
Chapter 296 Raise an army and win the world

The day after the battle with the emperor, Sun Ce received the battle report from the front line.

Chenliu, where Sun Ce's camp was located, was so close to the battlefield that the cavalry could arrive in a day and night. The messengers conveyed military information immediately regardless of the cost.

Zhou Yu led [-] cavalrymen and defeated tens of thousands of Cao's troops, beheading more than [-] and capturing more than [-]. Cao's generals Shi Huan, Jiang Ji, Niu Gai, Lu Zhao and others were still in charge.

After seeing the battle report sent by Zhou Yu, which described so many achievements in detail, Sun Ce had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, at the end of Lubu, Zhou Yu's painting style changed, and Cao Cao was supported by Guan Yu. Guan Yu, Xu Chu, Le Jin and others fought desperately and led dozens of horses away alone.

Zhou Yuzheng led his army to attack Xuanmen Pass fiercely, intending to break through the pass and enter. He would advance thousands of miles and return with Cao Cao's head hanging.

Sun Ce didn't pay attention to the latter sentence at all. Cao Cao fled into the pass, and it was impossible for Zhou Yu to enter the pass again to capture him.

Moreover, he led his elite cavalry troops very quickly and did not bring any siege equipment. How could he possibly defeat the revolving door gate that was heavily guarded by the imperial court?
Zhou Yu's actions and claims were nothing more than a statement to Sun Ce. Even if Sun Ce wanted to proclaim himself emperor, he would be the first to lead his army to support him! When fighting against the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, he was willing to take the lead and set an example for the entire army.

Sun Ce also regretted that Cao Cao had to break out of the encirclement. This Guan Yu was simply a professional in responding to the defeated army!

When Liu Bei was defeated and left, he went to rescue him. When Cao Cao was defeated in Xingyang, he was the one who went to support him.

But even without Guan Yu, it is really not easy to capture Cao Cao in one battle.

The ability of these late Han princes to fight may still be questioned, but in terms of their ability to escape, each one is stronger than the last.

Almost no one will be killed if they lose a battle, and everyone has the ability to break through dozens of cavalry.

Although Jiangdong's cavalry attacked fiercely in this battle, it may not be as dangerous as the Battle of Feishui and the Battle of Yiling.

Especially in the Battle of Feishui, Cao Cao's camp was completely undefended. Zhang Xiu used the excuse of moving the camp to force his army right under Cao Cao's nose. He attacked fiercely from all sides, but failed to capture Cao Cao.

It would be a bit difficult for Zhou Yu to capture Cao Cao just because he was defeated, and he also had to be supported by Guan Yu. Guan Yu, Xu Chu and other fierce generals fought tooth and nail to protect him. In today's era, it is almost impossible to catch a cavalryman who is determined to escape.

You must know that there is a fierce general guarding him. Li Shimin dared to fly in front of thousands of cavalry, and then relied on an ambush to defeat these thousands of cavalry in one fell swoop and forced thousands of people to land.

Cao Cao's military prowess was naturally not comparable to that of Li Shimin, but he did not have any delusions about defeating these thousands of elite cavalry. He should be able to do it if he just escaped with all his heart. At worst, he could cut off his beard and abandon his robe, or let his generals wear his turban to distract the pursuers. If they want to escape, these princes have extremely rich means. At least it's no problem to fool the pursuers.

Sun Ce was not in the mood to pay attention to what cunning method Cao Cao used to escape the pursuers, and what wonderful and interesting allusions he would leave for future generations, because now his focus has been forced to shift from Cao Cao to Hebei. !
According to the spies' report, Hebei Yuan Shao's troops are ready to make a move!

Having already defeated Cao Cao, he not only did not stop fighting, but continued to strengthen his troops and station troops forward.

It's hard to tell whether Cao Cao will cause trouble in the future, but if Yuan Shao doesn't handle it well, he may soon overthrow the Jiangdong forces!
Sun Ce couldn't figure out what Alliance Leader Yuan was thinking in his head.

He had no choice but to urgently order Zhou Yu to immediately lead an elite army to return for reinforcements. At the same time, he urgently sent Zhang Hong and Zhang Zhao to prepare for a decisive battle with Yuan Shao, expedited the allocation of grain and grass, and recruited soldiers for corvee service.

At this moment, he didn't care about the cost, and directly ordered the retired soldiers under Jiangdong to immediately demobilize and gather at the various state offices to reorganize and train and prepare to fight Yuan Shao!
With this decree alone, the people will be in commotion, and no less than [-] soldiers will be recruited again.

Zhang Hong could no longer take control of Xu County, so he quickly dispatched the governor of Yuzhang to Yingchuan to appease the soldiers, and arrived at Sun Ce's army at night.

When Zhang Hong arrived, it was already the ugly time in the middle of the night (one to three o'clock), but the lights in Sun Ce's curtain were still bright, and Sun Ce himself was not asleep. He sat in front of the map and watched the generals and the generals arguing fiercely about deploying defenses. .

The situation in Jiangdong is really very turbulent at the moment. The Jiangdong army marched forward and seized a large number of counties. However, with Cao Cao's defeat, Yuan Shao's army went south with troops hanging overhead, and these counties immediately became turbulent. How to defend these newly attached cities has become the biggest problem at the moment.

Jiangdong's army was still deployed for the Northern Expedition before. The army was very scattered. Whether it could withstand Yuan Shao's fierce attack and where to draw the ground to defend was also a problem faced by Jiangdong.

Sun Ce's thoughts were finally interrupted as the guards sang loudly: "General Zhaoyi, Governor of Yuzhou, Marquis of Dong'an Ting, Zhang Hong has arrived!"

The noisy curtain suddenly became quiet, and Sun Ce stood up to greet him personally: "The military advisor is here, please come in quickly!"

Zhang Hong arrived wearing the stars and the moon, his bun still covered with early morning dew, and his face was very tired, but he had no time to say hello. He immediately raised his hands in salute and asked: "Hong paid a visit to the general. I heard that the general is about to mobilize the three armies. What happened?"

"Zhang Qing, please take a seat and let Wen He introduce the situation to you."

Jia Xu immediately stood on the side of the map, pointed at Jishui, which was the most obvious spot on the map, and said: "Yuan Shao's army has defeated Cao Cao, but the front has not stopped. After a brief reorganization, Cao Ying surrendered as the vanguard. After crossing Jishui, we have already conquered Fengqiu, Donghun, and Jiyang. The army is besieging Huang County, and it is only a thin line away from our army!"

Huang County is Xiaohuang County. This name is not obvious now, but in later generations it has a name that will be resounding throughout the ages, Tokyo Bianliang!

Even now, his status has been revealed. It controls the Seigou Water, Honggou Water and Bian Canal. The three canals and canals intersect here, making it an important place in Chenliu territory.

After Zhou Yu's army captured Chenliu, he immediately sent Xu Huang to lead an army of three thousand to seize this strategic location.

Xu Huang's elite Jiefan Army was stationed here and did not even participate in such an important battle as chasing Cao Cao, just to firmly control this water transportation.

It can be said that with this place, in the future, when grain from the southeast is transferred to the north, we can follow the example of the Northern Song Dynasty and easily transport millions of stones of grain.

With this foundation, neither Yuan Shao nor Guanzhong has anything to worry about.

At this moment, it has been guaranteed that Sun Ce will be in the territory of the Northern Song Dynasty at the very least.

However, Yuan Shao did not have the combat power of the Liao Kingdom. Sun Ce had the wealth, national power of the Northern Song Dynasty, and 10,000+ elite imperial guards who founded the country. He would definitely be able to sweep the world and unify the Yuan Dynasty.

The premise is to give him a chance to breathe, take a break to adjust the situation in the north, stabilize people's hearts, and then use the population advantage of the Central Plains to increase the size of the army from about [-] to about [-]!
So facing the current situation, Sun Ce frowned and said to Zhang Hong: "According to expectations before the Solitary War, Yuan Shao must take into account the reputation of the alliance no matter what, and will not betray his trust, but why does he still march south?"

According to rumors from Xu Huang's command, in the Huang County area, Yuan's army had no less than 3 troops besieging the city!
And it is obviously in a fighting state, besieging the city and filling the river, ready to launch an attack at any time.

Zhang Hong said: "Zhuge Ziyu had an old alliance with Hebei, and his advice helped Yuan Shao defeat Cao Cao, which was a great contribution. The general should rush to Hebei to question Yuan Shao's desire to betray the alliance!"

Sun Ce nodded and said: "Ziyu has returned to Hebei at starry night to question Yuan Shao face to face about why he met with an army."

Zhang Hong said: "This is what it should be. But no matter what Yuan Shao's intention is, we must make preparations in advance. Otherwise, the situation will be unstable and the north will no longer be owned by me." Yuan Shao really picked a good time!
Yuzhou was a newly annexed area to Jiangdong, and many powerful officials and commander-in-chiefs wanted to surrender to Yuan Shao instead of surrendering to Sun Ce.

Just for the sake of alliance, they temporarily attached themselves to Sun Ce.

Just on the front line of Chenliu, there are tens of thousands of volunteers and bandits, thinking about how to defect to Yuan Shao.

While Sun Ce rewarded the marquis of Guannei generously to win over the heroes, he also sent troops and generals to rectify the army.

If Yuan Shao goes south at this time, I am afraid that the newly stable situation will become chaotic again, like a prairie fire.

Therefore, Zhang Hong said: "I think that the reason why the bandits and others are ready to move and are uneasy about their duties is to rely on Yuan Shao's will. At this time, if we stick to the battlefield, our ambitions will only spread like wildfire and the turmoil will become more and more intense."

Sun Ce perked up, looked at Zhang Hong, and asked, "What do you mean by your words?"

"You should cut through the mess with a quick sword, and use the force of a long sword to break through bamboo, and defeat Yuan's army in one fell swoop! When the enemy is not close, counterattack them, break their momentum, calm the hearts of the people, and then defend."

Sun Ce instantly understood that sometimes attacking is not to expand the war, but to thwart the enemy's aggressive intentions! Only by using force to stop war can peace be promoted.

Sun Ce immediately said: "If this is the case, I will personally lead the troops, march northward, and defeat Yuan Ying's other units!"

Although the troops were divided during the Jiangbei Expedition, there were still [-] tribesmen on the Chenliu front.

Sun Ce personally led Lu Meng, Zhou Yu, Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Gan Ning, Zhang Fei, Zhu Huan, Cheng Pu and other generals. It was not difficult to defeat Yuan's army here!
Following Sun Ce's order at starry night, the Jiangdong army took a short rest. The generals boosted their morale and preached about Yuan Jun's betrayal of the alliance. After besieging their own generals, the three armies immediately demanded war in anger, hoping to avenge their humiliation at Xiaohuang City.

The morale of the army was high, and they immediately sent troops the next day to rush north for reinforcements.

Chen Liu and Xiao Huang were closely connected with each other. They were only a few dozen miles apart. If the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law quarreled here, their parents' family in Linxian County would get the news the next day.

When Yuan Jun was ready to make a move, he couldn't hide the news from Jiangdong's informants. Here, Sun Ce personally swore to lead an army of [-] and march north, so there was no way he could hide the news.

Yuan Shao, who was originally unwilling to meet Zhuge Jin, heard that Sun Ce had really mobilized an army to attack him, and felt the sharp sword edge of this young prince, so he had to meet Zhuge Jin in person.

As the dominant northern overlord, Yuan Shao's demeanor was completely different from that of Cao Cao. Compared with Cao Cao's short stature and ruthlessness, Yuan Shao was not only tall, but also magnanimous, handsome, and talented.

Although he is old, he is still elegant, gentle and warm, which can be called Xun Yu's old image.

To be fair, it is unknown whether Xun Yu's talents and achievements can match those of Yuan Shao.

If he, Yuan Shao, had never gone down the road of becoming a vassal, and the Han Dynasty was still at peace, Yuan Shao might not be able to continue the Yuan family tradition and continue to be a top minister and minister of the three princes.

The main reason is that Yuan Shao's character is not really a talent among the princes. He is very scheming and undecided. As a counselor, he may be very good at making plans, but as a prince, his decision-making ability is slightly weak.

What stood out was his magnanimity. Although the confrontation between the two armies was imminent, he still received Zhuge Jin calmly and with a warm smile, as if meeting old friends.

"Zhuge Qing left without saying goodbye at the beginning of the year. I am still very concerned about him, thinking that Hebei's reception was not good. I am also afraid that something unexpected happened to you on the way. I see you again today. I feel at ease."

Zhuge Jin cupped his hands and said: "The general's affairs are very complicated. I wanted to say goodbye in person, but I kept asking to see him but couldn't. I will obey the authority as soon as the matter is urgent."

Both of them have relatively tolerant personalities. Although the two countries are in conflict, the atmosphere is quite harmonious.

Those who didn't know better thought that they were old friends reunited to express their condolences to An Tai.

But after all, the military situation is urgent at this moment. Every moment of delay may cause the two armies to interfere in the front, resulting in countless casualties.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Zhuge Jin took the initiative and asked: "The general and my lord made an alliance to attack Cao Cao together. The two armies have been working together to relieve the national crisis. In order to help the general defeat Cao Cao's thieves, my lord personally went to the target, even at the cost of death and injury. Attack Xu County vigorously and cut off Cao’s army’s reinforcements.”

"The two armies are so close that they can be said to be in the same robe. Why did the general raise his troops to go south and surround my general in an isolated city?"

"Does this not conform to the righteousness of the Allies? Doesn't it fail the hope of the world? Those who are victorious in Yunei and raise the flag must respect the General as the leader of the alliance and submit to the righteous flag of the General!"

"My lord has even said that the general's ability to rescue people in times of crisis is far better than that of Yuan Jiujiu, and is even more popular in the world than the Han Dynasty. All princes and heroes are attached to him, and he can be the contemporary Yin and Huo."

"The general treats Jing Fu's power like this? How can he make the princes obey the general?"

This can be a good reputation for contemporary Yin and Huo, and it can also be a word of encouragement!
After all, Huo Guang deposed the emperor!
If you can depose the ruler of the Han Dynasty, you can naturally replace him.

Yuan Shao's subordinates are not monolithic. Some people have been advising him: "When the red virtue is gone, Yuan is Huang Yin. He should obey the will of God and follow the people's will."

In the current situation, if Yuan Shao does not further ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor, the development of his power will indeed be hindered at every turn.

If he can get Sun Ce's support in his proclaimed emperor, then Hande will become the world's general trend in an instant!
It became a separatist and mediocre partial regime. Its power can be destroyed, but it will never be as clear as it is now, as clear as the sun, affecting all directions.

The Yuan family's foundation can exist for a long time.

What was Lu Su’s advice when he and Sun Quan were on the couch? Unexpectedly, he took possession of the Yangtze River and then built it as an emperor to benefit the world. This is the career of a high emperor.

Create an emperor to conquer the world!

This is also Yuan Shao's most urgent need at the moment.

Therefore, Yuan Shao was instantly moved and said to Zhuge Jin: "What you said is absolutely true! Just observing everyone's opinions and only trying to mislead yourself is not enough to achieve great things! In the name of General Sun attacking the emperor, fighting with General Sun is actually There is a duty to betray the alliance."

"All of you are holding this discussion, but you are very disappointed with Gu's hope. Now that you have made a great plan, you are working with Gu. This is what God has given me." (End of this chapter)

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