
Chapter 328 Capturing Luo Shen

After Yuan Shang returned to the city, the rest of the war was insignificant.

Although Meng Dai arrived with tens of thousands of elite troops, he could not be a match for Zhuge Liang and Lu Xun.

The two armies fought fiercely. Zhuge Liang counterattacked and defeated him, beheading three thousand soldiers. Meng Dai then broke away and retreated for dozens of miles. He camped along Qu Zhang, and Zhuge Liang then entered and surrounded it.

Before the siege camp was closed, Meng Dai was afraid and sent an envoy to ask for surrender. Zhuge Liang refused, and the siege became more urgent.

Zhuge Liang refused, mainly because the encirclement had not yet been closed. Once the negotiations with the opponent were delayed, the opponent might stabilize the morale of the army at any time and break out of the encirclement.

Zhuge Liang wanted to take advantage of the enemy's new defeat and the unstable morale of the army to capture tens of thousands of Zhao's elite soldiers in one fell swoop.

If the tens of thousands of elite soldiers in the Zhao family were destroyed again, the situation would be completely over.

But everything turned out as Zhuge Liang expected. Meng Dai pretended to surrender in order to delay the attack.

Seeing that Zhuge Liang refused, he escaped at night and settled in Boluoting, Julu County, where five rivers meet, including the Jishui River, the Jishui River (not the Jishui River in Shandong, a small tributary), the Gan River, etc., as well as the Dahu Daluze River. , is the core of the core of Julu County, the granary of the entire Hebei Province. Its status is comparable to Shaopi in Shouchun and Taihu in Wujun.

Because of this, Julu County has become one of the richest agricultural counties in Hebei.

If this place is lost, Hebei will probably be in a shortage of food and grass even if it still has troops.

If the Song army harvested wheat from this area, it would be enough to last for several months.

This is why it is easier for the princes of the Central Plains to fight than the Northern Expedition to the grasslands. Every time the army conquers a place, it can increase its strength, gain wealth, and live in the local area.

The logistical supply problem has been solved. As long as the general is not too stupid and advances and retreats appropriately, it is not difficult to win the war.

Especially when one party is unpopular and has internal turmoil, it is relatively common to eliminate a political power within three months.

On the contrary, battles that ended in confrontation were relatively rare, and therefore more vivid and known to later generations.

Regarding the confrontation between Wei, Shu and Wu, later generations can generally tell several wonderful stories.

But when Jin defeated Shu in one battle and defeated Soochow in three months, no one had any special impression.

Zhuge Liang also wanted to complete his victory in one battle, so after Meng Dai retreated, he led his army back to encircle him.

Continuous and fierce attacks finally caused Zhao army to be in chaos and demoralized the army.

Meng Dai also tried to make a last-ditch attempt, leading the army out of the camp and marching near the water, hoping to fight again and frustrate Zhuge Liang's spirit.

However, his generals Ma Yan, Zhang Wei and others surrendered before Chen, and the Zhao army was defeated. Meng Dai abandoned and fled to Zhongshan.

The Song army collected all their baggage and obtained their seals, ribbons, knotted axes and clothing as a sign of attack on the city, which collapsed.

The good news from Hebei was quickly delivered to Tao Sunce's camp in Dingzhou, Yanzhou.

Dingtao is now the most intense battlefield between the Song and Zhao armies, and the Song army's left and middle armies are not completely without attacks.

Sun Ce is personally stationed here, how could the Song Army generals not work bravely to make contributions? military

At the beginning of the war, Zhao Jun still had a slight advantage due to his superior military strength and long-term operation.

However, as Zhao Jun continued to mobilize troops to return to Hebei for reinforcements, Zhao Jun was often stretched thin on the front line where the two armies faced off, and his weaknesses were exposed.

Several units of the Song army had already broken through Zhao's camp and captured thousands of people.

Especially some of the descended generals of the Montenegrin Army. Their subordinates may be elite soldiers, but the generals who command the troops are really mediocre. They are also superstitious about magic sticks, and they were defeated by the Song army for more than ten camps.

On the far left, Song General Lu Meng's troops had even reached the front line of Puyang.

Although Puyang City is a Yanzhou city, it is already located along the Yellow River, and it will reach the bank of the Yellow River dozens of miles further north.

This means that even the Song Army on the southern front is only a thin line away from Hebei.

The frequent successes of the Song Army mean that the war situation of the Zhao Army is very unfavorable.

Since ancient times, it has been the rule to fight if you can't fight, and to be reasonable if you can't.

In March, the Zhao family, whose situation was unfavorable on all fronts, sent envoys to ask for peace from Sun Ce.

Sun Ce was a little surprised when he heard that Zhao Jun sent an envoy to sue for peace.

However, he was not in a hurry to see the envoy. As a prince, he naturally had to be very calm and able to keep his composure.

Since the two countries have diplomatic relations, it is normal for the envoys to fast and bathe for three days even if it takes several days to prepare for the reception ceremony.

Now that Sun Ce had the advantage, how could he go to see Zhao's envoys so recklessly?

Therefore, Sun Ce first summoned his subordinates Wenwu to coordinate and analyze the situation in detail.

Nowadays, there are not a few counselors following Sun Ce in the Northern Expedition. In addition to Zhang Hong, Jia Xu, Chen Qun, Pang Tong and others, there are also counselors from Yan, Yu, Jing, and Xu, such as Kuai Yue, Man Chong, Mao Jie, etc.

With so many civil and military personnel, they also have a very detailed understanding of the situation on all sides.

After the conspirators arrived, Sun Ce asked straight to the point: "What is Yuan Shao's situation now? Why did he send envoys to cede territory so early to ask for peace?"

You must know that Yuan Shao is also a hero. He was famous all over the world and had great authority all over the world, so he dared to arrogantly proclaim himself emperor.

If he didn't have to, he would never have signed an alliance within the city less than a year after he took the throne. He is not Li Shimin and can take revenge in three years.

As Sun Ce's most trusted adviser, Zhang Hong spoke first and said: "This time Yuan Shao sent an envoy, I have bribed the members of the envoy team. He said that the Zhao family has plundered all the Hebei treasury, including all kinds of gold, silver, money, and silk. The silk assortments are all gathered in Wei County. If you want to deliver them to us, please sign an alliance below the city."

Jia Xu asserted at this time and said: "The more this is the case, the more critical the Zhao family's situation is."

Sun Ce turned to look at Zhuge Jin, who was joining the army. This minister had always been in charge of Hebei affairs and was responsible for the Hebei ministers within. He had the best knowledge of Hebei's intelligence.

"Zhuge Qing, why is Yuan Shao so anxious?"

If it was just the pressure on the battlefield, Yuan Shao wouldn't be so quick to lose face.

Although Meng Dai and Yuan Shang returned in disastrous defeat, he still had the main frontline force supervised by the Shenpai Office, as well as the army in the west such as Zhang He and Gao Gan who could turn the tide.

Zhuge Jin immediately introduced to everyone: "According to rumors, the Zhao army seemed to have suffered a disastrous defeat at the Sili battlefield, and Guo Yuan was defeated by Cao Cao in the east of the river. This news has not been confirmed, and there are only a few rumors in the Zhao Kingdom."

Sun Ce asserted, "It seems like it is nine out of ten. Otherwise, how can it be groundless?"

If this situation is confirmed, we can understand why Yuan Shao is eager for peace talks.

He did still have the last elite troops on the front line available, but the problem was that staying for a long time could not change the situation. What he relied on was Zhang He's ability to repel the Han, Ma and other Guanzhong coalition forces on the western front. Only by repelling a force that besieged Zhao and frightening the heroes could he ease the situation of being besieged from all sides.

But if Cao Cao defeated Guo Yuan, it would be equivalent to cutting off the connection between Zhao and Zhang He's troops.

With these tens of thousands of troops hanging alone in the pass without any support, the Zhao Kingdom would be in ruins.

Yuan Shao could no longer find any hope of making a comeback.

In addition to the rumors from Sili's direction, Zhuge Jin also had definite news and reported to Sun Ce: "In the direction of Youzhou, Xian Yufu's troops have also made achievements."

"Oh?" The ministers immediately became interested.

Since Youzhou was not under Sun Ce's subordinates, the ministers of the Song Dynasty generally did not know much about the local war situation.

Zhuge Jin introduced: "Xian Yufu's army has already conquered Zhuojun. His troops advanced to the Fanyang area and captured the wife of King Yuan Xi of Yan. Yuan Xi fled south in panic to the Zhongshan area."

As soon as this news came out, the ministers of the Song Dynasty were extremely excited.

As we all know, the Zhao family did not have much power in Youzhou. Until Yuan Shao defeated Yi County, where Gongsun Zan was finally stationed, the war was still in Jizhou.

With the fall of Gongsun Zan, Yuan Shao's power expanded northward and captured Zhuojun.

But further north is basically the separatist territory of Xian Yufu and others. Yuyang and Zhuojun are only separated by a thin line, and the Great Wall is especially in Yuyang, so Yuyang's army can move towards Zhuojun unimpeded.

Outside the Great Wall are the pastures of Wuhuan and Xianbei. Although Shanggu, Daijun, and Youbeiping are all Youzhou counties, it has been famous for the three counties of Wuhuan a long time ago.

Yuan Shao also wooed the Wuhuan tribe and made each of their chiefs a chanyu. Naturally, it was impossible to send troops to fight for it.

Therefore, the only counties in Youzhou that Zhao Shi could rule were Zhuo County. This is just like the only Bingzhou counties and counties that Zhao Shi can rule are around Shangdang.

Yuan Shao's so-called possession of Hebei was actually very limited in the area he could control.

And Xian Yufu captured Zhuojun, which meant that Zhao Jun's Yuan Jun in Youzhou basically had no hope.

Unless the prince of the Zhao family fled to Youzhou with a large number of civil and military officers to join Wuhuan's Chanyus.

Otherwise Wuhuan's Chanyu would not have been able to mobilize hundreds of thousands of cavalry to fight south in Jizhou.

Of course, these hundreds of thousands are just Wuhuan's title. In the Battle of Bailang Mountain, Cao Cao said he defeated Wuhuan's main force and collected more than 200,000 people. Most of them were Wuhuan herdsmen and were not elite troops at all.

The barbarians, Di, and Huru were all afraid of power but not moral. Although occasionally there were cases where the Xiongnu only recognized the seals, ribbons and clothing of the Han Dynasty and did not recognize the official seal of the new dynasty Wang Mangfa, but most of them acted according to the prevailing situation and were greedy for money. generation.

Yuan Xi's main force suffered heavy losses in the battle at Yi County, and Yuan Xi fled back to Zhuo County in a hurry.

His troops were completely lost and were defeated by Xian Yufu before he could rest. At this time, Yuan Xi's strength was completely lost, and Wu Huan was even less likely to fight to the end for him.

Therefore, the Song Army can directly conclude that the harassment from the north no longer exists!

Zhuge Liang, Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, Zhang Liao, Xian Yufu, Tian Yu and others have a combined force of 80,000 elite troops. They can move south from the north in a large scale, and their troops will be directed towards Zhao State, the core of Hebei!

As for what Zhuge Jin said, Sun Ce had another concern and asked: "Has Xian Yufu obtained all Yuan Xi's wives and daughters?"

Sun Ce remembered that Luo Shen Zhenji was Yuan Xi’s wife.

But shouldn't she serve her mother-in-law in Yecheng?

Zhuge Jin asserted: "It is indeed true. Yuan Xi was not favored by Yuan Shao. After being granted the title of King of Yan, he was ordered to surrender. Therefore, his family members were all in Zhuo County. They had been captured by Xian Yufu in a battle and were being sent to Zhou Du is in charge of the camp and will be sent to Jiankang soon."

After listening to Zhuge Jin's explanation, Sun Ce suddenly understood and felt that it was reasonable.

Historically, Luo Shen was captured in Yecheng because Yuan Shao was the general and Yuan Xi was the governor of Youzhou. Therefore, when Yuan Xi went out to control Youzhou, as a son, he should leave his wife in the attached middle school to take care of his mother and serve his mother-in-law.

But now that Yuan Shao has arrogated the title of emperor, and Yuan Xi has been granted the title of King of Yan, he naturally has to take his wife and daughter to the vassal state.

I have never heard of a vassal king who became a vassal himself and left the princess in Kyoto to take care of the queen. Isn't this what a mother wants to do to cause chaos in her son's house?

So Sun Ce thought for a while and said: "Now that the Zhao family wants to negotiate peace with us, we should take the opportunity to neglect it and use the peace negotiation to support the attack. Send Yuan Xi's wife and daughter here, and bring them back to Yecheng by the Zhao family's envoys. To prove my intention of peace talks."

Sun Ce never refuses negotiations.

After all, the effect of using negotiation to support offensive warfare is more than twice as powerful as pure offensive warfare. If used well, you can defeat the enemy without fighting and seize many battlegrounds.

Yuan Shao still harbored illusions, thinking that Sun Ce would coexist with him from the north to the south.

But Sun Ce was determined to unify the whole world. Unless he dedicated all his land in Hebei, there would be no room for negotiation.

But since he has illusions in his heart, Sun Ce is happy to give him some hope and let him spit out greater benefits.

Of course, it is understandable that one or two of Yuan Xi's wives and daughters are missing when they are returned... After all, the road is bumpy, and who knows if one or two people will die of illness?

Zhang Hong strongly agreed with Sun Ce's words and said: "At this time, the more Yuan Shao hopes for peace talks, the more he hangs himself in Liang. If Zhongshan and Changshan are also lost, and Yuan Shao lingers in Wei and Zhao, the situation is over. . Even people like Zhang Yan can be destroyed!"

"Xian Yufu, Zhao Yun and others have marched southward from Zhuojun to the Zhongshan and Changshan areas, and local noble families and heroes have raised troops to respond."

"The Zhao army should withdraw its troops and return to Hebei at this time, march forward quickly, and regain the territory of the two counties as Wei and Zhao Fanli."

"If the peace talks come together, the Zhao army will be worried about the situation of the peace talks and will not dare to storm to regain the lost territory. They will sit and defend the two counties, waiting to be captured."

"At this time, even if we really negotiate with him, there is nothing to be afraid of."

The counselors certainly hope that Sun Ce will unify the country as soon as possible. When Sun Ce ascends the throne and proclaims himself emperor, the world will be unified. Even if Yuan Shao controls the two counties of Wei and Zhao, he will only be a vassal king in the early Han Dynasty.

The imperial court is resting and recuperating, and it can be easily pacified by cutting down the vassals in the future.

Since ancient times, the world has been swept away by chaos. If a feudal prince from one of the separatist parties takes the initiative to become a vassal, the new court will not refuse to accept it.

At the worst, they could wait a few years for it to die, and then slowly flatten the land it occupied.

Just like Shi Xie, as a prince, after he surrendered, Jiangdong never touched him and his power.

Jiangdong was very generous and patient. He planned to kill Shi Xie, and then replace his son as the governor of Jiaozhi.

Otherwise, Shi Xie would be forced to rebel, and with his prestige, he could involve the entire Jiaozhou into war.

However, Sun Ce still had slightly different ideas from the counselors. He did not want Hebei to be in rebellion again, otherwise it would take a long time to send troops from the south of the Yangtze River to quell the rebellion.

He planned to take advantage of this Northern Expedition to complete his achievements in one battle.

Therefore, he planned to step up his offensive while negotiating peace, especially to get other princes to step up their offensive.

Sun Ce asked: "How is Zhang Yan doing now?" (End of Chapter)

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