
Chapter 275 Zhang Fei breaks the formation with 5 riders

Chapter 275 Zhang Fei breaks the formation with five hundred riders

Li Dian was very different from the other generals in Cao Ying in terms of temperament.

Most of the generals of Cao's army still have a fierce and fierce spirit, so they can fight their way out of the purgatory of the Central Plains and become veteran generals on the battlefield.

But Li Dian was not like that. He was born in the Li family of Shanyang County. His father, Li Qian, was a man of great courage and invited thousands of guests to the Cheng family in his hometown.During the Chuping period, Li Qian followed Cao Cao with his troops and defeated the Yellow Turban in Shouzhang. He also attacked Yuan Shu and conquered Xuzhou.During Lu Bu's rebellion, Cao Cao sent Li Qian to return Chengshi to comfort the counties.Lu Bubie drove Xue Lan, Zhizhong Li Feng and Li Qian all rebelled. Li Qian refused and was killed.

After his brother Li Zheng also died of illness, Li Dian had to command thousands of Li soldiers.

Li Dian himself was actually very refined, rarely studious, and disinterested in military affairs. Instead, he studied the Chun Qiu Zuo Shi Zhuan as a teacher and read extensively.

After he was forced to lead the army, he also understood the great righteousness, did not compete with others for credit, respected elegant and knowledgeable people, and behaved like an elder.

This demeanor is quite different from the fierce generals in Cao Ying, and Cao Cao also valued him very much and named him Zhonglang General and Dianlihu Prefect.

Lihu Prefect is Cao Cao's new prefect, located south of the Yellow River and one county away from Puyang County.The approximate territory is the area of ​​counties south of the Yellow River in Dongjun.

When Cao Cao and Lu Bu fought for Yanzhou, their troops were depleted and their supplies were exhausted, and they were almost in dire straits.

Yuan Shao funded him a large amount of money, food, and luggage, and ordered Zhu Ling to lead thousands of troops south to help in the war.The price Cao Cao paid was that the area north of the Yellow River in Dongjun was ceded to Yuan Shao.

The seals, ribbons and inscriptions of the governor of Dongjun were given to Yuan Shao, so Cao Cao could not set up another governor of Dongjun under his rule, so he changed the name of the part of Dongjun south of the Yellow River to Lihu.

Li Dian's troops used to station and defend here, serving as an outpost and buffer for Cao Cao to guard Hebei.In addition, Li Dian commanded the clan and guests to transport frontline food and grass for the army.

The call for this force to rush to Jixian for reinforcements also showed Cao Jun's attitude towards the Qingzhou battlefield.

The people fighting here are all the vassal towns and princes under Cao Cao.

In fact, due to Cao Cao's lack of financial resources, he always had a large number of semi-independent princes under his command, such as Zang Ba, Li Tong, Zhang Xiu and others.It was not until Cao Cao's death and Cao Pi usurped the Han Dynasty that he instituted laws and reduced the vassals, and Cao Wei realized the unification of military power.

The advantage of such dependent princes is that they have strong subjective initiative. For example, the current Qingzhou was defeated by Zang Ba and the Taishan bandits almost single-handedly.

The downside is that their combat prowess is so uneven that it's really difficult to treat them all uniformly.

Just like now, although Li Dian's Li Jiajun has a similar name to Qi Jiajun and Yue Jiajun, the difference in strength is huge.

For many years, this army has been responsible for the tasks of transporting food and diverting troops. When they suddenly had to march forcefully to seize Juxian County from Zhang Fei, neither Li Dian nor the soldiers were prepared at all.

The scouts of the two armies suddenly encountered each other south of Jixian County. Both sides were elite cavalry, but it was obvious that Zhang Fei's scouts had more battlefield experience.

The leader of the scout team is named Yan Gui. This is not an unknown person.He was a subordinate and guest of Zhu Huan, a famous general in Jiangdong. He once followed Zhu Huan in his southern and northern campaigns and fought in more than a dozen battles, large and small.

It's just that under Jiangdong's military system, Zhu Huan couldn't keep him by his side to do Wei Yan's kind of work, so he took the initiative to show his merit and served as a team leader in other troops.This is a bit similar to the clan members and knights who followed Xu Chu in the battle. In the end, dozens of people were made generals and marquises, and more than a hundred were captains and captains.

The famous Cao Wei general Wang Shuang was captured by Zhu Huan in the Battle of Ruxu. Yan Gui was responsible for defeating another Cao army general Chang Diao and others in this battle.

There is no way, under the Jiangdong recruitment system, heroes gather together, and there are like clouds of fierce generals.Nowadays, any commander or team leader may be a general with great achievements in history.

Yan Gui led a team of scouts and suddenly ran into Cao Jun's cavalry. After a brief shock, he immediately jumped on his horse with his gun raised, raised his arms and shouted: "Kill all the enemy cavalry, I am waiting for the superior Ce Xun, I am afraid it will be today!"

Those who win big by following the formation will have the best service!
That is to say, one's own side has fewer people than the opponent, but the gains are greater than the losses. In terms of military merit evaluation, it is considered to be in battle.After the war, there will be a high probability of promotion through the honors and awards.

Jiangdong's laws were fair and strict, so the soldiers fought bravely.

Dozens of scouts and rangers immediately mounted their horses and formed a formation, launching a fierce attack on Cao Jun's rangers.

Li Dian's troops obviously had never experienced such a fanatical enemy army. In the Battle of Huainan, they stayed along the Huaihe River and never fought against Jiangdong's army.

As a result, they were very unsuited to Jiangdong's army's fighting style of attacking from all sides. Yan Gui rode forward and shot two flag-bearers of Cao's army with two arrows. Then he mounted an assault and defeated Li Dian's rangers.

In battles between knights, it is normal for each other to win or lose. One side has a large number of people, or one side is extremely brave, which can affect the victory or defeat on a small scale. This is a common trend among military strategists.

After Li Dian's cavalry retreated, they were not completely panicked. They just thought it was an ordinary defeat and they only needed to withdraw their troops.

But he never thought that Yan Gui led dozens of knights to pursue him, and what was even more incredible was that these knights could actually draw their bows immediately!
Yan Gui's troops chased Cao Cao for more than ten miles with arrows and stones, and shot all ten of Cao's cavalry on the road.

This was extremely difficult. Cao Jun could not figure it out until his death. How could the enemy's cavalry dare to gallop so wantonly without fearing that the horse would stumble?

The chief of Yan Gui's men luckily shot and killed the last Cao Jun ranger. He cheered excitedly and said to Yan Gui: "The team led this battle to wipe out all the enemy troops, but it was not easy. We won more than ten first-class titles, and the war horse Six or seven horses, I’m afraid the general will have to wait for me with wine and meat!”

Yan Gui has followed Zhu Huan for a long time. He may not have learned other temperaments, but he has learned Zhu Huan's madness vividly.

In the first battle, he beheaded all the cavalry of Cao's army. He wiped the blood on his spear with silk, then looked around and said: "What are just a dozen cavalry? My target is the main force of Cao's army! We will kill all the cavalry of Cao's army. The general may not know that we are approaching. As long as he can hide his surprise, he will surely defeat the enemy. You clean up the battlefield while I go see General Zhang!"

In order to convey the military information in a timely manner, Yan Gui ran all the way eastward for more than thirty miles and found the location of Zhang Fei's army.

Zhang Fei's army was strict and cruel. He saw knights like this galloping into the army at a glance. He immediately became furious and led a dozen cavalrymen to ride forward. He shouted angrily: "Why are you so anxious? Get off your horse." , see if I don’t beat you to death with my own hands!”

The military discipline of Jiangdong's army is very strict, and Sun Ce personally sets an example for the entire army. When marching, all generals will personally lead more than a dozen cavalry to patrol around, supervising the entire army, clearing the order, and taking away any soldiers who disturb the people. Anyone with a penny will be killed.

Yan Gui's behavior of galloping can be big or small. If he must be convicted of disturbing the morale of the army, a whipping is indispensable.

But Yan Gui did not panic. Instead, he dismounted and stood in front of Zhang Fei. He raised his hands and said, "General Zhang, we have detected the enemy's whereabouts and have killed all the enemy's rangers. The enemy's base does not know that we are close!" I think this is a chance to win. If we can use a partial force to march towards Juxian County with great fanfare, and the main force can cover up its weakness, we will be able to defeat the enemy in one battle."

After listening to the advice of the team leader, Zhang Fei suddenly fell into deep thought and said hesitantly: "The military commander gave me the military order to capture Juxian County. If we improve the military order, we may not be rewarded if we have merit, and we will be in disaster if we are defeated. "

Yan Gui immediately said: "General, when I heard about the battle formation, I had to adapt to the situation and should not stick to the normal situation. If the general and Cao Jun go to Juxian together, wouldn't there be a need for a big battle? We are waiting for more than a thousand people, and If you attack the enemy's defense, you may not be completely victorious. If you are attacked by the enemy with strong reinforcements, you will definitely suffer a disastrous defeat."

"In this case, why not take it and attack the enemy's reinforcements first to frighten the defenders' minds, and then seize the city. In this battle, two enemies will be defeated, and thousands of people will be beheaded, which will definitely shock Qing and Lai even more." Zhang Fei immediately He nodded and said: "What you said is absolutely true. The military advisor is a person, and apart from the governor's military and political duties, it is always difficult to take care of the front line. We should really adapt to the situation and help the military advisor gain a chance of victory!"

Zhuge Liang was a talented commander. Historically, his biggest problem in the Northern Expedition was that he had no good generals to assist him. He had to be Xiao He, Zhang Liang, and Han Xin, and he was short of being Guan Ying and Fan Kuai. Went to charge into battle.

As a result, Ma Su, whom he appointed, was defeated on the front line and suffered heavy losses.

And Zhang Fei is undoubtedly a good general and the sharpest minion under his command.

In terms of deciding between the two formations, it can be said to be the enemy of ten thousand people.

Then Zhang Fei immediately said: "Order five hundred disciples to carry flags and drums to deceive the enemy. Zhang's army looks like it, and the flags are arranged in succession for more than ten miles, and the drums and drums are matched from end to end, and we march towards Juxian County."

"Let the messenger urgently report to the military advisor. We will break through the formation with five hundred cavalry and ask him to follow with a large army!"

After giving the order, Zhang Fei's troops immediately divided into two groups, and both marched quickly.

Regardless of whether the suspicious soldiers are in effect or not, it will not hinder Zhang Fei's rapid advance of soldiers here.

He personally led five hundred cavalry and galloped towards Li Dian's headquarters.

The distance between the two sides was actually more than 60 miles. When Zhang Fei's cavalry arrived, a thick fog suddenly rose at night. Five hundred strong iron cavalry rode through the fog until they arrived ten miles in front of Cao's army.

Apparently Yan Gui was right, and Li Dian didn't know that Jiangdong's army was approaching.

In fact, another group of Zhang Fei's suspected soldiers also had a great effect. They were very impressive and had a great military appearance. The sound of drums and horns could be heard for more than ten miles, and they were easily detected by the defenders of Jixian County.

The defenders of Jixian County got the news and knew that Li Dian's reinforcements were already on their way to Juxian County.

Seeing that Jiangdong's army might reach Juxian before Li Dian's troops did, Yin Li, the governor of Juxian, hurriedly sent a messenger to Li Dian's army, urging him to march to Juxian for reinforcements.

When Li Dian's and Zhang Fei's armies suddenly encountered each other, it was dawn, the coldest time of the day, and the night fog had lifted slightly.

Zhang Feizheng was leading his troops to stop their horses, and was only separated from Li Dian's army by a small ridge, about ten miles away.

Zhang Fei suddenly saw the dust rising and knew that it was Li Dianzheng leading his army galloping through the starry night. He immediately got on his horse and led [-] cavalry to attack him!

Although both sides were slightly tired after marching all night, Zhang Fei was so heroic that he personally charged into the battle and led the soldiers. Jiangdong's cavalry was tenacious and long-lasting, with a fiery heart. Knowing that a great victory was around the corner, everyone rode hard. hit!
By the time Cao Jun saw clearly the Jiangdong cavalry riding in the gradually dissipating fog, Zhang Fei had already danced his horse to less than a mile in front of Li Dianya's flag!

Zhang Fei rode to cover up and killed dozens of people in an instant.

Although Li Dian had thousands of Li Jiajun soldiers under his command, they were in a marching state and were suddenly attacked with no time to rush to the aid of the Chinese army.

Li Dian could only resist the attacks of Zhang Fei's [-] elite cavalry with more than a hundred personal soldiers.

Li Dian was not a strong general known for his bravery. He fought with all his strength, but he felt that the enemy army seemed to be endless. He was alone against the enemy's sharp soldiers who were riding on horseback.

It seemed as if enemy cavalry were roaring past in all directions.

The battle only lasted for less than a quarter of an hour, and there were only four soldiers left around him. He himself was hit by several arrows in the front and back.

He was hit by arrows in front and back, so you can imagine that he was already under siege and was fighting to the death!

If Zhang Liao leads the army, it is possible to continue a fierce battle with Zhang Fei.

But Li Dian was not interested in military affairs, and it was really difficult to turn the tide between battles.

More importantly, Zhang Fei had also paid attention to him, and he personally rode his horse to attack.

"Zhang Fei from Yan is here! Who dares to stop me?"

As he shouted to fight, Cao's army was immediately angered and ran away in shock.

"Zhang Fei!"

"Ten thousand people are against Zhang Fei!"

"Zhang Fei, the bear and tiger of Jiangdong, defeated the heroic Zhang Fei!"

Li Dian wanted to ride his horse forward and fight with the enemy general with his sword. When he heard his name, he was instantly frightened and immediately led his bodyguards to break through and leave.

In the battle at Dongshan, Zhang Fei was only slightly injured, but he severely wounded Dian Wei and almost killed him. Cao's army was all horrified.

After all, Dian Wei is the well-deserved champion of Cao's army.

Even though he was no match for Zhang Fei, everyone in Cao's camp said that Zhang Fei was the most powerful enemy in the world!

Li Dian abandoned his army and left, and the thieves were immediately routed.The fierce battle continued until daybreak, when Zhuge Liang's army also arrived. They chased for twenty miles, killed more than [-] people, and captured more than a thousand people. Dead horses and abandoned armor were spread across the mountains and fields, making it impossible to win.

After the fierce battle, Zhuge Liang saw the proud Zhang Fei and said with a smile: "Yide has broken [-] formations in this battle. He is a strong man in the world. I will ask the Marquis of Wu for credit for Yide, and you should be the leader in this battle." Gong!"

What is particularly rare is that he also made a sudden decision to move the battlefield from the foot of Juxian City to Leli Dian's marching road.

Although there is an element of luck, but since ancient times, there has been a great victory. How can there be a battle that does not have a little bit of luck?
For Zhang Fei to be in such a situation, it is indispensable for his subordinates to be good at fighting, and his own strength to make decisive moves.

So Zhuge Liang said: "Then let Yide continue to march into Bingju County. Liang Shen believes that one day Yide will be able to command more than ten thousand elite troops, be powerful for thousands of miles, defeat the enemy in foreign lands, and open up territories in all directions."

Zhang Fei immediately led the army to march with great ambition. Maybe it won't be long before he can also serve as a general in the imperial court's expedition to the west!
(End of this chapter)

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