Qin Shizhi's Confucian junior master

Chapter 291, when I thought about throwing Qin, I suddenly felt that the world was wide

Chapter 291, when I thought of Qin Qin, I suddenly felt that the world was wide
At this time, the flag of Wei State on the head of Yuguan City has been replaced by the black Xuanniao flag of Qin State. People are too common.The pressure that soldiers face every day on the battlefield is beyond what ordinary people can imagine. If they are not allowed to release their pressure, it is inevitable that there will be no bombing of the camp.

Wang Ben and Li Xin rode into Yuguan.

"This is the third city that surrendered without much resistance." Li Xin said helplessly.

Li Xin is now very curious about what the guards and guards of these cities did. Every time they saw the Qin army arriving and resisting for a while, they evacuated directly, and did not give them a dangerous attack on the city at all. opportunity to fight.It's not that Li Xin wants to occupy a city so easily and easily. Li Xin wishes that all the cities he meets in the future will be like this, but this city is occupied too easily, which makes Li Xin feel a little unbelievable, even scared.

Soon the whole army stopped, and a cavalryman came to Li Xin and Wang Ben, clasped his hands and said

"Commander, deputy commander, the guards at Yuguan are blocking our way."

"The city guard of Yuguan!? Did he lead people to rebel?" Wang Ben asked.

"No, he just blocked our way, hoping to meet the commander-in-chief." The cavalry said.

Both Wang Ben and Li Xin were taken aback. After they looked at each other, Wang Ben said:
"Lead the way ahead."


Wang Ben and Li Xin rode to the front of the army, and the city guard led some officials to stand in front of the army, blocking the way of the army.After seeing Wang Ben and Li Xin coming, the city guard frowned slightly, but he still saluted Wang Ben and Li Xin and said:

"Guardian of Yuguan City, Lu Shiliang pays his respects to the commander-in-chief of the Qin Army, may I ask where Mr. Ziyou is?"

Hearing the name of the city guard, Wang Ben was slightly taken aback. He had heard of Lu Shiliang's name before. He was a well-known scholar in Wei State. What the other party wants to do, but still tell the truth

"I am the commander in charge of attacking Wei this time. Mister is inspecting Yingchuan County. I don't know why Mister Lu is looking for Mister?"

"So that's the case. There's nothing wrong. As the city guard of Yuguan surrendered to the Qin army, how could he not meet the commander of the Qin army?" Lu Shiliang said.

Hearing Lu Shiliang's words, Wang Ben and Li Xin were taken aback for a moment. It was the first time they had seen a surrendered person greet the commander of the army so forcefully.The officials behind Lu Shiliang looked nervously at their city guards, they were afraid that Lu Shiliang's attitude would anger Tyranny and implicate the whole city.The people in the vicinity also looked at the scene on the street through the windows or the gaps in the gate, and they all raised their hearts for Lu Shiliang, for fear that Lu Shiliang would anger the Qin army and cause death.

"Marshal, please forgive me. The city guard always speaks like this. It's the city guard's mansion, so please come with me." Lu Shiliang's assistant, Guan Cao of Yuguan City, stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Mr. Lu's name, I've heard a little about it in Qin, so I know what kind of temperament Mr. Lu is, please lead the way." Wang Ben shook his head slightly and said.

Before attacking the State of Wei, Wang Ben and Li Xin received orders from Yingzheng, requiring them to strictly restrain military discipline, not to invade the people and farmland, let alone indulge soldiers after entering the city, and to use gentle methods for surrendered cities.Treat the scholars you meet in Wei with courtesy.There is a saying in the Warring States period that talents from all over the world come from the state of Wei, but they do not support the state of Wei.The State of Wei can be said to be a training base for talents from the Seven Kingdoms, and the road to the rise of the State of Qin cannot do without the support of talents from the State of Wei.

From Qin Xiaogong's Shang Yang to Huiwen Wang Xishou Gongsun Yan, Zhang Yi and others to Zhaoxiang Wang's Fan Sui, and now Wei Liao are all great talents from the Wei Kingdom.This is just the state of Qin, the rise of countries like Zhao Han, Qi, Yan, and Chu cannot do without the help of great talents from the state of Wei.

Seeing that Wang Ben didn't take it seriously, everyone let go of their hanging hearts.These officials looked at Wang Ben and Li Xin, and felt a little lucky for themselves, thinking that the commander of the Qin army this time was not a warlike and murderous person.

"Strictly observe military discipline and do not violate the common people. The whole army recites the commandments!" Wang Ben shouted suddenly.

Immediately, the entire Qin army was stunned, everyone stood upright, the black Qin army flag was blown to the sound of hunting, and the black armored Qin army soldiers had solemn eyes, as if they were performing a sacred ceremony.

"Everywhere my Qin army has passed." Li Xin shouted vigorously from the side.

"Where the Qin army has passed, you must not rape or plunder, and you must not disturb the people. Anyone who violates the law, regardless of size, will be beheaded! Do not destroy farmland or destroy crops. Qin Jun shouted in unison.

Qin Jun's voice resounded throughout Yuguan, and the people hiding in the houses were full of surprise when they heard Qin Jun's oath.The same is true for Lu Shiliang and the officials behind him, who seem to be in disbelief that this is what the Tyrant Qin army said.

After the commandments were recited, the Qin army's commandments were still echoing throughout Yuguan. Wang Ben and Li Xin got off their horses and said to Lu Shiliang

"Mr. Lu, please take us to the city guard's mansion."

"Okay." Lu Shiliang said in a daze.

Taking a look at the Qin army stationed on the street and not violating the people in the slightest, Lu Shiliang still felt a little unbelievable, but he still brought Wang Ben and Li Xin to the Chengshou Mansion; the lobby of the Chengshou Mansion was full of documents at this moment.

"These are household registration, maps, taxation, and prison cases in Yuguan," Lu Shiliang said.

When he decided to surrender, Lu Shiliang had already made all these preparations in order to ensure the stability of the city and the safety of the people.It was also the first time for Wang Ben and Li Xin to see such a cooperative surrendering sheriff, and their eyes were filled with disbelief.

"Mr. Lu is really a man of integrity." Wang Ben said with emotion.

Lu Shiliang did not respond to Wang Ben, but waved away the officials who followed him, and these officials retreated outside the hall to wait.

"What I did was for the people in the city. I, Lu Shiliang, was the disciple of Lord Xinling in the past, and now I am the disciple of Mr. Ziyou, the master of the Great Qin King. Mr. Ziyou asked Zhang Er to tell us about these disciples, where the Qin army arrived. Not only the slightest violation, but also sending people to deal with those who want to take advantage of the chaos and do evil, that's why I surrender the city." Lu Shiliang said.

Hearing that Lu Shiliang said that he was Ziyou's disciple, Wang Ben and Li Xin's eyes widened, as if they couldn't believe it. They thought of the first two surrendered cities and asked aloud.
"Are the city guards of the two previous cities also your disciples?"

"They are just people who are greedy for life. They are villains who abandoned the people in the city and fled for their own lives. In the past, the emperor had very strict requirements on the morals of his followers. If he abandoned the people and fled the city during a war, he would have been punished by the court." Zhang Er killed him with a sword." Lu Shiliang said disdainfully.

Speaking of this, Lu Shiliang also sighed helplessly. If Wei Guo really had the ability to fight Qin, the county guards of these two cities would not run away, and he would not surrender so voluntarily.

After Ziyou and Zhang Er made an agreement, Ziyou promised not to do anything wrong to the people who surrendered in Wei State, and would treat the people of Wei State as if they were treating the people of Qin State. Zhang Er agreed to Ziyou. In the future, Qin army will attack Wei State help when available.

When the disciples knew about this agreement, they reprimanded Zhang Er as a villain who was greedy for life and afraid of death, and he was not worthy to be the heir of the king.Some people left angrily on the spot, but more people were thinking about the agreement between Zhang Er and Ziyou.

They are very clear about the gap between Wei and Qin. Once the Qin army attacks Wei, even if they resist with all their strength, the final price will be the Qin army capturing Wei.Now that the ending is doomed, what they can do is to protect Wei and the people of Wei, so that these people will not be threatened by hunger and cold after the war, and they can be regarded as worthy of their original monarch, Lord Xinling.

South Korea was captured in just one month, and after the capture, the Korean people were not invaded by the Qin army at all, but instead had their own land, and they would no longer be bullied by those vicious nobles and tyrants. My original choice was right, so I started to prepare for the Qin State to attack Wei State.

At the beginning, because of the prestige and talents of Lord Xinling's disciples, many of them held official positions in the State of Wei.After Lord Xinling's death, these people were loved by the local people.Wei Wangzeng did not liquidate them, and continued to let them hold official positions, hoping that they could continue to stabilize themselves to ensure that they could enjoy themselves in peace.

And these doormen also used their power to start acting as intermediaries of the Qin State. The doormen in charge of local city guards were always preparing to surrender the city, while those in high positions replaced the guards of some important passes with others. Incompetent people.It can be said that now the small half of Wei State seems to be in the hands of Wei State, but in fact it already belongs to Qin State.

"So that's the case, so I don't know why Mr. Lu asked for Mr.?" Li Xin asked.

"I just want to meet Junhou. We made an agreement with Junhou. I want to remind Junhou not to forget the original agreement, but when I saw Qin Jun reciting the commandment just now, I knew that Qin Jun was not That's what I thought." Lu Shiliang smiled.

Ziyou was the Marquis of Che of the Qin State, and he was titled Jing. Naturally, these disciples could no longer call Ziyou Mr. as before, but Junhou.

"Mister is currently inspecting the people in Yingchuan County, and he will arrive at Yuguan in a while." Wang Ben said.

"I'm not in a hurry. Since that's the case, I'll leave Yuguan to you." Lu Shiliang said.As the city guard who surrendered, he naturally couldn't continue to deal with the affairs of Yuguan.

"No, Mr. Lu, please continue to deal with the affairs of the city. We trust Mr. Lu." Wang Ben suddenly stopped Lu Shiliang who was about to leave and said.

Hearing Wang Ben's words, Lu Shiliang was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect Wang Ben to hand over the government affairs of Yuguan to him, and he didn't worry at all that he would have evil intentions.Li Xin looked at Wang Ben and the deeply touched Lu Shiliang, and he agreed with Wang Ben's actions in his heart. He not only regained Lu Shiliang, but also successfully threw out the governance of government affairs.

In the Qin army, besides the boss, there are also many people who can read and write, but he and Wang Ben are the only ones who know how to deal with government affairs. talent.If he was asked to handle government affairs, Li Xin would rather go against the Wuling cavalry.

(End of this chapter)

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