
Chapter 179

Chapter 179
After Sun Ce declined Liu Bei's request to borrow Guangling in the name of Lu Fan, Liu Bei had reorganized his army and began to attack Lu Bu northward.

North of the Huaihe River, Jiangdong needn't worry too much.Lü Bu had no spare power and invaded Huainan.

Then there was Xu Kun guarding Huai Ling, and Yuan Shu had just suffered a big defeat, so he probably didn't have the courage to attack Lin Huai again.

The Jianghuai area that has just been conquered can take the opportunity to be stable for several months, comfort the people and stabilize people's hearts.

This situation put Sun Ce in a very good mood, and then he asked Lu Fan, "What's the bad news?"

Lu Fan's face was solemn and solemn: "Liu Biao and Huang Zu's crazy minds were rebellious, and they recklessly used swords and soldiers to invade our county border. They have linked up with Zhuge Xuan, raised tens of thousands of troops, and invaded and plundered Yuzhang."

"Zhugexuan sent troops?" Sun Ce Yingwu raised his eyebrows, this is indeed bad news.But it didn't surprise Sun Ce too much. After all, Yuzhang County gathered the most troops, and the famous general Tai Shici was appointed as the governor to prevent the intrusion of Liu Biao and Huang Zu.

It's just that Zhuge Xuan's opportunity to send troops was chosen too well.In Yuzhang County, there happened to be a rebellion in Shanyue, and the bandits rebelled.

However, it is also possible that these rebellions were instigated by their forces in Jingzhou.Just like Guan Yu attacked Xiangfan and colluded with a large number of powerful and rebel troops in the north. Even rebels appeared near Xudu, which shocked China.

When the army is attacking, instigating rebellion in the enemy's territory is the most classic method of coincidence and surprise victory in this era.

Lu Fan said: "Liu Biao withdrew his troops from the Feishui area a few months ago and stopped confronting Cao Cao. He may have been dispatching troops and generals to attack Yuzhang."

If you calculate the time in this way, it is true that he stopped the confrontation and prepared for the Eastern Expedition.

Sun Ce really thanked Emperor Han and Cao Cao. If Liu Biao and Zhang Xiu Beigu were not attracted by them, and Liu Biao attacked several months in advance, the situation in Jiangdong would be extremely dangerous.Even Sun Ce's Northern Expedition made the general feel unstable and had to withdraw his troops to help.

However, today's princes are also the norm.Didn't Cao Cao also beat Lu Bu this year and Liu Biao next year, and even took time to beat Yuan Shu in between?

At least Jiangdong is not surrounded by enemies. As long as Liu Biao and Huang Zu's attack is blocked, it will be stable for at least a few years.

With Sun Ce's establishment of an army and a business, the five counties in Jiangdong will be completely stable.

After talking about the situation, Lu Fan seriously analyzed: "Yuzhang has a large water network, and it is difficult for cavalry to gallop. The most difficult part of fighting Liu Biao's army is that our Jiangdong navy is insufficient."

Sun Ce nodded in agreement. Historically, as long as Ling Cao had a reliable warship, he would not go alone and be shot dead on a small boat with no shelter.

"No matter whether the boats are ready or not, this battle must be fought. This is Liu Biao's invasion of the country, which is not what we want. What advice do you have?"

Lu Fan solemnly said: "General, the former attacked Guangling in the north and Yuan Shu in the west. Although the troops he used were only a few thousand, the long-term battle also made it difficult to supply food and grass in the rear, and the consumption of money, grain, grain and silk was huge. If tens of thousands of troops are deployed again , to compete with Liu Biao in Yuzhang, I am afraid that the foundation will be shaken and the people's hearts will be unstable!"

Sun Ce frowned slightly, this is indeed an extremely serious question.

In war, don't just look at the iron horses and swords of the soldiers in front of you, their great martial arts, and more importantly, their logistical support capabilities.

It has been almost half a year since Jiangdong dispatched troops from the Northern Expedition. Thousands of people ate horse chews, and the consumption of food and grass was also extremely serious.

And after taking down the two counties of Guangling and Linhuai, they also need to provide relief to the refugees and the common people. All of these expenditures are money and food.

The key is that the one that can support Sun Ce's long-term conquest in Jiangdong is Wu County.

The princes of the world, don't laugh at anyone.It would be great to have a core wealthy county.

Liu Biao claims to be connected to the five leaders in the south and Hanchuan in the north, covering thousands of miles, with more than [-] armies.Just listen to this sentence, the Nanyang to the north of him is dilapidated, and it is in Zhang Xiu's hands.

Jiang Xia is in the hands of Huang Zu, a wealthy family in Jingzhou.The four counties in Jingnan, Changsha, Lingling, and Guiyang, headed by Changsha prefect Zhang Xian, ignored him at all.

There is only one reason why Liu Biao was so rich and his army was stronger than at the end of the Han Dynasty. His core area, Nanjun with Xiangyang as the core, has not suffered major chaos since the end of the Han Dynasty. It has more than 70 people and has received a large population. over a million.

This is why his counselors would say that he has a land of thousands of miles, a crowd of millions, and a hundred thousand people.

Lu Bu is known as Xuzhou Shepherd, but the land he can effectively control has always been only a dozen counties in Xiapi County.

They all rely on only one or two core counties. Jingzhou has not experienced any chaos, but Wu County has supported Sun Ce's southern and northern wars for nearly two years. Naturally, Jingzhou is richer than Jiangdong, and can mobilize more money, food and troops.

It is indeed not a wise choice for Jiang Dong to fight recklessly with Liu Biao.

So Sun Ce asked Lu Fan, "What is your strategy?"

Lu Fan suggested: "I am not a good general at the front line, nor good at military strategy. But from my point of view, the general defeated the Yuan family in the past, and now he has taken over Jianghuai. The military strategies of the princes and princes have lasted for a long time, and they cannot be resisted by generals such as Zhuge and Huangzu."

"If the general can take advantage of the richness of the east of the river, feed the officials, appease the common people, make the land happy, the boats prosper, and the military capacity is strong, then Jingzhou will be afraid without laboring."

Sun Ce was thoughtful, and asked, "Your implication...is to station troops in Danyang?"

Lu Fan nodded heavily, and said: "Danyang is the most important place in the east of the Yangtze River. It is vast and fertile, with many mountains and forests, rich in copper and iron. It has a large number of people and is also the choice of elite soldiers. With the reputation of generals, the military strategy of the army, ten days Yue Keping rebelled against Danyang."

"Danyang is flat and the mountains are so powerful that the general can use his troops to regain Danyang's army of [-], and then collect taxes from Danyang to prepare the navy. The army is strong, and the land and water advance together, marching with great fanfare. Huang Zu's attack on the city is not smooth, see Jiangdong. When a large army comes to help, they must have fear in their hearts and lead them back. With their mediocre talents, they will never dare to stand up to the general's martial arts strategy."

"This is going to hurt Ziyi!" Sun Ce sighed.

In fact, Lu Fan's strategy is very simple, and it has nothing to do with military affairs.

There is only one suggestion from him, the one who invades first has the right to fight first, and the one who builds the foundation upholds morality.Deep roots and solid roots to control the world.

First put all your energy into Danyang County, sweep away the rebellion in this core county with the force of the wind sweeping away the fallen leaves. The rebellion here has no strong reinforcements, and it is absolutely difficult to stop the combined forces of Sun Ce and Xu Huang.

After clearing up the Danyang rebellion, according to the original plan, sort out the taxation of Danyang County to relieve the pressure on Wu County and strengthen the foundation.

When Danyang County stabilizes, the [-] garrisons in Danyang County can be dispatched.

At this time, dispatching ships in Danyang County, building a naval division, and expanding the scale of reinforcements can put great pressure on Huang Zu in Yuzhang County without mobilizing troops.

Why did Sun Quan fail to conquer Hefei six times?Because the city is high and deep, and the defenses are strict?
No!The most important reason is Cao Wei's large-scale reinforcements.

No army can safely attack the city when the enemy's reinforcements arrive.

In particular, the scale of the incoming reinforcements may be larger than that of our own, and the generals in command are still famous generals who are powerful in the world.

Without fighting, the attacking party will panic.

But there is a prerequisite for all this, that is, Tai Shici can stick to Chaisang!
The relationship between Liu Biao and Zhang Xian, the prefect of Changsha, was very bad. If he wanted to attack Yuzhang, there was only one way he could go, that is, to send troops from Jiangxia Shaxian, go east along the Yangtze River, and attack the westernmost part of Yuzhang via Xiling, Exian, and Xiazhi. The side city is also the most important military town in Yuzhang, and it is an important military base guarding the Yangtze River waterway in the east of the Yangtze River, Chaisang!

Once Liu Biao's army breaks through here, they will be able to enter Peng Ganze along the river, which is the predecessor of Poyang Lake!

Then the situation in Yuzhang was completely corrupted, and it was out of control.

Because once the Jingzhou Army invaded Poyang Lake, the water system extending in all directions here almost communicated with the entire Yuzhang. The division can go straight to any city.Jiangdong can't stop it at all!
Therefore, chai sang is so important that military strategists must fight for it!This is simply the key to lock Yuzhang.As long as the Jingzhou army is blocked to the west of Chaisang, no matter how many troops there are, they will not be able to exert their full strength. They can only register with the three armies and station them on the border of Yuzhang.

But even if Chaisang is so important, it doesn't mean that Tai Shici can gather tens of thousands of troops in Chaisang.

Because Yuzhang County is too huge!

The size of Yuzhang County may exceed everyone's imagination, and it may also break through all future generations' cognition of the south at the end of Han Dynasty.

This county is equivalent to the area of ​​the entire Jiangxi Province in later generations.

Regardless of how many mountain and mountain tyrants, Poyang water bandits, and sect thieves are there, the population that can be counted by the big man alone is 40 households, 490 people!

Accurate to everyone, this number is definitely not random.

40 households, 160 million people!This can almost be called the top three counties in the late Han Dynasty, second only to Nanyang with 230 million people and Runan with 210 million people.

Among the thirteen prefectures in the world, Xuzhou, the smallest, has only five counties and 62 counties, with a population of 2709 million.

One county in Nanyang can reach one Xuzhou, and Yuzhang can reach more than half of Nanyang. The land and population of this county are more than the sum of Liu Bei, Lu Bu, Zang Ba and other forces.

Moreover, this place is not as sparsely populated as Kuaiji. The administrative divisions here are extremely dense. There are 21 counties in one county. South China has developed the most successful territory.

In Jingzhou, the population of Changsha, Lingling and other places in Jingnan even exceeds that of Jingbei, but the lack of culture and education makes it seem very barbaric.

In fact, if enlightenment is widely spread, Yuzhang and Lingling can soon become prosperous places like Chengdu in Shu County and Wu County in Wu County.You must know that this area has vast plains and fertile land, and there are high-end silks such as Shu brocade and Yun brocade.

In particular, the land of the Three Wus has been prosperous since ancient times.It is appropriate to say that in the south of the Yangtze River, other regions may not have the capital to contend for hegemony.

But Jiangdong has the broadest and most fertile Taihu Plain, Shaoxing Plain, the land of fish and rice, the land of silk, and the copper and iron of Danyang and Yuzhang.

From the beginning of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the Kings of Wu and Yue became the overlords of the Spring and Autumn Period, fighting for hegemony in the north.

In the Han Dynasty, Wu Wang Liu Bi relied on the salt of the East Sea and the Yuzhang Copper Mine. He boiled the sea for salt and privately cast and smelted iron.With the power of one country, hundreds of thousands of troops were pulled out to fight against the Han court.

From this, we can speculate on the land, population and wealth of Yuzhang County.

Since the end of the Han Dynasty, there have been wars and turmoil, and heroes have risen together, embracing the crowd for personal gain, water thieves in Poyang Lake, and Zong Shuai, powerful and powerful, and Shanyue tribes hiding in Yuzhang Mountain, with a population of tens of thousands at every turn.

That's why the Yuzhang thief Zhou Feng, the Poyang thief Youtu, the Yellow Turban Yulei Chen Bai, Wan Bing and others were able to join forces, each with tens of thousands of troops, gathered in one side, and attacked counties.

Tai Shici must send out the main force to wipe out the rebellion, station troops in prefectures and counties, and be powerful.

Of course, Tai Shici's subordinates also gathered talents, and a large number of Jiangdong talents were transferred to his subordinates by Sun Ce.

Zheng Bao, Zhu Huan, Ling Cao, Song Qian, Xian Yudan, Xu Yi, Yuan Xiong, Rui Liang, etc. totaled ten troops stationed in Yuzhang, with a total of 1 elite cavalry.

When Tai Shici led the army to stop the Jingzhou army in Chaisang, these generals were able to lead the troops to wipe out the rebellion in Yuzhang County one by one in a month or two.

Sun Ce thought for a while, and said to Lu Fan: "What you said is a good plan. The most urgent thing is that Gu should be stationed in Danyang, supervise all the soldiers, and wipe out the rebellion. Gu Dang wrote a letter to Yu Ziyi himself. It’s his fault for not living in Chaisang. After the spring plowing, Gu’s inability to wipe out the rebellion and lead an army to rescue him is his fault!”

However, it will take time for Sun Ce to lead the army to Yuzhang and Danyang, so Sun Ce first wrote several letters and asked the messenger to send the letters to several generals first.

As the master of entrepreneurship who took down Jiangdong himself, Sun Ce's prestige in the army is comparable to that of Li Shimin, the general of Tiance!
He didn't worry about who could challenge his prestige in the army.

So he dared to delegate power boldly. In addition to urging Xu Huang to suppress the rebellion in Danyang as soon as possible before he arrived, he also directly ordered Zhu Huan to be in charge of the generals to suppress the rebellion in the eastern part of Yuzhang.

The two generals who were responsible for suppressing the rebellion were all famous generals in the late Han Dynasty.

Xu Huang once defeated Guan Yu head-on, and Zhu Huan even defeated the army of Cao Wei Da Sima Cao Ren head-on with fewer hits.

Both of them supervised the generals to suppress the rebellion, and the commanders were elite Jiangdong professional warriors, so the war would not last too long anyway.

However, the severity of this battle was extraordinary, even surpassing the battle between the Sun Liu coalition forces and Lu Bu.

The number of Shanyue and bandits who rebelled in the two counties of Yuzhang and Danyang was extremely large. These people only burned, killed and looted, and had no long-term solution. A single hero has tens of thousands of people.

The Jiangdong generals and elite commanders had to fight day and night, climb mountains and go deep into dangers, in order to defeat them.

Within the two counties, the land in the south of the Yangtze River can be said to be full of wars and wars.

When the frontline soldiers were fighting fiercely, Sun Ce finally led the cavalry and navy to Danyang Moling County in early November!

(End of this chapter)

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