Chapter 247
Chao Boxi is dead

Just die!

Dead without a sound!

However, this is not entirely true.Although Chao Boxi was killed by Li Bing directly in his bedroom, and there was really no noise at that time, but the guards of the ancestral temple discovered Chao Boxi's death in the first place.

The uncles of all dynasties would come to the ancestral temple when they succeeded to the throne, and basically every country has a similar secret method. When the uncle died, the ancestral temple would naturally respond.

Just like at this moment, Chao Bo's jade tablet in the ancestral temple was directly shattered.At the moment of the shattering, the clan disciples guarding the ancestral temple rubbed their eyes. This position is usually relatively free, so the first moment they saw the jade plaque was broken, they didn’t directly realize that Chao Boxi was dead. After a few breaths, they let out a loud cry, which attracted the attention of people nearby. Afterwards, the news of Chao Bo’s death spread...


Looking at Uncle Chao's unrepentant eyes, two lines of tears flowed down from the corners of Jiang Hua's eyes.

No matter what Jiang Hua's real thoughts are at the moment, he has to cry!

Only crying is in line with the political correctness of this era!

Because Chao Bo is Jiang Hua's father-killing enemy!
The revenge of killing the father is not shared by the sky!

At this moment, killing his father and enemy is in front of him, so Jiang Hua has to cry happily, and it is best to laugh and cry at the same time.

"Father, the child has finally avenged you!"

Looking at Uncle Chao's body, Jiang Hua chopped off Uncle Chao's head with a wave of his hand, and then carried Uncle Chao's head to the ancestral temple.

This time, Jiang Hua was still sitting on the rocking chair, but he was holding Uncle Chao's head in his hand, surrounded by a group of personal guards and many ministers who heard the news.

Not long after he had left, Prime Minister Yu came over, and then burst into tears: "Master, the young master has avenged you, and you can rest in peace in heaven!"

After a while, General Yan also rushed over, crying again.

Half an hour later, Jiang Hua brought his officials to the ancestral temple. Jiang Hua held Chao Boxi's head as a sacrifice to his father Jiang Yan, who had died for 16 years.

As for whether it would be inappropriate to kill Chao Boxi, it was not.

Chaobo is the monarch, and Jiang Hua is also the monarch, and the status of the monarch and the monarch are equal.

If the nobles kill the monarch, the nobles will be condemned.

But it was just a condemnation, because for so many years, the nobles killed the monarch, and the monarch killed the nobles, everyone is used to it.

Occasionally, a not very particular high-ranking minister would kill the whole family of the monarch if he said that he would kill the whole family of the monarch. As long as the monarch chooses from the clan afterwards, many times, the children of the clan would turn a blind eye.

In the face of such a careless minister of power, the big guy just condemned him.

Therefore, Wu Zixu at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period in previous life history was able to whip his great enemy to death after breaking through the capital of Chu State.

Although some people say that Wu Zixu did this as a way to kill, how could the nobles flog the corpse of the king?How can the minister whip the corpse master?
This is actually a typical view that has been brainwashed by cynicism for a long time, and subconsciously will bring the views of later generations into the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period.

Wu Zixu's family was killed by the king of Chu. Wu Zixu avenged his family, so what if he killed the king of Chu?
In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the emphasis was on great revenge!

What matters is how the king treats me, and I will treat the king as well.

Who will get used to each other?
Even if Wu Zixu really whipped the dead King of Chu, it would be impossible for him to accuse him all of the time. There must be many people who praised his actions in private, thinking that he did a good job!
Who made Wu Zixu himself come from a great nobleman!
It is much easier to accept that the great nobles flogged the dead king because of hatred.

After a while, Jiang Hua said indifferently: "Ten days later, Yancheng will hold a large-scale sacrificial event to worship the ancestors, and also sacrifice to the Taoists who died under the order of exterminating Taoism these years, and also sacrifice to those who died because of the perverted actions of the faint emperor over the years!"

In the distance, listening to Jiang Hua's order, Zhang's ovary frowned slightly: "It seems that the complete unification of Chao Kingdom is not far away."

Young Master Fei nodded: "Yes, on the surface, this sacrificial event is to commemorate those who have died for a long time, but in fact it is to distinguish who is an enemy and who is a friend. If you don't go, you don't have to go in the future."

"If it's fast, maybe a month later, Chao Country will disappear completely."

"The Chao Kingdom is about to be unified, so Yancheng should also become a vassal?" Li Si said directly, stroking his beard.

A long, long time ago, there was only one way to become a prince, and that was the imperial conferment of Zhou Tianzi.

Later, when the emperor of Zhou died, there was a second way to become a prince. To conquer the emperor of Zhou, or to make the princes of the Central Plains fearful, the main one who took this path was Chu.However, even in the state of Chu, the viscount who was conferred by Tianzi Zhou only became stronger later.

As for the fact that you are powerful enough to destroy a certain vassal state, and then ask the emperor of Zhou to confer yourself a vassal, it is relatively rare.But now there are big princes to help you send a message to Zhou Tianzi, and you can give Zhou Tianzi some gifts, and this thing can also be done.

"This must be another new era. By the way, when will you break through, son?" Xiang's son Ji asked suddenly.

He is not in a hurry to break through Xiang's son status, he also plans to practice all the legendary one-yuan apertures.There is something to wait for, at present, Xiang's Gongzi Ji has only opened more than 4 acupuncture points, and the rest are more difficult.

Young Master Ji feels that if there is not much chance, it may take him hundreds of years or even longer to open up the one-yuan apertures.Therefore, Young Master Ji decided to change his path and use the crisis of life and death as an introduction to further develop his potential.

Qi and blood martial arts have to grow in battle, practice slowly, and progress can be made, but relatively slowly.

From Gong Ziji's point of view, Qi and Blood Martial Arts is like a martial art, which requires fighting to accelerate growth.

Mr. Han Fei thought for a while: "It depends on the situation. If possible, I would like to stay in Yancheng for a while longer. I actually like the atmosphere here very much."

"But once I make a breakthrough, based on my current accumulation, there is a high probability that it will be a double breakthrough in Qi refiner and bloodline. I am not only a congenital true person who rebelled against innateness after the integration of yin and yang and five elements, but also a first-generation monarch whose bloodline returned to his ancestors. Moreover, he was also the first-generation monarch who created his own way."

"By then, it will be impossible for me to stay here quietly."

"At that time, I may have to return to the Han family, start to consider the threat of the Zhi family, and start thinking about the general situation of the world. At that time, I will have to shoulder the responsibility of the young master of the Han family."

"If possible, I would like to stay for a longer period of time. But now it seems that the arrival of a new era does not depend on personal will."

"After Mr. Li became enlightened, the first thing he did was to kill Chao Boxi."

"After Uncle Chao's death, Yancheng should completely rule the original Chao country."

"At that time, our twenty counties might have become a thorn in Lord Yan's eyes."

"As the saying goes, on the side of the couch, how can you allow others to snore?"

More than ten years ago, when Jiang Hua issued the call for help, one of his original intentions was to ask someone to come and take the blame.

At that time, in order to better develop the four counties of Yancheng, Chunmu County, Liu County, and Dong County, the remaining two counties were divided into ten counties, which were temporarily handed over to ten Taoist priests to resist possible raids from Chao Kingdom.

After the ten Taoists arrived one after another, they all did a good job.

It was only later that Wu Guoxiang Liu and Fu Chai expressed the generosity of others and used the territory of Chao Kingdom to be good people.

These ten counties are legally the territory of Chao Kingdom.

Then, there was the matter of the ten nobles confronting the ten Taoists.

Over the past decade or so, the Ten Great Nobles and the Ten Great Daoists have fought more than once, and there have been many wars.There were victories and losses, and some nobles even had their territories captured and were beaten back home.Of course, there are also Taoists who died in the struggle for their ideals.

Now that Chao Kingdom is about to perish, what about the ten counties occupied by the ten nobles?
Yancheng took it back directly?

Yancheng let it go?

It seems that no matter which one it is, it is not a good way.

As he said that, Young Master Fei looked at the ancestral temple in the distance: "If there are no accidents, Lord Yan may be about to break through."

"What? How is it possible? No, it's really possible." Young Master Ji was surprised at first, but then he wasn't surprised at all.

"Before the Dao Extermination Order was issued, Lord Yan seemed to be a alchemist. After the Dao Extermination Order was issued, he became a warlock, and soon became a Taoist priest. In the second year, the first year of the Baijia, he became a Taoist priest. In the winter of the third year of the Baijia, he borrowed the power of King Dayu, and used the body of a Taoist priest to rebel against Xiangliu, the first monarch."

"Even though that Xiangliu was suppressed at the time, even though that Xiangliu was careless, none of these can conceal his aptitude, which is no less than mine. Breakthroughs are normal. If it wasn't for the backlash from the secret technique, I wouldn't be surprised if he broke through on the spot in three years!"

The young master judges others by himself, and he feels that if he wants to, it is not difficult to become the first monarch in terms of blood, and he can do it at the age of 20.But after coming to Yancheng, Young Master Ji's knowledge increased greatly, especially after Peng Bing publicly talked about the way of Qi and Blood, Young Master Ji became very interested and became one of the few giants in Qi and Blood Martial Arts.

Even purely from the perspective of hard power, Gongziji's strength is stronger than Peng Bing, the pioneer.

There is really nothing to say about the qualifications of some people!

"The Chao Kingdom is destroyed, Lord Yan is about to break through again, Mr. Lin (Lin Er) created the Dao Fruit Method, I don't believe he didn't break through, the Huangtian World is probably his Dao Fruit, it's actually easy to guess. That is to say, he has very likely broken through."

"And Wu Qi, I remember that he once commanded a Xuan-level Taoist soldier to level the jungle for thousands of miles in one fell swoop. Now 11 years have passed, should we break through?"

"At least four first-generation monarchs or Xiantian real people, plus the original territory of the Chao Kingdom and the territory of Dongning Island, this kind of strength is at least stronger than the Yue Kingdom, and can already be compared with some countries in the Central Plains."

Young Master Fei nodded seriously: "That's right, so Emperor Zhou must be willing to confer the title."

(End of this chapter)

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