Chapter 280

"My lord, I like war alone!"

"In this battle, even if only one county of Chu State is captured, then everyone can take the opportunity to go to that county and move all the things that can be moved in that county..."

"For Great Wu, this battle is a national war!"

"Da Wu has been preparing for this battle for too long!"

"For Da Wu, the more war bonds this time, the better. The more the better, the upper limit is not acceptable."

"Only God knows whether this battle will be won or lost, but what Da Wu can guarantee is that all the money will be spent on this war, and all will be spent on Chu State."

"Those lords and vassals who don't like Chu State but dare not provoke Chu State can take this opportunity to buy bonds. Every copper coin you spend on buying bonds at this moment will become military expenses, and finally become a branch. The arrows, shot at the Chu army, turned into precious swords, chopped on the Chu army's head, and turned into pieces of black armor, resisting the Chu army's attack!"

For so many years, the Chu State has destroyed countless countries, and there are not a few princes who have been eliminated.

Many countries said it well at the beginning, granting land, offering sacrifices, and surviving.

But after one or two generations, the country's monarch is useless and immediately dies of illness. This is a routine.

In fact, it is not only Chu that does this, but many countries that do this, but the countries in the Central Plains have the right to speak and public opinion, so Chu has become a big black pot, black is like carbon, and it cannot be washed away.Later, the state of Chu simply stopped cleansing, tired, and I am a barbarian!

Listening to Fu Chai's words, many rich merchants and exiled nobles who were wiped out by Chu State, as well as many princes and princes who were near Chu State but did not dare to offend Chu State, were tempted. They really planned to support Wu Guo wave.

It's just spending some money. Even if Wu State can't cause great harm to Chu State, it can still attract Chu State's attention and make your country safer for a while, right?
At the very least, when most of Chu's attention is on Wu, won't it be busy annexing other countries?
While Fucha was still giving a speech, Jiang Hua convened high-level officials to discuss the matter.

In this meeting, the discussion was not held in the lobby. Instead, everyone sat at different round tables without directly arranging positions. However, everyone consciously divided into three circles.

"Everyone can speak freely." Jiang Hua said lightly.

As he said that, Jiang Hua looked around, and at a glance, it was indeed different.

Sitting at the top of the first circle is Prime Minister Yu. After the establishment of Yan Kingdom, he took the position of prime minister. However, the current prime minister does not have much power. Ling Xiao He took over and was often a mascot.

Sitting at the top of the second circle is Taiwei Yan, just like Prime Minister Yu, Taiwei has become a mascot now, and the main power of the military has been handed over to the great general Wu Qi.

And Xiao He and Wu Qi are both innate real people.In addition to being an innate real person, Wu Qi is also a first-generation monarch. He is currently training earth-level Taoist soldiers and is about to succeed.

Beside Wu Qi is Han Xin, that young boy who was one year younger than Jiang Hua, has now become an innate real person.The Xuan-level Taoist soldiers that Yancheng exported to the outside world were formulated by Han Xin. From how to select people, to how to train, to what to eat during training, and how to deal with different situations, this series of Xuan-level Taoist soldiers training is complete. From the hands of Han Xin.

He often travels to other countries to guide other countries to train Xuan-level Taoist soldiers.In today's world, it is also well-known.Some people even poached Han Xin to become a general in the past, but Han Xin rejected them all.

Today's Han Xin, who became famous at a young age, was reused early. Although he is often slandered as a son-in-law, this is actually false news.

When Han Xin was a teenager, he was favored by Gillian's grandfather, and he obtained a large number of Yancheng periodicals from Gillian's grandfather, and then became self-taught, and became a doctor at a young age.The thickest, when bidding farewell to Grandpa Gillian, Grandpa Gillian gritted his teeth and subsidized Han Xin with [-] million yuan, saying it was Gillian's dowry, and Han Xin and Gillian were engaged at that time.

Relying on this [-] million yuan, Han Xin brought Gillian to Yancheng. At first Gillian thought that she would have a hard life for a while, but she never expected that not long after she came to Yancheng, Han Xin was read by Jiang Hua because of an article. , and then got reused.

Now, even more early marriage.

Gillian's aptitude is not good, but she was directly fed a second-generation fruit of her innate spiritual root by Han Xin.After eating a fruit, A-Jiao is now a good friend.This is the so-called lack of qualifications, and treasures come together.

Today's Han Xin is very happy in Yancheng, how could he leave Yancheng for no reason?

Therefore, those who tried to poach the wall failed.

Sitting under Xiao He is Li Bing. For decades, Li Bing has been in charge of Yancheng's water control work, mainly responsible for land reclamation and the integration of Yancheng's water system on land.

The latter has already been completed, and now every moment, Yancheng counties on land will be nourished by the water system, subtly increasing the concentration of aura in the entire Yancheng.As a result, many spiritual fields and springs were born in Yancheng, and there are more outstanding people than in the past.

And the land reclamation project will never end.

In today's Yancheng, more than 80 counties have been filled in before and after, and the land has also been redeveloped. All the counties and counties added together, there are already [-] counties.As for the population, it swelled to a full [-] million.

Thanks to the universal education in Yancheng, the rate of alchemists and Chinese people today has changed from about one percent of the time when the Dao Extermination Order was issued to one tenth of today's rate, which is ten times that of before. Yancheng has a lot of money, otherwise there are so many supernatural educations, ordinary places can't wait for the day when they get back their money, and the economy will be bankrupt.

As for the third circle, it is the circle of Qi refiners.

Most of the people in this circle are relatively pure, and they cannot be defined by civil servants or military generals. They are more like scientific talents, more like professional talents, and most of them are famous in the Yancheng Academy.

In the past, alchemists could grant the position of teaching assistant, warlocks could grant the position of teaching, Taoists could grant the position of doctor, Taoist priests could grant the position of sacrificial wine, Jiang Hua himself was the chief sacrificial wine, and the prime minister learned everything about the palace.But in fact, Jiang Hua was very busy and didn't have that much time to manage the academy, so at that time, Taoist Changkong was the prime minister of the academy.

Now Yancheng has changed a lot, there are many masters, and there are countless geniuses.

If you want to become an assistant teacher, you must be a warlock at least, a formal teacher must be a Taoist priest, a doctor must be a Taoist priest, and a wine priest must be a real person.

As a result, many young geniuses who were born 15 years later, when they see their seniors with poor cultivation but high professional titles, they always have a feeling that they were born decades later.

Little did they know that when the seniors looked at these young and energetic juniors, they also envied these juniors: Where did they have such good learning conditions back then?The teaching materials are all edited by a real person leader and a group of Taoist priests. After compilation, a group of alchemists and ordinary people will be evaluated from multiple angles before they become formal learning textbooks.

In the eyes of many seniors, the teaching materials of the Yancheng Academy now, when placed in the past sects, are the secrets that cannot be passed on, and they are top-notch in terms of foundation building.

The juniors envy the seniors' professional titles, the seniors envy the juniors' good environment, and each other envies each other.

Old clan uncle Jiang Shi is here, Lin Er, Peng Bing and Taoist Changkong are all here.

A few years ago, Peng Bing had already opened 4 acupuncture points, and then he had to sigh that the remaining [-] acupuncture points may take the rest of his life, but it may not be possible to open them up: the body can't support it in a short time.

Afterwards, Peng Bing felt a little emotional, and broke through directly. After breaking through, his strength is not weak among real people.

As for the Changkong Taoist, she just became an innate real person normally.As for the future, the road ahead, etc., like Peng Bing, I can't manage so much now, and I don't have time to slowly polish it to the limit. Yancheng needs a congenital real person, and the academy needs a congenital real person of its own to sit in the city. Therefore, the sky Taoists also broke through more than ten years ago.

At a glance, if Jiang Hua is added, this is a total of eight innate real people. This kind of strength is stronger than many big vassal states.

Unknowingly, Yancheng has reached where it is today.

As for those who hope to become real people and the first monarchs, there are many more. If you count them casually, there are dozens of them.

Lu Buwei has found a way forward, and is now on the verge of a breakthrough.

Step by step, Taoist Qingmei has deduced all the seven treasures of plum blossoms to the level of sacrificial magic weapons. He has been working hard to integrate the seven treasures into one, and evolve an innate spiritual root or spiritual treasure. He is working hard.When she succeeds, when she is a real person.

Uncle Jiang Shi of the old clan, although there is still a long way to go from [-] kinds of spiritual roots, but as long as Yancheng maintains the current development speed, Baijia will become the first monarch around a hundred years ago.

Feng Qingyang, he was the most inconspicuous among the three giants in the cabinet.

At that time, both Feng Yi and Qu Wu were from the three families of Donghai 170, so the last person could only be from a local family. In the end, they chose Feng Qingyang.

Decades ago, when Yancheng was developing rapidly, the cultivation of Feng Yi and the others gradually couldn't keep up.So Feng Qingyang resolutely combined his body with the treasure, which was inherited from Ziwei Palace's Wenquxing, and thus directly became a Taoist priest.

After more than ten years, Feng Yi and Qu Wu successfully broke through.

Now, Feng Yi and Qu Wu are both experienced Taoist priests, but the possibility of breakthrough is not very high, and they still need to accumulate, but there is still hope, and they can be regarded as seed players.

But Feng Qingyang is different, perhaps because of holding his breath, Feng Qingyang has now become a representative of the local faction.

The faction of the native faction is relatively complicated. At the beginning, only the locals in Yancheng were considered the native faction, and the others were all foreigners.

Then, the local Jiadonghai 170 family became the local faction.

Then, the locals joined the Donghai 170 family, and the Taoists from the Jiachao country became the local faction.

Later, the entire Yancheng became a local faction.

In the eyes of different people, the criteria for the classification of the local faction are also different.

Feng Qingyang's way forward is very clear, just find a way to promote the treasure inherited from Wenquxing to Lingbao.

If it was the past, Yancheng would definitely not be able to do it.But now, with the efforts of countless cabinet elites, they have really found some solutions, and they are currently working hard.After the series of experiments are completely successful, Feng Qingyang will be able to break through smoothly and become a real person.

As for breaking through with the help of treasures, is there something wrong with it?

of course not.

Because, without the help of treasures, there is no way to break through.That being the case, why are you forced to rely on it?
In the past 50 years, Yancheng has made great progress, and many veterans have not kept up with the times.

Daoist is the limit of many people.

Even if the environment gets better, even if there are sufficient resources, even if there are enough skills, Taoist priests and ministers are already the limit of most monks.

Just like Han Xin's wife, Gillian, Han Xin never expected his wife to become a real person through his own efforts, so he exchanged for a fruit of innate spiritual root for Gillian without saying a word. Years of life, but also youthful.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hua couldn't help looking at Prime Minister Yu and Tai Weiyan.

When the Dao Extermination Order was just issued, these two uncles were the most responsible.

But now, with the passage of time, the two uncles only feel that they can't keep up with the times, and they are afraid of dragging down the development of Yancheng, so they take the initiative to abdicate.It's just that Jiang Hua felt that Yancheng still needed them, so he let them continue to be prime ministers and captains.

For these two old uncles, if there is no other great opportunity, it will be difficult to continue to break through.

However, what Yancheng lacks most is opportunities.

"Earth-level Taoist soldiers, I always feel that there is something missing. It's always a little bit worse. I think I have to fight against an expert at the Dazheng level in person, or observe it closely before I can draw a conclusion."

"So, why don't we go to war against the Dragon Lord? At the beginning, I manipulated the Xuan-level Taoist soldiers to slaughter a real dragon, and bathed in the blood of the real dragon to break through. Now, I will try to siege the Dragon Lord and create a real earth-level army." Dao Bing, this is a good story." Han Xin said confidently.

Dragon Lord refers to the Dragon Lord of the East China Sea, and refers to the nominal overlord of the water tribes in the East China Sea.

Under this dragon king, there are more than a dozen pure-blooded dragons alone.Some of these pure-blooded true dragons are the wives of the Dragon Lord, and some are the sons and daughters of the Dragon Lord.As for the rest of the miscellaneous blood dragons, I am afraid that Lord Long himself does not know how many there are.

As for whether he could besiege and kill Long Jun, who was comparable to a real person, Han Xin never worried about it.

Even if Lord Long is stronger in the East China Sea, so what?Even if he can't do it, isn't there Yancheng?Isn't there all of you here?

What kind of rules should I tell him when dealing with a non-my race like Dragon Lord?The big guys are shoulder to shoulder!

(End of this chapter)

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