
Chapter 188 The Unexpected Success of the Plan

After the Battle of Sand Xian, Sun Ce returned to Danyang.

When the war is over, the most important thing is naturally to count and seize.

Apart from horses, the most important gain in this battle should be the population.

Both Zhuge Xuan and Gan Ning surrendered with their troops, and more than ten thousand soldiers surrendered.And there are many sailors who are proficient in water warfare.

Sun Ce personally rectified these soldiers in Danyang, and the sailors were all selected to control the thousands of warships captured from Liu Biao.

These are all excellent warships, with dozens of large ships and as many as two hundred warships.

In addition to the sailors, Sun Ce also selected a thousand elites and expanded a squadron of captains. After all, there were many Jinfan thieves among these soldiers. Since Gan Ning surrendered directly, the elites were less damaged. It's a pity to send them all to Jiankang to build a city.

However, Sun Ce did not directly hand over this force to the commander-in-chief Gan Ning, but appointed Gan Ning as the commander of the navy, responsible for reorganizing the navy, transporting prisoners from various places, and building the city wall in Jiankang.

Sun Ce still thinks highly of this Jiang Biao Huchen.

This is the number one general in Jiangdong in terms of bravery.Comparable to Zhang Liao of Wei and Guan Yu of Shu.

When Cao Cao claimed that 40 troops attacked Ruxukou, Sun Quan's [-] soldiers met him. It was Gan Ning who took Gan Ning as the vanguard to break his momentum and reassure everyone.Gan Ning only led a hundred men, and then attacked Cao Ying at night, and he came and went freely!Megatron for a while, the name goes down in history.

Before the demarcation of the Xiangshui River, Lu Su led his troops to confront Guan Yu, who claimed to have 5000 troops.Then he personally selected 300 elite soldiers and threw objects to block the shallow water area more than ten miles upstream, saying that he would wade across the river at night.Lu Su discussed countermeasures with the generals.Gan Ning had 500 soldiers at that time, so he said: "Can you add [-] more men to me? I will go to deal with him and make sure that Guan Yu will not dare to cross the river when he hears my cough. Captured by me."

Lu Su sent [-] more troops to Gan Ning, and Gan Ning went to fortify overnight.When Guan Yu heard about it, he dared not cross the river, but tied up firewood on the bank as a barracks. The confrontation lasted for several months, until Liu Bei sent envoys to sue for peace, and the two sides stopped their troops.

Sun Ce was thinking about Gan Ning, when Jiang Qin suddenly approached and reported to Sun Ce, "General, Governor Gan please see me."

"But, let him in, it happens that Gu also has something to ask him."

Soon the curtain was lifted, and Gan Ning strode into the tent, fists together, and said: "Ning pays respects to the general, and respectfully asks the general Jin An."

Sun Ce raised his head and looked at Gan Ning with a smile.

Gan Ning is famous for his brave fighting style and majestic appearance. He has a tall and straight figure, strong muscles, and awe-inspiring majesty.

But his face was very fierce, and there was a fierce light in his eyes.

From the looks of it, it gives the impression that this person is not a good person!

Of course, this is also the case in fact. He is fierce and easy to kill, and he will take revenge, which is a typical character of a knight-errant.In history, he not only often violated Lu Meng's will, but also violated Sun Quan's orders from time to time.Sun Quan was quite annoyed by this, but Lu Meng always interceded for him, persuading Sun Quan, "The world is uncertain, and fighting generals are rare, so we should tolerate it."

Once, Hou Gan Ning made a mistake when a little boy came to the kitchen.Fleeing to Lü Meng, Lü Meng was afraid that Gan Ning would kill him, so he hid him and did not send him back immediately.Later, Gan Ning came to pay respects to Lv Meng's mother with a gift. When he was about to be promoted to see his mother, Lv Meng called out the boy to return it to Gan Ning. Gan Ning promised not to kill him.However, after a while, when they got back to the boat, Gan Ning tied the boy to a mulberry tree and shot him dead with his own bow.

Furious, Lü Meng was furious. He beat drums and assembled his troops, ready to board his boat and attack Gan Ning.If Lu Meng's mother hadn't come running barefoot to persuade Lu Meng not to disappoint Sun Quan's high expectations and not to kill Gan Ning out of personal anger, I am afraid that this top general will be killed by the governor Lu Meng.

However, in front of Sun Ce, Gan Ning is still very peaceful, mainly because Sun Ce is far above Gan Ning in terms of bravery, military strategy, and prestige.Gan Ning could not be rebellious, let alone violate Sun Ce's military discipline.

From the first day he entered the barracks, he had heard that Sun Ce was a disciplined soldier, and he did not hesitate to kill Pan Zhang, a general of the Beifu army.

Gan Ning thought that he was inferior to Pan Zhang in terms of achievements and qualifications, so he really didn't dare to try his own tricks.

There is absolutely no shortage of strong generals under Sun Ce's command. No matter Tai Shici, Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, or Ling Cao, they are all strong generals who have won the three armies bravely.

Therefore, for Gan Ning, Sun Ce mainly focused on polishing, and asked him to be responsible for some tedious military affairs, so as to kill his unruly spirit.

After Gan Ning saluted, Sun Ce said with a light smile, "Excuse me. What happened to the navy suit that I asked you to prepare?"

Gan Ning immediately replied: "General, Ning has formed a navy army of more than [-] men, formed an army, and practiced well. He has traveled to Yuzhang several times and transported nearly [-] captives."

The [-] captives were not Liu Biao and Huang Zu's captives, but the Yuzhang bandits who were suppressed one after another after the main force of the Jingzhou army was defeated.

Zhu Huan's counter-insurgency process in Yuzhang was much smoother than Xu Huang's. Although the bandits in Yuzhang County were larger in scale, the broken terrain made it impossible for the rebels to go into hiding. Zhu Huan gathered the main force several times. Break it down and accept tens of thousands of men and women.

These captives were an important help for Zhuge Jin to build Jiankang, so Gan Ning has been ordered by Sun Ce to lead the navy to transport these captives.

At present, it seems that Gan Ning has not only done a good job in this government affairs, but has already been called excellent.

Sun Cenai asked, "When Gu Wenqing was in Bajun, did he become the governor?"

Gan Ning cupped his hands and said: "Ning was a knight-errant in his early years. He recruited frivolous young men and made him his commander-in-chief. When people gathered together, they carried bows and crossbows and carried bells on their shoulders. When the people heard the bell, they knew it was Ning. If they had weak crowns, they would abandon them. A knight-errant who has read a lot of scholars, he became an official by means of calculation, and became the magistrate of Shu County."

Only then did Sun Ce recall that he must have misremembered. Gan Ning was from Berkshire. According to the Three Protectors, he was not allowed to be an official in his hometown, but had to serve as a magistrate in other counties.

Shu County, where Chengdu is located, is rich in Shu brocade. No wonder his attendants are all dressed in brocade, and wherever they go, they are brilliant.

Gan Xingba is not the same as Jiang Qin, he is a talent of literati background, no wonder he can manage military affairs in an orderly manner.

Sun Ce said: "I just want to talk to you about Jinfan. You are the magistrate in several counties, and you should know that the price of Shu brocade is more than gold. Who do you rely on and where are you selling it?"

This is what Sun Ce is most concerned about.Jiangdong also has Chengjin, which is one of Jiangdong's most important strategic wealth.

However, judging from the current situation, Chengjin did not show the powerful effect Sun Ce expected.There is no continuous harvest of massive wealth from all over the world.

It is true that the world was in chaos and the roads were cut off, but Sun Ce believed that it was more due to the failure to get the right way, which made Chengjin not famous and hard to sell everywhere.

Gan Ning was also taken aback for a moment, never expecting that Marquis Wu would temporarily suppress military affairs and talk to him about the domineering youth in the past.

However, he quickly withdrew his thoughts and said: "Shu brocade was indeed prominent for a time. Since Shu was connected to the Central Plains and weaving things spread to the west, Shu brocade flourished and flourished all over the world. From what I saw in Shu County, the main reason for the popularity of Shu brocade was actually It is not because it is more expensive than gold, but because it is commonplace. Therefore, when people see the brocade, they think it is Shu brocade."

"However, at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, Shu did not reach China, and Zheng, Wei, Qi, and Lu all produced brocade. Making brocade silk exclusively for Shu is the popularization of Shu brocade."

Gan Ning's statement can be said to have surprised Sun Ce, and it can even be said to have almost subverted Sun Ce's cognition.

He always thought that the reason why brocade was so expensive and best-selling was because its price was higher than that of gold, so it was extremely favored by aristocratic families and powerful ministers.

But the success of Shu brocade is actually due to its popularity?
Sun Ce frowned and asked, "What do you mean by your words?"

Gan Ning said: "From what I have seen since I entered Danyang, the land in Danyang is very barren, with many mountains and deep forests. In such a situation, silk weaving is bound to fail."

"And the gardens of mulberry trees in Shu County are dotted with stars; among the alleys in the city, there is the sound of machine guns. Chengdu is also known as Jinguan City. The Han Dynasty was in the city of Chengdu, and there were more than [-] weavers. The annual output of brocade is hundreds of thousands.”

"Under Liu Yan's rule, the people are poor and the country is empty, and the only way to defeat the enemy is to rely on Jin Er!"

"Do you think Jiangdong weavers can compare with Shu brocade?"

Sun Ce took a deep breath instantly, feeling shocked by the times.

He always thought that the nearly [-] female workers he had organized in the Wu County Weaving Bureau were regarded as the crushing of the times by industrial productivity.

Unexpectedly, there are more than [-] Jin officials in Chengdu!
No wonder Chengdu is called Jinguan City.

In today's world, a city with more than [-] people is considered a big city.

In Chengdu, there are 6000 brocade officials alone, and it can be said that every household is engaged in brocade weaving.

Sun Ce suddenly understood why Gan Ning said that the success of Shu brocade does not lie in its high price, but in its low price and popularity!

Large-scale production and raw silk available at any time will inevitably expand the cost advantage of Shu brocade to the extreme.

Large-scale industrialized production made Shu brocade high-quality and cheap, which naturally impacted the brocade weaving industry in other places.

Even if Yunjin and Songjin developed later, isn’t it because of the large-scale development in the south of the Yangtze River, dense mulberry forests in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and developed agriculture and mulberry?
Gan Ning suggested: "If the general wants Jiangdong's brocade to be the best in the world, I think we should vigorously develop Danyang, so that the barren mountains and suburbs in Danyang will be filled with mulberry fields."

Speaking of this, Gan Ning went on to say: "There are more than [-] women among the captives. I think the general can move men and women to open hundreds of thousands of mu of mulberry fields outside Jiankang City. It is like Jinguan City. , Sangtian, raw silk, and weavers are all owned by the government. Make Jiankang a city of brocade weaving in Jiangdong, with a prosperous economy, so that it can support a local government."

"Jiankang guards the main waterways, and there is no shortage of grain and grain. In Yuzhang alone, the army captured more than [-] shi of Liu Biao's grain, which can be sent to the city in two days along the east of the river. From this, it can be seen that in the future, even if the Jiankang The population is prosperous, and there is no need for surrounding land to farm for industry."

"It is possible to plant mulberry fields widely to promote the brocade weaving industry in the east of the Yangtze River." (End of this chapter)

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