
Chapter 248 Zhuge Liang is the most talented person in the world

Chapter 248 Zhuge Liang is the most talented person in the world
No matter how the princes in the world control each other, in the end, the sword in the hands of the soldiers will determine the ownership of the world.

So after seeing off the emperor's envoys, Sun Ce personally took the generals, civil and military officers, to the newly built Garden City to the north of Zhaoming Palace.

Jiankang City is forty miles back. The north of the city is built against Xuanwu Lake. Zhaoming Palace is in the north of the city, next to the big lake.

With the pacification of the south and the unification of Jingyang, Jiankang City finally began to repair the city walls and military camps. The old palace was used as a garden, and a new garden was built to the north, named Yuancheng, which could accommodate more than [-] noble children to ride horses in it at the same time. practice.There is a Yuancang in the north of Yuancheng, also known as Cangcheng, which stores a large amount of food and materials.

Due to the vast land and sparse population in the south of the Yangtze River, this garden city may be wider than Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's Shanglin Garden. There are more than [-] cavalry trained in it. In the Xuanwu Lake connected to the garden city, more than [-] cavalrymen are trained. military.

Cavalry and navy are the two arms that Sun Ce values ​​the most, embodying his ambition and aspirations.

The cavalry traveled thousands of miles across, soared into foreign lands, and opened up territory in the western regions of the desert north.

Use the navy to control thousands of miles of shipping routes in the South Seas, earn huge amounts of wealth, and conquer China.

Of course, it is difficult for a force to take care of both the north and south directions at the same time. With limited wealth, if it wants to take care of both directions, it must either have strong generals and sharp soldiers, or brave soldiers.Either the coach has an extraordinary talent and can win every battle.

And of these two items... of course Sun Ce chose to have them all!And you have to grab it with both hands, both hands have to be hard!
Surrounded by a large number of civil and military officers, Sun Ce stood beside Yuancheng and watched the cavalry in Yuancheng galloping like meteors.

And the three teams of armored assault cavalry were spread across the field, their arrows moving forward, and they were like the sky falling apart and the earth falling apart, unstoppable.

After watching the drill for a while, Sun Ce waved to the young general leading the team and said, "Kong Ming, come here."

Then a tall and majestic young man jumped off his horse and stood in front of Sun Ce with his chest straightened out. He was wearing a bright red robe, fine black armor, and a helmet with red feathers on his head. The armor plates were heavily armored on his neck and face, leaving only a pair of smart eyes exposed.

Everyone behind Sun Ce smiled. He had a bright future. Such a majestic young general, standing in front of Wu Hou, was almost as tall as Wu Hou. His arms were even wider, holding up the heavy armor. He would definitely fight like a warrior when he went into battle to kill the enemy. Champions are generally brave and brave.

Only Sun Ce felt a sense of confusion every time he saw him. Yes, this majestic and brave young general who was more than eight feet tall was none other than Prime Minister Zhuge, a famous scholar in later generations.

But at this moment, it is probably difficult for anyone to associate this young general with the image of Prime Minister Zhuge Feather Fan Lunjin.

Zhuge Liang studied knowledge, economics and history in the Jiankang Academy. Chen Ji and Zhang Zhao taught him how to run the country, manage the country and quell chaos.

But his military skills were all taught by Sun Ce personally in this garden city, just like how Emperor Wu trained Huo Qubing.

Emperor Wu personally trained a famous general at the level of General 72 in the Martial Temple, so he attacked the Huns from the north and defeated the Huns.

Sun Ce was even more remarkable. He personally cultivated a sage who was at the level of the Ten Philosophers of the Martial Arts Temple, so he had the confidence to expedition north to the Central Plains, spread his wings thousands of miles, and at the same time go south to the four seas and submit to all nations.

Zhuge Liang can be rated as an eternal wizard at the level of the Ten Philosophers of the Martial Temple, so he naturally has his unique talent.

Perhaps the decisive moment on the battlefield was that his time in commanding the troops was too short and he would not have time to display his talents in the future.

But he has absolutely unique insights into the art of war and military training.

Sun Ce was recruiting the three armies to decide between the two formations, and he still had a lot of experience to teach him.But in terms of military training and summary of the art of war, there is indeed nothing left to teach.

Therefore, he has recently been asked to practice military formations and coordination on his own in Yuancheng.

He took off his bag and saluted respectfully. Sun Ce waved his hand and asked, "What kind of training have you been doing recently?"

Zhuge Liang immediately talked calmly and said: "I believe that in the current Jiangbei Expedition, the enemy forces are mainly well-trained and well-armored. The importance of cavalry is not to attack long distances, but to trap the enemy in formation."

"Therefore, all cavalrymen increase their armor to strengthen their impact. They improve their skills to strengthen their ability to break formations."

Sun Ce nodded. Sun Ce was very satisfied with Zhuge Liang's insight.

Since ancient times, there has been a debate over whether cavalry should have armor or cavalry equipment. Both sides hold different opinions on whether heavy cavalry or light cavalry is stronger.

But in this regard, the Tang and Jin dynasties actually gave a very good display.

Speaking of the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty, later generations seem to have the impression that they were light cavalry with men wearing black armor and horses without armor.

But in fact, in just a few decades, the form of cavalry in the Tang Dynasty changed three times, from Wude to Zhenguan to Tianbao.

During the Wude period, the Tang Dynasty was dominated by wars between the Central Plains princes, so the cavalry generally wore heavy armor. Li Shimin was able to capture two kings in one battle because he had three thousand black armor cavalry and two armored cavalry. Wan Jia Qi!

During this period, the cavalry in armored cavalry occupied the absolute main position.

During the Zhenguan period, the opponents changed from the princes of the Central Plains to the Turks of the Mobei. They needed cavalry to fly thousands of miles and chase the smoke in the desert. Naturally, the light cavalry occupied the absolute main position. It has become the norm for men to wear heavy armor and for horses to be without armor. .Even the war horse is just a tool for traveling. If the light cavalry cannot break through the opponent's line, the opponent will fire thousands of arrows, and the Tang army's cavalry will suffer heavy casualties. The Tang army will even dismount and line up in formation, with thousands of soldiers and heavy armor, and be defeated in an infantry battle. enemy.

At this time, the Tang army dared to fight and kill. They mounted their horses to look for opportunities and dismounted to form formations. This was simply the pinnacle of the cold weapon era.

During the Tianbao period, the Turks, whose opponents were nomadic cavalry and archers, turned into Tubo, who were famous for their heavy infantry and iron cavalry.The cavalry of the Tang Dynasty changed again, and armored cavalry equipment was once again included in the cavalry of the Tang army.

Since the Jin Dynasty had to fight the Song army, they mainly used iron pagodas with double-layered robes!Decades of war have gone on without success.

If their coach hadn't gone crazy and used the heavy cavalry to directly attack the Song Army's arrow array, causing all the elite armored cavalry to be killed or injured, the Song Army would have really had no good way to deal with the heavy cavalry attack, until something unexpected happened. The prodigy Yue Fei gained a certain strategic advantage by using footwork to control cavalry.

Of course, it is precisely because it is extremely difficult to control cavalry with foot, that is why Yue Fei is so powerful.

Except for opponents like Yue Fei, who is a military god in the world, there is no good way to deal with the infantry attacking with heavy cavalry.

Don't talk about chopping a horse's foot or anything like that. Yue Fei can do it because he is Yue Fei.

Others who use the same tactics are afraid that they will be trampled to pieces by the cavalry.

In order for infantry to defeat the impact of heavy cavalry, in addition to having extremely strict terrain advantages and stable military morale, the most important point is that the enemy general must cooperate with you to make mistakes.

If the enemy does not cooperate and attack recklessly, the infantry can only stand in the wilderness and wait.What's more important is that cavalry usually does not fight alone. It is almost impossible for heavy cavalry to march alone. There must be a large number of friendly troops around them, relying on the cooperation of infantry and cavalry to defeat the enemy.

Therefore, Sun Ce greatly appreciated Kong Ming's vision and training direction and said: "What you said can be said to be the key to the art of war. When marching and fighting, it is most important not to stick to the situation. The army is going north in the Central Plains. The terrain is flat, which is the time for cavalry to use force. Regardless of Whether it is Xuzhou or Yuzhou, both are easy to attack and difficult to defend. Whichever side has the advantage of the cavalry from the north and the south will gain the full advantage."

"You are in Yuancheng, how is the cavalry training going?"

Kong Ming immediately said: "In addition to the children of the general school, there are also elite troops selected by various counties and counties and sent to the palace, especially the Jianghuai elite soldiers, who are extremely brave. There are [-] armored assault cavalry and armored cavalry trained. Fourteen hundred.”

Sun Ce nodded with satisfaction. From this, it was obvious that Jiangdong's wealth was at its peak.

Sun Ce originally trained a thousand elite dragon and bird cavalry, but it took him nearly three years, traveling throughout Jiangdong and Huainan, to select elite and brave cavalry soldiers, raise two thousand steeds and war horses, and collect a thousand Pretend to be a cavalry rider.

Now Zhuge Liang only used a short period of one or two years, and without much effort, he established [-] armored cavalry and [-] armored cavalry.

Sun Ce smiled and said: "Good! Good! Great! There are three thousand elite and equipped assault cavalry, and they can lead them through these thousands of miles of rivers and mountains! How is the training of the assault cavalry? Maybe they are trapped in the formation and march forward in an indomitable way?"

Zhuge Liang immediately led Sun Ce to a pile of wood and said, "Please show the general the effectiveness of my assault cavalry training."

Sun Ce and the generals behind him looked at the situation in front of them in shock. There was only a plum blossom pile, a white wall, and a window. It was completely impossible to tell that it had anything to do with cavalry training.

But Sun Ce was quite confident in Zhuge Liang. He smiled and pushed his hand and said, "Yes."

Zhuge Liang lifted a two-foot-long horse pole with his right arm and jumped directly onto the wooden stakes. He spread his legs and stood firmly on the two wooden stakes.

There are now many cavalry generals from Northern Xinjiang around Sun Ce. Xian Yulie immediately said: "This is horse riding! It is the most commonly used method for training knights in the army. It is to keep the knight firmly on the saddle."

Sun Ce nodded slightly. War horses are very precious even in northern Xinjiang. Most of the time during cavalry training is not on the horses, but on the wooden horses and clay horses used for training in the military camp.

Knights often practice holding a gun and stabbing with one arm on a wooden horse. This is normal.Zhuge Liang also held the two-foot-long tree with one arm, his body motionless.

It's just that his long spear was not aimed at the wooden stake or wooden target, but at the window on the wall.

The windows had no sash, but dozens of thick ash logs fixed into the wall, all pointing toward the center.

And Zhuge Liang held the spear with one arm and shouted loudly. The pole came down from top to bottom and pushed all the ash wood away circle after circle!Ash wood is famous for its toughness, and it is very difficult to swing even one. However, Zhuge Liang was able to swing dozens of them with just one arm, and he went round and round. The sound of the poles hitting the ash wood was like a battlefield. The conflict between gold and iron!

Those present were all battle-hardened generals, and they immediately saw what Zhuge Liang was demonstrating.

This is the head of the heavy armored cavalry, Yong Changshan, who used the spear tip of the infantry to resist the horse formation!

As long as the elite assault cavalry can swing the spear tips of the infantry phalanx away, several cavalry and heavy armored cavalry weighing nearly a ton can directly break through the infantry phalanx just by collision and trampling!

Zhuge Liang's lower body was steady, and after swinging dozens of wax logs with one arm several times, he retracted his long arm and said to Sun Ce: "General, this is the home of the generals in the north. It is a special training method for the disciples and the art of training cavalry to break formations. And our army's lieutenants all practice this method. With elite assault cavalry, everyone can swing dozens of spears. What is missing now is the opportunity to charge into the battle."

"I am determined to win, and I will lead my elite assault cavalry to defeat tens of thousands of enemy troops!"

Sun Ce laughed and clapped his hands, wonderful!

Who says that Zhuge Liang is not as capable as the Ten Philosophers of the Martial Arts Temple?

His ability to sum up and train troops is the basis for the world's top generals.

Even among the dragon and bird assault cavalry, those who can charge into the formation and shake off the enemy's spear array must be the elite head cavalry.

But under Zhuge Liang's training, the eight hundred assault cavalry in Yuancheng were all as elite as the elite head cavalry equipped with dragon and bird assault cavalry!
This not only opened Sun Ce's eyes and saw the hundreds of years of bravery passed down by generals' sons and frontier heroes, but also increased his confidence in the combat power of the cavalry!
The ability of elite cavalry to be rigorously trained is beyond the imagination of a ragtag group of people who have never been exposed to this aspect of military training.

The difference in combat power between the two sides can be described as the difference between clouds and mud!

No wonder the ancients said that fighting without teaching is called killing.

Let's just say that these rigorously trained elite warriors from Jiangdong strictly train in killing methods and formation-breaking techniques every day.

How can its combat power be something that ordinary rebels can resist?

It's no wonder that the elite cavalry of the past dynasties attacked the rebels. Even a thousand cavalry could crush the tens of thousands of rebels.

Just watching Zhuge Liang lift a two-foot-long spear with one arm and swing the spear points out of the array, Sun Ce couldn't help but smile. Prime Minister Zhuge was afraid that he would no longer have anything to do with Confucian scholars.

But maybe Prime Minister Zhuge was not a pure civil servant in the first place. You must know that Feng Chu Pang Tong, who is as famous as Wolong, was not a civil servant either.

Pang Tong was also in charge of the army. He personally led the army to attack Luocheng, but he was hit by a stray arrow.

There is no shortage of capable government ministers in Jiangdong who can manage the affairs of the country and benefit the people. Zhang Zhao, Chen Qun, Gu Yong, Bu Zhi, Zhang Hong, Zhuge Jin, etc. are all talented prime ministers.

It was suitable for Zhuge Liang to display his talents as a Marquis of Wu in Jiangdong, and he was completely known as a Marquis of Wu for generations to come.

Like Zhou Yu, Lu Meng, Lu Xun and others, he became the mainstay of the generals.

It's just that Zhuge Liang, the general, may be particularly brave. After all, he has a burly body of more than eight feet tall and has been trained in martial arts.

So that in the future his bravery will not be weaker than that of the champion.

Therefore, after stroking his palm, Sun Ce reprimanded: "I have been the mainstay of my Sun family for hundreds of years. You must lead the three armies to spread your power thousands of miles away. How can you easily escape from the enemy's formation, fight against the small bandits, personally enter the enemy's formation, and show off your bravery? May your subordinates show off your courage?" Rely on the posture given by heaven, look out to the world, and never lose the high hopes of being alone."

Of course, Zhuge Liang could hear that this was Sun Ce's concern and high hopes for him, and he immediately smiled and cupped his hands, saying: "Liang must bear this in mind, and we must be cautious when marching and fighting."

(End of this chapter)

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