
Chapter 194 Zhang Liao led his troops to cross the Huaihe River south, please attach Jiangdong

Although Zhuge Liang is young, he has already shown his foresight.

He said that Sun Ce responded to the times, initiated righteous teachers, crusaded against disobedient ministers, and decided to attract heroes from all over the world to actively contribute to them, and he will overcome whatever he wants.

As a result, Sun Ce was still gathering troops, and the army had not yet marched out of Jiankang.

The chief secretary, Liu Ye, excitedly reported to Sun Ce in person: "General, good news from Guangling. Lu Bu's troops will lead thousands of people south to cross the Huaihe River. Please attach to Guangling."

Sun Ce raised his head in surprise, and turned his eyes from the map to Liu Ye. Lu Bujun's 1000 men attached to Jiangdong in the south?

For Lu Bu, this was already a traumatic experience.How many people does he have in total?Probably only a few thousand.

Standing by the side and studying the route of march with Sun Ce, Zhao Yun said happily: "Shunchang is rebellious, the general Gong Xingtian conquers the sky, drives with his sword, and points at the evil, and the bandits and captives will not be afraid. Such a king's division will be like the Mingtiao's. War (the battle of Shang Tang destroying Xia Jie), the army did not bloody ruler blade, Mu Ye's division, the businessmen turned their backs!"

Zhang Fei didn't like all the generals and schools of Lu Bujun.After all, under his lord Liu Bei, all the wives and wives of soldiers were captured by Lu Bu's army.

At the time of Haixi, Liu Bei rejected the governor of Yuzhou presented by Lu Bu, chose to be an enemy with Lu Bu, and led his army to the north to recover Xiapi.In order to vent his anger, Lv Bu insulted Liu Bei and other wives and daughters.

Zhang Fei wanted to kill all the generals of Lu Bu's army. When he heard that someone led more than a thousand troops to cross the Huai River and join Jiangdong, he snorted coldly: "This person knows the current affairs. Which general is under Lu Bu's command?"

Liu Ye said, "It's Zhang Liao, Prime Minister of Lu who belongs to Lu Bu!"

"Zhang Liao!?" Sun Ce's surprise smile was beyond words.

Sun Ce never imagined in his dreams that such a famous martial arts general, one of the most powerful generals in the Three Kingdoms, would lead his troops to cross south and join Jiangdong without any war!
Sun Ce had to ask, "Why did Zhang Liao suddenly attach to the south?"

Liu Ye explained: "This has to mention the situation in Xuzhou north of the Huaihe River. When Lu Bu was defeated, Zhang Liao, Chen Deng, Chen Yu and others guarded the line from Ling County to Haixi to isolate the Huaihe River and prevent our Jiangdong army from going north. "

"However, Liu Shijun did not follow this line in his northern expedition to Xuzhou. Instead, he went hundreds of miles to the west, went north along Surabaya, and went straight to Xiapi. There were more than ten thousand troops and thousands of Xuanjia. Lu Bu's newly defeated troops could not resist. live. Chen Deng, Chen Yu and others suddenly rebelled again, leading thousands of troops to help Liu Bei drive out Lu Bu."

"As a result, Lu Bu retreated to Pengcheng and Peiguo, while Zhang Liao was blocked in Ling County. In the past, Zhang Liao had been defending the city, waiting for Lu Bu to come to help."

The rest is self-evident, Sun Ce understands it directly!
Yuan Shu suddenly assumed the title of emperor and stole the position of honor. Lv Bu helped the emperor to abuse him and worked hand in hand with Yuan Shu.

At this time, if Zhang Liao persisted, not only would he not show his loyalty, but he would become a traitor.

Although Han Zuo has Zhongwei, his destiny has not changed.A normal courtier of a big man couldn't accept that he suddenly became a traitor of a big man.

Zhang Liao himself had a dependent relationship with Lu Bu, and now he was naturally unwilling to go astray with Lu Bu.

It's just that Sun Ce didn't expect that Zhang Liao didn't surrender to Liu Bei nearby, but led his army to the south and sent his troops to Jiangdong.

Isn't the relationship between Guan Yu and Zhang Liao good in history?

Zhang Fei snorted heavily, and said, "It's easy to calculate this person, and he escaped the liquidation. Otherwise, the city will be broken and he will be arrested, and he will be killed to clear his crime!"

Jiangdong has also heard about the grievances between Liu Bei and Lu Bu.

Before Liu Bei regained Xiapi, several wives and concubines were ravaged by Lu Bujun, and one of Liu Bei's daughters was ravaged to death.

Even if Liu Bei regards women as clothes, it does not mean that he will turn a blind eye to such hatred.These are two completely different things.

I don’t mind throwing away a piece of clothing.It doesn't mean that someone can just come and snatch it from me, trample it on the ground, and humiliate me wantonly.

With Liu Bei's mind, he might be able to tolerate Zhang Liao.

But Zhang Liao found it difficult to gamble, so he surrendered to Liu Bei.

And more importantly, now that heroes are rising together and supporting one side, who Zhang Liao wants to belong to has to judge the situation!

Looking at the situation of heroes from all walks of life, it is obvious that Jiangdong has the brightest prospects along the Huaihe River.Yuan Shu usurped himself and proclaimed himself emperor, Lu Bu was left alone, Liu Bei's power was broken, and his army was few and far between.

If he relies on this generation, once his power collapses, will Zhang Liao surrender again?
Therefore, whether from an emotional or intellectual perspective, Zhang Liao did not want to be a rebellious minister and a traitor, so it was the best choice to seek refuge in Jiangdong.

With the good news of Zhang Liao's surrender, Sun Ce's confidence increased greatly. He looked down at the map again, and analyzed with the generals: "Zhang Liao led his troops to cross the Huaihe River in the south and return to Guangling. It can be seen that Yuan Shu and Lu Bu have stolen the honor, which has already made the internal board The generals are panicking, and at this moment, we will launch a fierce attack with a majestic momentum, raise the red flags at the same time, and the army will advance side by side, shocking the enemy's territory. It will make the enemy's army terrified and surrender without a fight."

The so-called teacher of the king, there is a battle but no battle, respect and righteousness, no one dares to resist!

Judging from the current turmoil in the armies of Yuan Shu and Lu Bu, if the allied forces launch a massive crusade, many cities may simply surrender.

After all, Yuan Shu has just proclaimed himself emperor, and many of his subordinates may not agree with him, and the hearts of the people are still in Han!

Sun Ce pointed at the map and said: "I thought the army should be divided into three groups to advance. Liu Shijun is in the north. He will still use his power to take advantage of the victory and continue to attack Lu Bu. I, Jiangdong, can send Lu Bu's Pengcheng Prime Minister Xie to Xuzhou to help in the battle. , to help him shake the morale of Pengcheng and win the hearts of the counties."

"Our Jiangdong army is divided into two groups, marching all the way from the Huaihe River, with Xu Kun, the prefect of Linhuai, as the governor, and the governors of Lu Su, Zhang Liao, Xu Sheng, Zhou Tai, Ling Cao, Xu Huang, Huang Zhong, Zhu Huan, and Quan Cong. , Dong Xi, Sun He and other generals rode more than ten thousand in unison to attack the area around Zhongli and Yinling."

"Gu Ze sent troops from the Yangtze River, marched north along the water, marched to Hefei via Chaohu, then marched to Xiquyang to join the Huaihe army on the north road, and surrounded Yuan Shu in Shouchun. On this road, Gu Ze personally supervised Taishi Ci, Chen Wu, Jiang Qin, and Zhao Yun , Gan Ning, Zhang Fei, Lu Meng, Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Lu Dai and other [-] water route troops will defeat Yuan Shu in Huainan!"

In this battle, Sun Ce took out all his wealth.

Except for He Qi and Han Dang who also led their troops in Kuaiji and Wu Xing to carry out the grand strategy of peace, all the counties and states left only a few thousand defenders, and the rest of the army was mobilized!

After all, Jiangdong only has [-] apprentices, [-] cavalry and more than [-] sailors.

Sun Ce dispatched a total of [-] troops in this battle. In addition to more than [-] sailors, he also dispatched a full [-] cavalry!

Jiangdong is a recruitment system!Even if the whole of Jing Yang is defeated, there will be no such thing as a hundred thousand cavalry!Conquer the entire world, and there are 30 elite infantry, then the wealth of the world is not declining.

This battle directly dispatched [-] cavalry, which can be said to be the best of the three armies.

Moreover, there are many famous players and an all-star lineup.

Even Zhou Tai, Lu Dai and other good generals who had pacified Shanyue in the south were transferred back and gathered in Jiankang.

In this battle, from Xu Kun, Cheng Pu, Lu Su, Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Huang Zhong, Zhu Huan, Taishi Ci, and Zhang Fei, who are now prominent, to Zhao Yun, Lu Meng, Gan Ning, and Xu Sheng who have not yet become famous. , Lu Dai and so on, fierce generals are like clouds, good generals are like rain.

With such a powerful army of famous generals, as long as the Zhu Banner is raised simultaneously, and the armies strive to advance side by side, there will be someone who can make great achievements for Sun Ce and defeat Yuan Shu in Huainan!

Military Adviser Zhonglang General Zhang Hong frowned slightly, looked at the map, and said: "General, I still think that since Yuan Shu dares to claim the title of emperor, he must have someone to rely on. Even if Yuan Shu has nothing to do, his men and women should know. The rule is turbulent, and if it is conquered, the morale of the army will be unstable, the power will collapse, and the cities and towns will fall in anticipation of the wind."

The deployment of Jiangdong's army is also based on the marching route formulated according to the fact that the opponent's forces will collapse and look forward to surrendering.

But could Yuan Shu really be so stupid?

Don't even know how to shake the world with prestige and stabilize people's hearts?

Sun Ce said solemnly, "The implication of what you said is that Yuan Shu wants to destroy all the Han officials in order to prestige the world?"

The others all nodded slightly, inferring with common sense, it should be so.He, Yuan Shu, assumed the title of Zhong Clan by arrogating his position. If he didn't want all his officials to surrender in terror, at least he had to win a big victory to prove that he could lead the Zhong Clan officials to defeat the Han army and replace them with the Han.

Chen Qun stroked his beard and beard, and said solemnly: "Yuan Shu is a tiger in Huainan, famous all over the world, and he was already the strongest prince in the world before he became emperor. All the famous heroes in the world and the leaders of their troops, such as the Xiongnu Shanyu, Baibo bandits, and Heishan Party bandits, the rest of the Yellow Turbans, Xiliang generals, etc. all served under his command."

"Even Lu Bu and other famous generals in the world also belonged to his forces. At this time, Yuan Shu's army was strong and his money and food were sufficient. But he acted foolishly, proclaimed himself emperor rashly, and lost the hope of the world. I thought that even if Yuan Shu could make a difference , It is also difficult to change the general trend. The general inherits the power of the Han Dynasty, and punishes the crime with resignation, and punishes it with a grandiose force, and the common people will surely show victory!"

Chief Shi Zhang Zhao also nodded in agreement and said: "It is true that Yuan Shu may have conspiracies as Master Chen said, but he cannot connect with his elder brother Yuan Shao on the outside, and cannot follow the heart of civil and military affairs on the inside, and the matter is bound to collapse. Zhu Zhu Raise the flags at the same time, advance the three armies at the same time, take the lead in singing and marching forward, not only will you be able to conquer rebellion and chaos, but will also bear the hope of the world."

"The victory of the three armies will shake the world, and the reputation of the general will far exceed that of Yuan Shu in the past, and his reputation will move the world!"

Hearing this, Sun Ce's ambition was instantly filled with ambition, and he stopped thinking about Yuan Shu's plots and schemes, and immediately said: "That's it! The three armies can set off immediately to attack Huainan in the north to win over the ministers!"

All the generals straightened up and saluted immediately, and said solemnly: "We will definitely destroy Yuan Shu for the general!"

The battle with Yuan Shu has a vast territory, mobilizing the army and mobilizing the masses. It is not a decisive battle. If you drive straight all the way, you may even be outflanked by Yuan Jun.

Therefore, the Jiangdong army also marched in three ways. The navy first transported nearly [-] troops on the Huaihe River line to Linhuai and Guangling County. The army went upstream from Huailing and Dongcheng to attack the Zhongli and Jiangling lines.

Sun Ce's army set off a little later in Jiankang. After Xu Kun, Lu Su, Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Huang Zhong, Zhu Huan and other generals attracted Yuan Shu's army to divide up, Sun Ce's army went up the Yangtze River again, and the boat division went directly upstream. Drive into Chaohu Lake.

In this way, not only cut off the Lujiang defenders, but also reach directly under the city of Hefei, and conquer the city that Sun Quan could not defeat in six attacks.

Hefei is a battleground for military strategists, and it is the right throat of Huaihe River.

After taking Hefei, Jiangdong logistics supplies can be sent directly from Jiangnan to the frontline city of Hefei.

This will be a logistics supply center like a black nest.

Sun Ce took Hefei as an important town, and he could take Shouchun directly to the north, and Shaopi to the west!

Yuan Shu doesn't practice moral government, so he doesn't know the significance here.

Shaopi loves the love of heaven and earth, collects the benefits of the nine pools, blocks the source, irrigates the fertile pools, and moistens the country. It is surrounded by irrigation areas that do not seek the sky for hundreds of miles!

Guanzhong, known as the land of abundance, is only eight hundred miles away from Qinchuan.

The yield here in Shaopi is ten stones per mu, and there is an irrigated area of ​​hundreds of miles. The harvest is guaranteed despite droughts and floods, which is almost equivalent to one-third of Guanzhong.

If Sun Ce's army can seize this place, camp here, and have no worries about logistics, Yuan Shu's defeat will be certain.

In order to coordinate the real purpose of the army, and to consolidate the right wing and connect it with Huaihe, Sun Ce ordered Gan Ning to select three thousand elites as the vanguard. Before the army's boat division crossed the river, they would first enter Liyang, and then leave Huainan to attack Fu. Ling, Quanjiao area.

If Quanjiao is defeated, the army will be completely connected with Dongcheng County in Huainan.

Such a large army went up from Zhongli, Zhongju Yinling, Dongcheng, and Quanjiao, down to Fuling, Liyang and other places, and the hundreds of miles of territory were filled with Jiangdong Zhuqi flying.

The army will attack Jiujiang and Shouchun from southeast to northwest.

If the war goes well, there will be a sweep of red flags, and the red Jiangdong forces will quickly advance to the middle reaches of the Huaihe River and the Shouchun area, compressing Zhong's Tude forces to only a small area.

Following the issuance of a military order from the Chuigong Palace, the tens of thousands of troops gathered in Jiankang immediately began to march!
Lu Su, Zhu Huan, Huang Zhong and other generals took a boat division with ten thousand people on board, went north along the Hangou, and rushed to the Jianghuai line.

As the pioneer, Gan Ning delivered the first good news.

He led [-] troops into Liyang, and Yuan Shu's Liyang county magistrate, Shao Zhuo, immediately announced that he would bring [-] soldiers and civilians to change the banner and serve Jiangdong!

In fact, Shao Zhuo had been wandering between Jiangdong and Huainan before, trying to maintain a fragile balance without offending either.

But after Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor and Sun Ce initiated the volunteer division, he, the magistrate of Liyang County on the Yangtze River, became the first to bear the brunt of the front line.

There are two forces, one side is powerful, with many soldiers and generals.One side's arrogant soldiers and mighty generals shocked the south of the Yangtze River.

To be honest, it was also difficult for Shao Zhuo to tell who would win and occupy Jianghuai.

He was worried for three days and three nights, and even the concubine No. 40, the six-bedroom Xinna, was not in the mood to pamper him, and he kept thinking about what to do.

After all, this is a choice made with one's family and life, and countless beautiful wives and concubines.

Once he makes a wrong choice, his life will be lost first!

Second... everything next to that doesn't matter.

So what if there are 46 beautiful wives and concubines?Even if they are all dead, he can easily accept 92 beauties and even 130 eight beautiful maids.

But he, Shao Zhuo, lost his head. That was the most irreparable loss!

Until Gan Ning's army filed in and surrounded the county government.

Shao Zhuo suddenly figured it out, as long as he can survive, who is he not to be loyal to?Jiangdong's army has arrived in Liyang, so he should be the first to set things right!

Shao Zhuo's character is unknown to other people in the world.

But what all the forces can see is that as soon as Sun Ce announced that he would send his troops to quell the rebellion and wipe out the rebels, it attracted Yuan and Lu tribes to surrender and surrender to Jiangdong.

So the heroes all over the world raised their ambitions of loyalty and announced that they would crusade against Yuan Shu in order to get heroes to vote enthusiastically.Just like when the Kwantung Volunteers attacked Dong Zhuo back then, heroes and heroes enthusiastically helped each other. (end of this chapter)

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