Age of mythical princes

Chapter 396 Get on the bus first and then make up the ticket

Chapter 396 Get on the bus first and then make up the ticket
One night passed quickly. On this night, the main thing was that the armies of the two sides continued to collide. Taoist soldiers from all walks of life emerged in endlessly, and real people and first generations appeared one after another.Although Zhiyao also appeared, he mainly gave orders, and the symbolic meaning was greater than the actual meaning.

Although it's exciting, it's still somewhat uninteresting.So, by the next day, Jiang Hua was no longer here.

For Jiang Hua today, apart from watching the final battle, there is not much else to gain.

With one step forward, Jiang Hua appeared in the Lotus Pond Cave.Feeling Jiang Hua's breath, Good Fortune Green Lotus immediately wrapped Jiang Hua in the lotus leaves, feeling the wisps of good fortune Yuan Qi, and a sense of comfort suddenly came to her heart.

Maybe, and only at this time, Jiang Hua can feel relieved.

After a while, Jiang Hua fell asleep.

Creation Yuan Qi, on the other hand, went deep into Jiang Hua's body to check the fusion status of the two blood vessels in Jiang Hua's body. He checked over and over again until Jiang Hua woke up again.

"Ah, it's already night, it's time to get down to business." Jiang Hua patted the lotus leaf of the Creation Green Lotus and said directly.

The lotus leaves shook to show that they understood.

"This is a good opportunity, a good opportunity for sanctification."

"There was a prophecy that after Emperor Zhou died, a new saint would be born."

"This kind of prediction is actually quite nonsense. Let me tell you a story..."

"There once was a group of scholars who went to take the imperial examination..."

"Ah, you ask what the imperial examination means. The imperial examination is a way to select talents through examinations. This is what most people think of the imperial examination. At the same time, the imperial examination is also a way to weaken local military force and weaken and tame the people. Bloody way..."

"Before the birth of the imperial examination, if you wanted to be an official, you either had to be appreciated by a noble person, or you had to join the army and make contributions. You also had to be lucky, and your achievements would not be corrupted or replaced, and you would survive a narrow escape before you could become an official."

"So, before the imperial examination, martial arts was very popular in the local area."

"After the birth of the imperial examination, there is no need to work hard to polish the body, learn bows and arrows, or kill people. There is no need to learn military discipline or basic military skills. You only need to study hard, study hard, and study hard."

"When people all over the world take the road of imperial examination, the civil force will begin to weaken from generation to generation. It may even happen that a large country with a population of hundreds of millions is conquered by an army of tens or hundreds of thousands."

Upon hearing this, Creation Qinglian immediately shook his lotus leaves, seeming to express disbelief.

"You said you don't believe it? But it's true!"

"What? You said that the spontaneous resistance of the countrymen and nobles would prevent this situation from happening. However, at that time, the countrymen were gone, the nobles had been defeated, and the locals were all squires. For the squires, as long as the imperial examination They are still there, they don’t care who rules them, the squires are easily bribed, and the force they have is just that, completely incomparable to the army..."

"Ah, you mean that since the squires are so rubbish, why would the squires replace the nobles? This is also very simple, because rulers are selfish. In order to maintain their rule, they need weak people. Nobles, especially big nobles, As far as they are concerned, if the monarch is not satisfied, then change him.”

"However, the monarchs cannot accept this. Therefore, for the monarch, the weaker the people are, the more conducive it is to his rule."

Hearing this, Creation Qinglian only felt that Jiang Hua was talking nonsense.

"Hey, I'm not talking nonsense. There are indeed a few monarchs who are talented and far-sighted. But as the saying goes, the butt determines the head. The level of the monarch determines that most monarchs will subconsciously weaken the civil force. A decree, as long as it is beneficial to Even if the rule is unreasonable, even if the consequences are endless, it doesn't matter."

"So, for the monarch, they are happy to see the people getting weaker and weaker."

"The squires are weak enough, at least compared to the nobles, officials, and the people of the country. The organizational and fighting abilities of the squires are pure rubbish. Even the squires are not as good as the big landowners."

"It's gone. I'll continue to tell you a story."

"Three scholars went to take the imperial examination. On the way, they met a Taoist priest who told fortunes. The scholar asked, how many of us can pass the exam this time? Then the Taoist priest raised a finger, and then no matter how the scholars asked, , the Taoist priest just kept silent."

"Do you think the fortune-telling Taoist priests are accurate?"

Creation Qinglian was stunned for a moment. He hadn't told the ending of the story yet. How could he know whether his calculation was accurate?

Jiang Hua gently stroked the lotus leaves and said with a smile: "No matter what the possibility is, the fortune teller is right."

"He raised a finger, which has many meanings. It can mean that none of them won, it can be that only one won, it can be that only one failed, or they all passed the exam together."

"No matter what kind of future it is, if he raises a finger, he can say that he has predicted it a long time ago, but the secret cannot be revealed, so he did not say it."

"Look, this is a prophecy. Who can say that such a prophecy is wrong?"

"And this time's prophecy, after the Battle of Luoyang, a saint will be born. It is also a similar prophecy. It is a prophecy that will definitely come true no matter what."

"For example, if Emperor Zhou wins, then Emperor Zhou must become a saint, otherwise he cannot win. Therefore, if Emperor Zhou wins, this prophecy is correct."

"For example, if Zhibo wins the battle these days, then he must have become a saint, otherwise he would not be able to win. Then this prophecy is also correct. Because Zhibo became a saint after the Battle of Luoyang." "Similarly, if the Three Saints break through after a while, then this prophecy will still be correct."

"At this moment, I hope you can become a saint. Once you become a saint, then this prophecy will still be correct."

"Understand, even if it takes 10 years after the Battle of Luoyang before someone becomes a saint, as long as someone becomes a saint one day in the future, then this prophecy is correct. Who can say that it is wrong?"

Hearing this, Good Fortune Green Lotus shook the entire lotus platform.

"Look, it's cunning. This is the cunning part of this prophecy. Those who explore the secrets of heaven can still call it a beautiful name. This is the destiny!"

"Such a prophecy is very convenient and easy to interpret. I can also say that it is inevitable and certain that someone will become a saint. Who becomes a saint is the variable. The most valuable thing is who can become a saint."

"When you use the Book of Changes to predict fortunes, you can only get 64 hexagrams at most, right?"

"The hexagrams for each type of hexagram have already been marked in the Yi Jing. It stands to reason that as long as fortune-telling is done, it will end up being one of the 64 types. The hexagrams are also included in the Yi Jing, but why is the secret of heaven still so difficult to understand?"

"The key is that if different people interpret the same hexagram, they will see completely different things."

"But the coincidence is that there are many people who need this prophecy."

"When the prophecy becomes a consensus, destiny will naturally arise. This is the value of humanity."

"For the Qi Practitioners, the Three Saints becoming saints is what they want to see. Therefore, the Qi Practitioners feel that after the Battle of Luoyang, the Three Saints should break through and become saints. Therefore, most of them Qi practitioners have acquiesced and even supported this prophecy."

"For the nobles, the group of Qi practitioners has expanded too fast in the past hundred years. At this time, it is good for a saint who belongs to the nobles to appear. Whether it is Emperor Zhou, Uncle Zhi, or others Any noble can accept it.”

"So, with the help of thoughtful people, this prophecy spread completely and became the consensus of people all over the world."

"Today, anyone who hopes to become a saint can feel a strong destiny. However, this destiny is temporary, discontinuous, and not lasting. It can only last until someone becomes a saint."

"And I hope this sanctified person is you!"

Hearing this, Creation Qinglian also shook the lotus leaves with some excitement and expressed his doubts at the same time.

"What do you mean I should do?"

"I'm not in a hurry. I plan to wait until the Three Saints are sanctified before becoming a saint."

"Now, whether I am sanctified or not has no significant impact on the overall situation."

"Moreover, if you are fully prepared now, after becoming a saint, you will be able to possess several holy paths at the same time. This is called accumulation."

"Your path is good for the whole world. The nobles will not oppose you, and the princes will not oppose you."

"Of course, there is no rush to become a saint this time. We must seize the opportunity. Let Uncle Zhi go out first and attract the attention of the world. In order to prevent Uncle Zhi from becoming a saint, the princes of the world will take out the treasures at the bottom of the box, their civil servants and generals , I guess it’s time to get the news now.”

Hearing this, Good Fortune Green Lotus shook the lotus platform slightly.

Jiang Hua then smiled and said: "Don't worry, how could I do such a thing? There is no need for Yancheng to do anything, people who are interested will spread the news everywhere."

"After the princes and Uncle Zhi in the world have exhausted each other, no one will have the strength to stop you."

Unexpectedly, Creation Qinglian became even more worried. A large number of lotus leaves shook at the same time, seeming a little uneasy.

"Don't worry." After saying that, Jiang Hua continued to stroke the lotus leaves, this time a little harder.

"Even if Uncle Zhi is lucky, powerful, and powerful, and he really becomes a saint, then he can become a saint. Why can't you? Why can't the Three Saints? Why can't I?"

"When the time comes, we will become saints together!"

"By then, he will have unified the Jin Kingdom, and I will quickly take action to intervene in the world."

"Yes, this is my plan. Let's observe carefully here first. If Zhibo can go through many hardships, defeat the princes of the world, defeat the backhand left by Zhou Gongdan, and successfully become a saint, then we will hurry up and become a saint. , forget about becoming a saint.”

"Anyway, at that time, when Zhou Gongdan's backup plan is gone and all the princes' trump cards are used up, who else will jump out to stop us two from becoming saints?"

"You said Uncle Zhi took action himself? Hehe, I have a way, don't worry!"

"If it doesn't work, I will burn my destiny first, imitate King Wu, get on the bus first and pay for the ticket later!"

(End of this chapter)

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