Rebirth 1984: Starting from the development of Hanka

Chapter 211 The Oil Pipeline Controversy

Chapter 211 The Oil Pipeline Controversy
The authorities that accept nationality applications are local city and county public security bureaus in China, and Chinese diplomatic missions and consular agencies abroad.

Through his connections, Zhao Ye made an appointment with a high-ranking official in the public security department.

Deputy Minister Chu Liangcai was very surprised. He didn't know why Zhao Ye asked him to meet, but he still wanted to give Zhao Ye face, so he reserved a special time to meet with him.

Two days later, at 10 o'clock in the morning, Zhao Ye came to the public security department.

Led by a policewoman, Zhao Ye came to the office of Vice Minister Chu Liangcai.

dong dong dong.

The policewoman knocked on the door.

"Please come in!"

When Deputy Minister Chu Liangcai heard the knock on the door, he said immediately, and at the same time got up to greet him, thinking that Zhao Ye should be here at this hour.

Sure enough, Zhao Ye slowly pushed the door open and entered.

Chu Liangcai stepped forward and said with a smile, "Zhao Ye, hello!"

"Minister Chu, hello."

The two shook hands.

Chu Liangcai pointed to the sofa and said, "Please sit down, let's sit down and talk!"

"it is good."

After the two sat down, Vice Minister Chu Liangcai took the initiative to ask, "Zhao Ye, what can you do with me?"

Zhao Ye heard the words and said straight to the point: "That's right, Minister Chu, there are many ex-Soviet people in our company's employees. After the fall of the Soviet Union, these people have no nationality and are homeless. Quite a few People want to apply for Chinese nationality, but you know, the most difficult nationality in the world is Chinese nationality.”

"So, they basically failed to apply for naturalization, so they begged me to come here!"

"But in my opinion, the advantages of allowing them to become Chinese nationals outweigh the disadvantages!"

"Because most of these former Soviet people are talents dug from the Soviet Union by the Wujiang Group, if they are allowed to become Chinese nationals, they will definitely have a great sense of belonging to China, which will help improve China's technological level and promote China's economic development. Incomparably huge role!"

After Zhao Ye finished speaking, Minister Chu Liangcai couldn't help but nodded, expressing his agreement: "Well, what you said makes sense!" Immediately, he frowned and said, "However, as far as I know, except for smuggled Soviets, people who pass through regular channels There are about 120 million people from the former Soviet Union who came to work and live in China, and it may be difficult to get them all to become Chinese citizens..."

Zhao Ye said: "A quarter of the more than 100 million Soviet people were recruited by the Wujiang Group, and the remaining three quarters were mostly family members. According to Chinese law, one of the parents is a Chinese citizen. All their children can apply for Chinese nationality. Although the population is large, it is reasonable.”

"Furthermore, our country is a multi-ethnic country. Among them, the Russians are also one of the 56 ethnic groups in the Chinese nation. Most of the million Soviets are Russians..."

After a pause, Zhao Ye expressed his sincerity: "Minister Chu, the most important thing in today's society is talent!!! They become Chinese nationals. Right now is the best time, if you miss this opportunity, you may lose a large number of talents!"

Upon hearing this, Chu Liangcai's department was silent for a moment, then nodded heavily and said, "Well, what you said is very reasonable, and I will do my best to make it happen!"

"Then thank you Minister Chu!"

"You're welcome, this is what I should do." Chu Liangcai said with a smile.

After Zhao Ye left the Ministry of Public Security, Chu Liangcai immediately wrote a report to the top, which caused a sensation.

The main reason is that there are too many people, otherwise there is no need to alarm the big guys.

But the matter, it was agreed, should be supported.

Which country does not value talent?
When they were most confused, China took the initiative to extend an olive branch. How could they not be moved?

Besides, millions of Soviet people were digested in minutes in front of the huge Chinese population, and there was no problem for the country.

A few days later, Zhao Ye received a call from Minister Chu, informing him of the country's decision.

"Zhao Ye, the country has agreed that all former Soviet citizens and their family members who come to work in China can apply for Chinese nationality within one year. If they go beyond one year, it will be more difficult for them to apply for Chinese nationality! "Chu Liangcai said with a smile.

"Okay, Minister Chu, I got it! I thank you on behalf of those former Soviet employees and their families!"

"Zhao Ye, you are too polite. This is my job, so you don't need to thank me. Alright, hurry up and inform the former Soviet people under your company that they can go to the local police station to apply for Chinese citizenship."

"Okay, Minister Chu, then I'll hang up the phone!"

"See you!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Ye immediately sent someone to notify the group company to organize Soviet employees to submit materials and apply for Chinese nationality.

When the news was conveyed, it caused a sensation among Soviet employees for a while.

During the period of working and living in China, they already like China a little bit.

Although China is not yet a developed country, China's country is peaceful and the people are safe, and the material is sufficient, which is many times better than their life in the Soviet Union.

In addition, China is developing rapidly, changing with each passing day, and has huge development potential.

Moreover, the Chinese are very warm and friendly and like to make friends.

Chinese food also makes them salivate, unforgettable.

They love life here.

For those who are stateless, it is a blessing to be able to become a Chinese citizen.

Almost the vast majority of Soviets decided to apply for Chinese citizenship.

And such a big news, it is naturally difficult to hide it from the outside world.

The news spread like wildfire and caused heated discussions.

In China, some people who want to apply for immigration to Europe and the United States suddenly expressed their incomprehension.

"Are these former Soviet people stupid? With their conditions, it is easy to apply for American citizenship, but it is really incomprehensible to apply for Chinese nationality."

"Yes, it is said that as long as you are white, can speak English, and have made achievements in a certain professional field, you can easily apply for American citizenship."

"Oh... I can't even apply for a US green card, and I get rejected every time. Those Soviets are so reckless!"


In the 90s, many Chinese tried their best to immigrate to the United States.Here in the capital, many people sold their ancestral courtyard houses, and then went to the United States to work hard for decades, serving tea, water, and washing dishes, and humbly watching people's eyes.

Twenty or thirty years later, these people "returned to their hometowns" and were worth millions or even tens of millions. When they saw their courtyard house worth over 30 million yuan, they instantly fainted in the toilet.

At this time, China was already very prosperous and powerful, with great potential for commercial development and unprecedented national self-confidence. People were proud of being Chinese.At this time, those who have acquired foreign nationality want to restore their Chinese nationality. It is really embarrassing...

If the country is poor, you will fly away; if the country is rich, you will enjoy it.

Fortunately, Zhao Ye is not the person who made the law, otherwise, he would not allow people who have naturalized foreign nationality to easily recover their Chinese nationality.If you want to re-join the Chinese nationality, you must follow the rules and make major contributions, such as donating money to the country, or contributing your own technology, etc.

Internationally, when they saw millions of Soviets becoming Chinese nationals, they were actually afraid in their hearts. They could not help but resent that Wujiang Group was too shameless to poach so many Soviet talents, resulting in fewer Soviet talents immigrating to Western countries. China But it has become stronger because of the return of so many Soviet talents.

At this time, polar bear country.

When the news that former Soviet citizens could become Chinese nationals reached here, it immediately caused a sensation.

The Soviet Union has only fallen for a year, and the main successor, the Polar Bear Country, is doing a lot of "shock therapy" in order to restore the country's economy.However, this time it was completely out of play, and it was really about to "shock". The whole country was in short supply, and the ruble depreciated wildly, which was worse than before the fall of the Soviet Union.

Under such circumstances, when they learned that China granted citizenship to the former Soviet Union, countless polar bear people were eager to go to China.

Under the propaganda of Wujiang Group, the life of Chinese people is beautiful and desirable in the letters of relatives and friends.

At this time, the Wujiang Group still did not stop poaching corners in northern countries.

Dig and dig and dig in the big garden.

There are gains every day.

The polar bear country is too busy to take care of itself, and it doesn't know how much heritage it has lost.

At this time, Zhao Ye had just finished working on the naturalization of Soviet employees, and started to work on another important matter.

That is the Zhongxiong Crude Oil Pipeline.

In order to prevent Mongolia from interfering, the Zhongxiong crude oil pipeline did not pass through Mongolia, but went west from the Angarsk oil field in Irkutsk Oblast, the polar bear country, to the south into the Republic of Buryatia, and after bypassing Lake Baikal, all the way to East, through Chita Prefecture, enter China, and go straight to Daqing, with a total length of about 2260 kilometers and a cost of about 25 billion US dollars.

This is the "Anda Line" crude oil pipeline!
This year, China has changed from an oil exporter to an oil importer, and it is expected that the demand for oil will be extremely strong in the future.

Therefore, the state is also trying its best to promote this matter.

Life in the polar bear country is not easy. In order to improve the domestic economic situation, the polar bear country is also eager to sell resources, and the two hit it off.

The line issue has been discussed for a long time, but with the help of Wujiang Group, the negotiation is much faster than in the previous life.

However, after the route was determined, the Polar Bear Country stated that they did not have the funds to build this crude oil pipeline.

In order to solve this problem, Wujiang Group, China and Polar Bear Country conducted several rounds of negotiations.

But after talking and talking, Polar Bear Country always said that he has no money, and he just wants to be a white wolf with empty hands anyway.

If Zhao Ye hadn't known the importance of this crude oil pipeline, he wouldn't have spoiled him.

Just when the negotiations were about to reach an impasse.

Zhao Ye said that the Polar Bear Country can be given a loan to build a crude oil pipeline, and then the loan can be repaid with crude oil.

Originally, the matter of cooperation has been basically settled, but suddenly, some people in the country of North Bear said that the "Anda Line" passes through the southern end of Lake Baikal. Some people worry that if the pipeline leaks, it is very likely to pollute the so-called global A freshwater lake with one-fifth of freshwater on land.

Moreover, since the polar bear country is building a crude oil pipeline, it should not only consider China, but also other Asian countries such as South Korea and Japan, so as to maximize the interests of the polar bear country.

As soon as Zhao Ye heard the news, he thought to himself: "It's broken, Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway, and Japan must be a hindrance!"

Japan is also a resource-poor country. Before that, like China, it bought oil all over the world.However, compared with China, Japan, as the second largest economy in the world, is also a member of the Western world. Obviously, it is much easier to buy oil from the Middle East.However, it also faces the problem of diversifying sources of oil imports to ensure security.

Capital State Guest House.

Zhao Ye's complexion was not very good. Looking at the representative of the polar bear, he was very depressed for a while.

In the previous life, the Zhongxiong crude oil pipeline project was successfully negotiated after 15 years of arduous negotiations.

In order to buy oil, Japan must have provided the polar bear country with extremely favorable conditions.

For the polar bear country, if Japan and South Korea participate, the price of crude oil for polar bears can be sold at a higher price.

"Mr. Antonia, the cooperation has already been discussed, why did it change so quickly? Did other countries get involved?" Zhao Yefa asked.

Leander Antonia smiled awkwardly, and said, "Crude oil pipelines should not only consider China, but also other Asian countries such as South Korea and Japan. That's why we decided to change the route."

"Change the route? Excuse me, where are the starting and ending points of the new crude oil pipeline route?" Zhao Ye asked coldly.

"From the Angarsk oil field to Nakhodka..." Leander Antonia hesitated for a moment, but still answered truthfully.Obviously, this line has no intention of providing oil to China at all.

This is an oil pipeline that goes directly to the Pacific coast and can be transported directly to Japan by sea.

At this moment, apart from Zhao Ye, the expressions of all the Chinese representatives present changed drastically.

Crude oil pipelines are related to energy security. This "Anna Line" excludes China.

The Chinese representatives immediately expressed their disapproval of the pipeline route.

"China has a large population, and its demand for crude oil in the future will far exceed that of Japan. Even if it is for profit, the polar bear country should choose the crude oil pipeline we proposed!"

In fact, the negotiations have come to an impasse.

Polar Bear Country is up for grabs, even leaning toward Japan.

When Zhao Ye thought about the crude oil pipeline project that he had talked about for more than ten years in his previous life, he felt physically and mentally exhausted, and he couldn't put all his eggs in one basket.

Polar bear country cannot be counted on.

Friendship is nothing before interests.

Sending off the representative of the Polar Bear Country, Zhao Ye immediately expressed his thoughts to the Chinese representative Zhong Bohan.

"Around China, Kazakhstan is also rich in oil."

"China can absolutely cooperate with it."

When Zhong Bohan heard this, he nodded thoughtfully and said, "Well, that's true, but if the crude oil pipeline is built from Kazakhstan, the cost may be higher!"

Zhao Ye waved his hand and said casually, "It doesn't matter if the cost is higher, you can still buy crude oil!"

"Okay, then I will send someone to contact Kazakhstan to discuss cooperation."


(End of this chapter)

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