
Chapter 262

Chapter 262

The adverse impact of Cao Jun's eastern encirclement battle was more severe than everyone expected.

Dian Wei, the general of the Eastern Siege, was seriously injured and was on the verge of death before being dragged away by his subordinates. He fell into a coma.

And even with Xia Houyuan's reinforcements, the defeat of the Eastern Siege would be irreversible. A large number of soldiers were scattered, and it was impossible to reorganize the organization and organize the formation in a short time.Although the number of these broken troops is there, without rectification, they are just a ball of scattered sand, completely insufficient to withstand heavy tasks.

Therefore, Zhang Fei made great achievements in this battle and achieved great results.

After he returned to the camp, he was bandaged by the military doctor and happily broke into Zhuge Liang's camp.

He waited for work and went to fight Dian Wei in a bloody battle. Naturally, he had all the advantages. Dian Wei was almost severely wounded to death by him. He was the most powerful general in Cao's army and the undisputed champion of the three armies. He was almost killed by him. With the help of his personal guards, He fled in embarrassment, and his reputation as a general of Xionghuhu, an enemy of ten thousand people, would resound throughout Cao's camp from then on.And the price he paid was negligible.In addition to the tiger's mouth cracking and bleeding a little, his right arm was struck by Dian Wei with his heavy halberd.

They are all brave generals who are the best in the three armies. It is not easy for him, Zhang Fei, to take down Dian Wei without any injuries, who fights like a bloodthirsty beast.

However, even if he wrapped his right arm with gauze, it did not slow down his excitement at all. He broke into the camp and shouted to Zhuge Liang: "Strategist! Strategist! Who said that a certain unit will be defeated? Come and see a certain record!"

"Come here, all the generals in the tent! Go and call Huang Zhong, the old man, to come too! Let's see what's going on this time! He almost killed Dian Wei, the chief general of the Eastern Siege. He was shortlisted for several rounds and defeated more than ten soldiers of Cao's army. If Xia Houyuan hadn't led the army, Come here, I almost killed the enemy general in one battle and defeated the enemy army!"

His tone was exciting and exciting. No matter what the strategic situation was or the military details of both sides, he used a thousand troops to attack Cao Cao's eastern encirclement with thousands of troops in this battle. Not only was there no defeat, but he also severely damaged the enemy army and killed the enemy general who was on the verge of coma. He died, beheaded hundreds of people, and scattered countless troops.This is an undisputed victory!
Huang Zhong was forcefully asked by Zhang Fei to enter the camp. Zhang Fei almost dragged him in with his personal guards. He wanted to tell him how he set up an ambush according to the situation, how to make decisive decisions before the battle, how to bravely fight against the enemy generals, and how powerful he was. Enemy camp.

Huang Zhong didn't have an inch of success yet. Hearing Zhang Fei talk endlessly, even yelling when he was excited, his face turned red with anger.

Seeing his arrogant and triumphant look, Huang Zhong wanted to go into battle himself, cut off Xia Houyuan's head and throw it in front of Zhang Fei.

Then he raised his chin, pointed his nostrils at him, his expression must be understated, his tone was full of disdain, and then he asked him contemptuously, "Well, do you see it?"The enemy's general, Xia Houyuan, was beheaded. You only severely wounded one general and returned without beheading him. What's the point of being proud of?

But I just regret that my ambition has not been fulfilled, and I can only watch Zhang Fei, a reckless man, showing off his power and arrogance here.

The more Huang Zhong listened, the angrier he became. He couldn't help it, and shouted to Zhuge Liang: "Commander! Are we waiting here for the enemy to repair their defense lines and regroup their morale? When will we attack? Why not take advantage of the situation from the east?" Enter and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Fei immediately stepped forward and shouted: "The Eastern Siege was defeated by a certain unit. How dare you, an old man, try to take advantage of me? Even if you want to take advantage of the situation, we will continue to attack! Don't have such wishful thinking!"

Zhuge Liang's face was expressionless as he faced the roars of the two fierce generals. He was very sure that after today, no one would dare to be so reckless and lawless in front of him.

So Zhuge Liang said calmly: "You two can even think of attacking the weak areas of the Eastern Siege. How can Xia Houyuan, as a general, be unprepared for this? The Eastern Siege must be heavily defended at this time. If you attack rashly, you will suffer heavy losses." .”

Zhang Fei reacted immediately and said: "The military advisor wants ten of my troops to attack the eastern siege. The enemy's combined battle in the eastern siege is unfavorable. Is this to attract Xiahou Yuan to divide his troops to rescue?"

Last night's ten troops marched with great momentum and achieved great results. Cao's army was unfavorable in the combined battle and suffered heavy losses. If Xiahou Yuan did not want the Eastern Siege to be weak and completely defeated, he could only divide his weak troops into another group and march to the Eastern Siege. .

The troops around Xia Houyuan were extremely thin.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War: Virtual Reality Chapter" says: If something cannot be controlled, then it is virtual; therefore, if we are human and invisible, then I will be focused and the enemy will be divided.I am dedicated to one, and the enemy is divided into ten, so if I attack one of them with ten, then we will be numerous and the enemy will be few; if I can attack the few with many, then I will be able to fight with the enemy.

That is to say, force the enemy to divide their forces, and then attack their weak points with a large number of enemies.

Huang Zhong immediately clasped his fists and asked for a fight, saying: "Commander, we can attack its northern siege immediately. Its defense is weak, so victory is inevitable!"

He was full of expectations and wanted to accomplish great feats.

His subordinate Jie Fan's army has been recuperating for a long time, but Cao's army is weak in defense and has been exhausted for several days. As long as he moves forward bravely in this battle, he will definitely defeat the enemy!

But with Huang Zhong's eyes filled with anticipation, Zhuge Liang shook his head again, looked to the side, and ordered solemnly: "Xu Huang, Chen Wu!"

At this time, Zhuge Liang was already quite prestigious in the army. Previously, the generals in the army thought that he was a child and could not handle important tasks, so they despised him and were unwilling to listen to his orders.

But now, those he attacks are defeated and those he attacks are subdued, and no one questions his ability to command troops.

So when the two generals heard the coach calling their names, they immediately stood up, raised their hands and shouted: "The last general is here!"

Zhuge Liang solemnly ordered: "Use Xu Huang's troops to continue attacking Cao Jun's eastern siege. The main purpose of this battle is to intimidate the enemy with great fanfare!"

Xu Huang immediately accepted the order and said: "Promise! A certain unit will move forward bravely to attract the main force of the enemy."

"Chen Wu's troops doubled the number of golden drums. Outside the northern siege, they beat the drums and shouted every hour to slow down the enemy!"

Chen Wu immediately handed over. He also guessed that the cavalry he commanded were unlikely to participate in the siege. After breaking through the enemy's outer perimeter, his cavalry would be put to use.

After the two generals led the troops away, Huang Zhong saw Zhuge Liang picking up a book on the Art of War and reading it, but there was no further explanation. He became completely anxious and shouted to Zhuge Liang: "Strategic Advisor!"

Zhuge Liang then seemed to remember that there was another person in the tent, put down the military book and asked, "Hey, why is General Huang still in the tent?"

Huang Zhong's eyes turned red and he asked: "Didn't the military advisor want to use me to defeat Xiahou Yuan? Our troops are ready and ready to go. Why hasn't the military advisor given me military orders?"

Now all the generals in the camp have been appointed!
If Cao's army is defeated in the future, after the victory, everyone else will have more or less meritorious service, but Huang Zhong has not made any meritorious service, and his name is not even mentioned in the merit list, as if he had not participated in this battle at all. , except for wasting a lot of food with the most elite imperial army, it was useless.

Then Wu Hou must pay attention and inquire. Is it possible that Huang Zhong, the left commander of the Jiefan Army, is a complete loser?
He didn't want to go back to the situation in Jingzhou where he was not responsible for the heavy responsibility.

However, Zhuge Liang seemed to have completely forgotten about this matter. He frowned and said in embarrassment: "But all the ministries have already been appointed, and there is really no need for General Huang to die. I want to personally lead the entire army to attack when the enemy is slacking off." , defeated the enemy in one battle. General Huang..." Before Zhuge Liang could finish speaking, Huang Zhong hurriedly spoke: "Strategy! Strategist! Let me go! A mere bandit from Xiahou can be beheaded and return with a single deflection. Why? Is Lao the military advisor great? As long as the military advisor gives this task to someone, someone will kill Xiahou Yuan for the military advisor! If someone is willing to issue a military order, and if Xiahou is not killed, someone will never retreat!"

His tone was loyal and generous, and Zhuge Liang was moved. As if sensing his ambition, he reluctantly agreed to his request and said, "If so, I hope General Huang will not disappoint the high expectations of the entire army. In this battle, every attack by all the ministries will involve the enemy." , which is the final blow for this. I wanted to go to Yaishi in person to take on this important task."

"However, Marquis Wu has repeatedly warned me not to engage in the battle against small bandits myself. I also feel that General Huang is loyal and strong, so I am forced to entrust you with this important task."

"If General Huang can't do his job well, don't blame me for reporting the details of the failure of this battle to the Marquis of Wu truthfully."

Huang Zhong quickly handed over his hands and said, "Please rest assured, military advisor, I will definitely advise you to lead your soldiers to fight to the death without moving forward. If you cannot defeat the enemy and kill the general, please military advisor to use military methods!"

Zhuge Liang nodded with satisfaction and said: "General Huang, let's go! After Chen Wu made three rounds of drums, he sent his troops to enter!"

And Zhuge Liang's battle also perfectly demonstrated what it means to strategize, and there is almost no plan left.

With his deployment completed, the entire war went exactly as he expected.

The attacks from various combinations of punches made Xia Houyuan feel arrogant and proud, but also paralyzed and slack.

After receiving the news that Dongwei was being attacked on a large scale, Xia Houyuan showed a satisfied smile and said to his subordinates: "I had already expected that the Jiangdong dog thieves would take advantage of the situation to attack the weak Dongwei, so I had already ordered the fierce general Cai Yang to go with heavy troops. Rush for reinforcements. The Jiangdong Army attacks at this time and will suffer heavy casualties in the face of our copper and iron walls!"

He thought that the situation was under control, so he ordered his subordinates to rush to repair the defense line of the northern siege. He had lost his camp after being beaten by Xu Huang and had to camp in the rear.

He was afraid that Xu Huang would attack again while his footing was not stable.Therefore, he personally led his men to repair the fortifications, striving to fight steadily and defend this line of defense.

However, he did not dare to be unprepared, so he personally led more than [-] troops to suppress the formation and supervised other soldiers and civilians to dig trenches and place the antlers.

After Chen Wu beat the drums according to the military order, the sound of the drums instantly shook the sky. The soldiers and civilians who were repairing the fortifications thought that the Jiangdong Army was coming. Countless people were so frightened that they dropped their equipment and ran away.

Xia Houyuan immediately felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy. However, after seeing the situation clearly, he only heard the drums of the Jiangdong Army and saw no enemy soldiers. The enemy must be bluffing to attract the main force of our army here, so as to storm the eastern siege! Don't worry, second or third son! Seize the time and build fortifications."

The fierce drum beat lasted for a full quarter of an hour. The soldiers who turned around and fled found that Jiang Dongjun was nowhere to be found, and then they returned to the construction site one after another.

But just as Cao Jun spread his arms and legs, the drums of Jiangdong Army in the distance sounded again!
Xia Houyuan's spirit, which had just been slack, immediately tightened. He put on his armor and rode his horse to patrol in front of the battle.

It's just that although the majestic drum beats are passionate, Jiang Dongjun is still completely missing.

The soldiers inside the fortifications drew their swords and looked around, all looking confused.

Xia Houyuan became more and more excited and strengthened his opinion. He looked around at the generals and said, "Hahaha! As expected, this is a bluff by the enemy. The second and third sons can keep their minds at ease and continue to build ravines and antlers." .”

In order to appease everyone, Xia Houyuan personally took charge of the construction and built fortifications with his soldiers.

When the soldiers saw that he was the leader of an army and had no worries, they put down their weapons one after another and picked up their tools to repair the barrier with all their strength.

Chen Wu only beat the drum once an hour. By the time the third drum sounded, Cao Jun was already sweating profusely and busy at the fortifications until noon!
The soldiers had long forgotten where their weapons were.

But in the third drumbeat, there was still no figure of Jiangdong's army.

The soldiers then completely relaxed and felt relieved. General Xiahou had indeed seen through the enemy's treacherous plot. The enemy was making a big show here to pretend to attack the northern siege, so as to attract Cao's army's energy for the real offensive of the eastern siege.

Sergeant Cao's soldiers laughed and cheered and praised one after another: "General Xiahou really has a sharp eye and can see through the enemy's conspiracy at a glance."

"Hahaha, a bunch of Jiangdong thieves are trying to do something in front of General Miaocai, just for laughs!"

"General Xiahou is a famous general in the world, how can these Jiangdong barbarians compare to him? He thinks he is smart, but he doesn't know that General Xiahou has already seen through it."

Amid the adulation of everyone, Xia Houyuan felt content and became more and more convinced that he had seen through everything.

Human nature has always been like this, we choose to believe whatever we want to believe.

Xia Houyuan would never doubt that he was a clown, everything he thought was intentionally guided by the opponent, and he was falling into his opponent's trap.

He was even more convinced that it was him who had cracked the other party's plans.

As the third drum beat stopped, Huang Zhong's troops suddenly charged out, as fast as the wind and rain, heading straight for Xia Houyuan!

Huang Zhong took the lead and pushed forward, his troops roared with joy and the golden drums shook the sky!

When all the soldiers of Cao's army suddenly saw this, they were all horrified. The soldiers had no soldiers in their hands and no armor on their bodies. They all turned around and fled immediately.

Xia Houyuan's beard and hair were spread out, his eyes were wide open, his upper body was exposed, and he was carrying a log on his shoulder. His armor and weapons were thrown aside, and even his horse was not with him.

Suddenly facing the attack of Huang Zhong's troops, he was not only shocked and angry, but also ashamed and angry!I thought I had seen through the enemy's tactics, but I didn't want to fall into the enemy's trap at every step.

He felt like a baby being played with by his opponent!

But his anger did not last long. When he dropped the log and ran towards the horse, Huang Zhong had already led his troops to kill him!
Huang Zhong saw the war horse next to the antlers from a distance. He was sure that the one who could ride the war horse must be the enemy's warrior general. So when he saw Xia Houyuan running towards the war horse, he directly rode his horse to kill him. Chang Yang directly penetrated Xia Houyuan's body from behind. Chest, pick up this general of Cao Jun directly!When Cao Jun saw this scene, his morale was completely shattered. No one could resist anymore, and the entire army was defeated!
(End of this chapter)

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