
Chapter 290 Xun Yu refused to surrender, Xu Sheng ascended first

When Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang were advancing, Sun Ce was also vigorously displaying his power under the city of Xuchang.

There are two things to do to show off one's strength. On the one hand, nearly [-] troops besieged the city, fought day and night, and attacked continuously.

On the one hand, Sun Ce also ordered his generals to rectify the troops of these volunteers and bandits, and supervised all departments in the capital to set up villages, display troops, and build fortifications.

This is not an easy task. Tens of thousands of grassroots gather in one place. If you ignore them and let them go their own way, they will easily repeat the mistakes of the Battle of Changshe and be burned down by the army. The army collapsed.

Even if there are many fierce generals and good generals in Jiangdong's army, it is not easy to rectify these people.

Many righteous teachers and bandits were accustomed to being arrogant and domineering. They thought they were right and directly refused the orders of Jiangdong generals.

Some people even asked directly, "We are not subordinates of Marquis Wu, so why should we listen to your orders?"What qualifications does Marquis Wu have to order me to wait?
So Sun Ce killed more than a dozen commanders and heroes in one go, and annexed tens of thousands of troops. The three armies were immediately frightened, and no one dared to defy the enemy.

Only then did these heroes realize that in addition to giving them the title of Marquis of Guannei, Wu Hou could also take their heads anytime and anywhere.

Before leader Yuan arrived at the Yuzhou front line, Wu Hou was in charge of everything on the southern front, and his army was mighty.

Therefore, everyone immediately obeyed respectfully, accepted Jiangdong's order, and quickly set up the camp in an orderly manner with strict barriers.

This scene was quickly noticed by the defenders on the city. Looking at the orderly military camps below the city and the increasingly complete siege fortifications, the morale in the city became increasingly low.

And Sun Ce also cherished Xun Yu's talent very much, and used thousands of soldiers to defend the city for nearly ten days. This was by no means an ordinary ability.

So Sun Ce personally sent people into the city and asked Xun Yu to come out of the city to meet him.

Xiahou Dun, Cao Ren and others all firmly opposed it and advised Xun Yu: "Your Majesty, if you go to a state town, you will be in danger, so you can't do it."

However, Xun Yu insisted on meeting Sun Ce and wanted to persuade Sun Ce to retreat, so he left the city himself.

This time the two met, it was no longer the same as when Cao Cao and Sun Ce met. The two armies faced each other.

Now that Sun Ce's troops were approaching the city, Xun Yu left the city under the escort of only a few Cao Jun knights. Behind Sun Ce was a huge and majestic military formation, showing an unparalleled magnificence.

Tens of thousands of elite infantry and cavalry were neatly arranged in the military formation, well-equipped and with high fighting spirit.They were uniformly dressed in black armor and red robes, illuminating the heaven and earth.The flags are fluttering, and the red flags are crimson in the sky.

Before Sun Ce rode up to the military formation, escorted by Zhao Yun, Chen Wu, Jiang Qin and others, he met Cao Wei's top counselor.

Xun Yu has a tall and straight figure and a calm temperament, like a green pine in the mountains, still standing despite the wind and rain.But there is a haggard and old look on his face that cannot be hidden. Matched with his elegant aura, he is really as gentle as jade and has an outstanding bearing.

Sun Ce stepped forward on his horse and said, "Xun Qing, Cao Cao's defeat is inevitable. I cherish your talents. Why don't you surrender the city? You will not lose your status as a prince, but you will also avoid the disaster of soldiers and people!"

Xun Yu respectfully bowed his hands on his horse, worshiped to the end, and said: "I thank you for your courtesy, General Sun. General Sun is thirsty for talents. If you treat the virtuous corporal, you will be assisted by the sages from all over the world, and you will eventually achieve the hegemony of Huan and Wen."

After finishing the compliments, Xun Yu changed the topic and said: "It's just that the general relies on the greatness of the country and is jealous of the people. He raises troops to attack without any reason and wants to show his power to the enemy. This is arrogance. An arrogant army will be destroyed. This is Not only human affairs, but also the way of heaven. Yu is deeply worried about the general."

"But General Cao was wise and wise, worried about the country's danger and defeat, and sympathized with the bitterness of the people. He led the righteous soldiers to kill the thieves in the world, and his merits were high and virtuous. He saved chaos and punished violence, and raised righteous soldiers to protect the counties. Today. Although in danger, before Lu Bu took advantage of the situation, there were only three counties left in Yanzhou."

"We have Yuzhou, Yanzhou, and Qingzhou in particular under our control. We have vast territories and well-equipped soldiers. If we defeat Yuan Shao and the army comes back to support us, the general will not see that we have a complete force. If the army is defeated and the situation is overturned, we can raise hundreds of thousands of troops and attack the city." Damn it, I’m afraid it will be an eternal regret.”

"And now Yuan Shao has many powerful people, occupying the land of Yan and Zhao, and has the intention to unite the world. Due to his luck, he can use the hero's plan, fake the power of the soldiers and the people, and the strength of the huge sea in the east to lift the entire Jin Dynasty in the west and the south to the south. Blocking the Yellow River in Baiqu, there are powerful bow-horses in the north. The area is two thousand miles away and there are hundreds of thousands of them. It is very powerful. At this time, it is invincible in the world, and it is easy to overthrow the overlord."

"This is actually the greatest enemy in the world and the traitor to the Han Dynasty. General Cao is now in decline. Why doesn't General Sun withdraw his troops and use us as a vassal screen to resist Yuan Shao's power? As the saying goes, the auxiliary chariots are dependent on each other, and the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. It is not a blessing to save each other while we are defeated."

Xun Yu's words were well-founded and sincere, as if he were sincerely speaking, speaking from the bottom of his heart for Jiangdong's consideration.

Even the generals behind Sun Ce were moved by it.

The generals in Jiangdong also thought that if Cao Cao could be used as a vassal town, he could resist Yuan Shao in Yanzhou and Qingzhou. Jiangdong would seize the opportunity to secure Yuzhou and march into Yizhou to recuperate. At that time, Qing, Xu, Yu, Yi, Jing, Yang, With the seven states as the foundation, even if Yuan Shao had Hebei, it would be difficult for him to dominate Jiangdong.

Xun Yu saw that the Jiangdong generals were moving, and his attitude gradually became tougher. He said: "General Kuang Sun is so forced, so he doesn't worry about General Cao leading his army to return to Yuan Shao? By then, Yuan and Cao's coalition forces of nearly 20 infantry and cavalry will march south, and they will be at the foot of Xuchang City. How many of these [-] troops will fight to the death for General Sun? If they are overturned and return with a disastrous defeat, the foundation may fall apart!"

After hearing what Xun Yu said, Sun Ce laughed loudly and said, "Why would Xun Qing deceive the world with this nonsense? If Cao Cao was willing to be a subordinate, he only had three counties at the beginning, and when he had more than ten thousand soldiers, he surrendered to Yuan Shao, why bother? Wait until today?”

However, Sun Ce paid very careful attention to Xun Yu's words.

That is, although Cao Cao is in a difficult situation now, it is not as bad as when Lu Bu attacked him in the Battle of Yanzhou and only three counties were left.

Even though they were attacked from both sides by Yuan Shao and Sun Ce, Cao's army still had territory that spanned states and counties, and still had strongholds in Qingzhou, Yanzhou, and Yuzhou.

The advantage of having experienced troughs is that it makes people more calm. After seeing the tragedy of the past, the current situation is probably insignificant to Cao Jun.

As long as Cao's army can defeat Yuan Shao and then return with [-] to [-] troops to support, Sun Ce's [-] troops besieging Xu County will be like Sun Quan's attack on Hefei and he will be forced to withdraw from the siege.

Therefore, Sun Ce became more determined and must fight hard to conquer Xu County and not give Cao Cao a chance to regain his power!

Seeing that Sun Ce's attitude was so resolute, Xun Yu had to say: "Even if General Sun doesn't want to regard him as a subordinate, he can still view it as an ally. Now that Yuan Shao's troops are strong, isn't the general worried that it will become a sweeping force?"

This was also the most important reason for Xun Yu to leave the city. With Xun Yu's planning and vision, he did not believe that there were no advisers in the Southern Army to advise Sun Ce and accept General Cao as a vassal to fight Yuan Shao together. This was actually a plan based on Jiangdong!Why did Liu Bei have an outstanding life and was so popular among the princes? Isn't it because, as a vassal town, he could defend the princes against powerful enemies?
At the beginning of General Cao's military establishment, he was also the vassal town of Yuan Shao. He conquered Heishan in the west for Yuan Shao, fought against Yuan Shu in the south, and attacked Tao Qian in the east.

After Liu Bei was attacked by Lu Bu and captured Xuzhou, he could be forced to ask Lu Bu for surrender and to settle in Xiaopei.

Could it be that General Cao couldn't surrender when he was at the end of his rope?
If Jiangdong does not accept it, but Yuan Shao accepts his surrender with his magnanimity, the Southern Army will be in danger.

After all, if Yuan Shao clears out Cao Jun, the next powerful enemy will definitely be Sun Ce!
So Xun Yu couldn't understand why Sun Ce had no intention of accepting Cao Cao as a vassal?

If you are so ambitious, wouldn't it push Cao Jun towards Yuan Shao?
Or is he determined that Yuan Shao cannot accept General Cao?

Sun Ce replied very directly: "Yuan Shao's commoner's ear, this is your famous saying in Cao Ying. Why don't Xun Qing recognize it now? The only one in the world who can compete with Gu is Cao Cao. Gu's power will definitely capture Yan and Yu and defeat Cao Cao." If Xun Qing does not surrender today, our army will be surrounded on all sides and there will be no mercy after we break the city. I hope you will think about it again!"

Xun Yu replied decisively: "My king is in the north, so you can't let me live in the south."

With Xun Yu's flat refusal, the conversation completely failed. Sun Ce immediately rode back and directly ordered the entire army to attack the city!
He mobilized troops today and lined up tens of thousands of soldiers, not only to show his authority, but also to completely end the battle of Xu County.

After more than ten days of siege, the city's arrowheads were almost exhausted, and hundreds of moats had been filled in. Many of the earthen ramparts were as high as the city walls, and the cavalry could even ride directly onto the city.

The power of 10 people can destroy cities and move mountains!
Over the past few days, General Jiangdong's efforts to rectify the rebels and bandits have finally yielded results. Today, the siege army dispatched [-] troops to attack from three sides!

Among them, 1 elite warriors from Jiangdong were dispatched, 2 rebels and bandits were dispatched, and the rest were deployed to defend Cao's northern reinforcements.

It's not that Sun Ce refused to send more troops, but that 1 people storming a city wall was already a full-frontal attack, leaving no room for effort.Even if more troops are sent out, the battle lines cannot be opened.

Jiangdong generals and commanders commanded several troops to attack the city. This battle was very strategic and strategic. It was not about thousands of people swarming up and attacking the city with dense ants.

Under the city wall, Jiangdong's army has various siege equipment, chariot railings, bed crossbows and ladders. In front of the moat, there are wooden signs, fences, canopies, rafts and oars. Groups of soldiers holding bows and crossbows hide under the wooden walls. Under the protection of fortifications such as cards, oars, shields, chariots, and well railings, arrows and stones were fired randomly.

Cao Ren's eyes widened in shock when he saw this scene. The opponent's troops dispersed one by one. It was obviously commanded by a famous general. It was a rigorous siege method!

This kind of sparse formation not only spreads out the formation, disperses the distance between soldiers, but also keeps the ranks orderly. It prevents the upper city from causing serious damage to the lower city, and allows the siege army to remain orderly, causing great damage to the defenders. pressure.

The fantasy of shooting arrows downwards with your eyes closed on the city wall to kill a large number of enemy troops can only appear in later movies and TV shows.For the sake of visual appreciation, the director forced the sparse and scattered arrays on the front to come together.

Even a mob would not gather crazily under the city wall carrying a ladder.

You only have one life, and even a mob knows how to protect and evacuate, and will not be shot on the spot like a target.

The siege party generally has the advantage of arrows and stones. The bows and crossbows fire randomly and the arrows must be more than those on the city. However, due to the large number of parapets, war tents, etc. on the city wall, it is difficult for the siege party's equipment to hit directly.

Especially the war tents. This kind of fortification is surrounded by wooden fences on the top of the entire city wall, which is somewhat similar to a city tower. The city wall of Xu County is 21 miles long, with [-] war tents and war tents, dredging the emperor's pond, winding corridors, and There are various instruments for defending the city against enemies.The soldiers hid in the corridor behind the war shed and were difficult to be shot directly by arrows.

In the past ten days or so, the Jiangdong army's offensive has been to open gaps in various war tents and parapets to open channels for the subsequent army to attack the city.

Man Chong strongly suggested that Cao Ren stay on the front line in Runan to buy time for the defense and consolidation of Yingchuan, which finally worked.

It is not that Jiangdong Army does not have trebuchets, but the current trebuchets have very limited lethality. The gravel thrown may not even be able to break the battle sheds and parapets, and most of them, more than [-]% of them, cannot hit the narrow line of the city wall. Most of them cannot hit the narrow line of the city wall. They were either thrown into the city or smashed outside the city.

On the contrary, the effect of throwing kerosene is very significant. This kerosene is not petroleum, but animal fat. It is filled in clay pots. In today's battle, Jiangdong threw more than [-] kerosene pots!This huge wealth was smashed down, and the battlefield was soon shrouded in beacon fire and smoke. In particular, a large number of crossbowmen also shot the three fire arrows they carried with them onto the wall. Tens of thousands of rockets were hung on the wall, igniting a large number of battles. shed.

The flames were burning, and thick smoke was rising from all over the city wall!

In this atmosphere of blazing flames and thick smoke rising into the sky, tens of thousands of troops from Jiangdong launched a fierce attack from three sides on a battlefield nearly twenty miles away, and the mighty offensive continued.

Jiangdong general Xu Sheng was given high hopes by Lu Meng, the city governor. When the flames were soaring into the sky, he personally carried the spear and led dozens of Beifu army elites to hide in the cloud ladder. They were all wearing heavy armor and equipped with sophisticated equipment.

As the ladder was pushed to the gap in the war tent, when the messy and frightened sounds on the city could be clearly heard, he shouted: "Brothers, get into the formation first, and then do this! Follow me to attack the city. After the city is broken, I ask all brothers not to come back until they are drunk!"

He took the lead, and the dead soldiers behind him also rushed up the ladder and rushed towards the city wall regardless of their own safety.

There is no doubt that Xu Sheng's troops have an absolute advantage in military strength, more than ten times that of the enemy!

In the 21st li of Xu County, there are thousands of defenses such as war tents, sculls, and crossbows. Even if all Cao's troops board the city, they can only send a group of defenders to one fortification.

However, Cao Jun wanted to leave some of his elite troops to move around to drive down the enemy troops who had stormed the city wall, and they also had to take turns to rest and recuperate. They had suffered heavy casualties in the past ten days, so there were only three defenders in the war tent, who were responsible for the attack. When the general of Cao's army on this section of the city wall saw a cloud ladder attacking this area, he quickly dispatched a team to rush for reinforcements.

But Cao Jun’s defenders were not all elite!

Since many of them were grassroots, the team that was drawn was not even equipped with spears, and some of them had no trousers. They only wore a short brown linen shirt and hurriedly went into battle holding a ring-headed sword.

When he saw a large number of elite Jiangdong warriors, tall and heavily armored, like tigers and bears, carrying sophisticated spears, they climbed onto the city wall.I was immediately frightened to the point where the two sides were fighting, and I wanted to turn around and run away!

The burly Xu Sheng, covered with fine heavy armor, killed two brave guards with almost no loss. Blood spattered on his neck protector, but he didn't pay attention at all. Even his eyes glowed red with excitement.

"Brothers, the first step to seize the battle is within your reach! Follow me and kill! Capture the city wall!" (End of Chapter)

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