
Chapter 323 Expanding the soil and clearing the river

Did the Zhao army defeat the Song army?

Upon hearing the good news, Yuan Tan's first reaction was that he had fallen into the enemy's trap!

Since the beginning of the war, the Zhao army has suffered heavy losses, not to mention repeated defeats and collapse. It is difficult to resist the power of the Song army.

The Song army devoured powerful captives, often with only a few thousand men able to march straight in and expand territory.

This kind of courage is also because the Song Army is really well-trained and has excellent equipment.

There is a kind of founding atmosphere among the three armies. The soldiers really have ideals and beliefs, thinking that they will be able to wipe out the troubled people and let everyone in the world live a prosperous life like Jiankang.

Therefore, they dared to fight and kill, even if there were more than a dozen people, they dared to charge into the battle and behead them.

This made Sergeant Zhao's soldiers tense up when they faced off against the Song Army. They were terrified from the bottom of their hearts, wondering if there was such a madman on the other side who was not afraid of death.

Especially since the Zhao army suffered repeated defeats, those who ran away after seeing thieves were regarded as brave, and those who fled after misunderstanding were regarded as brave.

Many officials had abandoned their cities and fled into the mountains when they heard that the Song army was approaching.

The Zhao army feared the enemy like a tiger and was defeated immediately when encountering an enemy. Otherwise, the Qingzhou area would not have suffered such a disastrous defeat. They fled in an empty mountain with countless abandoned weapons and horses.

Of course, not all Zhao troops performed poorly in this chaos. Yan Rou, a fierce general of the Zhao army, led more than 10,000 infantrymen to launch a counterattack in the Yanzhou area. They fought hard to defeat the enemy and defeated the Song army's defenders who rushed to aid Dingtao and beheaded them. Thousands of levels.

It's just that Yuan Tan is a little unbelievable. Yan Rou defeated the enemy army that Yan Rou fought hard to defeat, but she casually defeated the enemy army?

So Yuan Tan immediately asked the knight who sent the message: "What happened? How could the vanguard defeat the Song army so easily? How long did it take?"

The Song army was famous for its tough heavy infantry and powerful armored cavalry. Its troops advanced and retreated, and their tenacity was long-lasting. Even in battles where Zhao Jun was at an advantage, the battle was endless.

But this battle has only passed for an hour or two. The vanguard has just passed by and the main force has not yet arrived. How can we easily defeat the enemy?

The knight did not notice the difference, and immediately replied excitedly: "Your Majesty, the enemy in Qinghepu is not the Song army in red flags and red robes, but more than a thousand barbarians. General Kong fought with the enemy and beheaded more than a hundred people, so He led his army in pursuit. General Hua led his cavalry to reconnoiter the battlefield, and found that the enemy army was indeed relatively small, so he led his army to pursue it. Our army won a great victory, as evidenced by his head!"

This is not true, and it cannot be said that Kong Shun and Hua Yan underestimated the enemy. The intelligence obtained by the spies showed that there were indeed not many Song troops in this area, so they would naturally continue to pursue the enemy if they were defeated.

Yuan Tan relaxed slightly and said: "I sent an order to the two generals Kong and Hua, telling them to be careful to guard against the enemy. If the enemy's masses are unable to face the enemy head-on, they can rely on dangerous places to set up ambushes."

Being able to behead thousands of Song soldiers in one battle would be a great victory that greatly boosted the morale of the Zhao army, and would also greatly improve Yuan Tan's image in Yuan Shao's mind.

Therefore, Yuan Tan and others even abandoned their baggage for a time and pursued the defeated army for hundreds of miles to the territory of Dongwu City.

According to the county annals, Wucheng was in the territory of Yu Gong and Jizhou. The Spring and Autumn Period was the humble land of eastern Shanxi. Jin Yin prepared the first city of Qi.

This is an important place to prevent Qi from entering Jizhou, so it is also an important military center for Jizhou to defend Zhuge Liang's army in Qingzhou.

After chasing here, Yuan Tan cautiously ordered to stop the pursuit. In the northwest of Dongwu City, he could still ensure that the Song Army failed to set foot in Jizhou, but beyond this area, he could not guarantee whether the Song Army had set up an ambush!

Therefore, Yuan Tan ordered the entire army: "When the enemy's cavalry appears among us, we can chase them away. Don't chase the enemy, we will return to the camp."

Although this battle did not wipe out the entire main force of the Zhao army in one battle, it was a fact that they won a big victory. As for the actual results, it all depends on how they are reported.

With just one stroke of his pen, his shogunate's soldiers could behead hundreds of people and become more than 2,000 people!

To exaggerate a bit, it is reasonable to decapitate more than 2,000 people and defeat tens of thousands of enemies.

Now the imperial court urgently needs a victory over Zhao Jun to boost people's morale. Even if it knows that there are false reports in this record, the imperial court will be happy to admit it and take the initiative to confirm it.

As the great heroes of this battle, Kong Shun and Hua Yan were happy to withdraw their troops. After all, if they continued to fight and were ambushed by the Song army, they would lose more than they gained.

So Kong Shun said to Yuan Tan Gongwei: "Your Majesty uses troops to advance and retreat in a controlled manner, and does not give Zhuge Liang any opportunity to take advantage of. The Song army is especially in the southeast now, so it is prudent for Your Majesty to respond cautiously."

This is also the consensus of the entire Yuan Tan forces. The main force of the Song army is in the southeast!

They formed a special mentality towards the Song Army in the northwest, that is, the Song Army here will definitely attack Yuan Shang and will not attack Qinghe.

This is indeed an ostrich mentality, but people are always like this and tend to believe what they want to believe.

Otherwise, they really couldn't imagine how their more than 10,000 people would deal with the siege of nearly 100,000 Song troops from the north and south.

On the way Yuan Jun retreated, the elite troops of Song Army arriving from the northwest had already ambushed the road.

The main force of the ambush in this battle was the more than 18,000 elite infantry cavalry composed of Zhou Yu's troops and a large number of elite cavalry such as Tian Yu!

The Song army took Zhou Yu personally as the commander-in-chief and led Lu Xun, Wei Yan, Wenpin, Taishi Ci, Tian Yu and other generals to march out from Gonggao County in the Hejian Kingdom, under the unified command of Zhou Yu. With Liu Ye as a staff member and Pinglu Colonel Lu Xun as the vanguard, the army marched together, passing through Anping State, and then quickly crossed Jiangshui River. After the enemy was out along the Qinghe River, they waited for an opportunity to defeat the enemy.

Speaking of which, this deployment seems to be very troublesome. It seems to have passed through a large number of counties and counties across the Three Kingdoms. In fact, Gonggao County is at the southernmost tip of Hejian Kingdom, and Guangchuan County is at the northernmost tip of Qinghe Kingdom. The two are not far apart. Just a few dozen miles.

Only because these dozens of miles of territory belong to Anping State, it seems that there are many cross-borders.

However, when marching on the land of Hebei where the deeds occurred, the Song army only went south for a few dozen miles before reaching the Qinghepu line. After leaving Yuan Tan, they set up an ambush to defeat the enemy on their way back.

The brothers that Yuan Tan values ​​​​are fighting each other to defend their own territory, which has no binding effect on the Song army!

The Song army wanted to take Yuan Tan by surprise, using elite troops from Bohai and Hejian in the north to catch Yuan Tan off guard.

As the army arrived, Zhou Yu immediately ordered his soldiers to prepare bonfires on the high slopes to contact friendly forces.

In fact, the staff had previously considered whether to set up birdcages in various places. When Zhao Jun returned, he would open the birdcages and fly out a large number of birds. Then he and Zhuge Liang's army would besiege the enemy.

However, Zhou Yu directly rejected this proposal and directly asserted to the generals that the Zhao army's return journey must be along the Qinghe River, so more than 18,000 troops were stationed here.

And sure enough, the next morning, the Song army who was waiting for work saw the Zhao army who was returning from Shi Shiran.

Due to the pursuit by light troops, they even abandoned their carts and baggage. At this time, the soldiers and horses had been short of food for nearly three days.

After all, a pursuit of more than a hundred miles is a long distance for an army, and a round trip of two hundred miles is enough to exhaust the soldiers' physical strength.

In this era, when marching and fighting, the marching force always comes first and determines the outcome of the war.

The final part of the battle was nothing more than a fierce fight between warriors with weapons.

Basically, as long as the elite troops of the Central Plains can successfully march to the designated battlefield, there are very few battles that they cannot win. The extremely rare battles that were lost on the frontal battlefield have all been recorded and described in great detail by historians and scholars, and they can be said to be known to future generations.

In the five thousand years of history of the Central Plains, there may have been tens of thousands of wars fought! Except for those few defeats that were recorded in detail, most of them were crushing victories.

The Battle of Qinghe at this time was no surprise.

The Song army arrived at the battlefield first and waited for work, which can be said to have a great advantage. Facing the red flags flying all over the mountains and plains, Zhao Jun was suddenly shocked.

Yuan Tan even roared angrily: "I have long guessed that the Song army was deliberately released by Yuan Shang's concubine! Today's scale is even more serious, how can Yuan Shang evade it?"

There was no need to shirk it, the soldiers no longer cared about it at all.

At least survive first, and then think about how to hold Yuan Shang accountable.

General Kong Shun immediately shouted: "Your Majesty, we are in an ambush and have to rush to meet the enemy. The situation is critical. Please lead the cavalry to attack the enemy's formation first, disrupt the enemy's army, and buy time for the army to form their formation."

Since ancient times, the footwork should be in order and the cavalry should be scattered. The cavalry does not need to be in a too strict formation when charging. As long as they charge out, they can buy time for the infantry to form their formation.

Kong Shun said that the art of war was the right way. Yuan Tan did not hesitate and said immediately: "Yes. If the enemy army is defeated, you will be the first to fight for it, and you will be granted the title of marquis, and two thousand households will be added to the city!"

Kong Shun immediately handed over his hand and rushed out with more than a thousand cavalry.

Of course, what Kong Shun could see clearly, General Song Jun could also see clearly.

If the terrain in Hebei hadn't been too flat, the Song army would have ambushed the enemy and cut off the Zhao army.

Even if the Song Army was directly exposed to the Zhao Army at this time, the Song Army did not intend to leave time for the Zhao Army to form an array.

Zhou Yu stood on the slope and directly ordered: "The whole cavalry army will attack. While the enemy's formation is not yet formed, storm the enemy's formation!"

"Light the beacon again and draw the Qingzhou army to surround the Zhao army."

As Zhou Yu issued the order, tens of thousands of cavalry rushed out on horseback. The noise of thousands of cavalry shook the heaven and the earth!

Tens of thousands of horse hooves trampled it, and the entire ground was shaken.

Wei Yan, Tai Shici, Tian Yu and others all personally supervised the cavalry to enter the battle, and the mighty cavalry swept directly across the Hebei plain.

Even if Kong Shun fought desperately, he couldn't stop the Song Army's cavalry from encircling him from all sides!

But Zhao Jun also demonstrated its extremely elite combat power in this battle.

Although there are only more than 5,000 people, these are the most elite infantry and cavalry of the Zhao army who were transferred from the southern front. They are all elite soldiers from Hebei and professional warriors.

The two armies fought fiercely, and the fighting lasted from early morning to noon. Kong Shunchi attacked his front, but died on the battlefield.

Before Yuan Tan's formation was formed, the Song Army's cavalry rushed towards him. At noon, the formation was overthrown. General Zhao Jun wanted to move the formation to the bank of the Qinghe River and defend the resort. The Song Army took advantage of the situation and attacked fiercely. Many of the soldiers fell into the cliffs and chasms, killing each other.

At noon, the vanguard of the Qingzhou troops of the Song Army finally arrived. Zhang Liao, Xu Shu and others led more than 4,000 elite assault cavalry to intercept the Zhao army and then surrounded the Zhao army!

From the moment Yuan Tan was selected as the target, the Song army began to gather from the north and south.

The Hu Qi who faked defeat to lure Yuan Tan was exactly what Zhuge Liang proposed.

It's just that their fake defeat was a bit realistic. Under the fierce attack of Zhao Jun's elite, they were completely defeated.

Yuan Tan's caution was to avoid his embarrassment. If he pursued him, he would really be ambushed by the Qingzhou Song Army.

Due to Gao Lan's retreat, Zhuge Liang had moved his army northward and reached the vicinity of Dongwu City.

There are actually many ambush routes. If Yuan Tan continues to pursue, it will turn into Zhuge Liang sending troops to ambush him, and then lighting beacons to guide Zhou Yu's army to encircle him.

But in the face of absolute military superiority, Yuan Tan's caution was useless.

The Song army combined tens of thousands of troops and surrounded Yuan Tan's headquarters with more than 5,000 people. The military strength was at an absolute advantage.

Moreover, the Song Army's cavalry attacked fiercely, making it impossible for Zhao Army's display to stand firm.

Defeat was inevitable at this time, and being able to resist for a whole morning was the result of Zhao Jun's well-trained training.

Hua Yan fought desperately and was hit by more than ten arrows. He brandished his halberd and stood up for a duel. He was hit in the left cheek by the gun and died by severing his throat.

However, there is also good news for Zhao Jun, that is, the reinforcements of Zhao Jun from Qinghepu Dongfang finally arrived in the afternoon.

Guan Tong personally led more than 6,000 soldiers from the camp to rush for reinforcements and displayed them to the east of Zhou Yu's headquarters.

Guan Tong led his troops to attack the enemy Song army's formation many times in an attempt to break the siege of Yuan Tan, but they were unable to break through the Song army's siege.

After all, Zhou Yu's troops had nearly 10,000 elite infantrymen. They were arrayed behind the cavalry in a towering square formation with fluttering red flags. Their armor was shining brightly in the sun, and they were equipped with strong bows and crossbows, and thunderous arrows and stones.

Even if we welcome tens of thousands of people, we may not be at a disadvantage.

Even if Zhao Jun gathered 20,000 elite troops, he might not be able to defeat nearly 10,000 elite troops in two days.

Therefore, Guan Tong could not break through the Song army's encirclement at all, but at this time Yuan Tan had been seriously injured and was unable to command.

In the evening, the main force of Zhuge Liang's army also arrived from the south. The Song army had more and more reinforcements, but the Zhao army was exhausted to the extreme and could no longer withstand the fierce charge of the Song army's infantry and cavalry, and the military formation collapsed completely.

The enemy troops gradually arrived, and the Zhao army was defeated!

From Yuan Tan on down, everyone in the Zhao army died in the battle. Dozens of people died in the military academy and more than 6,000 soldiers died.

Qinghe was in a state of chaos, and the Zhao army camp where Yuan Tan was stationed was taken advantage of by the Song army!

All the grain, grass and military strength in the Zhao army's camp were obtained. These were logistical materials sent from Ye County. The camp was piled high with mountains of equipment.

Even if the Song army joins forces in three directions, there is no need to worry about logistical supplies for the time being.

The food and grass in the camp are enough to supply tens of thousands of troops for half a month.

On the one hand, the Song army sent partial generals to lead troops to segregate Qinghe counties, and on the other hand, Zhuge Liang personally led the main force of the army to march northwest, marching into Anping State and intercepting Yuan Shang!

Due to the rapid advance of the Song army and their arrival in a few days, the situation of the Zhao army was extremely critical!

Although Yuan Shang has received military reports, the Song army has defeated the Zhao army, and even his most hated eldest brother Yuan Tan died in the battle.

But he didn't have time to be excited, or even to mobilize his troops and lead his troops to retreat. The Song army had already cut off his return route.

At this time, Zhuge Liang's army blocked his rear, and Zhou Yu's army surrounded him. The Zhao army was in danger. (End of chapter)

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