Age of mythical princes

Chapter 434 One Year Later

Chapter 434 One Year Later

Chu State was busy with internal fighting, busy repairing more than 1000 counties that had been plundered into white land, and busy further developing the territory of more than 5000 counties.

This is also a huge advantage of the Chu State. The territory is too large and the volume is too large. Even if the annual development level only increases by one percentage point compared with last year, the total volume is still a huge improvement.

Wu State was busy converting the money stolen from Chu State and Yue State into various resources to develop its more than 600 counties in depth. Wu State also thought that one day more than 600 counties would be transformed into into two thousand counties.

Prince Dan also became a prince after succeeding to the throne, and now he and Sun En are busy increasing the development of the black soil plain.Prince Dan has a dream in his heart, that is, after developing the black soil plain, he can go south!

Wei Si was working hard on reforms and wanted to seize the time to completely transform the newly occupied land into Wei State, and strive to allow the people of Wei State in more than 600 counties to live a life like Yancheng.We strive to popularize primary school education that lasts for ten years in Wei after a period of time, build a large number of intermediate schools and advanced schools in various places, and increase Wei's extraordinary rate to [-]% or above.

The goal of the Chu State is to transform the Chu State into the current Wu State.The goal of the state of Wu is to transform the state of Wu into the former state of Jin and the current three clans of Han, Zhao and Wei through hard work.After the Han family and the Zhao family saw the direction of Wei Si's efforts, they copied it directly. After all, the Han, Zhao, and Wei families all originated from the Jin Dynasty, and they were considered a family. Can copying from their own brothers be considered plagiarism?cannot!

As for the goal of the Yan State, it is also to restore the Yan State to the three clans of Han, Zhao and Wei today.

And Wei Si’s goal is to transform the Wei family into today’s Yancheng.

The Qin State is quite special. Today, the Qin State is divided into two regions, one is Guanzhong and the other is Bashu.

The goal of the Guanzhong land is to become the three clans of Han, Zhao and Wei today, and the goal of Bashu is to seize the time to wipe out the demons and ghosts in the Bashu land and initially sort out the earth's veins, at least to reach the level of Chu State today.I never expected that Chu State would one day become the target of others...

At the same time, a group of Qi refiners from Yancheng quietly came to Yongcheng and met Duke Qin.

As for the Qi State, the mood of the entire Qi State is now the same as that of the sun.

The war between Qi State and Yancheng is still going on. Although Qi State is determined to reform, it is being held back.A lot of energy and time were forced into the war. The whole country of Qi was anxious, but there was nothing they could do.

And Yancheng, which is currently the best in development, also has its own plans.

For example, if we renovate the more than 200 counties in the Yue Kingdom, if we follow the standards of the Central Plains, it is estimated that we can develop between [-] and [-] to [-] counties.Therefore, the Yue Kingdom's hometown began to reform into large counties.The Shangshu Mansion plans to implement new reforms in the Yue Kingdom's hometown. By then, the Yue Kingdom's hometown may only have a total of twenty or thirty major counties.The governor of every major county is a real person or the first generation.

For example, vigorously develop the south of Vietnam, where there are a large number of jungles, mountains, and monsters, especially monsters, which are extremely precious resources.As long as they can win, the monsters and monsters are just moving resource packs. After destroying them, the next step is to sort out the earth's veins, and then a large number of great plains will be born.The next step is to thoroughly cultivate each piece of land and carry out in-depth development...

For example, vigorously develop overseas.Every overseas floating island is a mobile trading market, which can use a large amount of land resources to trade with monsters in the sea.Many people think that once all countries on land eliminate Yancheng's products, Yancheng will go bankrupt. However, they do not know that Yancheng's annual trade with sea monsters is not much less than the trade on land.

The sea is really too big and vast, and the various resources in the depths of the ocean are much higher than those on land.A little digging could feed the entire land.

However, now, the sea area within 30 miles of the coastline has become Yancheng's territory.Next, Yancheng plans to conquer the sea area of ​​[-] miles of coastline.

As for Zheng, Lu, Wei, Song and other countries, they were also working hard to reform.Among the three university palaces, people are entering these countries one after another.The thinking of these brothers and uncles is actually very simple: I can do whatever I want!
Then so-and-so was just... now he is the ruler and general of a certain country, ranking at the top... He was not as good as me back then...

In short, it’s okay to follow me to the top. Everyone has longing for a better future. A large number of masters in the academy have come down from the mountain and entered the world.When they were in charge of a country with great power, they were still very high-spirited. They always felt that as long as they were given time, they would also reform, they could reform, and they would definitely be able to do better!

As for whether such a vision can be realized, only time can test everything!


In the blink of an eye, more than 30 years have passed, and time has come to Baijia 120.

Zhao country, somewhere

In a restaurant, the storyteller was talking about the thing that everyone liked to hear the most, and the thing that had the least relevance to everyone: the general trend of the world!
The general trend of the world has been one of the classic topics in restaurants since ancient times. This topic is really enduring and has withstood the test of time. Whenever a group of people go to a restaurant to drink, you discuss the general trend of the world with them. I can listen with great interest and express my personal opinions from time to time.

As for whether this opinion is professional or wrong, that is not important. What matters is participation!


After patting the gavel, the storyteller bowed his hands to the surroundings and raised his beard: "Everyone, today I will tell you about the major events that have happened in the past 30 years of peace in the world."

"In the past 30 years or so, although the world as a whole has been in a state of stability, development, and peace, it does not mean that it is truly completely peaceful, and there really has not been any major event." "To talk about this major event, several things have happened. Yes. The first thing is that the Three Saints will be officially sanctified!"

"This happened ten years ago."

"Actually, the world was already very dangerous ten years ago. At that time, all countries had initially completed reforms. To use the words described by experts in journals, the new generation of people born after the reforms were already adults. Already in his twenties and thirties.”

"The outstanding ones of the new generation have become warlocks. And warlocks, with a little training, will become Xuan-level Taoist soldiers. Warlocks are also the reserves of many earth-level Taoist soldiers."

"So, at that time, all countries in the world felt that they were very strong, and felt that they were much stronger than they had been more than 20 years ago. At that time, the atmosphere in the world once again returned to the original war era, and no one knew whether it would suddenly break out. war."

"At this moment, the three saints were sanctified together, and all the princes sent envoys to express their congratulations to the three saints."

"After the Three Saints became saints, they held a banquet together. At that banquet, all the princes from the world arrived. Then the Three Saints made a request in front of the princes. From now on, no matter how war breaks out between countries, There must be no mass killings of civilians."

You can kill the opponent's soldiers, you can attack the city, but killing people on a large scale, or not sealing the sword for three days after breaking the city, is not allowed by the Three Saints.

If you feel that your fist is stronger than the three saints put together, you don't have to abide by this rule.

"After announcing this request, the Three Saints continued to return to the academy and had no intention of intervening in the war between the princes."

In this regard, the princes were relieved.

If the three powerful saints declare to join Yancheng, then together with the previous saints of creation, they will become four saints, and then they will be unable to fight.

As for the Three Saints who continued to live in seclusion, they only made a small and insignificant request, and the princes naturally agreed.

"Praise the Three Saints!"

"Praise the Three Saints!"

Amid a burst of praise for the Three Saints, the storyteller continued to tell what had happened over the years: "Although there is peace in the world, there has never been peace in the Qi State. Due to some reasons that are inconvenient for the young man to speak out, the Qi State and the Yancheng has been in a state of war for more than 30 years."

If Jiang Hua said something, it wouldn't matter. If the princes said it, it wouldn't matter. But if ordinary people said it, they would be seeking death.

No matter how good the Duke of Qi is, he is still a high-ranking prince who can be evaluated casually by the common people?It’s okay to say good things, but if you say bad things, it’s hard to think about it.

Some people think that Qi Gong played a trick on Yancheng once, secretly opened the tomb of Taigong Wang, and ate the food alone, which made Yan Gong very embarrassed, so the war lasted for more than 30 years and has not ended.

Some people say that Qi Gong himself wanted to save face, so now he can only suffer.It is Qi Gong who is unwilling to bow to Yan Gong. Otherwise, as long as he is willing to bow his head and then cede land and pay compensation and sign other contracts, he can always negotiate a peace.

Others say that this is why Yancheng found a reason to deliberately suppress Qi and make Qi's development slower through war.

Everything is said, but ordinary people have limited access to information and have no idea which one is the truth.They don't even know which one is made up and which one is true.

But despite this, the common people are still very interested in these rumors and stories related to the upper class.

"In addition, in the past 30 years, many elderly and respected seniors have passed away, most of them due to illness."

"Hey, what kind of illness did you die of? It was a sudden death!" someone shouted.

"Sudden death? Hehe, he obviously died in a battle between masters, or the information was leaked while performing some secret missions, and then he was beaten to death by masters sent by the enemy!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I heard that there was a big shot who didn't even have his bones. When the top management from both sides exchanged the bones, only one leg bone was left. It's so miserable..."

(End of this chapter)

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