Next, Mori Kogoro

Chapter 182 [Chapter 181] Countdown to Heaven

Chapter 182 [Chapter 181] Countdown to Heaven
"What else do I have to choose? Only one of the two remote controls can deactivate the bomb in my wife's room. This choice is too simple and too childish."

Kogoro didn't even pick up the remote control on the ground, stood up and said with a smile: "I know you will never let us leave alive, so I won't choose either, because these two remote controls are traps."

"Not choosing is also a choice. The 5-minute countdown is fast, so I suggest Mr. Maori that you better turn around and leave now."

It sounds like Mr. Yuan is not panicking at all.

"If I escape, I will only enter the next trap you set up, right?"

Kogoro shook his head, looked up in a certain direction: "You wait for me for a while, we will talk when we meet."

"Although chatting with you is very pleasant, I don't think it is possible for us to meet again..."

The sound stopped abruptly, because Kogoro pulled out the twisted and deformed steel door abruptly, then threw the steel door over and smashed the horn into pieces.

In the room behind the door, Fei Yingli was sitting on the bed fiddling with her fingernails. Although it was pitch black, she didn't show the slightest fear.Seeing Kogoro come in, she lowered her finger: "Why are there so many ink stains?"

"It's been a few words."

Kogoro smiled and said, "Where's the bomb?"

Fei Yingli stood up, she was actually sitting on the bomb.Seeing the bomb that was not much smaller than a schoolbag, Kogoro laughed disdainfully.If this thing blows up, there is no need to talk about escaping. As long as people are still in this building, they will not be able to survive.

"What's next?"

Fei Yingli said: "Our daughter is still in the building, you can take it easy, don't play around."

"What is this called? Am I as stupid as something? Don't worry, everything is under control."

Kogoro is full of confidence, but it's a pity that other people don't have such confidence.

Kinoshita held the nail clippers and kept shaking them on the two wires while muttering something.If you listen carefully, she is reciting a nursery rhyme...

"...a branch, a bud, a flower..."

In this darkness where you can't see your fingers, the faint red light is reflected on the face under the tree, staining his cheeks as bright red as blood, his lips move slightly, and humming softly echoes in the air, because of the echo, the humming is a little distorted, It looks very weird...

Dr. A Li, who was lying on the crack of the iron door and looking in, his legs trembled in fright, his calf almost turned out, and he stammered: "Kinoshita, you... what are you doing?"

"Don't bother me, I'm guessing which thread to cut."

Kinoshita didn't lift his head.

"But why do you sing?"

"When I'm done singing and the last lyric falls on that thread, I'll cut that thread."

Hearing Kinoshita's words, Dr. Ali couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Are you...are you joking?"

Kinoshita slowly raised her head. Although she couldn't see Dr. Ari, she still smiled gently in the direction of the voice: "Ali, you should know that I never joke."

Although Kinoshita cannot see Dr. Ari, Dr. Ari can see Kinoshita.Although the red glow emitted by the timer was a little faint, it was very conspicuous in such a dark environment.

Looking at the red Kinoshita, Dr. Ali's breathing was slightly stagnant. After a while, he suddenly laughed: "Okay, I support you."

"Thank you."

Kinoshita lowered his head: "By the way, where did you sing just now? Forget it, let's start from the beginning..."

Unlike Kinoshita's metaphysics, Kudo Shinichi was caught in a brain storm, trying to calculate the answer based on scientific formulas.During this period, it's not that Xiaolan didn't think about forcing her way out.But when she punched out, the door and the floor above trembled, as if it might collapse at any moment.

"Don't bother, Kudo."

Miyano Shiho's voice suddenly sounded: "It doesn't matter which one it is, just cut it as you like."

"How could it be indifferent."

Kudo Shinichi said anxiously: "Don't worry, leave it to me, I will definitely rescue you all."

"Kudou, have you ever thought about whether other people will be the same as us. Even if we don't blow up here, if other places are blown up, how long can this broken building last?"

Miyano Shiho said calmly: "No matter how you look at it, it's a dead end, so I don't think there's any need to worry about it."

"No, there must be a way, there must be a way out."

Kudo Shinichi murmured: "A person who can come up with this kind of game will definitely not simply let the player die, he will definitely leave a way of life. Although the way of life is very hidden, it must exist, so that he can experience intelligence. Overwhelm other people's sense of superiority."

"Cut white, Shinichi, this is the most correct choice."

Xiaolan suddenly said, "The remaining three routes include the option of detonating two bombs at once, so instead of betting on a one-third chance, it is better to directly choose a [-]% chance."

"Fool, how could he be willing to let his own woman die?"

Miyano Shiho said unceremoniously: "Even if he agrees, Uncle Mori and Aunt Concubine will not agree..."

"You know my parents?"

Xiaolan seemed to have grasped the point, and said anxiously.


Miyano Shiho realized that he would lose his words if he said too much, so he didn't speak at all.

"We've definitely met, haven't we? No, we've not only met, we must be familiar with each other, otherwise you wouldn't call my parents so close... Oh my god, you wouldn't be..."

"Could it be something?"

At this moment, a sudden voice interrupted Xiaolan's words.

Kudo Shinichi turned around abruptly, only to see that chubby man approaching, it was Police Officer Chiba.It's just that under the light of the white flashlight, Chiba's round face, which was originally smiling, now looked a little eerie.

"Officer Chiba, it's great that you're fine."

Kudo Shinichi heaved a sigh of relief, turned back and continued to study the timer: "How is your side, is there any madman asking you to play a guessing game?"

"No, I have been groping in the dark for a long time, and you are the first wave of people I met."

Chiba came to Kudo Shinichi and squatted down, carefully looked at the timer, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, but he said in surprise: "Mr. Kudo, do you know which thread to cut?"

Kudo Shinichi scratched his hair in distress: "I don't know, just cut off the white one, and the bomb in Xiaolan's room will explode..."

Qianye's expression changed slightly.

"...of the other three, one will shut down two bombs, one will detonate both bombs directly, and one will detonate...the house."

Kudo Shinichi almost said Miyano Shiho's name, so he pointed to another door.

Qianye narrowed her eyes: "By the way, Mr. Kudo, I don't know yet, what is the identity of that lady with you?"

"Oh, she is my employer, just ask me to investigate some things."

Shinichi Kudo was ambiguous: "Officer Chiba, now is not the time to introduce, let's quickly find a way to dismantle the bomb. The countdown is less than 2 minutes away."

Qianye nodded, stood up and said: "Then you continue to study, I will go over and see if I can open the door and rescue the two of them."

As he said that, he walked to the door of the room where Miyano Shiho was trapped, and when he leaned over to look in through the twisted and deformed door gap, he quietly pulled out the pistol from his pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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