Rebirth 1984: Starting from the development of Hanka

Chapter 206: A True Learning Machine!

Chapter 206 True Learning Machine!

Since mid-April, Zhao Ye has focused his energy on developing blade servers and Fuxi database software.

After the pirated Hongmeng operating system became popular in the United States, orders for CPU Kirin-3 and GPU Kunpeng-1 suddenly increased, and even retaliatory consumption appeared in a short period of time.

Is this the east corner of the lost, the mulberry elm harvested?

Chip companies like Intel, however, were in bad luck and their sales plummeted.

The price increase of EDA tools and chip foundry is nothing more than that, but now even the chips cannot be sold, which makes the already scarred chip companies even worse!

In the early 90s, the Wintel alliance formed by Microsoft and Intel slammed IBM and Apple, but now they have become brothers and sisters.

Especially for Intel, the Soviet Vladimir Pentekovsky, the soul of the Pentium series of chips, has now joined Godson, and has also taken away a large number of chip design talents.

As a result, the development speed of Intel Corporation has been delayed a lot.

On the other hand, Godson is about to develop the "Kirin-4", or "Kirin Pentium" processor.

The reason why it is named "Kirin Pentium" processor is because the release of this processor will completely establish the invincible status and establish the invincible image of Kirin series processors, and its performance advantage will be far ahead of Intel. And AMD processors!


"Boss, the Ministry of Education in China hopes that we can develop a microcomputer to help students learn computer programming education!" Liu Yinyin walked to Zhao Ye with the document and said.

After all, China Computer is too expensive. Although Wujiang Group donated a batch of computers, there are too many students and the supply of computers exceeds demand.

If Wujiang Group can develop a relatively cheap microcomputer, then the Ministry of Education is very willing to purchase a batch and distribute it to universities.

When Zhao Ye heard the words, his eyes suddenly lit up. He thought of a product with a very low cost, which was mainly used for computer programming learning.

If more people learn programming, Wujiang Group will not be too short of talents.

If there are more people in China who can program, it will not only benefit the development of the Internet, but it can even grab India's IT outsourcing or foundry industry.

In the previous life, India's IT industry was very developed, and its IT outsourcing or foundry was the key to the development of India's IT industry.

In the previous life, India had the second largest number of IT companies in the world. Not only was the scale of the software outsourcing company very large, but it also became one of the world’s top two companies. For a long time, it has occupied the top two places in the world’s software outsourcing market together with the United States, with a combined share of two-thirds. India's software exports have also reached 20% of global software exports. To use a common Indian saying: 90% of the software of American and European Internet companies is written by Indians.

India's software industry is mainly used to export and earn foreign exchange, which can earn nearly 2000 billion U.S. dollars, and more than 70% of software outsourcing sources come from the United States. Every year, millions of Indian IT personnel provide services to European and American companies, especially American companies. Online customer service, after-sales service, code input, software testing, data input and analysis, etc.

Zhao Ye felt that China could completely replace it.

"Okay, I see, you tell the people in the Ministry of Education that Wujiang Group will come up with a product that will satisfy them soon!"

Zhao Ye said solemnly.

Liu Yinyin responded and went to contact the people from the Ministry of Education.

Zhao Ye immediately thought about how to develop "Raspberry Pi", Chinese name: Raspberry Pi.

In the previous life, the Raspberry Pi has been sought after by many computer enthusiasts and creators since it came out, and it was once hard to find a "Pie".No display, no mouse, no keyboard, and it's as pocket-sized as it gets: $35.

Regardless of its "petite" appearance, the inner "core" is very powerful, and it has all functions such as video and audio. It can be said that "although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs."

Before Zhao Ye was reborn, the Raspberry Pi was very popular, with sales reaching tens of millions of units a year!

Zhao Ye does not require to be able to develop the Raspberry Pi in his previous life, but he can develop a microcomputer for computer programming learning according to the design idea of ​​Raspberry Pi.

Domestically, the little overlord learning machine is selling dog meat under tricks.

Of course, the Raspberry Pi that Wujiang Group will develop will not be the same as Xiaobawang.

Zhao Ye quickly thought about it in his mind. It is absolutely possible to use the Kirin 1 chip with a low-end version of the Hongmeng system to create a more suitable microcomputer.

This miniature computer has a USB interface. Ordinary computer motherboards rely on hard disks to store data, but it can use a USB flash drive as a hard disk to store data.

Wujiang Group can definitely develop a USB flash drive with lower capacity and cheaper price.

Zhao Ye quickly turned on the computer, created a Word document, and began to write his thoughts.

In less than ten minutes, he finished writing. After careful study, he felt that there was no problem, so he sent it to Qiu Bojun, asking Wujiang Computer Company to research a microcomputer immediately, and then continued to develop "Fuxi Database". .

Zhao Ye's familiarity with databases is not comparable to that of ordinary people. It can be said that in the current world, no one understands databases better than Zhao Ye.

Zhao Ye had used databases of many companies in his previous life. Zhao Ye knew all about the functions of these databases, especially the MySQL database, which was open source and free, so Zhao Ye couldn't be more familiar with it.

Therefore, "Fuxi Database" is almost designed based on MySQL.

Moreover, Zhao Ye wanted to "take the essence and discard the dross".

Build the framework right from the start.

IBM, Oracle and other companies probably never imagined that Zhao Ye, a hacker, has mastered the open source and free MySQL, and can come from behind!


December 1992, 5.

Wujiang Group announced internally that it stopped the production of BB machines and typewriters.

In fact, as early as the first half of 1990, Wujiang Group had cut off the Hanka business.

China Computer can already support Chinese, why do we need to develop Hanka?
Moreover, the profit of Hanka is already very low. Due to the low technical content, any college student with some skills can develop Hanka. Therefore, this industry has become very complicated and there is no profit.

As for BB phones, with the popularity of PHS, who would want to buy BB phones?

The price of PHS is not very expensive, and now the price has been reduced to below 2000 yuan.Although BB phones are several hundred yuan cheaper than PHS, who would still buy BB phones? Wouldn’t it be more convenient to use PHS to make calls and send text messages?Moreover, PHS can play domestic roaming, the product is very attractive.

So much so that the cdma technology developed by Wujiang Group is temporarily useless.

Although cdma is much better than PHS technology, and has the advantages of good signal, multiple functions, and large bandwidth, but the price of cdma is relatively expensive.China is currently using the PHS is enough.

Furthermore, PHS technology can actually continue to improve,

It can be seen that it will take a long time for cdma to be applied on a large scale in China.

There are flowers blooming inside the wall and fragrance outside the wall. Several communication companies in the United States have taken a fancy to cdma technology and want to acquire it, but Wujiang Group does not agree. They only say that they can cooperate. However, the cooperation has not yet been negotiated. The cooperation negotiations between major communication companies and Wujiang Group have all stopped.

History turned here again, the United States gave up cdma and embraced GSM instead. GSM has flaws, and it is difficult to compare with cdma. Especially in the era of 3G and 4G networks, cdma technology can far away from GSM and monopolize the entire communication market.

Zhao Ye was noncommittal about the lack of cdma network development in the United States.

In the short term, there are disadvantages for Wujiang, but in the long run, the US 3G communication era and 4G communication era must lag behind China.

Of course, China will support cdma technology, but at present it is only in trial operation in first-tier cities, and the number of cdma users is scarce.

In fact, Japan also has its own PDC communication standard. The Japanese government regards it as an important technology to challenge GMS and CDMA and master the dominance of 2G standards. It forces domestic communication companies to conduct in-depth research, develop and manufacture PDC standard communication equipment.

However, the fate of a small country, in the previous life, Japan’s PDC standard did not develop, but it was precisely because Japan focused on the development of the PDC standard that Japanese communication companies lost an opportunity for manufacturing development in the 2G era, giving Huawei, ZTE and other Chinese communication companies The company rises, surpasses, and creates opportunity.

The United States should have had cdma technology, but Zhao Ye turned out to snatch the cdma technology.

Motorola, as the industry leader in the 1G era, should have been involved in the research and development of 2G standards, but Motorola has an unconstrained idea, that is, the "Iridium Project", launching multiple communication satellites, allowing all users around the world to make satellite calls.

This "Iridium Project" even misled major US telecommunications companies, which led to the current US actually missing the 2G standard and had to choose European GSM.

The semiconductor industry, communications industry, and IT Internet technology industry in the United States have encountered problems one after another. How does this damn thing want to rise?

Zhao Ye, the person behind the scenes that caused this situation in the United States, has arrived at the Bund in Shanghai at this time, and is looking at the Lujiazui construction site in the distance across the Huangpu River.

"Wujiang Building is expected to be completed five years later, that is, in 5. Other buildings will be faster, especially those scientific research buildings with lower floors, so the construction period will be shorter!" Xu Zhesheng, the general director of the Lujiazui renovation project, said.

Zhao Ye was very sensitive to the number in 1997, and couldn't help being taken aback when he heard it.With the outbreak of the Asian financial crisis, major companies in Japan and South Korea would rather die than live. Wujiang Group moved into the "world's largest building" Wujiang Building at this time. It seems a bit... great!
Zhao Ye patted Xu Zhesheng on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Mr. Xu, make sure the project is successfully completed within the construction period!!"

"Boss, please don't worry, there is absolutely no problem!" Xu Zhesheng said confidently. As a professor of the Department of Architecture of a top domestic university and the chief technical engineer of Wanjiang Real Estate, he is well aware of the diligence and wisdom of Chinese construction workers. The title of "Infrastructure Maniac" is what they sweated and worked hard to build. He conservatively estimated that the Lujiazui renovation project would take five years. In fact, the project may be completed ahead of schedule.

"Well, that's good! But pay attention to construction safety. In addition, workers' food can be improved. Furthermore, Wanjiang Real Estate can absorb the technology of domestic and foreign construction companies. It is best to be able to recruit some people to join Wanjiang Real Estate. Strengthen the architectural design capabilities of Wanjiang Real Estate!"

Zhao Ye is planning at this time, after the Lujiazui renovation project is completed, Wanjiang Real Estate will make a big move into Chinese real estate and develop Wanjiang Plaza!
Real estate cannot be regarded as a scourge. The real estate industry contributed a lot to China's economic development in previous lives.

Simply put, real estate has a large scale, high weight, long chain, and wide involvement, and has a strong driving effect on upstream and downstream related industries. Therefore, it can become the ballast stone of the national economy and the pillar of the national economy.

There is some reason for large infrastructure projects to promote the development of the national economy.

Of course, the fact that housing prices have been inflated is a point of criticism.

But for this point, Zhao Ye also has a way to curb the skyrocketing housing prices.

That is to hoard more land and repair more houses. If there are more cheap houses, housing prices will be contained.

But for commercial real estate, such as Wanjiang Plaza, if it is mainly for rent, then it will not deliberately suppress housing prices. Anyway, people who can afford to rent shops are richer, and Zhao Ye does not feel guilty at all if he cheats them.

Gradually, the sun was getting higher, and the scorching hot sun in midsummer made the earth like a furnace, making it unbearably hot.

Zhao Ye wiped off his sweat and bid farewell to Xu Zhesheng and others.

At this time, Zhao Ye thought that when he reviewed the documents yesterday, he learned that the animation film "The Lion King" had been produced, so he ordered the driver to drive to the Shanghai Animation Film Studio...

(End of this chapter)

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