
Chapter 208 Beauty Fills the Palace

Chapter 208 Beauty Fills the Palace
After Huainan was finally pacified, in order to reduce local food and grass consumption, Sun Ce left Zhou Yu to guard Zhongli, Lu Meng to guard Shouchun, and Lu Su to guard Lujiang, while he led his army back to Jiankang.

When the army was triumphant, Sun Ce and Chen had [-] cavalry, [-] soldiers, and hundreds of boats. They were blowing from the front and rear, flags were fluttering, the army looked solemn, the red flags stretched for nearly a hundred miles, and drums and horns were heard.

Such illustrious military power immediately made everyone in Huainan shocked and frightened.

At that time, the sea gradually became peaceful, the people wanted peace, and the people were tired of war.Now that we have seen the power of Sun Lang's army again, even the brave and cunning people in Huainan dare not feel rebellious.

Therefore, Sun Ce did not leave many troops in Huaibei.The main reason is that if there is no internal rebellion, no external force will attack Huainan, which is thousands of miles away.A severe drought has resulted in no harvest. Huainan has the effect of strengthening the walls and clearing the fields at this time. Cao Cao and Liu Biao are probably not interested in wading through the thousands of miles of red land.

Only Liu Bei decisively marched into Pei land. With the cooperation of Shu Shao, Prime Minister of Pei, he completely recovered the land of Peng and Pei and regained all the counties and counties in Xuzhou that Lu Bu had robbed.

As for Lu Bu's wife and daughter, they were acquired by Liu Bei and Sun Ce respectively.

Lu Bu's wives and concubines were all acquired by Liu Bei and rewarded to his subordinates by Liu Bei. For example, Guan Yu got his wish and got a beautiful woman.Qin Yilu's wife, Mrs. Du, was successfully asked to pass by him.As for Diao Chan, that is fictional and there is no real person.

On the other hand, Lu Bu's daughter is a real existence.After Yuan Shu became emperor, he was sent to Shouchun by marriage. Only then did Lu Bu obtain thousands of Hu cavalry from Yuan Shu.

It's just that Jiangdong's army arrived as fast as the escorting procession. Lu had just been sent to Shouchun, and she was still in the post house, and she hadn't had time to hold the wedding.Sun Ce's siege army had already surrounded Shouchun City.

Later, when Yuan Shu was seriously ill, he had no time to care about her, so she didn't even know which son of Yuan Shu was married to her, so she was captured as Yuan Shu's daughter-in-law and faced the crime of genocide.

Fortunately, Sun Ce wanted to marry to stabilize people's hearts, so he did not offend Yuan Shu's wife and daughter.

After all, since the First Emperor, after winning a war, they have liked to take in the enemy's concubines to fill the palace.

Li Shimin even accepted the daughter of Emperor Sui Yang as his concubine.

Sun Ce also did his part. After conquering Huainan, he took in three concubines in a row.

However, he was not entirely motivated by beauty, but also considered stabilizing Huainan and winning over the remnants of various princes.

The purpose of accepting Daqiao is to win over the Huainan aristocratic family represented by Qiaorui.

The purpose of accepting Yuan Shu's daughter, Yuan Shi, was to stabilize the hearts of Yuan Shu's remaining tribe.After all, since Sun Ce, the daughter of Yuan Shu, is not being held accountable, he will naturally not go after Yang Hong, Yan Xiang and other Yuan Shu subordinates.

Nalu Bu's daughter, Lu, surrendered her generals in order to win over Lu Bu's army. During the war, a large number of generals from Lu Bu's army, such as Zhang Liao, Hao Meng, Cao Xing, Mao Hui, Dong Fang, etc., all surrendered to Jiangdong.

Of course, this Yuan family is not Huang Yi's wife, but his sister, who historically married Sun Quan.She was a virtuous person and did not fight for favor. Sun Quan wanted to make her his queen, but she refused because she had no children.Sun Quan repeatedly gave Zhu Ji's sons to her to raise, but they always died young and did not survive.

In this day and age, the infant mortality rate is really too high. Infants are very weak, especially before the age of three, and are prone to various diseases. There is no good medicine to treat them, and [-] out of [-] of them die in infancy.

The royal family is no exception to this. Since the royal family has clear records that can be checked, it is even more tragic.

Even in the Song Dynasty, a dynasty where medicine was relatively highly developed, eight of Song Shenzong's fourteen sons died young.He chose thousands of people to protect his precious heir. The wise and martial Song Zhezong also died young at the age of 24. He could not even successfully raise a son before his death.He was forced to let Zhao Ji, the 11th son of Song Shenzong, succeed to the throne, that is, the artistic emperor Song Huizong, who was frivolous and unruly.

Fortunately, Sun Ce has a son, and he is a tiger-headed boy who survived the infancy period and is now three years old.

Not only that, he is also Sun Ce's eldest son. He was born to Sun Ce's first wife Chen Yue, and his name was Sun Shao.

The first wife successfully gave birth to a boy for her first child. Chen Yue's status among Sun Ce's mother, Mrs. Wu, was naturally extremely precious.

The key is that Sun Shao may have inherited Sun Ce's heroic physique and has been very strong since he was a child. Although he has had various symptoms such as food accumulation, diarrhea, high fever, rash, coughing, vomiting, etc., he can usually recover in three to five days. The longest bout of vomiting only took seven days before things went back to normal.

Unlike adults, children can be active and full of energy after recovering from illness.

So Chen Yue gave Sun Shao another nickname, Da Zhuang.

There is nothing vulgar about the name Dazhuang. Today’s parents’ biggest expectation for their children is to survive strong.Therefore, baby names are generally relatively simple. Sun Quan even named his daughter Dahu.

However, due to Sun Ce's recent efforts, Daqiao became pregnant successfully, so Sun Ce often stayed in Daqiao Pavilion after returning to Jiankang.

Daqiao and Xiaoqiao are what outsiders call them. Daqiao’s maiden name is Qiaoying and her courtesy name is Shujun.Xiaoqiao's name is Qiaowan, and her courtesy name is Huijun.

Ohashi is 17 years old this year. Perhaps because she is the eldest sister, her temperament is relatively quiet, and she has the traditional beauty of a cool beauty in ancient costume.

As a beauty whose reputation has been passed down through the ages, she is even more beautiful in appearance, and she comes from a family of public ministers. She is tall, slim, and graceful, with a height of at least seven feet and two inches, which is about 1.7 meters.Two inches taller than most seven-foot men.

Unlike Zhou Cheng, who is extremely talented and beautiful, Qiao Ying is more elegant and easy-going. She likes to plant flowers. In just three months after moving into Green Qi Pavilion, she has already planted more than two hundred pots of flowers in the pavilion. In the courtyard, a wisteria garden and a crabapple swing are set up.

The begonia tree is graceful and blooming in spring. In autumn, the tree is full of golden fruits and is fragrant.It is very suitable for planting alone in the front and rear of the courtyard, or in combination with other flowers and trees.

The begonia flower has a graceful posture and blooms like a brocade, which is similar to a beautiful woman. Therefore, there is a poem praising it: "The quiet posture and graceful state make the spring clear, the plum blossom borrows the wind and the willow to borrow the light, the fragrance is still there after several night rains, and the rouge cannot be painted. ."

When Qiao Ying has free time, she sits on the swing under the crabapple tree, leisurely watching the bustling riverside to the west. Her biggest dream is to plant flowers and grass on Bailuzhou. By then, the soil will become mountains, and the islands and peaks will be filled with blooming flowers. , colorful fallen flowers.

A gentle breeze blew by, and under the bright and warm sunshine, the air was filled with flying flower petals and flying catkins.Looking down from Zhaoming Palace in this way, it can be said that the scenery is the ultimate and it is heaven on earth.

Sun Ce walked up to her, waved his hand and asked the maid who was holding the swing to step aside. He held her swing himself and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Qiao Ying looked up at Sun Ce with a gentle smile. Then she pointed at Bailu Island in front of her and said, "I wonder when the grass will be removed from Bailu Island, leaving only flowers and egrets."

To turn Bailuzhou into a tourist attraction, it does not necessarily involve wealthy private businessmen or wealthy families.Qiaoying can also take people to plant flowers and trees.Forest green plants are still extremely important to a party's wealth.Sun Ce's biggest impression during this trip north to Huainan was that the land was desolate, filled with yellow sand and filled with dust.

Different from the beautiful ancient mountains and clear waters in the impression of later generations, the vegetation coverage rate may have been the highest since the Han Dynasty and the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

On the contrary, nowadays, there are almost no forests in Huainan, especially when the land is thousands of miles away. Many mountains are bare, and the grass roots and bark have been eaten up by the people.People had to go far away from the city to collect firewood, so they had to destroy their cars to pay for it.The poor families do not have enough firewood, and they have no choice but to let the cold wind destroy them at night.

The bridge in Huainan has endured natural disasters for a long time. When I entered Jiangdong and saw the green mountains and green waters, I was naturally very happy and even felt much brighter.

Sun Ce asked, "You want to go sightseeing?"

Daqiao shook his head regretfully and said: "I heard from Mrs. Chen that the world is uncertain, knights are emerging in large numbers, and someone may stab someone with a sword at any time. People in the inner court are not allowed to leave without permission."

Sun Ce suddenly laughed, full of pride, and said: "It was indeed like this when I first pacified Jiangdong. To prevent assassins, the guards were tight. But now the south is gradually leveling off, and the Jianghuai River is stable. The rice is dripping with fat, the corn is white, and the public and private warehouses are abundant. There are no jackals or tigers on the roads of Yangzhou, and the sunrise will be auspicious if you travel a long way!"

"If you, dear, want to go out for sightseeing, I will ask Sun Ning to lead your maid to go with you. You can go out and experience the land, water and people of Jiangdong!"

Daqiao was overjoyed and stood up from the swing happily. He looked at Sun Ce with shining eyes and asked, "Is it really possible?"

Sun Ce nodded with a smile and said, "How could I lie to you about a woman if I just say it all?"

Daqiao immediately said happily: "Nayu went to Zhouzhai, picked up his sister and went together."

Zhou Yu's wives and concubines all stayed in Jiankang. It should be said that the wives and concubines of the foreign generals were all in Jiankang City. Most of the generals only had one official concubine to take care of them.

Now that there is a severe drought in Huainan, Zhou Yu sent Xiaoqiao back to Jiankang.

As far as Sun Ce knew, the two played the piano and the harp in perfect harmony.

Ohashi has a quiet temperament and likes flowers.Xiaoqiao has a cheerful temperament and likes musical instruments such as silk and bamboo strings.Zhou Yu is good at rhythm and is Xiaoqiao's perfect son-in-law.

The news that Qiao Ying was going out for sightseeing soon caused a stir in the inner court. First of all, Xie Lingyu also came over. She had been staying in Zhaoming Palace since Sun Ce's Northern Expedition and had never left the house. She also wanted to go out together to enjoy the autumn.

Nowadays, the world is in chaos and bandits are everywhere. People can come and go freely, so the only place to visit in autumn is Jiangdong.

So Lu Ling, Lu Bu's daughter, hesitated for a while and asked to travel with him.

Although killing his father and taking his daughter is full of tyranny.But as a woman, she is weak by nature and unable to resist at all. It is not easy to stay alive.Therefore, both Lu Ling and Yuan Huan had to put aside the idea of ​​revenge for their fathers, Lu Bu and Yuan Shu, and work hard to survive.

The two of them had a close relationship because they shared the same illness. Lu Ling invited Yuan Huan to go with him when he went on a trip.

These people went out together, and the palace suddenly became empty. Only Zhou Cheng, who was responsible for helping Sun Ce handle government affairs, and his wife Chen Yue were left.

After a few people boarded the car and left, Chen Yue stood next to Sun Ce and complained: "My husband is so doting on my concubine, and he has only been back for a few months, and yet he ignores the prohibition I set. Where will my authority be in the future, and how will I manage the inner court?"

Sun Ce and Chen Yue are an old couple. After all, they have had close communication since they were teenagers.

So Sun Ce took Chen Yue into his arms with a smile and said: "You are so favored by your mother, why worry about someone dare to challenge the majesty of your wife? Besides, she has not been able to leave the house for several months, so she should be allowed to go out and see the scenery of Jiangdong. "

Chen Yue looked sad: "My husband is partial to this new Nashi concubine. They have only been out for a few months, and my husband is heartbroken. I have been working hard at home for several years, not daring to slack off at all, for fear that if something goes wrong, my husband will still be on the front line." I have to worry about the rear, and I haven’t dared to relax for a few years, and I haven’t seen my husband take pity on me.”

Sun Ce quickly hugged the beauty in his arms tightly and said, "I'm not alone. I'm not alone! It's different from the past. The Jianghuai River is stable and the sea is gradually leveling off. My beloved can also put down his burden and enjoy the peaceful years now."

Chen Yue then burst into tears and smiled. She looked up at Sun Ce and asked, "Enjoying a peaceful life? Then Sun Lang won't go to the front line to fight?"

Sun Ce immediately nodded solemnly and said: "In the past two years, Gudu will stay in Jiankang and consolidate the foundation!"

Chen Yue's eyes were filled with joy, and she said with a smile: "My husband can finally sleep peacefully, but while the government affairs are so complicated, my husband also takes advantage of his free time to pay attention to the housework."

"Housework?" Sun Ce really didn't react at the moment. He has been busy with two major things recently. One is sorting out taxes and treasury in various places, and the other is giving him rewards for his merits during the Northern Expedition.Therefore, apart from favoring the three new Nast concubines, he really paid little attention to other things.

Chen Yue explained patiently: "Siyi has been a hairpin for four years, and now she is 19, so it's time to get married. Does your husband want Siyi to serve in the army all the time? Even Zhongmou is already 18, so it's time to marry a good match. ”

Siyi is Sun Ning's cousin, and Sun Ce also has a third sister, Sun Ren, whose cousin is Shanghan, who is also a hairpin girl.Only the youngest, Mrs. Sun, who married Liu Bei, is still a young girl and has not yet taken her first name.But it's definitely not called Shang Xiang.

It should have been Chen Yue's responsibility to marry his younger brothers and sisters.

But Sun Ning is different from ordinary women. She has now served as the captain of the Xiuyi Guard. If she wants to get married, she still needs to ask her opinion.

Sun Ce thought for a while and replied to Chen Yue: "I have paid attention to Siyi's marriage. Siyi is different from the women in the boudoir. She has seen my Jiangdong talents in the military camp. Please talk to Siyi first." After a long discussion with Yi, I asked Siyi if there is anyone he likes?"

"If there is a person you like, it would be best for me to be the matchmaker. If there is no person you like, I need to wait until the reward is over before making a final decision."

Seeing that Sun Ce had made an idea, Chen Yue felt relieved and said with a smile: "This is a happy event. I will go to discuss this matter with my mother. When Siyi returns from autumn, I will go and talk to her."

After Chen Yue left, Sun Ce looked solemn and said to Jiang Qin: "Go and ask the chief historian and military advisor to see you."

It is time to make the rewards of the generals in the army and the situation of the counties and counties public.

(End of this chapter)

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