
Chapter 334: Who is stronger, Gu or Yuan Xi?

In September, late autumn and early winter, the temperature is a bit cold even in Jiankang City.

After Zhen Mi delivered seasonal fruits to Sun Ce, Sun Ce stayed by his side. He held her round and smooth legs in his arms to keep them warm while playing with them lovingly.

Women from Hebei are still more slender than women from Jiangnan, so Zhen Mi also has a pair of slender legs. Although they are not as beautiful as Zhou Cheng's legs and are longer than Sun Ce's life, they are softer and gentler.

So Sun Ce has been enjoying playing with it recently. After playing with it for several months, he still can't put it down. It's an absolute toy with his legs.

Moreover, Zhen Mi not only pleases Sun Ce with her sex, but she is as calm as an orchid and has a wise and wise heart.

Her persuasion to her brother Zhen Yao at the family dinner was truly brilliant.

She advised her brother to establish a virtuous and famous reputation, and then he would be able to establish himself in the world.

This is not a common piece of advice, nor is it simply asking people to do good deeds.

Her words of advice met the needs of both Sun Ce and Zhen Yao.

Zhen Yao wanted to become an official and did not want to bear the reputation of his relatives, so he had to have an excellent reputation. If he can solve the famine in Hebei and alleviate the cold and cold in Hebei through this time, he will surely be famous in Hebei and be respected for more than ten years.

Once he becomes an official in the future, he will surely rise quickly, become the leader of Hebei, and occupy the position of prime minister.

For Sun Ce, it was equivalent to using Zhen's private wealth and private trade to solve the difficulties faced by his country and save a lot of treasury expenses.

And this is extremely important for promoting business exchanges. Because the mountains and rivers are unified, the private trade routes are opened, which can greatly promote the people's livelihood in Hebei.

As the saying goes, there is no life without business, and private economic exchanges are the most important way to promote economic prosperity.

This is a very good thing for both public and private parties.

The only drawback may be that the Zhen family took the opportunity to grow rapidly, but they were in Hebei and could not influence the Jiankang court.

And in the future, Sun Ce will definitely take him to Jiankang to guard the mausoleum and promote the prosperity of Jiankang.

It can be said that this move is a good plan with far more advantages than disadvantages. The court and the Zhen family benefited at the same time, which shows Zhen Mi's talent.

Sun Ce played with the beautiful legs under the girl's skirt, making this slim and gentle girl's eyes a little blurry, her body became weak, her arms could not support her delicate body, and she fell into Sun Ce's arms.

Sun Ce then put his arms around her delicate body and asked, "How is the situation of the things to the north and southeast of Zhen's canal lately?"

Zhen Mi's face was rosy, she suppressed the emotions in her heart, and barely maintained a cool tone, saying: "It's going well. The biggest disturbance recently is that a ship of goods encountered a storm at sea and sank to the bottom of the sea, with the loss of tens of thousands of pieces of porcelain. Thousands of bolts of silk and lots of rice.”

Rice only lasts for a short period of time, but its yield is huge. This is the biggest advantage of Jiangdong, and it can alleviate the famine in Hebei.

A large amount of grain is shipped to Hebei, and it only takes a few dozen days for it to be snapped up by Hebei disaster victims and hungry people.

This is a trade where there is profit but no loss, and both sides need it. It can be said that this is Sun Ce's most fundamental purpose in promoting this matter.

However, the loss of tens of thousands of pieces of porcelain was an unexpected loss.

You must know that tens of thousands of porcelains are an unparalleled wealth in any dynasty.

Once lost at the bottom of the sea, there is no telling whether it will see the light of day again after thousands of years.

And the caravans and wealthy families who had lost all this were even more afraid that they would go bankrupt and lose all their money.

Sun Ce immediately said: "Later, Aiqing will write a letter to Ji Wen in the name of Gu. You must not be afraid of the tiger and give up the sea route just because of one loss. The prospect of maritime transportation is broad, and it is precisely because of the losses again and again. Only through improvement can the shipbuilding industry develop and the level of navigation improve, ultimately achieving the ambition of maritime transport."

"Tell Ji Wen that the Guhui has ordered tax exemptions for giant shipping ships, and asked him to contact several wealthy families to form a chamber of commerce to jointly bear risks and reduce losses."

If a single loss on the offshore coast dampened the courage of Zhuxia Shipping, then how could we expect them to go to the ocean and explore the southeast?

You must know that Sun Ce's ambitions are so great that he is bound to set up three propaganda and six lieutenants in the southeast to manage the tribute and maritime trade of the entire southeast, maritime routes, and set up taxation agencies on key waterways to collect spices from thousands of ships. Road, Silk Road taxes.

The territory of the unified dynasties is actually quite vast, but the focus of development of each dynasty may be different.

Like the Han and Tang Dynasties, the focus of development was undoubtedly on the northwest. When Sun Ce established his capital in the southeast, it was certainly impossible to fully exploit the northwest. Therefore, he planned to focus on the southwest and southeast like the Ming Dynasty.

In particular, he felt that the Ming Dynasty's management model of setting up mansions, military camps, and government offices near the Strait of Malacca was worth learning from.

The Maritime Spice Road and the Maritime Silk Road will be the most important source of wealth for the Southeastern regime.

Moreover, after forming a powerful navy, it will be difficult for countries in the southeast to rely on war horses as they do in the northwest.

The navy of the Song Dynasty can directly land in the hinterland of any country in the southeast. With the majestic formations and upright flags of heavy infantry fighting, the southeast is no match for the Central Plains.

Of course, more importantly, with the prosperity of industry and commerce in the Central Plains, Sun Ce does not need to be like the Western barbarians, knocking the bones and sucking the marrow out of the southeastern region.

A peaceful tribute and trade system is always what the Central Plains hopes for, because through trade, the Central Plains can continuously harvest the wealth of all countries in the world.

There are only a handful of mineral fruits that cannot be harvested.

For this kind of country that controls important trade resources, the Song Dynasty naval army can directly enter it and directly control the mining of its raw materials. Such as spices, gold, tortoise shell.

Zhen Mi is a typical ancient-style beauty from the Central Plains, a cold ancient-style beauty with a gentle temperament.

After hearing Sun Ce's words, he said: "I will send a letter later to advise the third brother to continue the sea journey, connect Liaodong and Jiangnan, and draw sea maps and stars."

Speaking of Liaodong, Sun Ce remembered that Yuan Xi was also in Liaodong, colluding with Wuhuan, Gongsun Du and others.

Then he played with Zhen Mi's round and beautiful legs, and they felt extremely soft and moist. No wonder Cao Cao loves wives.

The beauty of a young woman is completely different from that of a girl.

Especially now, Zhen Mi's face was flushed and her eyes were as charming as silk. Sun Ce became interested as he rubbed her, picked up her soft and delicate body and walked to the couch: "Let's talk to Gu, who is better, Gu or Yuan Xi?"

Zhen Mi only felt that her body was already limp. A cloud of blue silk swept over the bed, dripping with fragrance, and her breath was like orchids: "My husband is so majestic and powerful, and Yuan Xi is running away. Naturally, I can't compare with my husband."

How can anyone outside the couple know the beauty of a young woman and the joy of this place?

And Yuan Xi, who was followed by Sun Ce, also received news back to Jiankang in November.

Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang walked into Wuhuan and asked for help from Shanyu, but Shanyu did not receive it.

Shan Yu indeed did not dare to raise troops to help Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang invade south. Now the main force of the Song army is in Youzhou. Not only did they recapture Yuyang and Zhuojun in one fell swoop, they also attacked Youbeiping County.

Youzhou heroes and Wuhuan's miscellaneous tribes fought with him several times, but they were all unfavorable. After seven battles and seven victories, the Song Army regained Youbeiping County in one fell swoop. If the Song Army had not been insufficient in size and unable to maintain its supply line, the Song Army would have attacked Lulongsai and driven Wuhuan out to the north of the Great Wall. Now the two sides are barely maintaining peace. The Song army is unable to expel the Wuhuan in the pastures outside the city, and the Wuhuan dare not march westward and besiege the counties in the west of Beiping.

The two sides barely maintained a peace that they disliked each other but had no choice but to do anything about.

But if Wuhuan massively mobilizes troops to help Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang go south, maybe the Song army will massively increase its troops in Youzhou and put an end to Wuhuan's threat to Youzhou in one fell swoop!

As long as the Song army marched a few hundred miles east, they could enter Liaoxi County, attack Liucheng, and destroy the Wuhuan Palace.

If the two sides were always in peace, Sun Ce would actually not pay attention to them.

After all, in history, when Cao Cao's government was in Yanzhou and Yecheng, he ignored Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang. The two brothers fled to Wuhuan in the 205th year of Jian'an (207). Cao Cao waited until the th year of Jian'an () ), under the guidance of Tian Chou, they invaded Liucheng.

But an extremely important thing happened at this time. Gongsun Du, the governor of Liaodong, was critically ill, and brothers Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang planned to go to Liaodong to run their business.

Because at this time Gongsun Du was just a small governor of Liaodong. If he died of illness, Liaodong would become a land without an owner.

Before the two brothers arrived, Gongsun Du failed to survive the winter and died of illness in Liaodong.

His son Gongsun Kang wanted to succeed the governor of Liaodong. While sending envoys to Sun Ce to request for canonization, he also accepted the two brothers Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi to strengthen his power.

It's just that both parties have their own agendas and are plotting to annex the other party's tribe.

Relying on his own bravery, Yuan Shang first made plans with Yuan Xi: "Now when we arrive in Liaodong, Kang will definitely see me. I will attack it alone for my brother, and by taking control of his county, I can still expand my territory."

The reason why Yuan Shang said this was because after the collapse of the Zhao family, Yuan Shang was no longer the prince of the Zhao family.

On the contrary, because Yuan Xi had more troops in Youzhou, he took away a large number of cronies and subordinates when he fled, so the relationship between the two became dominated by Yuan Xi at this time.

The eternal truth in this world is that whoever can control the military power will become the superior.

Power flows from bottom to top, and a false name cannot bring much power to the ruler at all.

However, when Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang were planning, they never thought that Gongsun Kang, the temporary governor, would also plan to take their heads as credit.

He first placed Jingyong in the stable, and then invited Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi to enter. Yuan Xi was suspicious and didn't want to go in, but Yuan Shangqiang him, so he went in with him. Before he could sit down, Gongsun Kang scolded the ambush soldiers and sat down on the frozen ground.

Yuan Shang said to Kang: "Before death, the cold is unbearable, so we can stay together."

Gongsun Kang said: "Your head can travel thousands of miles, so where can you go?"

So he beheaded the two men, annexed them all, and sent envoys to the Central Plains to ask Sun Ce to confer their titles.

The reason why he killed brothers Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang was not only for fame and annexation of tribes, but also to befriend Gongsun Ce of Song Dynasty in the Central Plains.

Nowadays, the Song Dynasty's ambition to conquer the Han Dynasty is clear to even Gongsun Kang, a prince who is isolated in the bitter cold land of Liaodong.

The Duke of Song needed his surrender and the authority of the two Yuan leaders. He needed the canonization of the Duke of Song in order to obtain the title and rule Liaodong with a legitimate name.

So he naturally took the initiative to show his goodwill to Sun Ce. In addition to sending the heads of two Yuan Dynasties, he also sent more than 300 war horses to Qingzhou as tribute.

The road from Liaodong to Qingzhou is very familiar to the monarchs and ministers of Liaodong. When the governor of Yingzhou was deployed before, Liaodong sent men, horses, food and grass here several times.

Now taking this road again, the tribute arrived at the Song Dynasty smoothly.

Sun Ce also followed his wish and made him the Marquis of Xiangping, the Governor of Liaodong, and the General of Zhenbei.

In fact, it is not up to Sun Ce to decide whether to seal or not. After all, power comes from the bottom, not from the top. Gongsun Kang has already controlled the entire territory of Liaodong, and there are tens of thousands of troops supporting him.

Whether Sun Ce granted him a title or not, he was the de facto governor of Liaodong.

So Sun Ce followed suit and gave him this title. To prevent him from colluding with Wuhuan and Xianbei to fight against Sun Ce.

After all, the power of the Song Dynasty at this time cannot affect Liaodong. The current enemy is Wuhuan in western Liaoning between Youbeiping and Liaodong.

Making friends from far away and attacking close by is a common strategy in ancient times.

After conquering western Liaoning, the Song Dynasty and Liaodong were at war with each other.

As the heads of Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi were sent to Jiankang, Sun Ce hung up the North Tower without his head this time, not because he was worried that Zhen Mi, who was also in the Zhaoming Palace, would fall in love with the scene.

When he reaches Sun Ce's position, his decision-making will not be affected by the love between his children at all.

Instead, as the leader arrived, Zhang Hong, Zhang Zhao, and Bu Zhi met with Sun Ce in the Chui Gong Hall and asked Sun Ce to temporarily suppress the impact of this incident.

Zhang Hong solemnly advised Sun Ce: "The so-called rabbit dies and the fox is sad, and the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. The imperial court has widely publicized it. The death of brothers Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi may frighten the high officials and set off a rebellion."

The rebellion of high officials was what Sun Ce expected.

But the rebellion of high-ranking officials cannot be this year. The imperial court must rest and recuperate for a period of time, not only to alleviate the famine of the people's livelihood, but also to accumulate wealth for the treasury.

Only then can the three armies be mobilized and Shen Jiufen be used to crush the high-ranking rebellion in one fell swoop.

Just as it is well known that Sun Ce will take over the Han Dynasty and replace him, the rebellion of Gao Gan, like Wu Sangui, is an open secret within the court.

Everyone knew that he was bound to rebel, but they all hoped that the abscess could be uncovered later.

So Sun Ce asked: "How are you doing recently?"

Zhang Zhao replied: "He is very ambitious and his power exceeds our expectations."

This is a good thing of course. If a high-ranking official is eager to go cross-country, his power will be less stable.

Sun Ce asked: "What is his recent plan?"

Zhang Zhao was not as relaxed as Sun Ce. He frowned and introduced solemnly: "In addition to trading with Xianbei and recruiting troops, senior officials seem to have been colluding with Cao Cao recently."

Cao Cao!

This name finally made Sun Ce cautious. Cao Cao now occupies the land of Sanhe and Sanfu, and is connected with high-ranking officials. It is very normal for the two to form an alliance.

Even if the high-ranking cadres do not contact Cao Cao, Cao Cao, the hero, will take the initiative to serve the emperor to order the princes to unite with the high-ranking cadres.

When things go smoothly for this prince, he may become romantic and start a bad war, but in a desperate situation, he should never be underestimated!

Zhang Hong still insisted on his previous plan and said: "This may not be detrimental to our sweeping the world." (End of Chapter)

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