Rebirth 1984: Starting from the development of Hanka

Chapter 195 ISP Internet Operators (46k)

Chapter 195 ISP Internet Operators (4.6k)

Zhao Ye's network can reach directly to Tianting. In the afternoon, he called the relevant leaders and expressed the suggestion that China can build a network on its own. He also said that Wujiang Group can go all out and invest huge sums of money in China's network construction. .

The leader was very interested and decided to arrange someone to have a detailed talk with Zhao Ye.

Two days later, relevant leaders and experts came to Wujiang Group.

After exchanging pleasantries with the leaders, Zhao Ye led them to the conference room.

"China's application to access the Internet was rejected again. Zhao Ye, I heard you mean that China does not have to access the Internet. Why?" Huo Xing, the leader, asked Minister Huo.

Zhao Ye heard the words, thought for a while, and replied: "Because the current main users of the Internet are western countries, they are very likely to carry out various threats to our country's network security such as network attacks, network viruses, network fraud, and network espionage." Action, therefore, do not access the Internet, mainly to protect China's information security. In addition, at present, the root server is controlled by the United States, and the United States can shut down Internet services in other countries at will, thereby threatening its network security!"

After a pause, Zhao Ye added, "Of course, access to the Internet network and being able to connect with the world has certain advantages. If the Chinese network must be connected to the Internet, then two conditions must be met. One is the United States. Give us a few root servers, and set up a firewall to protect the internal network from external attacks!"

There was no root server in China's previous life, but there was a root mirror server.The mirror can reflect the things in front of it, while the root mirror server reflects the root server, including any processed information in the server, so as to achieve real-time updates.

Many people think that if China has a mirror server, they will not be afraid of the United States being disconnected from the Internet, and they can sit back and relax.

In fact, this is a wrong view.

China and any country applying for a mirror server must obtain the approval of ICANN, and ICANN is a private company registered in California, USA.

Moreover, the main problem with Chinese mirror servers is: China's secondary root mirror servers are mirror images of root servers F (in the United States), I (in Sweden), K (in the Netherlands), and L (in the United States), 100% controlled by root servers Control of F, I, K, L.Therefore, China's auxiliary root mirror server is not safe.Secondary root mirror servers in other countries are also unsafe because they are subject to the United States.The view that "China has 6 auxiliary root mirror servers and the Chinese Internet is no longer under the control of the United States" is completely wrong and very harmful.

Therefore, Zhao Ye hopes that China can develop its own network, and develop the IPv6 network in one step.

In the previous life, the ipv4 network was developed at the beginning. However, with the increasing number of networked devices around the world, the number of ipv4 IP addresses is not enough, so the IPv6 network.

A well-designed network needs to be far-sighted from the beginning, and the United States obviously did not expect the rapid development of the network.

When the leaders heard the words, they laughed wryly one by one. It is undoubtedly whimsical to ask the United States to sell a few root servers.

So... can only China build its own network?
"Zhao Ye, in your opinion, it's better for us to build our own network?" Minister Huo asked.

Zhao Ye nodded and said, "Yes, Minister Huo, we'd better invest in building our own network. With the popularity of the Internet, a large number of Chinese people will have access to the Internet, and most of them don't need to access the external network at all. "

"Then what is the difference between our network and the closed-door policy of the Qing Dynasty?" At this time, another official questioned.

Zhao Ye was taken aback when he heard the words, closed the door?It's not the same at all!Where did all this go.

"We can build China's network first, and then network with countries that are friendly to us. In this way, our network can also become an international network, maybe it can be called the Internet!"

Sorry, the World Wide Web is now invented by Wujiangji, so Zhao Ye called China's network the Internet, there is nothing wrong with it.

At this time, the Internet in the United States is like that. Without the support of the World Wide Web and browsers, it is a niche network. Except for professionals such as scholars and scientific researchers, ordinary people are not interested in playing.

Zhao Ye has decided that before China officially launches the Internet, it will not launch the World Wide Web, deliberately slowing down the speed of Internet development around the world.

China's Internet has not developed yet, do you still want to improve?Give me a stop! ! !
The leaders couldn't help but smile when they heard that they could connect the networks of friendly countries.

Not bad, this can be had!

"Zhao Ye, Wujiang Group intends to invest huge sums of money in developing the 'Internet'?" Minister Huo Xingwei asked with a smile.

"Yes, Wujiang Group is willing to invest at least 100 billion US dollars to develop China's Internet. However, I have one condition!" Zhao Ye replied with a smile, and then raised a finger.

As soon as the words fell, everyone was stunned.

They originally thought that Wujiang Group planned to invest several hundred million, but they did not expect to invest at least US$100 billion.

"Zhao Ye, is it necessary to invest so much in the development of the Internet?" Huo Xing frowned for the minister and asked. He always felt that spending 100 billion dollars on the Internet was a waste of money.

Zhao Ye replied: "It's just too much, and 100 billion US dollars is actually just a drop in the bucket. According to my plan, to build China's Internet, we must first invest in research and development of more advanced optical fibers, and secondly, lay optical fiber networks across the country. It is to be able to achieve fiber-optic access to the home, and then to develop routers, servers, switches, modems and other related network equipment..."

Everyone couldn't help being shocked again, the price of optical fiber is very expensive, how much will it cost to lay an optical fiber network across the country, and it is best to implement optical fiber into the home...

Seeing the astonished expressions on the leaders' faces, Zhao Ye couldn't help explaining: "Fiber optics to the home is the ultimate goal. For now, telephone lines can be used instead of fiber optics, but in this way, the network speed will be slower."

Huo Xingwei hurriedly said: "Slow down, step by step! By the way, Zhao Ye, tell me about your conditions!"

"My condition is very simple, that is to allow Wujiang Group to be an ISP in China, that is, an Internet operator!" Zhao Ye said slowly, "and monopolize it for 20 years!"

Wujiang Group invested so much, of course it must be rewarded.

The purpose of laying optical fiber is not to comprehensively provide Internet access services, information services, and value-added services to the majority of users, so as to establish Wujiang Group's monopoly advantage in China's Internet in one fell swoop.

Wujiang Group directly monopolizes the Internet entrance, how can other companies compete?

Coupled with the fact that Wujiang Group is still operating a chain of Internet cafes, how will other Internet companies compete in the future?
I'm afraid the difficulty level of hell is not so difficult!

And this model can also be used in other countries, especially in Southeast Asia and other countries, do you have no money to develop the Internet?It doesn't matter, Wujiang Group will help you, it's just so kind and generous!
Moreover, being an ISP Internet operator has huge benefits.

In the future, if Wujiang Group can obtain a mobile communication license, it will be able to be a full-service operator just like China Telecom in the previous life.

However, this may be a bit difficult. The mobile communication market is monopolized by state-owned enterprises, and licenses will not be easily issued to private enterprises.

Right now, taking advantage of the fact that the whole world is not very clear about the importance of the Internet, Zhao Ye is willing to invest 100 billion US dollars in order to become an ISP Internet operator!From Zhao Ye's point of view, this is definitely a super cost-effective deal. The premise is that if the Chinese ISP can be monopolized...

"AOL" in the previous life was an isp company. Taking advantage of the advantages of the ISP company, many businesses of AOL developed rapidly. In 2000, AOL merged with Time Warner, and the transaction volume reached 1660 billion US dollars!
Huo Xingwei's instinct is that 20 years of monopoly is too long, and it is seriously inconsistent with the regulations to hand over the monopoly of the Internet to private enterprises.However, the problem is that Wujiang Group invested 100 billion US dollars to build the Internet. If there is no monopoly power, it may not be able to recover the cost. It must not let people do business at a loss.

Huo Xing couldn't help but feel a little nerve-wracking as the minister.

"Zhao Ye, Wujiang Group's ISP monopoly still needs a meeting to discuss and study. This is the end of today's conversation. We will talk to you when we have a decision."

"Ok, no problem."

Zhao Ye nodded, got up and sent everyone away.

After returning to the company, Zhao Ye immediately notified the investment department to acquire Corning Corporation of the United States.

Optical fibers in communications are mainly glass fibers, and Corning is a leader in this area and has developed very advanced optical fiber products.However, none of the optical fiber products on the market satisfied Zhao Ye.

Wujiang Group is planning to lay optical fibers in China on a large scale. If the optical fibers are too rubbish, it will be a waste of money.

At this time, Zhao Ye thought that Corning Corporation is a well-known technology company in the United States, and was awarded the "National Technology Award" by the President of the United States.

Can Wujiang Group acquire such an American company?

Zhao Ye decided to give it a try. If it didn't work, let it go. At worst, he would hire people to develop optical fiber. Although China's development in the optical fiber field was weaker than that of the United States and Japan, it was not bad.

In August 1974, academician Zhao Zisen proposed a technical plan for quartz optical fiber communication.With no technology, no equipment, and no personnel, Zhao Zisen started China's optical fiber research.After nearly three years of hard work, my country's first practical, short-wavelength and step-type silica fiber was finally born.At the "Daqing Exhibition of Industrial Studies of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications" held in 8, Zhao Zisen successfully transmitted black and white TV signals through an optical fiber developed by himself.Optical fiber communication was exceptionally listed as a national key research country's optical fiber communication technology has since entered the "fast lane".

In the previous life, "Wuhan China Optics Valley" had the largest production base of optical fiber, optical cable and optoelectronic devices in China, and the largest research and development base of optical communication technology. It was an iconic brand for China to participate in international competition in the field of optoelectronic information.

Zhao Ye thought about it for a while, and decided to invite academician Zhao Zisen to oversee the development of Wujiang Optical Fiber!At the same time, we have to continue to dig people!

In addition, the optical glass and filter materials used in Zeiss products mainly come from SCHOTT's glass factory in Jena.After World War II, the SCHOTT glassworks was split in two: one in Jena, East Germany, and one in Mainz, West Germany.

It is worth mentioning that East Zeiss fully controls Jena, East Germany; West Zeiss fully controls Mainz, West Germany.

Needless to say, the technology of companies that can provide Zeiss with glass is superb.

Zhao Ye now thinks that after the acquisition of Western Zeiss, he will be able to fully control the Schott Jena Glass Factory. With the technology of the Schott Jena Glass Factory and the optical fiber experts he hired, it may not be impossible to develop advanced optical fibers. !
In fact, the technology of the Schott Jena glass factory is better than that of Corning, but this company has not set foot in the optical fiber industry at this stage.

In the afternoon of the next day, Wujiang Group tentatively sent out an acquisition offer to Corning, but was directly rejected by the other party.

At this time, Academician Zhao Zisen also received an invitation from Wujiang Group to serve as the chief engineer of Wujiang Optical Fiber.

"Academician Zhao, the conditions for researching optical fiber in China are too poor. As long as you can come to Wujiang Group, we can provide you with the best research equipment and a large number of talents!" said the person who invited him.

When Academician Zhao Zisen heard this, his heart was so sad that it was hard to express. He has been engaged in optical fiber research for 20 years, and the conditions are extremely difficult. Now there is finally a company willing to invest huge sums of money in the field of optical fiber!
Academician Zhao Zisen’s biggest dream is to hope that China’s optical fiber technology can catch up with Western countries as soon as possible. Therefore, he agreed to Wujiang Group’s invitation very happily, and said that he would call a group of friends in the optical fiber field to gather the strength of the whole country. Promote the development of China's optoelectronic information industry!

"Academician Zhao Zisen, China is very lucky to have you! I believe that China's optical fiber will catch up with Western countries, and even surpass them!"

A few days later, Academician Zhao Zisen came to Wujiang Group.

Zhao Ye personally welcomed the "Father of China's Optical Fiber".

"Academician Zhao Zisen, I'm very glad that you can join Wujiang Group!" Zhao Ye said, holding Academician Zhao Zisen's hand enthusiastically.

Academician Zhao Zisen smiled warmly: "It is my honor to join Wujiang Group!"

The two walked and chatted.

At this time, Zhao Ye proposed the concept of full-wave optical fiber to Academician Zhao Zisen, that is, low water peak single-mode optical fiber G.652C.

However, as soon as Academician Zhao Zisen finished listening, he expressed that it was extremely difficult.

This technology was launched by Lucent in 1998 in the previous life, and then Corning also developed a low water peak optical fiber in 2001. This technology was quickly promoted all over the world.

"Academician Zhao Zisen, I know it will be difficult, but at that time, there will be many people who will cooperate with you in research, including employees from Corning, Lucent, Philips, NTT, Sumitomo, and Furukawa. The company is currently organizing manpower poaching. A lot of engineers have been recruited! Oh, yes, and Jena, East Germany, which provides glass for East Zeiss, will also join in the research and development of optical fibers!"

Hearing this, Zhao Zisen was overwhelmed with embarrassment. This is why Wujiang Group's scientific research capabilities are so strong. In order to develop products, they will spend a lot of financial resources to recruit talents into Wujiang's hands.

It would be great if other domestic companies have this spirit.

A week later, Zhao Ye hadn't waited for the notice from Huo Xing as minister, but the Wujiang fiber optic project had already started, directly investing 2.5 million U.S. dollars for research and development.

Before the development of qualified optical fibers, Wujiang will not lay optical fibers on a large scale.

During this period, Wujiang Group just left enough time to complete the development of Internet devices such as network servers, routers, switches, optical modems, repeaters, hubs, bridges, gateways, and various protocols.

The other is to establish a chain of Internet cafes. Once the optical fiber is laid in the future, all these Internet cafes can be connected to the Internet, making China the country with the largest number of Internet users in one fell swoop.

Moreover, Zhao Ye felt that with Wujiang Group's credibility among Chinese people, if it develops the e-commerce industry, it will definitely win the trust of users. Maybe the development speed of China's e-commerce industry far exceeds that of the United States.

As March 1990 approached, 3 Internet cafes had been renovated across the country. The first batch of Internet cafes were basically distributed in densely populated urban areas, with an average of 80 computers in each Internet cafe.

A steady stream of China PCs are sent from Shenzhen Wujiang PC Manufacturing Factory to all parts of the country.

For the first time, China Computer, which is about to be released, will meet you in the form of a dedicated computer for Internet cafes.

Zhao Ye has already set the official release date of China Computer - April 4st, just when the Western world celebrates April Fool's Day, to give them a surprise.

"Liu Yinyin, remember, when China Computer was released, 100 computers were given to all colleges and universities across the country. I want all college students in China to learn to use the Hongmeng operating system!" Zhao Ye suddenly thought of something, and told Liu Yinyin beside him road.

At present, the number of domestic colleges and universities is small, only 368 universities, even if each university sends 100 computers, there are only 3.68 computers.The manufacturing cost of each computer is less than 2000 RMB, that is, the cost of donating the computer has not exceeded 1 million yuan.

Benefits without cost, but also can win a good reputation!

(End of this chapter)

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