
Chapter 359 The prosperous age of Kaiyuan

Chapter 359 The prosperous age of Kaiyuan

As the first autumn festival ceremony of the Song Dynasty, there were not many instruments on display on the Qinhuai River, and many of them had already become popular in the south of the Yangtze River, such as the Lianji Ji, which was invented by the new Yin Duji of Gyeonggi Province.

Gyeonggi Yin is the newly established Gyeonggi County in the northern area of ​​Danyang County, including Jiankang, Moling, Danyang, Jurong and other counties.

The water network here is developed and water conservancy is convenient. These large-scale machines have already been laid out.

However, although these machines are simple and popular, it is still of great significance to summon the prince and ministers today.

The prince is now close to losing his crown, and his character traits are already very obvious.

Unlike his father, Yun Wen Yun, who was gifted with martial arts, the prince had a tiger-like head and a relatively simple mind. To put it nicely, he accepted advice with an open mind and opened up his mind. To put it harshly, it means that I don’t have any opinions of my own. Between Yuan Shao and Li Zhi.

Sun Ce actually had no special feelings about this.

It was his own child anyway, so as long as he could grow up healthy and successfully succeed to the throne, he had nothing else to ask for.

In this era, if a child can grow up smoothly and not die in infancy, it is a blessing for the parents.

If the rulers of the new dynasty have the same benevolence and bottom line as the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty, then let the remnants of the Song Dynasty go to the borders and continue to open up territories for the Xia and spread civilization.

Therefore, the Song Dynasty should not imagine long-term peace and stability, lasting for thousands of years.

First, any dynasty, including the Taizong Dynasty, is prone to trouble. If the Song Dynasty does not want the second generation to die, it is undoubtedly a good thing for the prince to be more stable and not to mess around.

Prince Sun Shao had a relatively tolerant temperament and did not ask too much about the Marxist-Leninist theory mentioned by Sun Ce. He just regarded it as his father's experience of conquering the world immediately.

Of course, these are not necessarily what the scholar-officials want or expect, and it is useless to talk about these with the prince.

All people in the world are in the same state of poverty and low wealth, so once a natural or man-made disaster occurs, it will lead to the collapse of the entire society.

"It takes three years for a scholar to rebel. According to the system of our dynasty, even if you stay in the palace for thirty years, these princes with great families and great businesses will not be able to make waves at all."

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, more than a hundred marquises lost their positions while sitting on the throne. This scene has already been played out.

It is better to tell the prince that development is the last word. Improving development capabilities is the fundamental solution to all problems.

Sun Ce nodded happily and said: "My son has the raw material and will eventually become a virtuous king. Yes, the people living and working in peace and contentment and having a stable income are the foundation for a peaceful country and a peaceful people. As long as the people are not in chaos, all the princes and aristocratic families in the world will be safe." , tycoons, and nobles are not in danger."

Not to mention Xiao Gui and Cao Sui, at least there will never be a death of people and a collapse of government.

This should be the truth that all the princes, generals and ministers of the Central Plains unanimously admire, and no one has any doubts in this regard.

Moreover, if the people's hearts are in the Song Dynasty, then there will be no one in the descendants who is more qualified than the middle-aged man to select the talents and appoint them to complete the ZTE?

When it comes to governing the country, Sun Ce said with emotion: "Although I am about to conquer the world, I would rather give my posthumous title to Wen."

Moreover, the prince's character is not a bad thing for the country.

If humans really had this ability, they would have built a heaven on earth long ago.

The Song Dynasty was originally a county in Wu County and eventually spread all over the world. It relied on the continuous development of production, the continuous expansion of power, the continuous accumulation of wealth, and the prosperity of the people in the world. Finally, the Song Dynasty spontaneously established the Song Dynasty to replace the Han Dynasty.

The food grown in China is enough for the people to have enough food and clothing, which is enough to solve 99% of the problems.

Hearing Sun Shao's statement, Sun Ce was quite surprised and pleasantly surprised, and said: "This is very good. If two generations of kings succeed each other and create a prosperous age for a hundred years, our Song Dynasty will be able to prosper the country for a long time and the people will support it."

The Marxist-Leninist theory is so simple and unpretentious, and it points directly to the origin of the great road.

Therefore, Sun Ce concluded: "So don't believe in the Confucian theory of emphasizing the fundamentals and suppressing the inferior. Confucian knowledge is always inferior to the Marxist-Leninist theory I mentioned. Rather than letting people live in poverty and suppress human nature, it is better to make everyone rich and the world unified. "

Which country can have no problems, no crime, and no injustice?

The remaining problems cannot be solved by Sun Ce or Sun Shao.

If you are really unlucky, you can only blame future generations for being unworthy of your descendants.

It is true that the prince does not have great talents and strategies, but he is high-spirited and ambitious, but how can he not be a blessing if he is safe and stable?

As an old father, wouldn't it be enough for him to help him solve all his worries and leave him a huge family fortune?

So after looking at these huge machines, Sun Ce turned to look at the prince. Chun Chun taught: "I say that if a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. Prince, remember, if you want to benefit people's livelihood, any tool should be taken seriously. . These large-scale equipment can greatly increase the efficiency of people's livelihood, so that the rule of the Song Dynasty can be stable. Poverty all over the world, Tianlu will last forever. This is a principle that the Han Dynasty also knows."

Confucianism may be good. The original designers also hoped that the world would be unified, that the old would have someone to support, the young would have support, men would have their share, women would have their own home, and everyone would have their place.

At this time, the posthumous title has not been spoiled by future generations, and it is still the most important evaluation of the emperor.

Although the prince was relatively simple, he was not ignorant. He immediately responded: "My father is teaching his sons to use large-scale equipment to produce more wealth so that the people will not be impoverished."

Sun Ce really had no intention of caring about the welfare of his descendants hundreds of years from now.

"Without the common people, the people will have no life. Even if these princes rebel, they can be easily put down. When the people's hearts are in the Song Dynasty, even if you seize two hundred princes at once, they can only kill them at your neck."

Poverty all over the world, heaven's fortune will last forever.

Even if it declines after a hundred years, it will take several generations.

The emperor does not need to be too talented. If he is too talented, he will be arrogant and arrogant. He thinks that everyone in the world is inferior to him, so he cannot listen to advice. The most typical one is Yang Guang.

Moreover, the Song Dynasty governed the country by system, and Sun Ce did not want the emperor to be too strong and put his personal desires above the entire country.

The second is that the prince's temperament is easily influenced by others, so he can better inherit his own policies and follow the direction of the empire he designed.

The longitude and latitude of heaven and earth are written;

When the Song Dynasty can no longer create benefits for the people and makes the world poor, then abdicate the throne and make way for talents.

Sun Ce's current mentality is undoubtedly very good. As long as he looks at everything with an open mind, he can find the positive side.

But in order to maintain rule, or because the scholar-officials could not design a better political society, Confucianism abandoned the most important core ideas in the Book of Rites, Liyun, and Datong, and gave up the ideal of a well-off life for both men and women, the old and the weak. We have chosen to share the same poverty in the world, attach importance to the basic and suppress the weak.

The prince's current character has both advantages and disadvantages, and Sun Ce feels that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

How can we expect to find a solution in the second chronology of a problem that has not been solved in the 20th chronology?

Therefore, Sun Shao said: "Now in the prosperous age of Kaiyuan, there are countless people in the world. Children and ministers must inherit the great achievements of their fathers and emperors, and govern the world under the leadership of Wenjing. They will use the wisdom of the world to develop the people's livelihood, so that everyone in the world can have food, clothing and no worries. .”

Kindness and love for the people are said in the text;

Those who are knowledgeable are often referred to as Japanese writers;

Able to determine the ceremony and text;

Jing Bang Ding Yue Wen;

Cultivation of virtue comes from far away and is called Wen;

It turns into the world and is called Wen;

The fourth chapter of the sound teaching is called Wen;

The constitution of all nations and the destiny of the emperor are written in Guangyue;

These sixty-eight words can be said to be the highest evaluation of the emperor's life. Therefore, Li Shimin spent his whole life in the army, and in the end he wanted to be titled Emperor Wen.

Sun Ce has always been compared with Li Shimin, and naturally he does not want to lag behind in this regard.

He didn't want to hang out with the likes of Emperor Wu of Wei, Cao Cao, Emperor Wu of Jin, Sima Yan, and Emperor Wu of Zhao, Shi Hu.

But just because Sun Ce didn't want to do martial arts, it didn't mean that the ministers in his court didn't.

Since the imperial court changed to the Yuan Dynasty, it has been resting and recuperating for nearly ten years, and it has not launched a war with foreign countries for a long time.

The last war can be traced back to the Battle of Liangzhou. Zhou Yu led an army of 100,000 to expand more than 4,000 miles of land in one fell swoop. The Qiang and Hu's homeland stretched from the West Sea to the east, and more than ten counties were all owned by the Song Dynasty.

Zhou Yu led his elite troops to march for one year and two months, covering a journey of eight thousand miles, and in one fell swoop destroyed Han Sui, who had been raising troops in Liangzhou for more than 30 years.

After that, it was just a small-scale use of troops.

Xu Huang, the governor of the Longxi Governor's Mansion, only led more than 8,000 elite troops and penetrated more than 2,000 miles into the Qiang region. They wiped out the rest of Ma Chao's tribe in one fell swoop and beheaded Ma Chao and more than 200 of his wives and daughters.

Lu Xun led an army of 5,000 and mobilized 30,000 coalition troops from various countries in the Western Regions, defeated Kang Ju, beheaded his king, and hung his head in Beique.

Although these two battles were very exciting, they were not even enough to record for the Central Plains Shang Dynasty.

In the eyes of the imperial court, these were two border wars in an absolute sense.

If you win, it's natural; if you lose, it's because the general is incompetent and is waiting to be impeached and charged.

They didn't even ask the court for food and grass. Only the grain reserves from the local frontiers were used.

Due to more than thirty years of war in Liangzhou, the population has dropped sharply, resulting in an abundance of fertile farmland and extremely wealthy people.

Therefore, the local soldiers praised it highly: "The soil is rich and abundant, the people are prosperous, the villages and towns face each other, and the fields are covered with mulberry trees. There is no richer person in the world than Longyou."

Later, the imperial court moved the Han people from the interior to the border areas of Liangzhou to harvest grain and pay military salary alone, which could last for decades. Cattle and sheep are everywhere, and nothing is picked up on the road.

Zhuge Jin, the shepherd of Liangzhou, was an absolutely capable minister and good at tending the emperor. In the past, Liangzhou was only about 400 miles from north to south, and the Qiang, Hu and Xianbei bandits frequently came to the city, causing hardship to the people.

In the seventh year of Kaiyuan, Zhuge Jin built Herong City in Xiashi on the southern boundary and Baiting City in Qiuzhong on the northern boundary. He controlled the key roads and expanded the state's territory by 1,500 miles. Of course, the captives can no longer be indulged.

This made Liangzhou peaceful and peaceful, with abundant rice crops and cattle and horses everywhere. The local shepherds herded more than 200,000 horses and nearly one million cattle and sheep, and the grain reserves were enough to support the army for decades.

Therefore, whether it was Xu Huang's use of troops or Lu Xun's expansion of territory, they only consumed several years of food and grass.

However, the wealth of the Central Plains was not affected at all.

Today, when the princes and ministers of the Song Dynasty gathered together, a general came to Youzhou Mu Wei Teng with concern and asked: "Is the imperial court going to use troops against Youzhou next?"

Wei Teng carefully inspected the surrounding crowd, even though the imperial court gathered most of the princes of the Song Dynasty.

Even Xu Huang was summoned to Jiankang, but he did not see the figure of Yan Rou, the Wuhuan captain who protected Liao general Tian Yu.

Both of them were granted titles by various marquises, especially Tian Yu, who had made great contributions. He was granted the title of a rural marquis with more than 700 households in the city.

Since the tenth year of Kaiyuan, there have been rumors in the imperial court that the imperial court wants to abolish these messy military positions in northern Xinjiang and follow the example of Longxi to establish the Beiting Protectorate.

But if the Beiting Protectorate is to be built, it is destined that the current boundaries of Youzhou are no longer suitable.

Because until the eleventh year of Kaiyuan, Youzhou had not yet completed its complete unification.

There are also Xianbei tribes such as Budugen and Kebineng in the territory, and further away in Liaodong, there are separatist forces such as Gongsun Kang, the governor of Liaodong, and Goguryeo.

The authority of Song Ting has not been able to affect this area so far.

Especially Gongsun Kang, the governor of Liaodong, was already considered a tycoon in the border areas.

In the ninth year of Kaiyuan (207), Song Ting opened up territory in the Western Regions and shocked the Hulu. At the same time, he also conquered Gaoguli in the east and Wuhuan in the west in Youzhou, which shocked overseas.

Especially the war against Goguryeo was a complete victory.

In the middle period of the Han Dynasty, when Emperor Huan was still on the throne, King Bogu of Goguryeo continued to harass Liaodong and killed more than 500 Hu families.

So in the ninth year of Kaiyuan, Gongsun Kang sent out an army to attack him. His generals had 30,000 infantry and 10,000 horses, captured the capital and burned the towns.

King Bogu of Goguryeo passed away, and his eldest son Baqi complained about the people of the country. He was the eldest son but could not inherit the throne, so he and Juan Nujia each had more than 30,000 subordinates to surrender to Gongsun Kang.

Later, he also attacked Han Yi and established Daifang County. From then on, the Japanese slaves, Han Hao and other barbarians all belonged to the leader.

Of course, since the Song Dynasty was powerful in the Central Plains, he still had a clear mind and did not act rashly like in history. Taking advantage of the chaos in the Central Plains, he called himself Marquis of Liaodong and Pingzhou Mu, and dressed himself like the Emperor.

Instead, he respectfully sent envoys to pay tribute to the imperial court and contributed yearly contributions, so he maintained peace with the Song Dynasty.

He knew very well that with the strength of the bitter cold land of Liaodong, there was no way he could compete with the Central Plains Dynasty.

But at the same time, the Song Dynasty also knew very well that with the existence of this hero, it would be difficult for the Song Dynasty to easily defeat Liaodong.

It was necessary to mobilize troops and send good soldiers and generals to defeat Gongsun Kang.

This level of war cannot be resolved by Youzhou alone.

No matter whether it was the Colonel Wuhuan or the soldiers of General Du Liao, it was difficult to defeat Gongsun Kang, a separatist prince, with a small number and a large number.

After all, he is not the group of barbarians on the peninsula, he is a true prince of the Central Plains.

Whether it is the people's hearts, the army, tactics, or strategies, they all capture the essence of the Central Plains.

His strategy and vision can be seen from his ability to calmly see the situation clearly and respectfully pay tribute to the Song Dynasty.

Therefore, the Song Dynasty was also very cautious and never raised troops to cross Zeguo.

Now the Northeast is not a fertile land, there are still many swamps and silt inside.

For a large army to conquer, the logistics and supplies are not as convenient as those in the Western Regions.

Therefore, the imperial court always hoped to wait until Gongsun Kang's death before raising troops.

Although Gongsun Kang was very talented in literature and military strategy, unfortunately he had a fatal flaw, that is, he was never in good health.

If he died of illness, his younger brother Gongsun Gong would definitely not be popular among the people of Liaodong. This man was very mediocre and could even be said to be a dandy. waste.

He commanded Liaodong, and the army of the Song Dynasty could defeat the enemy in one fell swoop, like a long sword breaking through bamboo.

(End of this chapter)

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