Rebirth 1984: Starting from the development of Hanka

Chapter 185 Termination of contracts one after another! (53k)

Chapter 185 Termination of contracts one after another! (5.3k)

key! ! !

da da da da da...

In the office, the sound of typing on the keyboard, like a violent storm, can be heard endlessly, which is extremely shocking.

God-level programming technology, hand speed is as fast as lightning, even comparable to piano masters playing the piano.

Sometimes he paused for a moment, pondered for a while, and then there was another continuous sound of keyboards resounding all around.

Zhao Ye is immersed in the world of programming and cannot extricate himself.

At this time, Lu Xingping contacted Laurien Dick, the vice president of Apple.

"Mr. Dick, I told my boss about your requirements, and he said that there is no problem, and all your conditions can be met!"

"Oh, this is really good news!!!" Laurian Dick said happily, "It seems that our two companies will soon become strategic partners!"

"Yes, that's right, Mr. Dick, I can go to Apple tomorrow morning to sign a cooperation agreement!" Lu Xingping said with a smile.

"Okay, then, waiting for your arrival!" Laurian Dick replied.

The next day, Lu Xingping signed a cooperation agreement with Apple very smoothly, which not only allowed Wujiang Group to obtain the long-awaited Windows patent, but also obtained Apple, a major customer.

For Apple, if they can obtain the most advanced products from Wujiang Group, they can build a high-end Apple computer brand and regain market share.

Both sides can be described as happy.



"Lu Jia, here, this is the proposal for the product I hope Wujiang Communication Technology Company will develop next."

Zhao Ye came to Wujiang Communication Technology Company at this time and handed Lu Jia a document.

Lu Jia accepted the information without hesitation, and immediately flipped through it.

"Network switches and routers???" Lu Jia looked at the title, thoughtfully, and couldn't help but read it out.

Zhao Ye nodded and said, "That's right, these are the two products. Did you know there is a company in the United States called Cisco?"

Lu Jia nodded and replied, "I know this company was founded by a professor from Stanford University, and it mainly develops routers."

"Well, yes. We are also developing routers now, and we can't be too far behind Cisco.

The role of the router is many, it can connect different networks!

The network switch is to connect multiple computers in different locations to the network system to form a local area network...

The importance of these two products is huge! "

Zhao Ye picks up the simple and important ones, and writes more specific things in the materials.

With the increasing popularity of personal computers, the Internet era will slowly come.

Routers and network switches will grow in importance.

In the previous life, Cisco relied on routers and switches to become the company with the highest market value in the world at the beginning of 2000, close to 6000 billion US dollars!
Even if the Internet is not yet fully developed, routers and network switches are still very useful.

The company can assemble the company LAN, the school can build the school LAN, and the computer room can build the LAN... Especially for enterprises, the office efficiency will be greatly improved.

Of course, Zhao Ye also has another purpose, which is to prepare for opening an Internet cafe in the future.

In fact, the country is now connected to the Internet.

As early as 1986, the domestic "China Academic Network" was launched, referred to as CANET. In September 1987, CANET officially built China's first international Internet e-mail node in BJ Computer Applied Technology Research Institute, and sent China's first e-mail on September 9: "Across the Great Wall we can reach every corner in the world. (Across the Great Wall, to the world)".

Just last year, that is, in 1988, China's first X.25 packet switching network CNPAC (backbone network) was built, covering BJ, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenyang, Xi'an, Wuhan, Chengdu, Nanjing, Shenzhen and other cities.

Through this "X.25 backbone network", the international remote networking of computers and e-mail communication with Europe and North America can basically be realized.

However, this is not officially connected to the Internet.

China's access to the Internet was initially rejected by the United States. The United States government said that there are many scientific and technological information and other resources on the Internet, which cannot be accessed by socialist countries.

This matter has been discussed for a long time, until April 1994, 4, the NCFC (China National Computer and Network Facilities) project opened the 20K international special line connected to the Internet through the US Sprint Company, realizing a full-featured connection with the Internet.Since then, China has been officially recognized internationally as a country that truly has a full-featured Internet.This matter was rated as one of China's top ten scientific and technological news in 64 by the Chinese press, and was listed as one of China's major scientific and technological achievements in 1994 by the National Statistical Bulletin.

The development speed of China's Internet is slower than that of the United States, and the most influential factor is the router.In the construction of "NCFC", the most critical equipment is also the router.

During the design stage of NCFC, due to the restrictions on exports by Batumi and the United States, low- and middle-level router equipment cannot be imported.The DECRouter obtained in the first phase of the experimental project can only support the rate of 19Kbps, and only supports the DECnet protocol, and cannot run TCP/IP.For high-speed optical fiber network, the router should be able to support communication at a rate of 2Mbps and run TCP/IP protocol.

At that time, routers could not be produced domestically, nor could routers be imported, which led to a lag in the development of NCFC.

You know, the NCFC project was proposed in May 1990, and it took more than four years to succeed.

Wujiang Communication Technology Co., Ltd. has started to develop routers now. When the country proposes the NCFC project, Wujiang Group can directly provide a large number of routers to the country, allowing Chinese people to enjoy the joy of Internet surfing in advance!
Wujiang Group can even become China's first Internet company, just like Ying Haiwei, the first Internet company in the previous life, providing both dial-up and website services.

Internet companies in this period are basically losing money, but it doesn’t matter, when the time comes to go to NASDAQ, the listing bell will ring, the company will have money, and it will be able to return to capital in an instant.

When the Internet bubble burst, they bought the bottom and then delisted.

Leave after plucking the wool.

Americans are not allowed to share in the success of Internet companies!
That's the old six!

Lu Jia flipped through the information and read it carefully. In the information, Zhao Ye introduced the US Internet in detail, and made a lot of bold speculations, such as the global Internet. Everyone can contact people anywhere in the world as long as they go online.

After reading this information, Lu Jia suddenly realized that what the boss said might be true, which means that the market for routers will be very large.

In fact, this is considered very conservative. Zhao Ye did not say that he could shop online, watch movies, listen to music, or play large-scale online games, for fear that Lu Jia would not be able to accept it.

Furthermore, there is no need to say that with the current technology, it cannot be realized in a short period of time. It is very good to be able to send an e-mail or browse the BBS on the Internet. What kind of bicycle do you need...

"Boss, this information is very precious. Through this information, I have seen the future application scenarios of network switches and routers. The prospects are really bright!" Lu Jia sighed with emotion.

Zhao Ye pouted, what you see is just the tip of the iceberg.

"By the way, when it comes to routers, Wujiang Communication Technology must arrange a development team to research wireless routers. In the future, our laptops will be able to connect to wireless routers..."

Speaking of this, Zhao Ye suddenly paused, wait... It seems that connecting a laptop to a wireless router is useless at this stage, unless the country is connected to the Internet.No, it can be sold in the US.The Internet in the United States is developing rapidly.First, though, the browser software had to be developed.

At this time, computers did not have browsers, so the entertainment properties of the Internet were very low, and people only used it to send emails or files.

If the Hongmeng operating system has its own browser, it will be difficult to think about it...

I really am a genius!

The network switch can set up a local area network, open a computer room or an Internet cafe, and at the same time make a lot of money, it can also promote China Computer, and master an important promotion channel.

The wireless router makes the Shenzhou notebook computer different, and it can connect to the Internet without dragging a network cable.

The browser is even more powerful. With it, several websites can be created, and American consumers can't be fascinated?
When Lu Jia heard that the laptop was connected to the wireless router, his eyes lit up. If this is the case, the market for wireless routers should not be underestimated!
"Boss, your ideas are really unconstrained, admirable!" Lu Jia sighed.For the development of wireless routers, Lu Jia is full of confidence.

To put it bluntly, it is to convert wired network signals into wireless signals, which is a kind of short-range wireless communication technology. Wujiang Communication Technology Company has an extremely strong technical background in the field of wireless communication technology.

Zhao Ye smiled, and said modestly: "Where, others can think of it. Oh, by the way, this kind of wireless networking technology is called wifi. Develop it as soon as possible."

"Okay, boss!"

"By the way, we still need to develop a short-distance communication technology!" Zhao Ye said suddenly.Now that wifi is going to be developed, why not even develop bluetooth!

Wifi must have a router to use.

Bluetooth technology has radio frequency characteristics, adopts TDMA structure and network multi-level structure, and applies frequency hopping technology and wireless technology in technology. It has the advantages of high transmission efficiency and high security, and is applied by all walks of life.There are Bluetooth modules between devices to achieve short-distance communication.

Between wifi and bluetooth, each has its advantages and disadvantages, but both are very important.

Especially at the moment when wireless routers are not very popular, the application scenarios of Bluetooth are wider. For example, two mobile phones can communicate with each other without any other devices.

For example, the electronic pet machine can also be connected by Bluetooth, which is more stable and smooth than the infrared connection.

At this time, Lu Jia was a little confused, "Boss, the wifi is quite good, why do you want to develop a short-distance communication technology?"

"Is there WiFi on the street? No, so how to achieve short-distance communication between two devices? Is this also a demand?"

"Hungry, from what you said, boss, this kind of short-distance communication technology between devices is really just needed!"

"That's right, this technology is different from wifi. I call it bluetooth technology! Therefore, Wujiang Communication Technology Co., Ltd. has to develop wifi and bluetooth technology at the same time. If there is any shortage of manpower, go find a foreign headhunting company !"

"Boss, don't worry, Wujiang Communication Technology Company has a lot of talents, and developing wifi and bluetooth is not a problem!!!"

"That's good!"


After sending Lu Jia away, Zhao Ye got up and went to the wine cabinet, found a bottle of Romanée-Conti red wine, poured himself a glass, and while tasting the wine, he thought about the preparations he had done to promote "Shenzhou Computer".

"If this is the case, if "Shenzhou Computer" is not popular, then I will be speechless! Zhao Ye murmured.

"It's better to develop the Origin Engine as soon as possible. Even if there is a lack of wireless routers and wifi, it will not have much impact for the time being, but the lack of games will definitely seriously affect the sales of China Computer!"

Zhao Ye drank the red wine in one gulp, and immediately went to type the code again.


It is said that there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

IBM soon learned that Wujiang Group was going to get involved in the PC industry, and immediately sent a questioning letter or a threatening letter.

"...Wujiang Group is the general agent of IBM-PC in China. Now Wujiang Group is secretly developing personal computers. It is clear that it wants to compete with IBM-PC. I advise Wujiang Group to give up its own computer brand. Don't be obsessed with it. Otherwise, IBM will cancel the cooperation with Wujiang Group!!!”

IBM-PC is now very strong, occupying an absolute advantage in the personal computer market, and IBM itself has a great influence, and is capable of suppressing Wujiang Group in the PC industry.

However, to some extent, IBM may be out of fear of Wujiang Group, so it does not want Wujiang Group to launch its own brand of personal computers.

"Boss, what should we do about this matter? IBM requires us to give them an answer as soon as possible!" Liu Yinyin asked.

Zhao Ye was very speechless. No matter how awesome your IBM is, how can you still manage my affairs with Wujiang Group?I also advise Wujiang Group to give up its self-developed computer brand and not to be obsessed with it, I am!How could the "Shenzhou Computer", which Wujiang Group spent several years to build, not go on the market because of IBM's few words?
IBM thinks too highly of itself!

It seems that Wujiang Group can no longer cooperate with IBM.

"Boss, IBM received the news really fast. I suspect that most of this news came from Apple, and it may even be revealed by Apple deliberately. The purpose is to attract IBM and other companies Our side, so that the Wujiang Group can bear the other side's artillery fire!" Liu Yinyin analyzed, paused, and said angrily, "I also said that it is a strategic partner, and it turns out that the strategic partner is used to stab..."

Zhao Ye nodded, and said indifferently: "It doesn't matter whether it is or not, Apple will also be our competitor. After our "Shenzhou Computer" is released, we will fight together with Apple Computer and IBM-PC! "

After a pause, Zhao Ye said contemptuously, "Liu Yinyin, you should reply to IBM right now, and say that IBM is not qualified to intervene in any affairs of Wujiang Group!!!"

"Yes, boss!!!" Liu Yinyin was taken aback when she saw this, she rarely saw the boss so domineering and turned his head sideways. Usually, he is gentle and elegant. Yu, the son is unparalleled in the world", but he did not expect the boss to have a domineering side.


IBM Corporation.

Executive meeting.

"Wujiang Group has done a good job of keeping secrets. No one would have thought that they would be secretly developing personal computers."

"Wujiang Group has always been ambitious, but it is very powerful. We must pay attention to it!"

"If there is no accident, Wujiang Group will soon reject our request. The agent of IBM-PC in China needs to be re-selected."

"Choose Lenovo Technology. In the past two years, Lenovo Technology's PC agency business has done well."

Due to the relatively high popularity of Lenovo Hanka, the Computing Institute has changed its name to Lenovo Technology Corporation since last year.

However, although Lenovo Technology has the word "technology", it has no core technology at all. IBM hopes to cooperate with such a company without worrying about the situation like Wujiang Group.

"I have met the general manager of Lenovo Technology, named Liu Chuanzhi. He is a humble and polite person. He has a very correct attitude in front of me and has a good eye. He has always wanted to cooperate with our IBM. Once I was at a party. When I went to drink, he saw that there was no wine in my glass, so he stood beside me and poured me wine from time to time. At first I thought he was a waiter, hahaha..."

"Then choose Lenovo Technology Company to cooperate with. We like the humble Chinese people."

Just when everyone was chatting.

Assistant to the President Mark Jonathan walked into the conference room.

He looked at the crowd and said, "Just now I received a call, Wujiang Group officially rejected our request, and Zhao Ye also said that IBM is not qualified to intervene in any affairs of Wujiang Group!"

"Damn, Wujiang Group represents our company IBM-PC, why are we not qualified to intervene, Zhao Ye is really an arrogant guy, if he dares to offend IBM, there will be no good results!!!"

"Okay, everyone, stop arguing, get ready, we will have a war to fight!" IBM President Tim John Watson said in a deep voice.

Wujiang Group is extraordinary, it is a powerful opponent.

However, IBM is not afraid. In the PC field, IBM is the boss, and no one will be their opponent.

Not Wang An Computer Company, nor Wujiang Group!

"It is announced that IBM has officially terminated the contract with Wujiang Group, and Wujiang Group will no longer be the agent of IBM-PC in China!" Tim John Watson looked at his assistant and said loudly.

"Okay, President!"

On the same day, IBM had conflicts with Wujiang Group, and the news of the termination of the contract caused a sensation in the industry and sparked heated discussions.

At this moment, Liu Chuanzhi never imagined that there was a real pie in the sky. IBM had just terminated the contract with Wujiang Group, and it would turn around to cooperate with Lenovo Technology.

What else is there to say?Of course I readily agreed!
Yanagawa couldn't be happier. The IBM-PC is the hottest and most well-known in the country. Many government officials specify that they want the IBM-PC, but not other computers.

"Haha, 'The predecessors planted trees, the descendants enjoy the shade', Wujiang Group is an agent of IBM-PC, which makes IBM-PC more famous in China than other PC brands, it is really refreshing!" Liu Chuanzhi shouted excitedly in his heart.

He hadn't been this happy for a long time. Before, every time he thought of Zhao Ye, he felt uncomfortable.Comfortable now.

Of course, Liu Chuanzhi was also very curious about how IBM would terminate the contract with Wujiang Group for no reason?He inquired with IBM, only to find out that Wujiang Group wanted to make its own computer brand, which offended IBM.

"There is a difference between the products developed by myself and the products of other people's agents. Wujiang Group will definitely treat them differently. It is no wonder that IBM will terminate the contract with Wujiang Group!" Liu Chuanzhi laughed.



Not long after, the news that Wujiang would develop a PC spread like wildfire.

After IBM, several computer brands such as Hewlett-Packard and Compaq also announced the termination of contracts with Wujiang Group.

At noon, in Shanghai, Secretary Liu Hai and his secretary came to visit Zhao Ye.

However, the scene in front of him made Secretary Liu full of astonishment. Such a big thing happened, and his eyebrows were on the verge of burning. Zhao Ye was still sipping tea leisurely, seemingly not in a hurry.

"Zhao Ye, PC manufacturers such as IBM, HP, and Compaq have all terminated their contracts with Wujiang Group. You are not in a hurry!" Secretary Liu walked up to Zhao Ye and asked.

"Hello, Secretary Liu, it's useless for me to worry about this matter. Wujiang Group will inevitably squeeze the market share of other PC brands if it wants to enter the PC market. They are going to jointly suppress me, but Secretary Liu, please rest assured. They are not enough. look!"

Zhao Ye took a sip of tea slowly at this time, and said lightly: "If I use Huang Chao's poem to describe it, it would be 'after my flowers bloom, a hundred flowers will kill'!!!"

PS: The update is almost [-] words today, and it will exceed [-] words tomorrow. Please continue to vote

(End of this chapter)

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