Age of mythical princes

Chapter 404 Arrangements Clearly

Chapter 404 Arrangements Clearly

Shocked, my grandson actually did such a thing...

Regardless of whether it was a real shock or a fake shock, Jiang Hua looked very shocked when Prince Yue dragged the dying Gou Jian to Yancheng.

Looking at Gou Jian who was dying, Jiang Hua could only admit that Gou Jian's fate was indeed tough enough.However, after a little awareness, I discovered that Gou Jian may never wake up again. This is fine. A Gou Jian who will never wake up is the Gou Jian Yancheng needs. Otherwise, if he wakes up, he may still be dead. It's not appropriate to stir up wind and rain.

The current situation is just right.

"Don't worry, my dear nephew, Yancheng will definitely help you take revenge."

As for the surrender letter in the young master's hand, Jiang Hua didn't take it. They all came to this. It doesn't have to be so ugly. At least you have to make three concessions, and you have to give three concessions after defeating Wu and accepting Yue. Give in three times, otherwise, if word gets out, others will laugh at you and look ugly, which is very bad for Yancheng's image building.

After a while, Jiang Hua and Wu Zixu sat together, and the two began to continue discussing.

There are still many places where Wu and Yancheng can cooperate.Just like now, the cooperation is very good. Wu Guo takes the blame, but he also gets benefits.Yancheng gave a lot, but it was about to gain the entire Yue Kingdom.

"Sir, in the first stage of cooperation, everyone cooperated very well. Except for allowing Gou Jian to come to Yancheng alive, everything else was very good."

Wu Zixu forced out a smile and nodded with difficulty.

If possible, he didn't want to sit here and talk about cooperation with Jiang Hua.We are fighting for each other, so what kind of cooperation are we talking about?

The gap in strength is too great and there is no real cooperation at all.

"The next step is the second phase of cooperation."

"Yancheng will send troops into the territory of the Yue Kingdom, and then mobilize the local nobles and let them take their own private soldiers to avenge the Yue Marquis."

"There are more than 200 counties in the Yue Kingdom, all of them are large counties. After the initial development, there are also a lot of local troops. If you squeeze them together, there are still 30 to [-] Xuan-level Taoist soldiers. Most of these Taoist soldiers are The private soldiers of the nobles are also a destabilizing factor.”

"Moreover, Yue is a big country. After so many years, there are still many loyal ministers in the country. These loyal ministers are also a factor of instability."

"So, Yancheng will let these private soldiers and loyal ministers rush to the front. Next, Yancheng will send experts to assist the Yue Kingdom, using him as a rallying cry, and at the same time provide him with a large number of low-interest loans to summon the loyal ministers of the Yue Kingdom. Good general, train your troops and horses again and fight Wu again."

"During this process, Wu State can plunder local nobles at will, and all the wealth of the nobles will belong to you. As for the earth and water veins, there is no need to touch them for the time being."

"How does Yan Gong plan to annex the Yue Kingdom? Just relying on a certificate of credence is hard to say. Do you need the help of Wu to kill all the Yue clan?" As he said this, Wu Zixu made a gesture.

Jiang Hua shook his head slightly: "Although the low-interest loans in Yancheng have very low interest rates, they still have to be repaid. This first fund is 30 trillion. Of course, these funds are actually just figures on the books. In fact, they can only be obtained from Yancheng buys all kinds of supplies."

"With these supplies, the young master can organize an army. In addition, he can also borrow an army from Yancheng as a personal guard. Otherwise, just in name but without an army, he is just a puppet. To the outside world, it is said that a certain piece of land has been mortgaged. Territory, this is also in line with the rules of today’s world.”

Borrowing troops to restore the country or borrowing troops to help suppress the country will all come at a price.

Just like the Tang Dynasty, they borrowed thousands of Uighur cavalry. In the end, although Chang'an was not robbed, Luoyang was looted.And it was an honest robbery. The Tang Dynasty's army was near Luoyang at that time, and they could only watch the Uighur cavalry sacking Luoyang.This paragraph in the history books only talks about three days of plundering, not about causing a massacre, but the military discipline of the army in the classical feudal era can only be said to be understood by everyone.

Today, the Young Master of the State of Yue has borrowed tens of thousands of Xuanming Taoist soldiers from Yancheng, as well as generals and 30 trillion yuan. He has mortgaged twenty counties for this purpose. He is doing it openly and honestly, and no one can say anything wrong. It is completely consistent with the situation. The rules of this era.

"These twenty counties are all located in the south of Vietnam. The level of development is not high and they are adjacent to the jungle. With these twenty counties, it will be more convenient to develop the south of Vietnam in the future. Moreover, the cost of sea transportation is also Low, much lower than the cost of land transportation.”

Nowadays, shipping is getting faster and faster, especially after Zhuge Liang invented the wooden flow horse series of low-cost smart phones. Today's shipping no longer requires warlocks who have understood the true meaning of water movement to control the ships all the time. Water movement warlocks have long been Instead of the sleepless magic weapon, just turn on the switch, and the magic weapon can automatically absorb the water aura from the sea water and convert it into power to keep the ship moving forward.

The magic weapon is more stable, can be used by ordinary people, and is faster.

Today's transport ships, ships with thousands of tons can be seen everywhere, and there are also many ships with [-] tons.As for speed, it is normal to travel thousands of miles in a day and night, and there are also many who travel two thousand miles.

"Then the young master was defeated and went to Yancheng again to borrow troops and money? Continue to mortgage?" Wu Zixu asked directly.

Jiang Hua nodded slightly: "Yes, Senior Sun Tzu is an expert in using soldiers. Even if there are only more than 1 prefecture-level Taoist soldiers, he can easily defeat the 30 army of the Yue Kingdom Young Master."

"With this battle, the Wu State can occupy more counties and counties in the Yue State, and even send troops directly to cooperate with the inside and outside to occupy forty or fifty counties in the Yue State."

"By this time, the crisis of the Yue Kingdom's annihilation will be very obvious. Therefore, this time the young master will mortgage more."

"This time, let's mortgage fifty counties."

"Then, the young master borrowed troops again and obtained supplies worth 100 trillion. At the same time, the nobles of Yue State also began to have money and strength, and they worked together as one to fight against Wu State. Of course, this battle Yue was still defeated, still a disastrous defeat!"

"After this battle, the Yue Kingdom was completely destroyed. All its territory, except for the seventy counties lent to Yancheng, and the remaining more than 100 counties, became the territory of the Wu Kingdom. The nobles on these territories, Wu The state can rob it at will." "As long as the state of Wu can ensure the safety of the people, the land, the water, etc., Yancheng is willing to pay the state of Wu a generous reward afterwards, one trillion in supplies per county."

The reason for giving so much money was not that he was really afraid of Wu State, but that he was trying every means to give Wu State a blood transfusion so that Wu State could withstand Chu State's counterattack.

Because, by that time, the division of spoils among a thousand abandoned counties has almost ended.

This is a thousand counties. Even if it is abandoned now, it will be almost restored in a few hundred years.

Even if all the earth veins were robbed, the earth would still be there.Then, ley lines will be born again, but it will take time.

If the local area is willing to invest resources in management, it may be possible to recover within a few decades.Although it can't be said to be restored to its original state, it is certainly no longer a barren land.

If it's fast, in a few years, Chu's army will attack Wu.

Jiang Hua and Wu Zixu both know this clearly.

In order to attack Yue, the Wu army retreated.

A thousand counties were given to the Chu State for free. Such a large-scale retreat was a huge victory for the Chu State.

But after the victory, the first thing Chu State had to do was not to continue attacking Wu State, but to engage in political struggle.

This is almost inevitable. There are a thousand counties, but there are a thousand prefects, and many counties were previously the fiefdoms of nobles. Some nobles directly voted. There is nothing to say. The fiefdoms will be confiscated.

But there are also many nobles who fought against Wu to the end and eventually killed their whole family, leaving only a few people to escape. In this case, in theory, their fiefdoms should be returned to them. In practice, it’s hard to say...

These territories must be discussed carefully by the governor of each county at the noble assembly.

It will take at least a few years until the internal affairs are sorted out.

If nothing else, you have to build roads!

There are a thousand counties, and it will take a long time just to build roads.

During the war, in order to drive away the Wu invaders, the nobles were willing to spend their own money to fight against Wu to the end.

But the Wu invaders have left. After the disaster is being rebuilt, you still want the nobles to pay for it out of their own pockets for free, just dream!

Especially in the upcoming war with Wu State, the nobles will definitely be desperate for money and will not send troops without money.

Being able to sort things out within a few years and unite people again is something Wu Zixu thinks highly of Wang Jujun and Chuhou.

If the Chu State starts fighting again, then the Wu State will be very happy.

"When the Yue Kingdom is completely destroyed and the prince of the Yue Kingdom goes into exile in Yancheng again, it will be the time for Yancheng to send troops to regain the lost territory."

"At that time, you can also keep some of the desperate opponents, and Yancheng will take care of them for you."

Hearing this, Wu Zixu said seriously: "Everyone in the Wu Kingdom is united and sincerely united. There is no so-called opposition. We are all one family. Even if we occasionally have different opinions, it is normal."

Even if he knew that he would not believe what he said, Wu Zixu still said it.I just said this, but in my heart I started thinking about how to dig a hole and how to trap some bad guys who were inconvenient to kill.

"When Yancheng takes over the Yue State, Wu State will almost have a decisive battle with Chu State. By then, Yancheng will provide Wu State with certain support, which will at least allow Wu State to support Chu State's first counterattack."

Next, the state of Chu used its national power to continuously consume the manpower, material resources, and potential of the state of Wu.When all the power of Wu State is exhausted, Wu State will be destroyed by Chu State.

By then, it is estimated that it will be at least decades or even hundreds of years later, and Yancheng will be almost done farming by then.

At that time, we only need to repeat the script of Yue Kingdom and do it again.

Of course, this is what Jiang Hua is thinking at the moment.The future is always full of variables, and no one can make the future move according to their own will.

Just like at this moment, Jiang Hua originally wanted to continue discussing the Yue Kingdom with Wu Zixu, but suddenly he looked up at the starry sky: The decisive battle has begun!

(End of this chapter)

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