a month, thousands of portal companies were registered all over the world.

At the same time, the traffic of other portals is far lower than that of the Wujiang portal, and their valuations have also skyrocketed, and they have also obtained financing.

All of a sudden, Internet concept stocks suddenly rose!

Of course, the website with the highest gold content still belongs to the website of Wujiang Group.

Not only because these websites were released first and have the most users, but also because they all belong to a group company and can cooperate with each other.

Wujiang Group also holds the world's largest ISP company, the world's largest Internet cafe chain store, the world's largest computer operating system with the largest number of users, the world's IE browser with a monopoly advantage, etc...

Just ask, how can others compete?

Seeing this, I'm afraid I'm already shivering.

Fortunately, Wujiang Group is not relying on its own advantages to suppress other websites.

However, with the "Dragon Slaying Knife" in hand, it can make competitors afraid.

The valuation of the websites under the Wujiang Group has a great effect.


Tang Letong smiled and said: "Boss, we have raised 90 billion US dollars at once, how should we spend it!"

Zhao Ye couldn't help laughing when he heard that.

$90 billion is really hard to spend.

Zhao Ye thought for a while, and said: "First, give the employees a wave of benefits, increase wages and bonuses, and then invest in the construction of a headquarters building in China. The scale will be larger and the environment will be better. It will cost hundreds of millions of dollars. And At the same time, physical offices can be built around the world..."

"Then invest in building data centers, increase bandwidth, and advertise."

"Well... Borderless Portal has to continue to expand and consolidate its market position."

"In short, the money should be spent as soon as possible, with the left hand in and the right hand out, and the money will be used on the Wujiang Group, especially investing in the construction of data centers, which will burn 90 billion US dollars soon..."

To invest in a data center, of course, you must purchase equipment from Wujiang Group, and properly spend the investor's money to feed Wujiang Group.

Of course, investing in a data center is not without its benefits.

At that time, the function of borderless network disk will be launched, providing global users with an initial value of 10GB of space for free.

At present, the hard disk capacity of many computers does not exceed 10GB, but the Wujiang Portal provides 10GB of storage capacity for free, which will surely make countless people become fans of the Wujiang Portal!
In fact, Wujiang Netdisk seems to say that it will provide everyone with 10GB of capacity, but in fact, many people don't use that much at all, and it is more gimmick than practical.

Of course, if some people are some kind of small movie collectors, 10GB may not be enough. After all, a movie is several hundred MB, and 10GB cannot store many movies.

In the future, many software, photos, music, and files will become larger and larger.

But it doesn't matter, when the time comes to build a Wujiang portal website activity points, you can use the activity points to expand the Wujiang network disk.Of course, if you are willing to spend money to expand capacity, that would be even better.

Wujiang Netdisk is originally a value-added service of Wujiang Portal, which is divided into personal version and enterprise version.

Wujiang Network Disk Enterprise Edition can be used as a cloud storage service specially designed for enterprise users, providing a variety of practical functions, so that enterprise users can improve work efficiency and realize digital transformation as soon as possible.

When Tang Letong heard the words, he nodded immediately to express his understanding, and couldn't help muttering in his heart, according to the boss's way of burning money, 90 billion US dollars can't help but burn~
Tang Letong suddenly felt pain and happiness!

The next day, Tang Letong brought up what Zhao Ye said in the company conference room, and then asked all departments to fully implement each project!

The executives of Wujiang Portal were stunned, and they couldn't help but click their tongues secretly, thinking, can the 90 billion US dollars withstand two years of burning?
However, everyone's faces were shining with excitement.


In about a week, all tasks were assigned.

Then Wujiang portal company started to act.

Goldman Sachs Group, Sequoia Capital, Morgan Stanley, and Barclays Bank received project investment plans from the Wujiang Portal, and they were numb and almost wanted to withdraw their investment!

"Is the Borderless Portal website crazy? It actually costs 75 billion US dollars to build three large data centers in China, Japan and Europe..." Sequoia Capital founder Don Valentine was dumbfounded and didn't understand this. .

As for other investment projects, such as building headquarters buildings in China, building offices around the world, expanding bandwidth, improving employee benefits, etc., he is still acceptable.

Don Valentine did not immediately contact Wujiang Portal to express his dissatisfaction, but took the lead in contacting the other three investors.

Everyone advances together and retreats together, so that Wujiang Portal can value their opinions.

Speaking of which, these four investment companies are well-known in the industry, and which start-up company does not treat them as bodhisattvas.

However, the company they invested in happened to be a subsidiary of the Wujiang Group, which made it hard for them.

The Wujiang Group is not short of money at all. If they were not given the opportunity, how could they invest in the Wujiang Portal.

Moreover, the AB shareholding structure of "one share more votes" makes their four major investment companies have little say in the Wujiang portal.


The four major investment companies are in video connection.

"I don't think there is any problem with the investment plan of Wujiang Portal!" Michael Pullman, president of Goldman Sachs Group, laughed. "Instead, we should support it!"

As soon as these words came out, the heads of the other three investment companies were all taken aback.

Michael Pullman explained with a smile: "Because the next round of financing will only be conducted if the borderless portal burns out 90 billion US dollars, and we will have the opportunity to obtain more shares. Don't you want to obtain more shares? What’s more, I have carefully studied these investment plans, which seem absurd, but they all have merits. Take the data center as an example, the investment is the most, but the data center is very useful, at least when users browse the borderless portal It will feel faster and smoother..."

As soon as these words came out, Don Valentine and the others couldn't help but suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha, Michael Pullman, you are right, we should indeed support their investment plan!"

Zhao Ye is calculating, and the four major investment companies are also calculating.

However, the four major investment companies must not have imagined how serious the Internet bubble is.

The number of users cannot increase, and the profit model of the website is single. As the Internet industry becomes more and more mature, the market competition becomes more and more fierce, and the profitability of the company is getting lower and lower. At the same time, the excessive investment and expansion of Internet companies will also lead to Internet companies are heavily in debt and their capital chain is broken.

In addition, the operating costs of Internet companies are also getting higher and higher, including employee salaries, advertising costs, server maintenance, etc., which make the operating costs of Internet companies continue to rise.
In the end, most of the Internet companies will go bankrupt one after another, the fire at the city gate will affect Chiyu, and the Wujiang Portal will also be implicated.

Under the general trend, Wujiang Portal cannot stand alone.

The point is that the development ceiling of the portal website is limited, and it will soon decline unless it enters new businesses.

However, Zhao Ye originally planned to use the Wujiang Portal to deceive American investment companies and American shareholders, and he didn't think about digging deeper into the profit model.

Even if it is a Wujiang network disk, it will lose money to death in the early stage.

When the Internet bubble burst, this business would only become a minus item.

Zhao Ye dug a super big pit, which made investors jump down one after another.

The Wujiang Group has made a lot of money by selling data center equipment.

At this time, Zhao Ye and the four major investment companies had their own ulterior motives, but they all had the same goal, which was to use up the 90 billion US dollars as soon as possible, so as to start the next round of financing.

Therefore, the two sides unexpectedly had a tacit understanding.

All the investment projects that Zhao Ye formulated for the Wujiang portal website went smoothly...

(End of this chapter)

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