The leisurely life of the reborn daddy

Chapter 839 Cute red envelope Please vote for me

Chapter 839 Cute red envelope (8700) Please vote for me

"Dad, what is the Huanggang test question that mom just mentioned?" Mengmeng had a wary look in her eyes.

From the ill-intentioned look in her mother's eyes, she always felt that it was not a good thing.

Cao Shujie turned to look at his wife and found that his wife was glaring at him fiercely. The look seemed to convey, "You dare to say, believe it or not, I will kill you." He quickly turned back to Mengmeng and said with a smile: " Mengmeng, don’t worry, Huanggang test questions are a good thing, many people want it, but they still can’t get it.”

"Really? Test questions? The last thing I want to do is do the questions." Mengmeng curled her lips.

Her eyes were rolling, and she didn't know what she was remembering. She suddenly said to Cao Shujie: "Dad, why don't you wait until mom buys the Huanggang test questions and I'll give them to you."

Cao Shujie was speechless. Mengmeng's brain worked very quickly, but it was a pity that he didn't use it in the right way.

Mengmeng will have three days off after finishing the exam this time.

The key is that she has no homework for these three days, but she is so happy that she either plays with her brother at home or runs out to play with her friends every day.

The heavy snow that fell some time ago has already melted away, otherwise Mengmeng would have to take out her old cart and let Daha and Erha take her for a few laps.

Time is moving forward day by day. When Mengmeng was playing, she suddenly felt that time passed so fast.

Now she knew she was a child again.

Instead, there is another incident that has caused a stir in the city recently.

"Dad, you are so stupid. Didn't our teacher take the photo? Dad, you said you would give me two hundred yuan. Adults can't lie to children." Mengmeng emphasized.

This still did not reveal that the year-end bonuses were distributed on the day of the reunion dinner.

Wang Zhifeng was thinking that if the news was revealed, the employees would be happier.

Cao Shujie and Cheng Xiaolin have not told Cao Huifang about their trip to Shencheng during the New Year.

Everyone rushed to tell each other and discuss whether this matter was true or false.

After he picked up Mengmeng, he saw Mengmeng running over and chirped to him, "Dad, I got 100 points in both Chinese and math!"

Not only did she not say anything, she also ordered her husband not to say a word to her daughter Cao Huifang, otherwise he would be too good-looking.

He thought that when they handed out the test papers, they would most likely post the transcript notification in the class group as soon as possible. However, Cao Shujie waited until 3: in the afternoon to pick up Mengmeng, and no transcript was sent to the class group.

The answer I got was that I haven’t thought about it yet.

Even if he thought about going to the finance department to ask the financial manager Hu Youcai, it would be in vain.

Moreover, Wang Zhifeng did not expect that the employees would not be interested in the celebrity performances, dancing, cross talk, sketches, singing, etc. at the annual meeting. Just as the boss said, everyone would sit together for a reunion dinner and draw a prize during the meal for everyone. Giving a better gift together will make most employees like it more.

On Friday morning, Cao Shujie was sitting in the office of Xuemeng Food Factory, his mind always focused on Mengmeng’s QQ class group.

"Mengmeng, if your score is low, I won't give you a red envelope then, so don't cry." Cao Shujie emphasized this point solemnly.

Many employees in Xuemeng Food Factory heard a rumor that the factory will not organize annual party performances this year.

Looking at the summary results, Wang Zhifeng admired his boss very much.

The employees in the human resources department finally reported these results to manager Wang Zhifeng.

Upon hearing this, Mengmeng's little face immediately drooped, and she muttered: "I also want to take Dahei to catch wild rabbits tomorrow."

Moreover, they also received news that the company's 50 yuan originally expected to be used for the annual meeting was all used to buy exquisite gifts for them. On average, it cost more than 300 yuan per person. If plus the original plan The standard for buying gifts for them is about six to seven hundred yuan per person, which is definitely a good gift.

When it was time to go to bed on Thursday night, Mengmeng was still thinking about holding Dahei and going to catch wild rabbits in the old forest with her friends tomorrow. When she was thinking about it, she suddenly heard her father telling her to go to bed quickly. , I have to go to school tomorrow morning.

However, because the sales situation last year was relatively complicated and the sales volume was relatively large, the company's finance department has been working overtime recently to calculate last year's sales and profits. It is said that the results have not yet come out. At this time, even Wang Zhifeng does not know how much he can give to the company this year. How many year-end bonuses are given to employees?

What can Cao Jianguo do?

For Mengmeng, it doesn't matter where she goes, as long as she's not at home.

Wang Yuelan is full of resentment towards her daughter now, and she will not tell her daughter at this time that she will go to Shencheng to spend the Chinese New Year with her. It feels more like Wang Yuelan couldn't help but miss her daughter, so she surrendered and ran over.

During the three-day holiday without homework, she played every day and had long forgotten that she had to go to school on Friday.

He didn't expect that with just such a simple change, the effect of the annual meeting would be completely different.

"That's not right. Your group didn't send out transcripts. How do you know you got 100 points?" Cao Shujie asked her.

One is discussing what to eat at this year’s big party? The other thing is to discuss what gifts to buy? Who will perform on stage then?

While playing with her younger brother, Mengmeng did not forget to ask her parents where they would go during the Chinese New Year this year.

But then I heard my father say: "What kind of holiday do you have? Tomorrow, Friday, you go to get the test paper, and you want to see how many points you got in the test?"

"Ah, isn't it a holiday?" Mengmeng's first reaction was whether her father was lying to her.

The factory is scheduled to give everyone a day off on the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month. The factory will stop work, and then organize all employees in the factory to find a place to have a dinner together. It is said that there will also be a lottery game, and anyone who is willing to sing or show impromptu dance can do it.

"What are you thinking about? Go to sleep quickly." Cao Shujie scolded her.

In addition to these two photos, there are two other photos of the whole class in the group. The photos have the slogan "Outstanding Primary School Students" written in them. Apart from this, there is no text description. Cao Shujie did not understand what this meant. .

After this gossip spread, all the employees in the factory pursed their lips happily and laughed secretly.


The human resources department conducted a secret investigation and found that the guys were very keen on discussing related topics.

Mengmeng was unhappy, but she was still very happy when she thought that she would be able to get a red envelope after the exam results came out.

But the Chinese teacher and math teacher in the class group sent two photos respectively.

The photos say 'Chinese pacesetter' and 'Math pacesetter'. There are 5 and 9 people in the photo respectively. It is worth mentioning that there are cute people in these two photos.

Only then did Cao Shujie realize that the two photos of the "Chinese and Mathematics pacesetters" were the report cards.

"You mean the students who took the photos all got 100 points in the exam?" Cao Shujie asked his daughter. When her daughter looked at Mengmeng and nodded, Cao Shujie happily took out a red envelope that he had prepared early from his pocket.

There was exactly 200 yuan in it. He handed the red envelope to Mengmeng: "Take it, go home and ask for the rest from your mother and grandparents."

"And grandpa, he also promised to give me a red envelope." Mengmeng emphasized.

Mengmeng scored 100 points in both the Chinese and mathematics exams this time, which made the whole family very happy. They were all busy celebrating Mengmeng.

Wang Yuelan also specially cooked a table of delicious food to reward Mengmeng. Cao Shujie specially brought his grandfather Cao Zhenghu and uncle Cao Jianlin over for dinner, and everyone had a good time together.

Mengmeng looked at the people at the table and said with some disappointment: "It's a pity that my aunt is not here, otherwise I would also ask her for a red envelope."

Cao Shujie didn't expect that her daughter would suddenly mention this.

When he was about to say a few words, he heard his mother Wang Yuelan say: "Mengmeng, when you see your aunt in the future, give her 10 times the red envelope and ask for it back."

"Hehe, 10 times!" Mengmeng stretched out her hands and looked at the 10 fingers, unable to calculate.

She asked her grandma: "Grandma, what is 10 times?"

Wang Yuelan told her that it was a lot of money anyway, and promised Mengmeng that if her aunt didn't give her the money, she would personally go to the battle and help her granddaughter get the red envelope.

Cao Shujie and his wife looked at each other, feeling helpless, thinking that his sister might have to bleed a little.

Uncle Cao Jianlin also said: "Jianguo, will Fangfang come back this year? If she does, tell her that if she doesn't go out with you, she will go to my place again to celebrate the New Year. You should have fun outside. Don’t hang it at home.”

Cao Jianlin was kind-hearted. Just as Cao Jianguo was about to tell his elder brother, Wang Yuelan said, "Brother, Fangfang is working overtime in the factory this year. Isn't it possible that this stinky girl won't be able to come back to celebrate the New Year this year?"

"Ah, I'm so busy during the New Year." Cao Jianlin sighed, then changed his tone and said with a smile: "But it's okay to be busy for a while now, which means that the company's efficiency is good, and at least there is a place to make money."

"I saw on TV that factories in many places were not performing well and were closed for holidays. Some companies couldn't even pay wages."

This is true. There are a lot of news like this on TV recently.

As the Spring Festival approaches day by day, Xuemeng Food Factory is getting busier and busier, and the daily shipment volume is getting larger day by day.

At this time, especially gift box shipments are larger.

It is no longer appropriate for large customers such as Jiajiale, Wal-Mart, Reputation Building, and Lianhua Supermarket to use trucks with high rails of more than 8 meters to pull goods.

During the period approaching the Spring Festival, all deliveries were switched to semi-trailers.

Because the shipment volume of gift boxes has increased sharply, and the use of packaging boxes has also increased sharply, the two packaging box factories built in the east of Qingshi Town Industrial Park are also working overtime in two shifts during this period. They are all working for Xue. Meng Food Factory supplies packaging boxes.

In the past, they still regretted investing in Qingshi Town Industrial Park when their heads were hot.

But later, as Xuemeng Food Factory’s use of packaging boxes, other packaging materials, and BOM parts increased, they were even more fortunate to listen to Liu Furong and Luo Ningyou’s pertinent suggestions and come to Qingshi Town Industrial Park to invest and build a factory. .

If the Qingshi Town Government had not attracted them to invest with extremely low land fees and tax incentives, how could there be current sales of packaging boxes?

The key is to cooperate with Xuemeng Food Factory. You don’t have to worry about payment settlement. Xuemeng Food Factory’s finance department will proactively contact them to issue invoices and settle accounts when the time comes.

How could any of the factories we had cooperated with before be so conscious?

Everyone is trying to find a way, and they just delay it if they can. If they really can't delay it, they will end up acting rogue.

The current cooperative relationship with Xuemeng Food Factory once made his suppliers feel unreal.

There is a factory called Qinglong Packaging Box Factory in the west of Qingshi Town Industrial Park, and the boss is Dong Cheng.

This factory used to operate in the suburbs of Yiling City, but because there were too many packaging box factories in the city, competition among the same industry was very bad, and the Qinglong Packaging Box Factory once reached the point where it could not continue to operate.

It wasn't until the Qingshi Town Investment Promotion Office went to the city to contact the city for investment that Dong Cheng, the owner of Qinglong Packaging Box Factory, happened to know about this matter and got in touch with the people from the Qingshi Town Investment Promotion Office.

Later, I followed people from the Qingshi Town Investment Promotion Office to visit and inspect the Qingshi Town Industrial Park. Taking into account the preferential investment policies of the industrial park, I thought of giving it a try, and finally decided to open a factory here.

The most important thing is that the Qingshi Town Government acts as a middleman to help them establish relations with Xuemeng Food Factory.

From small packaging boxes at the beginning, to overall packaging boxes, and now gift packaging boxes, Qinglong Packaging Box Factory has gradually won more packaging orders from Xuemeng Food Factory, and the factory's performance has also made breakthroughs again and again.

And after their cooperation with Xuemeng Food Factory became stable, they will use this place as a springboard to slowly develop new customers on this basis.

Because the volume is not as high as before, Qinglong Packaging Box Factory has a different mentality when cooperating with other customers.

Now they pay more attention to the quality of their products, which has allowed them to win a certain reputation in a small area. The market has slowly recognized their products, and their customers have increased accordingly.

Seeing that the end of the year was coming soon, Dong Cheng thought about the annual party held by Xuemeng Food Factory last year. He was wondering whether Xuemeng Food Factory would hold activities this year, right?

When the time comes, he will go over to participate and prepare a generous gift.

But after waiting and waiting, seeing that January was coming to an end in less than 1 days, he still did not receive the invitation letter for the annual meeting of Xuemeng Food Factory.

He was still thinking, could it be that Xuemeng Food Factory would not invite suppliers like them to this year's annual meeting?

Or are there other changes?

While he was thinking about it, he didn't forget to call the purchasing manager Xiang Zhengyan to ask for news. After waiting for the call to be answered, Dong Cheng asked and found out that Xuemeng Food Factory would not hold an annual party this year. Everyone had a dinner together, and no guests were invited.

After hanging up the phone, Dong Cheng was still a little confused. I bet they had changed their tricks this year.

But the problem is how to send out the generous gift I prepared?

Dong Cheng was a little dumbfounded.

But he was also curious about what the boss of Xuemeng Food Factory was thinking this year.

He thought that if it didn't work out, he would just ask the purchasing manager Xiang Zhengyan to have dinner alone and give him the gift he had prepared.


Another packaging box factory is called the Color Printing Packaging Box Factory, which mainly does color printing for Xuemeng Food Factory.

Their technical content is higher than that of Qinglong Packaging Box Factory, and they have received slightly more orders.

As the end of the month is getting closer, the color printing packaging box factory is also preparing to send New Year gifts to Xuemeng Food Factory, and by the way, it will settle the financial expenses of last month.

But before he could go over, there was a call from the finance department. Xuemeng Food Factory had just transferred last month's expenses.

"So fast?" The owner of the color printing packaging box factory is called Liu Bing, a young man who is not yet 30 years old.

He originally worked as an HR recruiter in a foreign-funded company, but he realized that he was not making any money by working in a factory, and he might never be able to buy a house or a car in his life.

After a fierce ideological struggle, coupled with the support of his family, Liu Bing resolutely resigned, recruited two partners, and set up a packaging box factory.

It was difficult at the beginning, and there were some conflicts between the three partners.

Seeing that the factory could be destroyed at any time, Liu Bing was not repelled. On the contrary, he was aroused to fight hard and determined to run the factory.

It happened that people from the Qingshi Town Government Investment Promotion Office were promoting the benefits of investing in the industrial park in their town. The land in the park was very cheap, and there was a 50% tax discount for the first three years, etc.

Liu Bing figured that he could do it on his own, so he parted ways with his two partners, took out a loan to invest in the Qingshi Town Industrial Park, and then, with the help of the Qingshi Town Government, cooperated with Xuemeng Food Factory.

(End of this chapter)

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