
Chapter 214 Sun Quan’s appointment and future

Chapter 214 Sun Quan’s appointment and future
After Xian Yufu combined with Wuhuan, Haoqiang and Yuan Shao to defeat Gongsun Zan, they have been separatist and self-defensive in Yuyang.He is obviously the kind of prince who has no desire in the world.

If Jiangdong hadn't been too far away from him and Arita Yu's fanatical praise, he might have led the crowd to surrender.Within Jiangdong's sphere of influence, enjoy peace and wealth, and serve as a general or governor of another county.

And even though they were thousands of miles apart, Xian Yufu showed great kindness.After all, I'm just afraid of what might happen.What if it is really as Tian Yu said?The one who can finally rule the world must be the Sun family.It's also a good thing to make friends early.

War horses are something that Xian Yufu has no shortage of.

The reason for the lack is that no prince would be dissatisfied with the lack of horses.In the Central Plains, even if there are 10,000+ war horses, they will still complain about the lack of war horses.

Although Xian Yufu did not have 10,000+ war horses, he still had tens of thousands.Otherwise, he would not have been able to summon a large number of Hu cavalry to attack Gongsun Zan.

The reason why there is no shortage is because these war horses are actually of little use in his hands.He doesn't plan to unify Youzhou, and keeping these war horses in his hands is a waste of money and food.

He couldn't take good care of them either. Like Wuhuan and Xianbei, he also sent people to herd horses in the countryside.

With the expansion of Panyi, Yuyang has long become similar to that outside the Great Wall, with large grasslands within the territory that can be directly grazed.

Furthermore, the Wuhuan Chanyu Tadun was so valiant that all the border elders compared him with Maodun. They dared to accept death because of his ability to block the enemy, so as to dominate the barbarians.The general commanded the three counties of Beiping, Yuyang and Shanggu.

If Xian Yufu wanted to buy war horses, he could trade with Wuhuan in Yuyang.

On the contrary, grain, cloth and silk are exactly what Youzhou is lacking. Only by relieving the famine of people's livelihood can the people of Yuyang be stabilized.

Therefore, Xu Miao was entrusted by Xian Yufu and solemnly conveyed Xian Yufu's attitude to Sun Ce, saying: "I would like to have eternal friendship with the general, trade with each other, exchange things easily, and relieve the famine."

Commerce and mutual market, Yi Fangwu, that is, using their respective specialties to trade.

Sun Ce was naturally very interested in this proposal and immediately said: "I have a lot of money in Jiangdong, such as grain, silk, silk and porcelain. I have everything that is urgent for the people's livelihood. I just don't know how much your lord can do?"

Xu Miao immediately replied: "My lord does not know what the general needs. For the time being, I would like to use a thousand war horses and two thousand slave horses for trade."

Hearing this, Sun Ce and Zhang Zhao's eyes flashed with excitement.

Youzhou is indeed the birthplace of horses!
There are three thousand horses in one move.

In fact, Sun Ce underestimated Youzhou.

When the mutual market was opened in Youzhou, Wuhuan once drove more than [-] cattle and horses to the mutual market to trade.

Jiangdong still suffered the disadvantage of being too far from the north. Otherwise, the [-] cattle and horses that Wuhuan traded at one time could meet the needs of Jiangdong Station and people's livelihood.

Even common people and powerful people no longer need to ride on bullock carts.

Sun Ce looked at Zhang Zhao and asked, "What does Chang Shi think we should do to return to Youzhou?"

Zhang Zhao said: "The war horse is an important weapon of the country. Since Mr. Xianyu comes with good intentions, we must not lose his heart. It is better to give him a generous profit and return him a thousand pieces of brocade, thirty thousand pieces of cloth, and one hundred thousand stones of grain." "

It's okay to pay [-] yuan for cloth, but weaving is faster. The Wuxian County Weaving Department can weave it in one day.

But brocade is not that easy. A skilled worker can only weave a few inches a day, but it takes thousands of weavers to produce hundreds of pieces of brocade in a day.

He was given a thousand pieces of brocade and a hundred thousand pieces of grain, which was a huge profit.

Just to carry these items, nearly a hundred ships worth 1500 shi would be needed.

Hundreds of large ships set sail from Wuxian and headed north to Youzhou. If they only wanted to visit the government, they would probably consume a lot of money.

Sun Ce thought for a moment and said, "We can ask Yangzhou merchants to carry their goods with them to Youzhou to expand trade."

Since hundreds of ships have been dispatched, it would be better to add another hundred ships to form a fleet.

Yangzhou has many specialties, whether it is porcelain, silk, tortoiseshell, pearls, tea, spices, gems, gold, silver, jade, merchant ships, etc. These are all things that Yangzhou is rich in.

In Youzhou, there are not only war horses, cattle and sheep, but also fur, oil, ginseng, deer antlers and even Hu girls, horned bows and arrows, and famous horses that are thousands of miles away, all of which can be traded.

Sun Ce attached great importance to sea trade with Youzhou.

If Jiangdong was founded on maritime transportation, then the imperial court would definitely have a tradition of attaching importance to maritime transportation in the future!Will not be locked in kernel shipping.

When Sun Ce did not establish the land system and focused on industry and commerce, he thought about trade with Jiaozhi and the southeast area.

Sun Ce still has his original idea, whether it is the northeast or the southeast, he can provide sufficient wealth to the Central Plains.

The key is that the Central Plains can develop industry and commerce, have enough people to engage in overseas trade, and have a large number of workshops to continuously produce countless wealth. Only then can the Maritime Silk Road flourish.

Considering the current situation where all the heroes are rising together and heroes are supporting their troops, this Maritime Silk Road can completely have two lines, the north and the south.

They trade cattle, horses, furs, ginseng and other high-altitude materials to the north, and trade gold, silver, spices and other wealth items to the south.

But no matter which road is taken, it is obvious that a large number of people are needed to engage in industry and commerce. If every commoner guards more than ten acres of land, even if Youzhou has war horses, he will not be able to trade it back.

When Zhang Zhao heard Sun Ce's words, he calmly said: "I think this matter can not only summon merchants, but also heroes from all counties."

"Heroes from each county?" Sun Ce asked: "The Chief of History wants to summon the rangers to do this."

Zhang Zhao shook his head with a smile and said: "Not just knights, but powerful and powerful families in various counties. Nowadays, knights in Jiangdong mostly refer to heroes who are generous with their wealth and make friends with outstanding people. For example, Zhang Yun, Zhu Huan, Ling Cao, etc. all have knight names. ."

Sun Ce nodded, Zhang Yun and Ling Cao were two typical examples of this type of Ren Xia.

Zhang Yun was famous in all prefectures and counties for his righteousness and wealth.Ling Cao, on the other hand, liked to be a knight. He gathered hundreds of young people and often traveled by boat between the Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers.

Of course, this kind of arbitrariness is not limited to Jiangdong.The man of the Han Dynasty, Ren Xia, has no reputation or wealth, so he really can't be a chivalrous person.Gan Ning of Shu took his men to wander on the Yangtze River with brocade sails, and Cao Ren of Yuzhou took his young men to travel around Huaisi.

This kind of person is naturally suited to take hundreds of people, set up a boat, and travel north and south.Those weak scholars of later generations are completely incomparable.

Zhang Zhao continued: "The big families in Jiangdong are actually quite wealthy. For example, the Zhang family, the Zhu family, the Lu family, etc. all have hundreds or even thousands of clans and tribes. If these big families are willing to send caravans to Youzhou, General What you want can be achieved in one go. Even the general clan can send clan members."

"A descendant of the Sun family?" Sun Ce looked at Zhang Zhao: "Chang Shi refers to Zhong Mou?"

Zhang Zhao nodded and said with a smile: "The second young master is already in his prime. At this age, the champion has already led tens of thousands of cavalry to ride thousands of miles across the desert. The second young master is no mediocre person. He led ten thousand people across the sea to Youzhou City. Horses are fully capable of shouldering heavy responsibilities.”

Sun Quan.This little guy is indeed about to be crowned.

Although later generations always look down on Sun Quan, as the founder of Soochow, his strategies and methods are far beyond those of any descendants of today's princes. Regardless of Liu Qi, Liu Cong, Yuan Tan, and Yuan Shang, they were all thrown out by Sun Quan. Street.If Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang had one-tenth of Sun Quan's abilities, they wouldn't have been wiped out by Cao Cao in just seven years.You must know that the inheritance inherited by Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang is several times higher than that of Sun Quan.

Therefore, if there is a future, Sun Ce will definitely be very generous and will not hesitate to make Sun Quan king overseas.

Sun Ce believed that with his talents, he would be able to expand overseas territories and push the Xia civilization to its borders.

It's just that this little guy probably doesn't have such ambitions in his head now. If he is asked to command the caravan, Sun Ce is afraid that he will take the lead in corruption and will definitely embezzle Sun Ce's property secretly.

Sun Ce and Zhang Zhao were close friends. They knew each other well and did not hide anything at all. He said frankly: "Zhongmou is undecided now and is very playful. Let him lead the caravan north, and he is afraid that he will hide his wealth."

Zhang Zhao smiled and said, "Isn't this a good thing for the general?"

"Oh?" Sun Ce asked in surprise: "What do you mean by this?"

Zhang Zhao calmly stroked his chin with his hand and said: "The second young master has a particularly naughty temperament, but he is not lacking in talent. If he is greedy for money, he will have the ability to seek money. When he returns, he will definitely do his best to improve the boat master's trade. . In the hope that the next round trip will bring greater profits. The general can trust the second young master, and entrust him with the matters of mutual trade between the boat divisions, and he will ensure that everything is done properly."

Sun Ce couldn't help but smile. Is this an alternative explanation of a gentleman's love for money and how to get it in a proper way?

However, no matter how you put it, Sun Ce has great trust in Sun Quan's talents.

Let him personally take charge of this matter, maybe he can really make the mutual trade flourish.

Sun Ce thought for a while and replied: "Yes, then we will move Sun Quan to be the Commander of Shima, and use Commander Chen Bao as his deputy, and summon the big families from Jiangdong to go to Youzhou."

Sun Ce generously repaid Youzhou Xian Yufu's kindness.

In addition to the supplies for the market horses, Xian Yufu was also given a hundred sets of porcelain, a hundred pieces of brocade, thirty famous knives, and three gold-woven and vermilion brocade robes.

As for the envoy Xu Miao, Sun Ce was not as rough as Sun Quan and directly gave him two baskets of pearls and dozens of stones. Instead, he gave him pearl ornaments, gold hairpins, and hundreds of Jiangnan tortoiseshell and ivory chopsticks.

These things used to seem worthless, especially pearls. In Jiangnan, a land of plenty, there were as many pearls as stones, counting in baskets.

But after processing and polishing, and adding gold and silver, it is now jewel-like, noble and very luxurious.

Especially when these things are piled together, it can be said to be dazzling and fragrant.

The envoy Xu Miao's heartbeat increased sharply, and he was shocked by the wealth of Jiangnan.

Is this still the barbaric place that ordinary people think of, with poverty and despicable people?

It feels like it's the same border county. Youzhou is still bitterly cold, and the clothes and fur are like wild beasts. However, Jiangnan is already silky and splendid, and the wealth is overwhelming!
Not to mention, the people in the south of the Yangtze River are prosperous and full of rice.

For this transaction, Jiangnan easily mobilized more than 260 large ships worth more than 10,000 stones and [-]+ stones of grain!

This is a wealth that Yuyang County cannot gather together no matter what.

Do you want to compete with this kind of force for supremacy in the world?Given the size of the army limited by logistical supplies, it is completely impossible.

Xu Miao is not a mediocre person. In fact, he is also famous in counties and counties for his talents.

Otherwise, Xian Yufu would not send him to take on the important task of being an envoy to Jiangdong.

Xu Miao knew very well that the outcome of the war was just a temporary situation.

What can really determine which prince can dominate the world is power and wealth!
Whoever can mobilize more money and food and dispatch more troops can dominate the world.

And it is obvious that the prosperity of Jiangdong is far greater than that of Youzhou.

At least Sun Ce's probability of unifying the world is far higher than Gongsun Zan.

But there is such a wealthy state and county, which is the foundation of the king's industry. As a prince, Sun Ce is the leading general in the world!

Xu Miao couldn't help but believe what Tian Yu said, the one who can finally rule the world must be the Sun family.

Therefore, during the banquet, Xu Miao strongly invited Jiangdong heroes to go to Youzhou to exchange information and strengthen exchanges between the two sides.

In addition to Xu Miao, Sun Ce also personally hosted a banquet, invited dozens of wealthy family heads in Jiangdong, personally discussed with them the Maritime Silk Road, and invited them to send people to go to Youzhou for business.

Sun Ce is still quite prestigious in Jiangdong. After all, the current wealth of these Jiangdong families was brought to them by Sun Ce's policies.

The four surnames of Wu County expressed their willingness to send envoys to Youzhou on the spot.Zhu even proposed to purchase twenty ships from the Ship Palace for future floating trade.

The largest shipyard in Jiangdong was in the hands of Sun Ce. In order to fight against Liu Biao, Sun Ce established a ship palace in Jiankang and recruited more than 4000 shipbuilding craftsmen from Jiangdong.

This scale is undoubtedly very large nowadays, with full output a year and the ability to produce more than a hundred ships.

But in the future, this scale will obviously be insufficient.

As the cornerstone of the Southeast shipbuilding industry, a dynasty should have 10,000+ or ​​even hundreds of thousands of shipbuilders.

After all, Jingdezhen alone has more than 30 porcelain workers in history.

Sun Ce was very magnanimous. After Zhu's proposal, he ordered all counties to allow the people to set up ship palaces and build ships by themselves.

Allowing people to build ships is not a big deal.A harsh regime like Cao Wei still allowed private shipbuilding, as long as military facilities such as cowhide and panels were not installed on the ships.

The four surnames in Wu County were only part of the mutual trade in Youzhou. The Hong family in Qu'a, the Wei family in Kuaiji, and the Zhu family in Danyang all organized caravans, with hundreds of people including clansmen and teenagers.

Together, these clans numbered between 3000 and [-] people, and the cargo was enough to fill nearly a hundred ships.

The Han Dynasty had a tax law for merchant ships, which was called the first calculation of commercial vehicles. For ships over five feet, a tax was levied on each ship.If it is ten feet, it will be counted twice, if it is fifteen feet, it will be counted three times, and so on.

One calculation is 120 yuan.Then the goods are subject to a separate market valuation, which means taxes are levied at the time of transaction.

On this basis, Jiangdong has previously set up commercial taxes, canceled domestic tariffs, and established a municipal shipping department. These ships do not need to pay taxes when they go out, but when they return, they can provide a large tax payment to Jiangdong's finance. !These large ships floating on the sea are basically more than 36 feet tall. The city's shipping department can get more than [-] yuan from a preliminary calculation of merchant ships.

Moreover, the money drawn was from powerful families and noble families, so Sun Ce was naturally particularly concerned about this.Expect the bigger the deal, the better.

(End of this chapter)

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