Qin Shizhi's Confucian junior master

Chapter 191, South Korea destroyed

Chapter 191, South Korea destroyed
"The commander-in-chief has an order. When the army sieges the city, they must not kill innocent people indiscriminately, rape or plunder, or cause disasters maliciously!" The supervising army also rushed into Xinzheng City with his guards, fearing that the red-eyed Qin army would extend his sword to the people. .

People in Xinzheng hid in their homes and closed their doors and windows. Hearing the sound of armor running on the street, they didn't dare to take a peek, for fear that soldiers would rush in.

Bai Yifei and Feng Wuze, who entered from the north gate, sent people to guard the city gate and maintain order. They led people straight to the place where the rich and powerful lived, but neither of them directly took over the affairs of the rich and powerful. They just sent their confidants to deal with it, and the two of them led the army straight to Hanwang Palace. This little thing and Hanwang wanted to capture Hanwang alive more than they did.

Ximen's Yang Duanhe's method of breaking the city was much more violent. After the arrow rain washed the ground, he took the lead in attacking the top of the city from the cloud chariot. The soldiers saw that Yang Duanhe, who was a general, charged faster than them, and his blood rushed to his head for a while. He rushed forward desperately, and the few resisting defenders were defeated directly. Yang Duanhe's subordinates were all infantry, but the speed of rushing towards Han Palace was not weak at all.

Li Xin and Yang Duan at the South Gate were similar, except that there were few defenders at the South Gate, and the defenders just shot two arrows symbolically to express their kindness to the King of Han, and then ran away, fearing that they would be killed. The Qin army took it as a military merit, and the siege engine directly smashed open the gate. After the army rushed in, leaving people to guard the gate and maintain order, Yang Duanhe led people straight to Hanwang Palace.

As the commander of the army, Ziyou walked slowly on the streets of Xinzheng with his personal guards, and he didn't care who the king of Han was. No matter who he was, he was the commander who led the troops well. His contribution to breaking Korea was indispensable. Not to mention that there is a saying that Bai Yifei surrendered and took Nanyang without bloodshed.

Facing the defenders of the Han Palace, countless arrow rains covered the Han Palace, and countless guards were shot and killed on the spot. Hearing the sound of the arrow rain neighing and landing outside, Hong Lian's eyes were full of fear, but her hands were still He clenched the chain sword tightly, while Han Wangan listened to the sound of arrows raining outside, felt Honglian's slightly trembling shoulders, looked at Honglian's tightly clenched chain sword, and said softly in his eyes

"Hong Lian, don't be afraid, father is here."

"Yeah, father, we will be fine." Honglian said.

At this time, the Palace of the King of Han was surrounded by large armies on all sides. King Han was sitting in the hall, surrounded by Honglian who was trembling with fear. At this time, there were only five thousand guards left in the Palace of the King of Han, and as the commander of the guards, At this time, the wolf king broke open the door of the main hall in a state of embarrassment, with two feathered arrows sticking out of his shoulders and back. It shows that he is capable.

"Your Majesty, the Palace of Han Palace has been broken, and Hou Bai Yifei in blood has rushed in with his army. Please leave to save Korea." Canglang King knelt on the ground and said.

"I see, I ordered the guards not to resist, and let Bai Yifei come to see the widow." Han Wangan said, when he knew that Bai Yifei was also in the siege team, he sent most of the defenders in the north to the other three. direction, he wants to meet Bai Yifei.


After the Canglang King went down, Bai Yifei and Feng Wuze rode on the square of Hanwang Palace. Looking at the dilapidated ones, they could still see the formerly magnificent Hanwang Palace. Feng Wuze said with emotion
"Han Palace is more magnificent than Qin Palace."

Bai Yifei glanced at Feng Wuze and said nothing. Although South Korea is the weakest country among the Seven Kingdoms, its royal palace is the most magnificent among the Seven Kingdoms. In Xinzhengzhong, when the night is quiet and all the lights of thousands of houses are extinguished, there are only three The place is still brightly lit. One is the Zilan Pavilion in Xiaojin Cave, the other is the Sparrow Pavilion of the Great General Ji Wuye, but since Wei Zhuang became the General, the Sparrow Pavilion has never been lit again, and the third is the Que Pavilion. The palace and Han Palace are brighter than these two places.

Looking at the wide-open hall and the guards in front of the hall, Feng Wuze and Bai Yifei got off their horses and stepped forward. The soldiers behind them looked at the guards cautiously. The door of the hall opened, and the Canglang King came out from inside.

"Put down your weapons, Your Majesty, please tell me about it." The Canglang King said.

Feng Wuze glanced at Bai Yifei, Bai Yifei nodded and dismounted, and walked towards the main hall under everyone's gaze. After the guards who put down their weapons were captured by the Qin army, the Canglang King was also captured without a fight. Feng Wuze stood outside the main hall, waiting Others come over.

Han Wangan and Honglian saw Bai Yifei walking in, Honglian immediately attacked with a chain sword, shouting
"Shameless villain."

"No Honglian!" Han Wangan shouted hastily.

But Honglian's chain sword was instantly blown away by Bai Yifei's icy true energy, and Bai Yifei didn't care about Honglian's words. He was indeed a shameless villain who betrayed his country.

"Rebel general, Bai Yifei pays homage to the king." Bai Yifei said with a salute.

"Get up, I have never let you down, and I have never let down your [-] troops, military pay, food, and military equipment. How have you ever let the army down, but why did you betray me?" Han Wangan asked Bai Yifei angrily.

Han Wangan knew that he was not a qualified monarch, stupid, hedonistic, obsessed with beauty, etc., but he believed that he treated the army with all his heart and never treated him badly, especially Bai Yifei's [-] troops, no matter what was the priority Supply, and he is not stingy with Bai Yifei, and he has everything that one expects to have in power and status.

Bai Yifei didn't speak. No matter what the reasons are, it can't cover up that he betrayed South Korea. He was the one who led the Qin army to take the palace. He was a general who betrayed South Korea. This is an indisputable fact.

"When Nanyang was involved in the battle between Ji Wuye and Lao Jiu, you made up your mind to give up South Korea, right? That's right, your Bai family's loyalty is not South Korea, but Nanyang. As long as Qin Jun promises to let Nanyang go, you will I will give up resistance, I think that the power technique is a qualified level, balance the court, control the powerful ministers, but forget you at the most critical time, forget that Nanyang is not equal to South Korea." Han Wangan said weakly.

Bai Yifei still didn't speak. Although Han Wangan treats the government affairs and the people with contempt, he knows the ministers well. This is the habit of the Korean kings. In the eyes of the Korean kings, there are no people. The people are like livestock. As the master, he does not need to govern himself For livestock, the only thing he needs to do is to govern the ministers who look after the people. In the eyes of the King of Han, he only needs to govern the ministers, because these ministers are both his supporters and his opponents.

"The traitor doesn't dare to say more, and I ask the king to hand over the map of South Korea and the king's seal, as well as the address of the casting technique and the armory." Bai Yifei said.

"I will ask you one more thing, what will happen to your widow?" Han Wangan asked.

"Ninth Young Master Han Fei sold himself to serve the Qin State in exchange for King Qin's promise to keep the King and Princess Honglian." Bai Yifei said.

"Old Nine!" Han Wang expressed emotion on his face. He felt that his only achievement was that he gave birth to two children, Han Yu and Han Fei. life.

"The widow knows that you are a traitor, and I will give you the credit for capturing the widow. Honglian gets out of the way." Han Wangan said.

After Honglian got up, Han Wangan pulled down the Korean map behind him and threw it at Bai Yifei, saying
"The armory is in the cold palace. Shen Buhui joined forces with Mohist and Taoist masters to build this armory. As for the keys and casting techniques of the armory, I have to hand them over to the commander of the Qin army."

Bai Yifei didn't say a word. These were Han Wangan's last cards, and they were also the trade goods for him to live a stable life in Qin.

The map of South Korea was floating in the air. Looking at the land of South Korea on the map, Han Wangan's mind emerged in Han Wang'an's mind. All the things that have subjugated the country until now, South Korea has landed with the map, which means that the country that started from the Warring States Period and lasted for more than 170 years from Han Wuzi to Han Wangan was completely destroyed.

Both Han Wangan and Bai Yifei watched the map slowly fall to the ground. Bai Yifei saluted Han Wangan again, picked up the map on the ground, turned around and opened the door of the main hall. At this time, Li Xin and Yang Duanhe rushed over. Feng Wuze saw Bai Yifei asked

"The military equipment storehouse is in the cold palace, so people can be sent to guard it. The military equipment storehouse was built by Shen Buhai and a hundred masters at the beginning. There are all mechanism formations in it, so handle it carefully." Bai Yifei said.

Li Xin and Yang Duanhe glanced at Bai Yifei, saluted and left with the soldiers to guard the arsenal. They knew that Bai Yifei was giving credit to him, and that Bai Yifei was a traitor. Ziyou is not enough, he still needs credit, he and Feng Wuze captured Han Wang and the Han royal family, this credit is enough, but if Bai Yifei wants to develop in the long run, he also needs enough allies, this shared credit is enough for them to owe Xiabai is not a favor.

Feng Wuze and Bai Yifei walked into the main hall, soldiers also came up, Han Wangan sat on the throne, Honglian stood aside and couldn't help sobbing in a low voice, Han Wangan touched the king's seal bestowed by the emperor of Zhou, slowly Slowly taking off the nine-pillar and nine-bead crown on his head, Feng Wuze glanced at Bai Yifei.

Bai Yifei nodded, and Feng Wuze signaled the guards beside him to help King Han take off his clothes. The guards didn't mean to make things difficult for Wang An. It was held in front of Bai Yifei and Feng Wuze.

The two nodded and watched Han Wangan and Honglian walking towards the outside of the main hall. They were going to meet Ziyou. Bai Yifei and Feng Wuze were not qualified to accept King Han's surrender. Only Ziyou in the army was qualified to accept surrender on behalf of King Qin. After Xianyang, there will be a real surrender ceremony to let the Korean people know that the king of Han has surrendered, let them let go of the South Korea in their hearts, and the king of Qin will also let the king of Han go, and reward money to show his benevolence.

The Korean flag in the Hanwang Palace was also lowered, and the black dragon flag of Qin State was hoisted up.

 Everything is perfect today

(End of this chapter)

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