
Chapter 221 Where is Liu Bei’s dominance?

Chapter 221 Where is Liu Bei’s dominance?
Under Guo Jia's plan, Cao Cao's army advanced out of nowhere and caught the enemy unawares. The battle at Xiapi was a great success.

Even a hero like Liu Bei was shocked and horrified when he suddenly heard that Cao Jun had entered the city and couldn't believe it!

I'm afraid that in today's world, any prince would be in panic when facing such a change.

When Sun Ce was handling government affairs in Jiankang City, he suddenly heard that Huang Zu and Liu Biao had led tens of thousands of troops into Jiankang City and were heading towards Zhaoming Palace.There is no way to respond calmly.

Liu Bei experienced many storms and waves in his life. When he was guarding Gaotang County, he had the experience of being attacked by the Yellow Turbans.

Liu Bei was able to handle such a critical situation at that time, and this time it was no problem for Liu Bei. He immediately told Chen Dao: "Since Cao's army has entered the city, the children in the city will remember the shame of their father and brother and refuse to surrender. Everyone. If Fang is afraid of surrendering and being killed, he will definitely defend behind closed doors to resist Cao's army."

"Your Majesty and others will immediately go to the arsenal, collect all the armor, bows and crossbows, and distribute them to the people. I will immediately go to the military camp outside the city, mobilize troops and generals, and enter the city to fight to the death!"

Chen Daozhong was famous for his strength and bravery. After hearing this, he immediately accepted the order, raised his hands solemnly, and said: "I will lead my troops to defend the arsenal, waiting for the general's reinforcements."

As Chen Dao led hundreds of his guards onto the streets, he immediately discovered that the situation was exactly as his lord had expected.

Every square in the city was closed and guarded, and the heroes, young and strong, scaled the walls with their bows in hand to resist Cao's army.

At this moment, Chen Dao was extremely lucky that Xiapi had not followed Jiangdong's example in demolishing the city. Behind the walls of each city and beside the market gate, there were soldiers and civilians fighting to the death. Even merchants and sons-in-law, even though they were wearing cloth clothes, still came out with swords. , guarding in front of the portal.

And Cao Jun's military discipline was really corrupt. Faced with cold arrows being fired from everywhere, Cao Jun killed everyone on sight and set fire everywhere.

However, Chen Dao soon discovered that although Cao's army was killing and looting everywhere, not many people took off their pants and abused women.

This shows that although the enemy army was brutal and ruthless, the general had a strong ability to control the army and did not allow the soldiers to slack off.

Such a cruel enemy will definitely be fierce if it is caught in a melee.

Chen Dao immediately yelled: "Form forward. The enemy's troops are in chaos and disorder. They may fight fiercely. They may be able to show off their ferocity for a while, but if they fight in an array, it will be difficult to block the front of our troops. All officers and men, if you advance bravely, you will surely win. Can defeat the enemy!"

With a good general like Chen Dao leading the army, the war will not be easily decided.

The stragglers, facing the elite division, were completely vulnerable to a blow with their bows and crossbows firing wildly and their spears stabbed.

Although Chen Dao's troops only had more than [-] men, they easily defeated more than [-] Cao troops. Cao troops fled everywhere on the long street.

Chen Dao led his army to cut and thrust all the way, and quickly advanced to the vicinity of the arsenal in the city.

At this point, the fighting finally became intense.In the streets and alleys, there are densely packed corpses of Cao Jun.

Inside the tall walls of the arsenal, more than a hundred Liu Bei soldiers fought to the death, using powerful crossbows to continuously kill Cao Jun who wanted to seize the arsenal.

Cao's army arrived lightly armed and without armor, and suffered heavy casualties.Attacked several times but failed.

Now Chen arrived with his army again, and the soldiers guarding the arsenal immediately boosted their morale and cheered.

Dian Wei was so furious that he no longer cared about avoiding the sharp edge. He tore off his dark brown clothes, revealing his burly body, and shouted: "Give me the short halberd and charge with me!"

But if the arsenal could be captured easily, Dian Wei wouldn't have failed to break into it.

As soon as he was raised, a crossbow arrow penetrated his shoulder, and two inches further down, his lung was shot. With today's medical skills, he would definitely die.

A fierce general is trapped in battle and kills the enemy. He will suffer dozens of wounds in his life. It is inevitable that the scars will be everywhere.

Dian Wei, who was also a heroic man, roared angrily and threw his halberd, hitting another soldier on the wall who was about to shoot an arrow.

The huge force penetrated it directly, and it flew backwards and fell to the wall.

His roar was like thunder, and a soldier on the wall was so frightened that he couldn't stand still and fell directly out of the arsenal.

Dian Wei rushed forward and held his body in front of him.

The soldier struggled hard, but was unable to free himself.

Seeing this, the soldiers on the arsenal wall didn't know whether to continue shooting.

And Dian Wei even used the soldiers in his hands as blades and smashed them against the soldiers on the arsenal, knocking over several people.

Taking advantage of the gap, Dian Wei held the rope and climbed up to the city ahead of the local soldiers.

The soldiers behind him didn't even have time to follow up, and saw Dian Wei jumping into the arsenal. A large number of Liu Bei's soldiers on the wall were chasing him with swords and halberds in their hands.

For a moment, the only sounds outside the arsenal were the roaring and roaring inside, and the arsenal door violently banged again and again.

When Chen Dao's army was about to arrive at the arsenal, the door to the arsenal finally opened, and the dead soldiers outside were shocked.

Behind the gate, there were dozens of corpses lying on the ground, blood splattered everywhere on the wall, and Dian Wei was covered in more than ten wounds. The huge wounds were externalized, the flesh and blood were blurred, and even the bones and internal organs could be seen.

Dian Wei propped his halberd on the ground, but You Zi could not fall. He spat out a mouthful of blood and shouted: "Enter the arsenal and defend with your armor!"

Chen Dao was also deeply shocked by this scene. The enemy general's bravery was comparable to that of General Guan!

If we don't get rid of such a powerful enemy, this battle will be very disastrous for our side.

He immediately and bravely ordered: "Go forward, kill him, and take back the arsenal."

But the Xiapi arsenal is a place that Cao Cao must seize.How could they not send support?

As Dian Wei led his dead soldiers to fight desperately and retreated inside the arsenal, the first well-organized cavalry in Cao Cao's army finally arrived.

This is the elite cavalry commanded by Cao family general Cao Chun. Seeing Liu Bei's army storming the arsenal, he immediately ordered: "Dismount the guards, stand in formation with their spears, and follow me into the formation to break out!"

More than fifty elite cavalrymen immediately dismounted and formed a dense square formation.These elite cavalry are among the few brave men in Cao's army who are especially armored. Even if they dismount and fight on foot, they are still very brave.

Cao Chun personally carried the spear and took the lead, killing three people instantly, which immediately opened a gap for the personal guards.

The elite guards of Cao and Liu's armies then fought fiercely together.

As the fierce fighting continued to expand, fires broke out everywhere in the city, and flames shot into the sky.

At You hour in the afternoon (17:19 to [-]:[-]), as the sun sets and darkness falls, the main troops of Cao and Liu arrive one after another and enter the city.

Liu Bei personally led more than [-] troops, took the lead, fought to the death in the flames, and stormed Cao's army as they entered the city.

The street fighting was more brutal than anyone expected!
The resilience of both Cao and Liu's armies surprised each other.

Cao Jun entered the city with [-] cavalry, but failed to defeat Liu Bei's [-] elite troops.

The street fighting lasted for more than ten hours, from sunset to dawn, and from dawn to noon.The two sides fought together for dozens of people, and the stalemate was very urgent.

Cao Cao was horrified and said to the counselors around him: "During the battle of Yanzhou, Gu and Lu Bu fought hard in Puyang. They fought fiercely for a day and a night. They thought it was extremely difficult and could not be surpassed! Now the battle with Liu Xuande is probably even worse. !”

But it turns out that Cao Cao's prediction was too optimistic.

Although the street fighting in Xiapi City was not like the Battle of Chang'an, it lasted for eight days.

But the fierce battle did not determine the outcome until the second night. At this time, the battle had far exceeded the most difficult battle between Cao Cao and Lu Bu in Puyang by more than ten hours.

But in the end, Cao's army took an unexpected advantage. Even though his soldiers were exhausted, nearly [-] troops suddenly arrived at Xiapi City.

However, Liu Bei's army only had more than [-] men in Xiapi. Even if he fought with all his strength, he would inevitably be surrounded everywhere.

Chen Dao led hundreds of people to fight for the arsenal and was besieged by thousands of Cao's troops. Especially after Yu Jin arrived, his troops were in strict military discipline and were well-organized. They did not plunder and loot, and surrounded Chen Dao with a majestic formation.

The two armies fought fiercely for several hours, and finally Chen Dao was beheaded by the formation and refused to surrender until he died.

However, Liu Bei fought bravely and fought against Cao Jun's generals Cao Ren, Xu Chu, Shi Huan, Le Jin and others, but was ultimately defeated by Cao Jun Fenwu.

After three days of hard fighting, they finally broke through and retreated to Pengcheng.

General Shiren led hundreds of troops to the rear, but was killed by Cao Jun's cavalry.

The horses in Liu Bei's army were far inferior to Cao Cao's, and they only retreated to Pengcheng, where they were once again besieged by Cao Cao's general Xiahou Dun and his army.

Pengcheng, Xiapi, Peixian, etc. are all connected by Sishui, with only one or two counties in between.

Liu Bei regrouped in Pengcheng and had no time to gather many people from all directions. There were only a thousand soldiers in the city and the city was in ruins. The next day, Cao Cao's army increased his troops to [-] and laid siege to the city.

However, Liu Bei was not without his advantages. His deadly battle in Xiapi bought a lot of time for all the civil and military forces in Xuzhou.

In three days, the knights in the military camp galloped on their horses and arrived at Peicheng, conveying the military situation to Peicheng guard Guan Yu.

As the general of Xuzhou, Guan Yu stationed more than [-] troops in Xiaopei!

After hearing that Cao Cao had taken a dangerous route and unexpectedly attacked Xuzhou, Guan Yu was furious and immediately ordered Xiaopei's entire army to assemble and rush to the aid of Pengcheng.

This frightened Sun Qian, who was guarding Xiaopei with him, after hearing that he wanted to send troops, he hurried to his camp and stopped in front of him to persuade him.

"General Guan, the gains and losses of one city and one pool have nothing to do with the overall situation. Moreover, Pengcheng is ruined, and it will not be beneficial to the situation if Cao Cao gains it. My lord is fighting hard in Pengcheng just to drain the energy of Cao's army."

"And the general is the General of Xuzhou. He has six thousand elite soldiers under his command, which is enough to control the hearts of the entire territory!"

"As long as the general's army is safe and sound, Cao Cao has come a long way and has insufficient food and grass. He will be defeated in less than half a day."

"General, you must not raise an army out of anger. You will be betraying the trust of your lord!"

Guan Yufeng's eyes widened angrily. If it weren't for Sun Qian, he would be an old man serving under his lord.

He has also persisted in times of crisis, showing his loyalty.

Guan Yu will ask his subordinates to push him out and behead him!What kind of words are these to instigate monarchs and ministers?

"My lord, with less than a thousand remaining soldiers, is defending Pengcheng. And we are leading [-] elite soldiers in Peixian County, but we ignore the lord's safety and sit back and watch? Is this the righteousness of a minister?"

"If my lord makes a mistake, how can I survive in this world with loyalty?"

After saying this, Guan Yu got on his horse, raised his spear upside down, and wanted to order the three armies to leave the camp.

Sun Qian grabbed the reins of Guan Yu's horse and repeatedly urged him: "General Guan, General Guan, you must not raise an army rashly."

"If it were other generals, my lord might doubt their loyalty."

"But who in Xuzhou doesn't know General Guan's loyalty? Since the Lord and the General are close friends in life and death, and the monarch and his ministers know each other, there must be no doubts!"

"With the lord's prowess and the death-defying battle of his personal guards, even if Pengcheng was lost, he could still break out of the encirclement. In the past, when he defended Gaotang and the city was broken, wouldn't the lord, General Guan and General Zhang also break out of the encirclement safely? What if things couldn't be done? , the lord will definitely abandon the city and leave, safe and sound."

Guan Yu shouted angrily: "Could it be that I, as the general of Xuzhou, leading an elite army, defend myself like this and do nothing, while my lord has hundreds of exhausted troops to resist Cao's army with tens of thousands of elite troops?"

Sun Qian bitterly advised: "The general is not in a hurry to send troops. Now that Cao's army is far away, it is at its peak. The general hastily sent out troops, which is exactly what he wanted. If the general is defeated, Xuzhou will no longer have a pillar, and the lord's foundation will no longer count on anyone." ah?"

Guan Yu proudly stroked his beard with his hand and said: "The enemy is so far away and so blocked that they are extremely tired. If we don't attack them quickly now, how can we stop them after they have regrouped and regained their morale in a county of Xiaopei?" The land of Cao Cao's three states? At this time, I am trying to defeat the enemy's army in one go. Why are you here to shake the morale of the army? Is it possible that the six thousand elites under my command are no match for Cao Cao's [-] or [-] exhausted troops?"

"No expedition today, no battle tomorrow. Cao Cao captured Pengcheng, gained all the grain and grass from Pengcheng and Xiapi, and regained his military strength. Once we lose Xuzhou, we will be trapped in this corner of Xiaopei!"

Sun Qian said sincerely: "We have been caught off guard. At this time, we should be steady and reassuring. If we fight in fear and return in defeat, the situation will be completely corrupted and we will no longer be able to control it. "

"As long as the lord is still there and the six thousand elite soldiers under General Guan are still there, the hearts of the counties in Xuzhou will still be with us. We can gather tens of thousands of cavalry from Xiapi, Donghai, Pengcheng, Peiguo and other counties."

"There are also Xuzhou families who, thinking of the shame of their father and brother, will unite their heroic tribes and clan members to help us resist Cao Cao."

"With [-] soldiers and civilians together, it is no problem to confront Cao Cao for more than ten days. In more than ten days, Jiangdong's armored cavalry and powerful generals from the boat division will surely come to help!"

"At that time, Cao Cao had lost his way in advance and retreat, the people were completely devastated, and they were besieged on all sides, but he could be captured in one battle!"

Guan Yu's arrogant face instantly turned red with anger, and he shouted: "I count on Jiangdong to come to my aid! Whenever I am in trouble, I count on Jiangdong to rescue me. So even if we are lucky enough to survive this time, how can we become powerful again? Wouldn't we become Jiangdong's subordinates? vassal!"

"I have made up my mind! If we are victorious, we will destroy Cao's army in one battle. We will capture Cao's thieves and capture all three of his troops."

"If we don't win, it means that our lord's hegemony is no longer in Xuzhou! If we still linger here and look up to Jiangdong, our lord will be completely reduced to a vassal of Jiangdong, and there will be no chance of his hegemony."

After hearing Guan Yu's strong and arrogant words, Sun Qian was finally moved and decided to fight to become the overlord.

Or should we linger on, guarding the dilapidated Xuzhou, and become a vassal of Jiangdong?
This may be a question worth thinking about for ordinary people.

But for a proud hero like Guan Yu, there is only one choice.

So Sun Qian knew that he could no longer persuade Guan Yu.His determination to send troops is unshakable!
Sun Qian could only hope that maybe he could also defeat Cao's army.

Replicate Jiangdong's situation at the Battle of Chaisang.

Taking advantage of the enemy's troops under the fortified city, the army attacked fiercely and destroyed Cao Cao's three armies in one battle!
At that time, my lord will be so powerful in the Central Plains that Yan and Yu will be conquered.

Guan Yu was determined, and immediately raised his spear and shouted: "Commanders, follow me on the expedition, rush to the aid of Pengcheng, imitate King Xiang's courage, and destroy the enemy's three armies under Pengcheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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