
Chapter 125 Magi go to Jiangdong City

Chapter 125 Magi go to Jiangdong City

As the situation calmed down, Jiangdong quickly became a pure land in the world, and one of the three places where scholars took refuge.

Now the Central Plains is in disorder, and the wars are endless, while Cao Cao, Li Jue and others are brutal, killing indiscriminately.Brothers Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao both exploited the powerful and tortured the rich.Moreover, among these princes, they conquered each other, and military disasters continued.

Therefore, the people of the Central Plains took refuge in all directions, such as Liangzhou and Guanzhong, they fled to Yizhou, Qingzhou and Jizhou went north to Liaodong, scholars from Yanzhou and Yuzhou fled to Jingzhou, and people from Huainan and Xuzhou moved south.

The envoys of the Jiangdong tribute set off in a busy scene of people coming and going.

On the road, there are not only refugees from outside with their families arriving in Jiangdong, but also tycoons with their parts. Hundreds of people meander forward and move to Jiangnan. There are also caravans one after another in the sunshine of spring, full of enthusiasm. running around.

Last October, when the late rice was harvested, one county in Jiangdong was harvested and several counties forgot their hunger. This is by no means a lie.

Even the current situation is the most vivid embodiment of this sentence.The grain harvested in Wu County was continuously sold to Danyang and Kuaiji counties by merchants and tyrants to relieve the local famine.

If it weren't for Sun Ce's navy cruising and patrolling on the Yangtze River, they would even want to sell grain to Huainan and Xuzhou.

Among the crowd coming and going, those who attracted Sun Ce's attention the most were undoubtedly the outstanding men and women who went to Jiangdong to seek refuge.

Since Sun Ce pacified Kuaiji and unified the three counties in Jiangdong, he began to recruit handsome men and celebrities from all over the world.

Sun Ce had previously predicted that as he recruited talents from all over the world, there might be counselors and civil servants under Yuan Shu's command resigning from office and hanging their seals, and turning from Yuan Shu's command to Sun Ce's feudal shogunate.

But he really didn't expect that the first celebrity who came to join him was from Yuan Shu.

The name of the visitor is Zheng Hun, a top minister of Cao Wei. He has made great achievements wherever he works.The word "model in the world" refers to him.

As a celebrity, his background is naturally good. His ancestors were famous scholars for generations, and in his generation, his elder brother Zheng Tai has even made an earth-shattering event.Conspired with Xun You to assassinate the power minister Dong Zhuo.

After the assassination failed, Zheng Hun took his nephew Zheng Mao to seek refuge in Huainan, where he was treated highly by Yuan Shu.

Unlike those who despise Liu Bei, they are all from the circle of scholars, and Yuan Shu treats him very generously.

But no matter how courteous Yuan Shu was, Zheng Hun saw Yuan Shu's lack of morality and government, and knew that he would lose, so he left Shouchun.

In history, he originally defected to Yuzhang prefect Hua Xin, but now the situation has been changed beyond recognition by Sun Ce.

The prefect of Yuzhang was still Zhu Hao. Since Ruo Rong was killed by Sun Ce, the eldest son of the famous official Zhu Jun was not assassinated by Ruo Rong, and he still served as the prefect of Yuzhang.Hua Xin was not appointed as the prefect of Yuzhang.

From last year to this year, the most important reason why Zhu Hao and Liu Yao did not attack Jiangdong was that they fought fiercely with Zhuge Xuan, the prefect of Yuzhang appointed by Liu Biao.

Zhuge Xuan is the uncle of Zhuge Liang, the famous Prime Minister through the ages. This little Zhuge is now following his uncle and defecting to Jingzhou Mu Liubiao.

At this time, Liu Biao was the most talented person in the world. It is absolutely nonsense to say that he is a panelist and a well-established person.

After he rode into Jingzhou alone, he quickly took control of the entire Jingzhou, opened up a wide area, connected to the five leaders in the south, and occupied Hanchuan in the north.

He drove away Yuan Shu who was entrenched in Nanyang to the north, and rebelled against Yizhou generals Gan Ning, Shen Mi, Lou Fa and others to the west, plotting Yizhou.Attack Yuzhang to the east, open up Jiaozhou to the south, and fight for years.

Because Liu Biao, Liu Yao, Zhu Hao and others fought endlessly in Yuzhang, while Jiangdong was in peace, they even opened warehouses to release grain to help the people, which made Sun Ce famous.

After hearing that Sun Ce was recruiting handsome men from all over the world and hiring celebrities, Zheng Hun brought his nephew Zheng Miao to Jiangdong to join Sun Ce.

Sun Ce also treated this world-renowned celebrity with great courtesy and met him personally.

This is not a counselor who only understands Confucian classics. His political achievements in history have been a model for the world, and his military leadership is equally powerful.

Liang Xing, one of the generals in Guanzhong, ran amok in Guanzhong, and the magistrates of the counties in Zuofengyi County abandoned the city and fled to Gaoling County, the county seat.Some people advised Zheng Hun to flee too, but Zheng Hun firmly refused, and then repaired the city to prepare for defense.He also sent the people to chase thieves, clearly believed in rewards and punishments, and made an oath with the people to hunt and kill thieves.

That is to say, [-]% of the loot will be distributed to those who killed the bandits, so the people under the rule were overjoyed, and they took the initiative to attack Liangxing, gaining more women and property.Among the thieves, those who lost their wives came to ask for surrender.

So Liang Xing and other generals in Guanzhong were terrified, and the rest fled and gathered in the city dock.Zheng Hun led his army to attack Liang Xing and his party leaders.

Of course, his anti-rebellion feats are not limited to this one, there are other thieves and rebellions.Zheng Hun did not send troops, but only sent strong men to cut off the head of the bandit leader, and then belonged to more than [-] families.

It can be said that this is also an expert in suppressing bandits like He Qi.

However, the emphasis of the two is slightly different. He Qi prefers military and horse battlefields, while Zheng Hun prefers local cultural governance.

Therefore, Zheng Hun looked down on Yuan Shu's plundering in Huainan, which resulted in the situation of recklessness.Yuan Shu himself is like bandits and bandit leaders, and there are bandits and bandits everywhere under his rule. If such people can also succeed, it would be death to heaven.

When Zheng Hun met Sun Ce for the first time, he naturally had to make some plans to show off his talent and impress Sun Ce deeply.

What he planned was also a strategy of suppressing the Jiangdong bandits and fleeing for their lives.Sitting upright, he said to Sun Ce: "The general is now going to the east of the river. Those who attack will be defeated, and those who are attacked will be subdued. However, the strong beams will be broken, and they will flee in the mountains. Although there are followers, they will follow their ears. Now we should open the way to surrender." , Proclaiming your kindness and faith. It will surely make the people return and surrender, and there will be no end to the road. If there are returning people, they will be supplied with grain and plowed cattle for free. Diligently cultivate and accumulate millet to grow Jiangdong. When the mountain people hear about it, they will race day and night. .”

For his proposal, the person who supported him the most was not Chang Shi Zhang Zhao, nor Gong Cao Wei Teng, but Wu Jun Taishou Zhu Zhi!

He said: "Nowadays, Wu County needs a large population for cultivating fields, weaving silk, fish and rice, and sea salt. However, there are still bandits entrenched in Wu County, and the green forests are infested. There are tens of thousands of people gathered, and there are countless people roaring in the mountains and forests. We I think the current task is to take down the bandits and get their men and women. Even if they are supplied with ox plows from the government, the income will far exceed the expenditure."

Sun Ce nodded, as long as they can produce safely, the wealth they can create with Zhu Xia's diligence and simplicity must far exceed that of war and looting.

In order to resume production and develop internal affairs, initial investment must be essential.

It would be naive to fantasize about sitting back and reaping the rewards.

This is why economic development is forced to stagnate when military combat readiness is encountered.

The limited wealth and investment have been invested in the military, and the development of internal affairs is naturally limited.

Hearing Zhu Zhizhi's words, the generals in the army immediately became excited.

Cheng Pu said: "General, now Jiangdong has been settled. From Danyang to Kuaiji, from the Yangtze River to the East China Sea, they are all under the general's rule. Bandits like Yan Baihu who are guarding against danger are already a battle of trapped beasts. Drop and die."

"I think at this time, we should accept the surrender and assist in the battle, and put down all the bandits in Danyang, Wujun, and Kuaiji counties. Collect their men and women and enrich the registered households."

The bandits in Kuaiji County, especially the bandits in the north, were almost wiped out.

But the sect thieves in Danyang County and Wu County are still rampant.

These bandits are not the kind of bandits of later generations who rely entirely on plunder for their livelihood.

In today's world, tyrants and clan thieves often do not separate their families. Many tycoons evade taxes and rely on the high mountains and deep valleys in the county to guard against danger.

In this case, they are guarding Wubao and occupying the valley, so it is difficult for you to determine whether he is a tyrant or a bandit.

But if you want to use weapons again, the civil servants will immediately turn against Yingtian.

Yan Jian, the top Jiangdong official in charge of herding horses and horses for Sun Ce, said immediately, "I just finished fighting Kuaiji County, and it is time to recuperate. The finances have just become more abundant. If we want to sell horses and cattle, we must not Use your swords again! I think that you should not fight with surrender, but fight with surrender!"

It is enough to fight Zona surrender, that is, to slightly adjust the place where the troops are stationed, and to intimidate the bandits.It is absolutely impossible to carry out military campaigns on a large scale.

This time, the government absolutely needs to recuperate in order to restore the strength of the people and save up the treasury.

If someone else said this sentence, the generals would immediately confront each other.

But this is what Yan Yan, who is in charge of Ma Zheng, said, so the generals can only restrain their temper.

The horse government controlled by Yan Yan is related to the combat effectiveness and logistical capabilities of each army.

Whether an army can fight side by side depends on how many mules and horses it has in its army.Suppose there are [-] mules and horses, pulling [-] carts and carrying [-] shi of grain.

Then this school lieutenant can travel across the battlefield and fight for thousands of miles, and it can last for several months.

If there are not so many mules and horses, it will be difficult to rely on soldiers to carry food and grass. Let alone traveling thousands of miles, it is extremely rare to be able to travel forty or fifty miles a day.

Yan Jian was a capable minister handed down alongside Bu Zhi, Zhuge Jin, Gu Yong, and others. He was an upright official, and his wife often suffered from hunger and cold.Sun Ce is not worried about the horse policy he is in charge of, but Sun Ce pays special attention to the city horse he mentioned.

Jiangnan is indeed not suitable for raising horses, but this does not mean that Jiangnan has no way to get war horses.

The key among them is the city horse. Basically, all dynasties in the Southern Dynasties set up captains to be in charge of the city horse.

There are large and small horses in the market. The small ones are like Lu Bu's. They bought hundreds of horses and were robbed by Liu Bei.

The slightly bigger ones, like Sun Quan, can also buy thousands of horses at a time from Yizhou and Liaodong.

The most famous ones are undoubtedly the Song and Ming dynasties. These two dynasties were rich, and the Song Dynasty was especially rich. They bought tens of thousands of horses every year. Only the direction of the ancient tea-horse road can buy [-] to [-] high-quality green horses a year. Pond war horse.

You can say that the cavalry of the Song Dynasty pulled their hips, but it is a joke to say that the Song Dynasty lacks horses.

As Fuguan's successive dynasties, even if he spends money, he can still buy a steady stream of war horses.

At the very least, it is no problem to buy [-] horses a year.

There are [-] war horses a year. If it was at the end of the Han Dynasty, which prince had so many war horses, he would have to take off directly, and Xiliang cavalry and Youzhou protruding would all give way.

Sun Ce wants to have [-] war horses every year, and he dares to attack Luoyang.

Even if there are not [-] horses, then [-] horses will do.

In fact, if you don't even have two thousand horses, two hundred horses will do!
The addition of two hundred horses will also be of great benefit to Jiangdong's campaign.

So Sun Ce asked: "How is the market horse situation? Can you buy good war horses?"

Regarding pack horses, Sun Ce believes that as long as you use wealth to collect them, you will definitely receive them.

But war horses, especially war horses that can adapt to the charge of heavy cavalry, are more difficult.

When Sun Ce defeated Liu Yao, he captured more than [-] soldiers and more than [-] horses. His power shocked the east of the Yangtze River, and the situation turned prosperous.

But there are only a few hundred horses that can support the army. With the addition of the two thousand horses of Ruo Rong and the gains captured from various places, it was not easy for the army to form a cavalry unit of more than a thousand people.

At this time, even if there are two more horses, there will be an extra dragon and sparrow cavalry.

Yan Jian replied: "Since the last few years, the market horses have finally achieved initial results. A total of more than [-] cattle and horses have been seized and purchased from Shanyue and Zongshuai. During this period, Shao Zhuo sent more than [-] horses from Liyang. .They are all excellent Xiongnu horses, ready to fight on the battlefield.”

Everyone in the hall was amazed!No wonder Yan Jian strongly opposed the use of weapons!
To be able to acquire so many horses, it is natural to hope to use the wealth in this regard.

Cheng Pu asked in amazement: "Where did Shao Zhuo get so many horses?"

Sun Ce was also very surprised. In his impression, although Huainan has a large and vast plain, it is more suitable for raising horses than Jiangdong.But he really didn't remember that Yuan Shu had ever herded horses in a large area here.

It should be said that these princes at the end of the Han Dynasty were relatively neglected in their administration of horses.

It was not until the rise of the three families of Wei, Shu and Wu that they began to pay attention to this aspect.

Of course, this is also related to the large-scale southward migration of the Hulu at the end of the Han Dynasty. The Xiongnu, Qiang people, and Xianbei all filled the Central Plains.Every prince can easily get a batch of war horses.

In the past, Shuofang, Jiuyuan, Xihe and other places on the frontiers had already fallen. The Xiongnu had gone to Hanoi and Hedong to herd horses, and even a large number of Xiongnu had gone to the south of the Yellow River to plunder, let alone drink horses to the Yellow River. They can all drink horses from the Yangtze River.

Yuan Shu was used to plundering and was not favored by the scholars, but he was greatly loved by the Baibo bandits, the Black Mountain army, the remnants of the Yellow Turbans, the remnants of the Xiliang army, and the Xiongnu robbers. He had a large number of such vassals gathered from all directions.

Yan Jian didn't hide it either, and replied directly: "It's Yuan Shu's general Chang Nu, who took more than two hundred horses to Liyang to ask for pearls, jadeite, tortoiseshell, etc."

Sun Ce said with a smile, "I don't need all these jewels, jade, and jade, but I can get horses, so why not listen to his deal. It's just that Yuan Shu's generals are rich enough to sell military horses?"

Sun Ce remembered that when Zhuge Liang governed Shu, the envoy of Shu said that the horses in Yizhou said: "The officials have more than enough, and the people are self-sufficient."But how can a prince like Yuan Shu, who relies on plundering for money, have this level?Take out a lot of war horses to trade?
Yan Yan rubbed his chin with his hand, not without pride, sneered, and said: "Yuan Shu's moral government is not established, how can He De be enough to have enough horses? On the contrary, because he does not have horses and horses, he is not famous for horses, and his generals are private. Phase sale!"

All the people in the hall were surprised.

Sun Ce has always known that Yuan Shu's morality is not good, and today he finally has a clear concept.

Soldiers steal and sell war horses and weapons in private. What kind of virtue is this?What political level?This kind of army still wants to win the battle?

(End of this chapter)

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